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Editor - Health Impact News

Swiss Citizens Take to the Streets to Protest 5G Implementation as New Illnesses Start at Same Time

If you want to get an idea of what will happen in the U.S. when the telecom companies start rolling out 5G networks with new towers in your local neighborhood, take a look at what is happening in Switzerland today, where 90% of the population is now exposed to the new 5G networks. People are getting sick, and they are marching in the streets to show their opposition to the new networks.

93,000 People in Maine Sign Petition to Veto New Vaccine Bill Taking Away Parental Rights

On Friday, September 18, 2019, Mainers for Health and Parental Rights held a press conference at the Capitol of Maine to announce they had obtained 93,000 signatures to support their grass-roots effort, Veto 798 Maine. According to their website, 798 is: "a bill that was pushed through the legislature despite overwhelming opposition from the citizens of Maine, and then quietly signed into law by Governor Mills in May of 2019. LD798 eliminates religious and philosophical exemptions to vaccination, prohibiting parents, staff and healthcare workers from exercising their right to decline one or more vaccines required by schools and employers. If Maine citizens do not comply with the new law, they face expulsion from all public, private, parochial and online schools and will be terminated from employment." To get the "Peoples Veto" on the ballot for March, 2020, they were required to obtain 64,000 signatures from Maine residents within 90 days, September 18th. With 800+ volunteers, they obtained over 93,000 signatures - nearly 7% of the population of Maine. The people of Maine will now apparently have the opportunity to vote and veto this law next March.

Judge Protects Merck Pharmaceutical Company Instead of the Public by Allowing Merck to Hide Side Effects of FDA Approved Drugs

A Reuters investigative report reveals how Federal judges are complicit in shielding pharmaceutical giants like Merck & Co. by allowing the company to conceal the evidence of real risks of harm from widely prescribed drugs. The risks are concealed from physicians and the public. “It goes without saying that the more information a physician has, the more he can share with the patient and the more informed the decision-making process becomes.” —  Nelson Novick, MD Merck’s Corporate Rap Sheet includes court adjudicated lawsuit findings against the company which has paid multi-billion dollars in settlements for False Claims, Product Safety/Concealment of serious adverse effects, Bribery, Tax fraud, and more. Multiple Merck products caused severe harm, including deaths; these include: the arthritis drug Indocin®  (1960s); the widely prescribed drug for pregnant women, diethylstilbestrol (DES)®  drug that caused women vaginal cancer (1970s); Vioxx®, the painkiller prescribed for arthritis (1999-2004) caused, 140,000 heart attacks and an estimated30 to 60,000 deaths. Merck paid $4.85 Billion to settle Vioxx lawsuits.  Another controversial drug is Fosamax®  prescribed for osteoporosis (1990s) which causes osteonecrosis of the jaw and thighbone fractures; Januvia® , linked to pancreatitis, pancreatic cancer, and severe joint pain. A Reuters investigative reporter Dan Evine, reveals how Judge Brian Cogan – who sat in judgment over 900 Propecia®  lawsuits in New York federal court – enabled Merck to conceal the documents that proved the company’s culpability.

Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Escape Human Control and are now Spreading in the Environment

According to a new scientific publication, genetically engineered mosquitoes produced by the biotech company Oxitec (Intrexon) have escaped human control after trials in Brazil. They are now spreading in the environment. The yellow fever mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti) are genetically engineered to make it impossible for their offspring to survive. After release they were supposed to mate with female mosquitoes of the species which transmit infectious diseases, such as Dengue fever, to diminish the natural populations. However, the now published research shows that many offspring of the genetically engineered mosquitoes actually survived and are spreading and propagating further. According to the scientists, between 10-60 percent of the mosquitoes in the region concerned are inheriting parts of the genome of the mosquitoes released in the trials. These insects used in the laboratory have now mixed with the Brazilian insects to become a robust population which can persist in the environment over a longer period of time. They might replace the original insects on the long term and even exacerbate the problems associated with the mosquitoes. Christoph Then for Testbiotech commented, “The Oxitec trials have led to a situation that is largely out of control."

