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Editor - Health Impact News

The Energy Blueprint: FREE “Double Your Energy” Video Masterclass

Ari Whitten, a #1 best-selling author, nutritionist, and renowned fatigue expert is the founder of The Energy Blueprint. He is offering a FREE online Masterclass Series to help you beat fatigue and double your energy.

How To Grow Half Of Your Own Food In Your Backyard In Less Than An Hour Per Day

For 72-hours, March 20th - 22nd, 2018, watch the FREE live streaming of the film: “How To Grow Half Of Your Own Food In Your Backyard In Less Than An Hour Per Day.” For 72-hours, March 20th - 22nd, 2018, watch the FREE live streaming of the film: “How To Grow Half Of Your Own Food In Your Backyard In Less Than An Hour Per Day.” Imagine your own supply of deeply nutritious, organic, healthy food that you grew yourself right in your own backyard. Imagine you are free from eating toxic and destructive agribusiness products. Imagine the security of knowing that you have delicious food regardless of what may happen. Fast paced and empowering, this video gets down to the numbers of calories produced, square footage required, and exactly what to do on a daily basis. Focusing on food production with sustainable, organic methods that can be done anywhere – and is especially designed for small spaces. This free 72 hour showing of the video “Grow Half” will empower you learn this 3 part system that everyone from kids to grandparents can put into practice. Start putting home grown food on to your table, and stop worrying about where your food is coming from!

Judge to Decide if Monsanto Roundup Cancer Lawsuits Move Forward

A federal judge in San Francisco will hear from expert witnesses on the science and safety of glyphosate at critical hearing starting Monday that will determine if plaintiffs around the country can move forward with their legal action against Monsanto over cancer claims. More than 365 pending lawsuits against the agribusiness giant have been centralized in multidistrict litigation under U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria. The plaintiffs claim they or their loved ones developed non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) due to exposure to glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's Roundup weedkiller. During the week-long hearing—dubbed "Science Week"—epidemiologists, oncologists, toxicologists and other scientists representing both sides will offer testimony about glyphosate. The judge will not decide whether or not glyphosate causes cancer. Rather, Chhabria will determine if the experts providing scientific opinions regarding causation will be permitted to testify at trial, explained Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman, one of the law firms leading the litigation.

FREE Holistic Oral Health Summit: Learn Why Hidden Poisons in Your Mouth Cause Cancer, Arthritis, Heart Disease and More

The Holistic Oral Health Summit is online and FREE from March 12-19, 2018. You’ve heard about it on the news. Millions of people are suffering from all kinds of health problems and diseases. And many of these diseases are deadly. But did you know that problems in your MOUTH might be causing a whopping 80% of these diseases? All caused by modern dental practices and common oral infections. The legendary physician Reinhard Voll, M.D. discovered this shocking fact after 40 years of scientific research. Think about it. If you’re suffering from health problems or chronic disease, chances are very high that the problem started in your mouth. These hidden poisons can cause cancer. Heart disease. Arthritis. Diabetes. Chronic migraines. Alzheimer’s. Bladder problems. And more. You can get them from a routine dentist visit. Or they can develop on their own. So why haven’t you heard about this from your doctor? The truth is most doctors don’t know. That’s because the medical establishment has been working hard to ban this information. There’s too much at stake… you’ll learn more about that soon. The good news is: we’re not keeping quiet. You and your loved ones have a right to know these life-saving facts.

Pediatric Doctor Pleads Guilty to Illegally Targeting Teens for Cholesterol Drug Trials

A Pediatric Cardiologist from Georgia has pleaded guilty to illegally targeting teens for a cholesterol drug that was only approved by the FDA for a rare disorder. According to court documents, Dr. Eduardo Montaña colluded with pharmaceutical company Aegerion to sell their drug Juxtapid to teenagers with heart problems, even though the drug was not approved for their conditions. Dr. Montaña violated HIPAA laws of patient privacy by supplying the pharmaceutical company private medical records of 280 teenagers without patient knowledge or consent. Drug company Aegerion was found guilty of criminal wrongdoing in a Massachusetts court. Juxtapid, which received FDA approval in 2012, costs over $330,000 per patient per year, so the drug company had strong financial motives to expand its sales. Dr. Montaña was a willing accomplice in their criminal activities, and reportedly hoped to get a kickback for himself. He requested a $236,000 grant from Aegerion. In the conviction against Aegerion in this case with Dr. Eduardo Montaña, District Judge William G. Young lamented how the U.S. Government allows criminal pharmaceutical companies to get off so easily, and continue doing business. Existing laws that protect pharmaceutical companies apparently prevented Judge Young from automatically issuing the harshest penalty, as the federal government generally strikes a plea bargain deal with the pharmaceutical company to keep them in business. Judge Young wrote: "What is left unexplained is why the government does not simply let Aegerion collapse in disgrace. Surely Aegerion is not too big to fail."

