In modern times the broad category of "energy healing" is not very well-known in western culture, which has built a medical system dependent on chemically-based pharmaceutical products.
In many cultures, however, various forms of energy healing have existed for thousands of years. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), for example, the science of acupuncture has been known and practiced for thousands of years, and it is also one form of energy medicine known and practiced in western countries today like the U.S.
One can even state that the greatest energy healer of all time, Jesus Christ, practiced the purest form of energy healing over 2000 years ago. And his cure rate was 100% - far better than the modern pharmaceutical-based medical system, or even other energy healing modalities.
In general, energy healing can be very effective without all the toxic side effects of pharmaceutical drugs.
One form of energy healing that is becoming increasingly more popular in the United States is Pulsed Electromagnetic Healing.
Most would acknowledge that the rebel scientist Raymond Royal Rife began much of the research and practice in this field in the 1930s, with some amazing results, such as curing cancer.
This made him an outcast, of course, as even today "researching a cure for cancer" is a hundred billion dollar plus industry that would disappear if it was acknowledged that there actually are cures for cancer, and the pharmaceutical cartel cannot allow that to happen. It would literally destroy the U.S. economy.
I have asked reporter Paul Fassa to cover a bit of the history behind Pulsed Electromagnetic Healing and to survey a bit of the current market choices available to the consumer.
What we can NOT do is recommend one device or therapy above the other. We are mostly limited to published data, testimonials, and claims made online, much of it contradictory.
When viewing marketing material and testimonials from such devices or therapies, one should be wary of claims such as "this is the ONLY device/therapy on the market affecting health and healing in this area."
In fact, the consumer has many choices.
Dr. William Pawluk, M.D., M.Sc., who has a website educating people on Pulsed Electromagnetic Healing, probably states it best when he writes:
"There are a variety of PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) systems available because there is no one 'best' system. Only when we understand what health issues are of greatest concern to an individual can we begin to determine which system is most likely to achieve the desired results."