Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.
The Religion of the Technocrats is Failing, as is Their Technology
As I noted in my article about the demise of self-driving vehicles, the faith in artificial intelligence is crashing down to reality, as investors in the technology find out the hard way that computers just cannot do all the things that the techno-prophecies have claimed. This was exposed in a recently published Bloomberg article quite eloquently by publishing quotes from Anthony Levandowski, the engineer who created the model for self-driving vehicle research and was, for more than a decade, "the field’s biggest star." So strong was his belief in artificial intelligence, that he literally started a new religion worshiping it called "The Way of the Future" Church. But after several years of waiting for the AI messiah to arrive and start replacing humans, his faith was shattered. Fast forward now 5 years later where AI cannot even figure out how to make a left turn in normal traffic, and these AI believers are quickly abandoning the faith, and starting to understand the limitations of computers.
Sam Bankman-Fried Bought Into Stakeholder Capitalism And Proved It’s A Disastrous Ideology
While many analysts and economists will be talking for months about the epic downfall of crypto-exchange company FTX and its founder Sam Bankman-Fried, their focus will be primarily on the billions lost, the mismanagement of funds, the fraud inherent in yield farming and the alleged betrayal of investor trust. This is a tale as old as time and not anything surprising. What many in the mainstream are missing, though, is Fried's attachments to the World Economic Foundation, various global elitists and his avid sermonizing of the tenets of “effective altruism”, which are nearly identical to the tenets of Klaus Schwab's Stakeholder Capitalism agenda. The WEF lists FTX as a corporate “partner” and participant, which means the company must meet the globalist organization's standards for Stakeholder Capitalism, a socialist economic model which deconstructs the Adam Smith and Milton Friedman free market foundation.
Big Tech Crash! Twitter Near Bankruptcy, Amazon First Company to Lose $1 TRILLION, Facebook Fires 11,000 Employees
I don't think the technocrats will be developing any "transhumans" anytime soon. On Wednesday this week, became the first publicly traded company in history to lose $1 trillion in market valuation. And then yesterday afternoon, Elon Musk told Twitter employees at an "all-hands meeting" that the company is losing so much money that "bankruptcy is not out of the question." All of this happened after the great cryptocurrency collapse of Tuesday, when the equivalent of a “bank run” happened when crypto exchange FTX saw $6 billion of withdrawals in a 72-hour span, resulting in them stopping the process of withdrawals. The other Big Tech news on Tuesday was that Facebook parent company Meta announced it is slashing more than 11,000 jobs, reducing its workforce by about 13 percent. This follows news that we reported about 2 weeks ago that the Department of Justice has started a probe into Tesla over their claims of having a "self-driving car." At about the same time this news was reported, Ford and Volkswagen announced that they were halting further investments into AI self-driving vehicles, forcing Argo AI, an AV technology startup founded by Uber and Google veterans, to shut down. The Big Technology Crash of 2022 has started, and it will probably make the Dot-com stock market crash of 2001 look like a walk in the park when this crash hits bottom.
The Petrodollar-Saudi Axis Is Why Washington Hates Iran
Why has Iran incurred such wrath from the American military-industrial complex establishment? The regime’s Sturm und Drang regarding Iran—and, for that matter, any state that even intimates that it will conduct trade in oil without the dollar, cf. Russia—is all about the petrodollar system. Just like the Federal Reserve system, the petrodollar cabal has to reign at or near the top of operative institutions that the vast majority of Americans have “kinda, sorta heard about” and yet possess no idea of the extent to which said things suppress American prosperity and prospects for the future. Most have no idea why or how the Saudis can fund everything from genocidal proxy wars against Iran to upstart professional golf tours.
Ukraine’s Largest and Most Modern City has No Electricity or Running Water – Mission Accomplished?