Tamiflu Again Linked to Extreme Adverse Reactions, Including Suicide

Three separate families have blamed Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche’s antiviral drug Tamiflu (oseltamivir) for drug-induced very serious side effects—including a suicide—following administration of Tamiflu to their children during the 2017-2018 influenza season. There have been numerous cases reported in past years indicating a connection between the use of this antiviral drug and similar extreme reactions. This is not the first time Tamiflu has been blamed for serious psychiatric side effects. In 2005, the FDA investigated Tamiflu’s potential adverse reactions when dozens of Tamiflu-treated teenagers in Japan reported hallucinations, delirium, confusion and other abnormal behaviors. There were also 12 deaths of Japanese children reported, all after taking the medication. The Tamiflu package insert label lists serious skin/hypersensitivity reactions and neuropsychiatric events in the warning and precaution section and advises patients to monitor for abnormal behavior and allergic-like reactions.

Bone Broth for Wound Healing

The top food for wound healing is soup, not readymade supermarket canned or packaged soups, but old-fashioned homemade bone broth. A South American proverb claims “Good broth will resurrect the dead.” Although that is surely an exaggeration, soup has a longstanding reputation for nourishing convalescents.

Death Certificate Clerk Reveals How Cause of Death Reporting is Subjective and CDC Statistics are Not Reliable When Making Public Health Decisions

In our recently published article on Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) we referenced how the CDC and WHO list 130 official ways for an infant to die according to official categories of death, but adverse reactions to vaccines is not one of them. Joy Fritz is a Death Certificate Clerk, and she recently published some of her observations in the field of death recording on Facebook. Joy relates how she and her husband were concerned about the severity of the flu season as was being reported in the media, and that she "started reading the FDA package inserts for different flu immunization options to get informed on which immunizations might be safest for our <1 year old and 6 year old." She states that she wanted to make an informed decision for her family, and that "What I ultimately wanted to compare was the risk of death." She learned that public records on influenza deaths stated that there were no deaths related to adverse reactions to flu medications or flu shots. However, being in the field of death recording, she dug deeper, and has presented her research and experience to the public. She writes: "Our current system for capturing mortality rates can and does provide a mostly uninvestigated and inaccurate picture of what causes a death. The process for creating and registering causes of death for public records is a complicated, convoluted, politicized, completely open to both ignorance and the manipulations of personal, professional, and governmental interests. I'm the one creating these statistics and I offer you this: If you take one thing away from this, take away a healthier skepticism about even the most accepted mainstream, nationally reported, CDC or other ‘scientific’ statistics." I am thankful that Joy reached out to us here at Health Impact News and encouraged us to share her perspective to our readership.

Rising From the Depths of Diabetes and Obesity – FREE Online 9-Part Docuseries

Last year Oxford scientist, Dr. David Matthews, compared diabetes to The Black Death of the 21st century. 1 out of 2 Americans now have diabetes or pre-diabetes, and 70% don't even know it. 2 out of 3 people with diabetes will die of a heart attack, and diabetes is a leading cause of death by stroke. As of 2017 40% of American adults are now obese, and a shocking 20% of our kids, making them up to 5X as likely to get diabetes. The FREE Online Docuseries, iThrive! Rising from the Depths of Diabetes and Obesity, features 55 world-renowned scientists, doctors, and experts. It begins February 27, 2018. Our host, Jon McMahon, is a 53-year-old morbidly obese man who has had a diabetic heart attack and has been told another heart attack or stroke could come without warning. He chooses to embark on a journey to understand why no amount of money or medicine is stopping the twin pandemics of diabetes and obesity, what's really causing it and how to prevent and reverse it. He heads out as a one-man-documentary camera crew... against his doctors’ orders. He knew that he might not have lived to see the docuseries go live to the world, but believes his mission was worth risking his life for. Our host has now applied what he’s learned from the docuseries experts and has lost 45 lbs in recent weeks. His fasting blood sugar is 85 now. He’s living the transformation!

Don’t Believe the Hype: The Family First Act is a Step Backwards for Child Welfare Finance Reform

Perhaps you’ve heard. Tacked onto the bill that averted another government shutdown is a child welfare finance “reform” measure called the Family First Prevention Services Act. The bill was thought to be dead. It was killed last year by what one reformer who transformed his own institution years ago called the group home industry – the collection of private agencies typically paid for every day they hold foster children in the worst form of care, group homes and institutions -- and their public sector allies. But it came back to life as part of the process of keeping the government open. Now it’s law. One might expect advocates of family preservation to celebrate, and some almost certainly will. The bill allows some federal money once restricted to funding foster care to be used for better alternatives. And, in theory, it curbs federal funding for group homes and institutions. Some very good child welfare reformers favor the bill. But I disagree. In 2016, I wrote that the range of prevention services that could be funded under Family First was tiny, and there were absurd restrictions on which programs within that range could get federal aid. And instead of limiting group homes and institutions, I argued that the bill was so weak that it actually strengthened them, creating a whole category of institution that would be, in effect, sanctified in federal law.

FREE Online 10-Part Video Masterclass on Using Essential Oils for Abundant Living

Dr. Eric & Sabrina Ann Zielinski (affectionately known as Dr. Z & Mama Z) just finished producing a 10-Part Video Masterclass that will give you the confidence that you need to make healing remedies for your body & non-toxic natural recipes for your home with essential oils. This Global Premiere of Essential Oils for Abundant Living runs online for FREE this February 20 – March 1. Distilling down what takes aromatherapists months and even years to learn, the Essential Oils for Abundant Living Masterclass delivers an easy-to-follow roadmap so you can start to use essential oils in your home with confidence. Consider this an all-you-can-sniff buffet of expert aromatherapy tips and DIY hacks to help you and your family enjoy abundant health with essential oils! If used properly, essential oils are one of the safest, most powerful natural remedies and we have a long history of use to guide us on our journey. And the best part? They have virtually no side effects, if you use them the right way! Discover how to give your medicine cabinet a makeover and start to use essential oils for abundant living today!

Public Being Misled by U.S. Government and Corporate Media About What Constitutes the Best Diet

Dieter beware: U.S. News & World Report, in its high-profile January cover story on "best diets," calls the DASH and Mediterranean diets tops for health, though these regimens represent the failed nutritional status quo of the last 50 years. It's clear that U.S. News — which employed an expert panel to rate 40 diets on various criteria — merely recapitulated questionable dietary advice that has gone by a succession of names since the 1970s — "low-fat," "DASH," "USDA-style," "plant-based." The basic set of recommendations have remained the same, emphasizing plant foods (grains, cereals, fruits and vegetables) over animal products (eggs, regular dairy, meat), and vegetable oils over natural animal fats such as butter. According to government data, Americans have largely followed these recommendations over the last 50 years, notably increasing their consumption of grains, vegetables and fruits and eating less whole milk, butter, meat and eggs. The outcome? In that time, rates of obesity and Type 2 diabetes have skyrocketed. Something has gone terribly wrong. Why would 25 doctors, dietitians and nutritionists on the U.S. News panel choose a dietary philosophy that has — so far, at least — failed us?

“Broken Brain” FREE Replay Weekend: Online Series on Holistic Mental Health

NY Times Bestselling author Dr. Mark Hyman's online docuseries called "Broken Brain" just completed, and was a HUGE success! Many people emailed us to thank us for offering this docuseries on holistic mental health. Due to overwhelming demand, Dr. Hyman's team has decided to present a FULL encore screening of Broken Brain for FREE this weekend. For the next two days, starting at 6:00 AM ET Sharp on Saturday, January 27th ALL the episodes are available for you to watch. You can see them all, 100% FREE, until the bell tolls Midnight ET on Sunday, the 28th of January.

FREE Online Heavy Metals Summit Shows You How to Detox

You can’t escape environmental toxins. No one can. Heavy metals are interfering with your life. Learn how to overcome their influence and reclaim your health! The Heavy Metals Summit is online and FREE from January 29 - February 5, 2018. Toxins are everywhere. They are in our food, water, air, even our household goods…and they’re destroying health. EVERYONE has some level of mercury toxicity. Aluminum, has been linked to breast cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, allergies, even autism. The connection between toxins and disease is now undisputed, but it’s still being ignored by the conventional medical community. Fortunately, you can protect and heal yourself from these toxic metals!

Dr. Brownstein: Why Are U.S. Children Dying At An Alarming Rate?