The plight of people living in Ukraine has taken a backseat to the theatrics of the U.S. mid-term elections for the past week or so, so if you have not seen any of the news reports coming out of Ukraine, it appears that the war is effectively over, as the capital city of Kyiv, along with other major urban areas, have had their infrastructure destroyed, as people face cold weather with no electricity, and have to line up for hours just to get water. And while just a few weeks ago the corporate media was whipping everyone up into a frenzy about possible nuclear strikes by Russia, or false flag attacks inside Ukraine which would have escalated the war, this week the corporate media is widely reporting that negotiations with Russia, by both the U.S. as well as Ukraine, are now back on the table. If such negotiations ultimately end up with Russia hanging on to their annexed territories that they now claim are part of Russia, does that mean Russia "won"? Well, that would depend on what your view is regarding why this conflict began in the first place. As we reported back in September, an alleged leaked document from the U.S. military think tank RAND Corporation that was published about 1 month before Russia invaded Ukraine, stated that a weakened Germany and weakened Europe would strengthen the U.S. economy, by exporting more energy to Europe in place of the cheap energy they were purchasing from Russia, and by increasing U.S. military spending. And that seems to be exactly what has happened. So from that point of view, the Billionaires on Wall Street that control Big Oil and private corporations with defense contracts raking in $BILLIONS to send weapons to Europe, are the big winners, regardless of the outcome of the war.
Here Are All The Funds That Are About To Lose $BILLIONS In FTX
Now that the world's largest crypto exchange, Binance, has walked away from a bailout of world's second-largest crypto exchange, FTX, but biggest ever crypto fraud - far bigger than MtGOX ever was, here is a list of all the "luminary" investors whose money in FTX is now gone... all gone.
Crypto Currency Billionaire Loses Fortune Almost Overnight as Crypto Ponzi Business Exposed – The Beginning of the Great Reset?
November 8, 2022 will obviously be remembered in history as the day of the U.S. mid-term elections, but could another event that happened yesterday eclipse even the national elections? Earlier this year I warned that cryptocurrencies were NOT safe havens to protect financial wealth, when Coinbase, the largest US crypto exchange service, announced that they had cut off 25,000 Russian wallets. As I noted then, I have never felt comfortable putting major resources into cryptocurrencies for several reasons, the most obvious one being that it is dependent upon “the system,” which requires, among other things, electricity and a working Internet. New problems with cryptocurrencies were exposed yesterday, when the equivalent of a "bank run" happened when crypto exchange FTX saw $6 billion of withdrawals in a 72-hour span, resulting in them reportedly stopping the process of withdrawals yesterday. Some big investors, including Blackrock and celebrity athletes including Stephen Curry and Tom Brady, were heavily invested in FTX. Sam Bankman-Fried, once featured on the cover of Fortune Magazine as potentially the next "Warren Buffet," and has now reportedly lost 94% of his $16 billion fortune, may be better compared to Bernie Madoff, as ZeroHedge News found an interview he did a few months ago where he admitted that crypto yield farming is basically a Ponzi business. The big question now is when will the other big Ponzi scheme rupture, the New York Stock Exchange, sending the U.S. and probably the rest of the world into financial ruins and usher in the Great Reset?
A Sick and Dying Nation Partakes of a November Ritual Called “Voting” Looking for Change in the Wrong Places
Many Americans will take part in the November ritual of election years to go out and vote for their favorite political candidates today, believing that if enough people vote the way they do, positive change will be the result. This ritual is very sacred, because it is drilled into Americans from early in life that it is our civic duty to vote, and that if we don't vote and the country then falls apart and goes to hell, it will be our fault for not voting. However, the most pressing issues facing our country, and the solutions to these issues are not going to be resolved by either political party being in power. The only way this country is going to change, is if Americans decide to change themselves, and decide to divorce themselves from the Luciferian world system that seeks to enslave us, which uses both political parties to do so. We need to stop being simply consumers of technology, and that will be forced upon us as the technology continues to fail, and start becoming producers of real goods and services again, which is how this country was built following WW II. The tipping point for this country will soon arrive, and it will be marked by the total financial collapse that is a certainty now, as the only question left is "when", and no longer "if." The future of this nation rests upon YOU, and not the puppet politicians the Globalists put in place to perpetuate their plans for a Luciferian New World Order that wants to drastically reduce the world's population because the individual human life has no value to them. To them you are simply a product of Darwinian evolution, and it is time for them to get rid of all the "useless" people who stand in the way of their agendas and move on to the next stage of the evolutionary cycle, which they want you to believe is a technocratic one with things like "transhumans." And only YOU can stop that. Because it is all a lie, built upon a faulty foundation of a godless worldview that started with Darwin, and completely ignores the fact that human beings are created by God, in his image, giving the individual great worth.