A new study published in the January, 2018 edition of the journal Health Affairs compared the mortality rate of children in 19 wealthy, Western countries. Guess who finished last? If you guessed the country that spends the most money on health care then you guessed correctly. The United States spends more money on health care than any other country on the face of the earth. In fact, we spend nearly 20% of our gross national product on health care—far greater when compared to any other Western country. The authors of the article comment, “The United States has poorer child health outcomes than other wealthy nations despite greater per capita spending on health care for children. While child mortality progressively declined across all countries, mortality in the US has been higher than in peer nations since the 1980s. From 2001 to 2010 the risk of death in the US {when compared to other Western countries} was 76 percent greater for infants and 57 percent greater for children ages 1–19.” Folks, if you want to measure the health of a country, one of the best indicators is the childhood mortality rate. Generally, the healthier the population is, the lower the childhood mortality rate. When you compare the U.S. childhood mortality rate to other Western countries, it is plain to see that our children are not doing well.

FREE Online “Dirty Genes” Summit with Dr. Ben Lynch Reveals how Your Genes Are NOT a Blueprint for Poor Health

Are you afraid you've inherited a “master plan” with your genes - characteristics that are written in stone? Have we been brainwashed to believe that conditions like depression, anxiety, ADHD, or even heart disease or cancer are all pre-determined by our genes? NONE of that is true! Your GENETIC destiny is changeable, every moment of your life. From January 22, 2018 through January 29, 2018, you can join Dr. Ben Lynch, author of the book Dirty Genes, along with 45 other renowned experts at the Dirty Genes Summit FREE online to learn how to overcome "dirty genes" and live a healthy life.

Conquering Sugar: Online Program to Break Sugar Addiction

Sharon Porter, a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Restorative Wellness Practitioner, and the founder of Gut Level Nutrition LLC, is offering a 28-day online program to help people break their addiction to sugar. The first session begins Wednesday, January 10, 2018. She has helped hundreds of regular people resolve a wide variety of health challenges through dietary recommendations, and she especially enjoys helping her clients restore digestive wellness. She began practicing holistic nutrition in 2009, and culminated her 25-year nutrition education with her Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Restorative Wellness Practitioner certifications in 2014. This is a 28-day program for people who want to vastly improve their health. Sugar is the most damaging, toxic, addictive substance that once removed from your diet will unleash tremendous improvements in your vitality. The program includes massive amounts of resources and support (including live help and interactions). The first week gets you emotionally and physically prepared. The second and third weeks are a complete sugar elimination phase. And the forth week helps you to re-integrate and maintain the gains you’ve accomplished.

Big Ag Fail: 70% of World Fed by Small-scale Farmers

We are told that big agribusiness, with its GM crops, flashy techno-fixes and financial clout, will save the world from widespread hunger and malnutrition and help food systems weather the impacts of climate change. However, a report from ETC Group shows that in fact, it is a diverse network of small-scale producers, dubbed the Peasant Food Web, that feeds 70% of the world, including the most hungry and marginalized people. The flagship report, "Who Will Feed Us?", is a data-driven report full of unexpected statistics that reveal a tale of two food systems. This is the third edition, and most complete synthesis, of a research exercise that ETC Group has been undertaking for several years. "Who Will Feed Us?" upturns common assumptions about who feeds whom in a hungry world.

Enormous Profiteering by Doctors Pushing Vaccines

I thought you’d be interested in an article published in a Family Practice Journal about how a doctor can get rich dumping vaccines in children. No wonder the medical profession is so pro vaccine. They have a vested interest, even aside from Pharma’s corrupt interest. Note the emphasis on the "bottom line". Please note that the doctor chasing and collecting butterflies in the image. The butterflies are paper dollars! This image should tell you everything you need to know, and how the Pharma whores are using medical doctors as literal pimps for their wares.

Holding the American Psychiatric Association Accountable for Minimizing Pedophilia to a “Disorder” Rather than Criminal Child Abuse

Can someone fire the American Psychiatric Association? Or, better still, can it step down as the self-acclaimed expert on the subject of human behavior? With mounting sexual assault scandals now being reported, has anyone thought to bring to account the APA for excusing pedophilia as a “mental disorder,” an act that not only attempts to excuse criminal behavior as a mental disorder, but also categorizes some instances of pedophilia as a “sexual orientation?” The fact is that pedophilia must never be considered anything but a crime. Yet according to the APA’s Diagnostic Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), should a person not feel guilt or shame about their pedophilic impulses, then this ceases to be a “disorder” and becomes a pedophilic “sexual orientation.” After public outcry about pedophilia being designated as a sexual orientation, the APA released a statement that the phrase “sexual orientation” was used in error and that the correct terminology was “sexual interest,” a term which still seeks to normalize a criminal offense.