Are You Ready For The Coming US Government Default?
The U.S. national debt has topped $31.2 trillion. Tack on the debt of households, businesses, state and local governments, and financial institutions, and you’re looking at a total U.S. debt over $92.9 trillion. As the Fed hikes interest rates to contain the raging inflation of its making, the cost of servicing government debt increases. Total U.S. tax revenue is approximately $4.9 trillion. Total U.S. interest paid is over $3.4 trillion. Before long it will take 100 percent of tax revenue just to service the debt interest. Then what? The popular American myth is that the U.S. government has never defaulted on its debt. Quite frankly, that’s an unadulterated lie. The U.S. government has (unofficially) defaulted on its debt twice within the last hundred years. Executive Order 6102 of 1933, which forced all American citizens to turn in gold coins and bars, was, in fact, a default. Gold ownership in the United States, with some small limitations, was illegal for the next 40 years. The second default occurred in 1971, when President Nixon “temporarily” suspended the convertibility of the dollar into gold. Prior to 1971, as determined by the Bretton Woods international monetary system, which was agreed to in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, in July 1944, a foreign bank could exchange $35 with the U.S. Treasury for one troy ounce of gold. After the U.S. reneged on this established exchange rate, when foreign banks handed the U.S. Treasury $35, they received $35 in exchange. In both instances, the U.S. government didn’t overtly default on the debt. Instead, it changed the fundamentals – the terms and conditions – of the dollar. By all honest accounts, these are defaults. What dirty trick does Uncle Sam have up his dirty sleeve this time? One possible swindle is the issuance of a digital dollar – a Fed or government issued central bank digital currency (CBDC) – which is traceable and programmable. When it is introduced, your accounts will be credited one for one, as in one federal reserve note for one digital dollar. But what you’ll be able to buy in return with your digital dollars will be far less. You see, the digital dollar roll out will provide elaborate cover. Make no mistake. This is a default. And it is coming much sooner than you think. Are you ready?
Is Big Tech Monitoring and Controlling You?
Today, if you use Big Tech's products, as almost everyone in the U.S. does, your actions and speech are being monitored. If you use a mobile device such as a cell phone, and/or a laptop or desktop computer connected to the Internet, or anything else connected to the Internet such as your front door bell, or your thermostat, or if you drive a late-model car that is connected to the Internet, you are being monitored. I am not saying that you are necessarily actively being spied upon and listened to, but your actions and speech are being recorded and stored in a database in the Cloud somewhere, where it can be retrieved and analyzed at any time by a real person. For most people, their actions and communications are aggregated and analyzed by computer code, like "artificial intelligence," mainly for the purpose of making money off of you by advertising products and services customized to your personal data, such as your gender, your age, your location, what you watch on TV, your religious and political views, who you associate with, etc. That's how Big Tech primarily makes its money, through advertising. But all of that data they collect on you, which today can include everything you say and share on social media, or devices like "Alexa," what you buy including where and when you buy it, what programs and videos you watch, where you drive to, when you turn your lights off at night or turn your thermostat down, and even what you thought were "private" communications, such as social media "private" chats, conversations on your cell phone, or email correspondences on Big Tech's "free" email platforms - ALL OF THIS DATA IS FOR SALE, for the right price.
Is a False Flag Iranian Attack on Saudi Oil being Planned to Blame an Increase in Oil Prices?
From the Korean Peninsula, to the Ukraine borders, to Taiwan and now the Middle East and many other parts of the globe, it seems that every day now I am reading that war is about to break out. With the U.S. mid-term elections just days away now, it seems that the entire world is on edge. Earlier this week the Wall Street Journal reported that Saudi Arabia had shared intelligence with the U.S. about an imminent attack on their oil fields by Iran, and earlier today it was reported that a Telegram channel belonging to Iran posted a simulated attack on Saudi Arabia. I lived in Dhahran in Saudi Arabia in the mid-1990s, right next to the ARAMCO oil company, and the U.S. military presence was everywhere. If it is similar today, I can hardly believe that Iran would be foolish enough to start bombing what is basically an outpost of the U.S. military, but who knows. One thing is for certain, Big Oil is profitable again in spite of the Green Agenda. The two largest US energy majors just had blowout quarters, with Exxon posting its strongest quarterly result in the company’s 152-year history including its highest ever net income, while #2 Chevron reported its second-largest profit; the two companies amassed more than $30 billion in combined net income.
Freemason Technocrat Elon Musk Proudly Displays his Allegiance to Satan on Halloween – Beware the “Twitter Trap!”
We recently published an article about how the Technocrats false techno-prophecies were rapidly falling apart showing how these false claims of what the technology can do, such as integrate with humans to create trans-humans is all fake, and that the one place where this is being exposed today is in the fantasy of totally autonomous self-driving vehicles. We exposed many of the false claims made by Elon Musk, and warned people that the real threat the Technocrats posed was in data collection. Elon Musk is clearly a Freemason, which is how he has gained access to his power. If you are not yet familiar with how Freemasonry is a secret religion that worships Satan, please educate yourself on this topic by watching Altiyan Childs' documentary. Elon Musk showed up at a Halloween party, along with his mother who is also clearly a Freemason, and proudly displayed what appears to be his allegiance to Satan. And as to his plans for Twitter, someone has found a video where he admits that he wants to turn Twitter into the same thing as the Chinese WeChat app, which is the main app China uses to combine social media, digital identity, vaccination and medical status, criminal history, tracking and surveillance, digital currency, shopping, carbon footprint, and is their major input into the Chinese "Social Credit Score." I have noticed that Health Impact News is beginning to get some traffic again from Twitter, since Musk took over, which probably means they removed our ban. But we have no plans to go back on Twitter ourselves, and anyone who is planning to, should be cautious that Twitter could become a massive surveillance tool. And while Musk claims that he respects "free speech," he could also very well be planning to provide your "free speech" to intelligence agencies where your political views and everything else you share on Twitter is put into a database to potentially be used against you. Those of you driving Musk's Tesla cars probably have all the places you have ever driven to, how long you stayed there, and with the camera's 9 cameras inside and out, possibly even what you have done in your cars and around it, all stored in a database somewhere.
The Fantasy of Autonomous Self-Driving Cars is Coming to an End as Tesla Faces DOJ Criminal Probe
For years now the technocrats have made huge predictions about how technology is rapidly advancing and is poised to replace humans, or become hybrids with them, in the not-too-distant future. The problem with this soaring faith in technology is that many of the lofty techno-prophecies have been largely science fiction, and the kind of propaganda that Hollywood has been brainwashing people to believe in for decades now. Starting with the mega box office successful Star Wars films back in the 1970s, along with popular TV franchises such as Star Trek, the technocrats have brainwashed the public into believing that such technology as replicating food at the push of button, or transporting people through space, or android and holographic "people" were the destiny of technology, and how it would become a normal part of our lives. Well, welcome to 2022, where none of that stuff has happened yet, and never will, because it is all science fiction. But we now have several generations of people who still believe in the techno-prophecies, and some of them have become billionaires where they could actually throw a ton of money into trying to invent some of this science fiction. Perhaps the one technology that has received some of the most techno-prophecy funding is "self-driving vehicles." Well if no one else has publicly said this yet, I will be happy to be the first one to do so: The fantasy of completely autonomous self-driving vehicles that will replace human drivers is now officially DEAD. Reuters announced this week that the DOJ has started a criminal probe into Tesla's claims of "self-driving" cars, which allegedly began last year, and is perhaps the reason why Andrej Karpathy, the former head of Tesla's AI department and Autopilot driving assistance software, abruptly quit this past July after working on Tesla's self driving vehicle system for five years. While not mentioning the Reuters' exclusive report on the DOJ's criminal probe into Tesla, Ford and Volkswagen announced this week that they were halting further investments into AI self-driving vehicles, forcing Argo AI, an AV technology startup founded by Uber and Google veterans, to shut down.
In Stunning Strategy Reversal, Pentagon Will No Longer Rule Out Use Of Nuclear Weapons Against Non-Nuclear Threat
As Bloomberg just reported, the Pentagon's new National Defense Strategy rejects limits on using nuclear weapons long championed by arms control advocates (and, in the not too distant past, by Joe Bide) citing burgeoning threats from Russia and China. “By the 2030s the United States will, for the first time in its history face two major nuclear powers as strategic competitors and potential adversaries,” the Defense Department said in the long-awaited document issued Thursday. In response, the US will “maintain a very high bar for nuclear employment” without ruling out using the weapons in retaliation to a non-nuclear strategic threat to the homeland, US forces abroad or allies. In yet another stark reversal for the senile occupant of the White House basement, in his 2020 presidential campaign Biden had pledged to declare that the US nuclear arsenal should be used only to deter or retaliate against a nuclear attack, a position blessed by progressive Democrats and reviled by defense hawks. But, like with every other position held by the pathological liar who even trumps Trump in the untruth department, this one has just been reversed as well as "the threat environment has changed dramatically since then" and the Pentagon strategy was forged in cooperation with the flip-flopping White House. The nuclear strategy document doesn’t spell out what non-nuclear threats could produce a US nuclear response, but current threats include hypersonic weapons possessed by Russia and China for which the US doesn’t yet have a proven defense. It does spell out, however, in the strongest terms, what would happen to another nuclear power, North Korea, if it launched a nuclear attack on the US, South Korea or Japan. That action “will result in the end of that regime,” it says. US nuclear weapons continue to play a role in deterring North Korean attacks. So, the brilliant neocon minds behind the report concluded, it is better to instill the fear of a disproportionate nuclear retaliation, thus making an outright nuclear attack far more likely (if the US will nuke you anyway, may as well go all out).
The Myth that the Two Party Democrat vs. Republican Choices Bring Different Results Through “Elections”
With national elections just days away now here in the United States, this is a good time to review the facts regarding the U.S. two-party system where during national elections the public heads to the polls, or votes via the mail, for either a Democrat or Republican candidate for elected office. The general belief among most who cast votes is that the United States is a "democratic" nation where "public servants" are elected by the people to serve their electorate in Washington D.C. in the House of Representatives and Senate (Congress), and as the President of the United States. However, this notion that the people of the United States choose their leaders who then determine public policy as a representative of their constituents, is a myth. It is actually quite easy to see that this popular belief is not a fact, but to see this truth one has to divorce themselves from their political belief system, and much like religious beliefs, very few people seem to be able to do so. When people hang on to a belief in an ideology, rather than objectively look at the facts and try to come to an unbiased opinion based on reason, they are open to manipulation by propaganda, and those who control the flow of information. For this system of perceived "democracy" to work where the masses are fooled into believing that they have some kind of control over how the country is run through the election process, there MUST be a two-party system, and two ONLY, and those two parties have to have a perceived opposition to each other on the "issues." Because the one thing the Globalists who actually run the country fear the most, is a unified public where the masses wake up and discover that "the emperor has no clothes," and instead of half the country fighting the other half, they join forces and fight the true enemies of the people: the Wall Street Billionaires and Bankers.
U.S. Deploys 101st Airborne Division to Europe as Russia Warns Ukraine Preparing False Flag Dirty Bomb Attack
With up to 40% of the Ukraine power grid now down and millions of people without electricity as winter sets in, tens of thousands of Ukrainians are trying to flee the country, as the United States appears to be getting ready to take America to war and start engaging Russian forces. Could this be the "October surprise" the Biden Administration has been planning in an effort to affect upcoming elections in November? CBS News reported Friday that the elite "Screaming Eagles," a light infantry unit from the 101st Airborne's home base in Fort Campbell, Kentucky, have been deployed to Romania, just a few miles from the Ukraine border. It is reportedly the first time in almost 80 years that the U.S. Army's 101st Airborne Division has been deployed to Europe, which brings the number of U.S. troops now in Europe up to around 100,000. Meanwhile, in further signs that the conflict in Ukraine is quickly escalating, Russian Defense Minister, Sergey Shoigu, has warned that their intelligence sources claim that Ukraine is getting ready to launch a "false flag" dirty bomb attack in their own country, and then blame it on Russia. There are also reports that China intelligence is picking up similar signals, as they recently ordered the evacuation off all Chinese citizens still in Ukraine. Further evidence that the U.S. is planning to get involved and directly confront Russian forces comes from reports that retired U.S. Army General David Petraeus has been talking to NATO countries to warn that "the United States may lead a multinational coalition against Russia in Ukraine regardless of NATO involvement."
Forget Oil, The Real Crisis Is Diesel Inventories: The US Has Just 25 Days Left
For all the drama surrounding Biden's latest Strategic Petroleum Reserve fiasco and his admin's ridiculous idea to "stimulate" US energy producers to pump more oil because, you see, Biden promises to buy oil at some unknown point in the future (he may or may not, but right now he is certainly draining a million barrels of emergency US energy lifeblood just to buy a few midterm votes, assuring energy producers have zero incentive to produce more), the real crisis is not oil or gas, but diesel. According to the EIA, the US now has just 25 days of diesel supply, the lowest since 2008.
Zionist Organization of America: Trump “Best Friend Israel ever had in the White House”
The Zionist Organization of America, which works to strengthen U.S.-Israel relations and combat anti-Israel bias, announced last Friday that it will award the “rarely given” Theodor Herzl Medallion to former U.S. President Donald Trump. In an email sent to its members, the ZOA said it was honoring the former president “for being the best friend Israel ever had in the White House.” Dr. Miriam Adelson, physician and billionaire, will present Trump’s award on Nov. 13 at the Zionist Organization’s national awards dinner in New York City.
Every American Executive and Engineer in China’s Semiconductor Manufacturing Industry Resigned Last Week due to Biden’s Sanctions
A Twitter thread translated by Rhodium Group China expert Jordan Schneider - whose blog, China Talk, provides keen insight into the effects of the Biden administration's new export controls on the chip industry. To review, the Biden administration last week laid out new rules on chip exports based on US concerns that China will use AI to improve military capabilities, support surveillance for human rights abuses and "disrupt or manufacture outcomes that undermine democratic governance and sow social unrest," according to Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Administration Thea D. Rozman Kendler. The sweeping regulations will curb the sale of semiconductors and chipmaking equipment to its #1 geopolitical rival - which, as Bloomberg puts it, is "sending shockwaves through the $440 billion industry." In a Friday Twitter thread which he translated from Hedgehog Computing Group founder Xinran Wang (@lidangzzz), Schneider lays out the carnage in English: "To put it simply, Biden has forced all Americans working in China to pick between quitting their jobs and losing American citizenship," Schneider writes, adding "One round of sanctions from Biden did more damage than all four years of performative sanctioning under Trump."
Financial Collapse Is a Mathematical Certainty: The Perfect Storm Threatening the Dollar Hedgemony
After the 2008 stock market crash, governments, because the economy collapsed globally, started spending like drunken sailors. The last 14 years have been a ballooning of the sovereign debt bond bubble. Who’s going to save that bubble? Who’s going to be the buyer of all that debt when this bubble finally blows up? Answer: No one. Many who are aware of the situation are just surprised the system has lasted this long. It looked like it was ready to burst in September 2019, and then, conveniently, COVID showed up, which granted emergency powers to all central banks. Governments went on another spending spree, printing money, and this allowed them to kick the proverbial can down the road for another two years. Here we are in 2022 and it’s unraveling again. And the reason why COVID was important is because the Federal Reserve was able to plug the hole in what was beginning to become a liquidity debt crisis. COVID provided cover for the central banks and the governments, but it also allowed for a control system. If everything’s going to collapse, wouldn’t it be nice to have a control system where travel is restricted, you can blame it on a virus; you create vaccine passports, which then get linked to digital IDs, and then central bank digital currency. So, COVID was a convenient excuse. The Rockefeller and Rothschild Empires were prepared to sacrifice the globe in order to save their empires. And six months after the start of the Ukraine war, we find that the Rockefeller Empire is now doing their best to destroy the EU, along with the Rothschild Empire-whose base is Europe. It’s funny how things work.