Big Tech Wants to Replace Medical Doctors and Squelch Alternative Health

The September newsletter of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is sounding the warning about Big Tech's plans to take over medical care as Americans increasingly turn over their privacy for the sake of convenience. Dr. Alexa, the virtual assistant in Amazon smart speakers, is already able to perform certain health-related tasks. “She” can track blood glucose levels, describe symptoms, access post-surgical care instructions, monitor home prescription deliveries, and make appointments at an urgent care center. Amazon has big ambitions. It thinks Alexa could help doctors diagnose mental illness, autism, concussions, and Parkinson disease. Big Tech giants such as Google are set to block all “alternative” medicine websites such as NaturalNews.com. They will not only be eliminated  from search results, but within a year or so, the Google Chrome browser won’t even allow a  user to visit a disapproved site—say one that is skeptical about vaccines, chemotherapy, or statin drugs—without changing the browser’s default settings. The Trump Administration is reportedly considering a proposal to use Google, Amazon Echo, and Apple Watch to collect data on users who exhibit characteristics of mental illness that could lead to violent behavior. This is part of the initiative to create a Health Advanced Research Project Agency (HARPA), which got a renewed push after August shootings in El Paso and Dayton.

Chinese-American Family in Nebraska Destroyed as Teenage Daughters Medically Kidnapped and Sex Trafficked by CPS

They were Chinese medical scholars continuing their education and careers in the U.S. Yang Wang, who upon obtaining her U.S. citizenship changed her name to Catherine Anderson to have an easier name for Americans to pronounce, graduated from Fudan University in Shanghai, one of the top universities in China, and reportedly harder to gain entrance than Harvard University in the U.S. Her husband, whose last name is also "Wang" but unrelated outside of marriage, graduated from one of the top medical schools in China, Capital Medical University in Beijing. They obtained student visas to continue their education in the U.S. Catherine went on to obtain two Masters degrees, one as a Clinical Nurse Specialist from Maryland, and another one as a Family Nurse Practitioner from the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Her husband obtained his Nebraska physician license when he started his residency in Creighton Medical School in the Pathology Department, and became the Chief resident and was retained as a faculty member at Creighton after his graduation. Two beautiful daughters were born to them while residing in Nebraska. Both went on to become honor students in high school, ranking number 1 in their classes, following in their parents footsteps to achieve academic excellence and preparing for college at the age of 14. Unbeknownst to them, tragically, they had settled in a part of the U.S. that is known for one the largest child sex trafficking scandals ever uncovered and then buried in U.S. history: the Franklin Cover-up story centered around Boys Town. Catherine learned that her oldest daughter was developing an unhealthy relationship with one of her male high school teachers outside of class, and eventually learned that this teacher was "counseling" her on "sexual identity issues." After finding inappropriate text messages on her daughter's phone, she reported the teacher to law enforcement. What followed next is every parent's worst nightmare. Instead of investigating the teacher, Catherine became the focus of investigation, and not only did Nebraska CPS take custody of her older daughter who was then 16, but they seized her younger 15-year-old daughter as well, against the wish of the younger daughter who had no complaints against her mother and wanted to stay home where she felt safe. The tragic story that follows is a story about how one mother fought as hard as she could to get her daughters back, not realizing in the beginning that she was fighting an apparent child sex trafficking ring that allegedly brings in more money to the state of Nebraska than any other business. She has spent more than a quarter of a million dollars in legal fees fighting for her daughters, and has had her career destroyed. Her youngest daughter went from honor roll high school student preparing for college to being forced into a life of prostitution and being sexually trafficked, while every government agency she contracted to try and end this nightmare just stood by and watched. Welcome to the new America.

Dr. Meryl Nass: Why are Legislatures Imposing Vaccine Mandates Now?

I am a veteran of the vaccine war in the US, and today I feel compelled to speak about what I saw in that war.  Legislators were forced to change their votes to revoke vaccine exemptions and rescind the historic right to consent to medical procedures. The vaccine war is a dirty war, in which platitudes about protecting the most vulnerable are invoked by the same pharmaceutical companies that paid $2.7 billion in criminal penalties in the US between 2012 and 2015. The vaccine industry generates enormous profits (estimated 10-40%), benefits from a government-guaranteed market, and receives almost total liability protection.  No other industry can rival these benefits. Let me add context to this discussion by noting that in 2014, the NY Times said it cost $2200 to fully vaccinate one child. At that price, it cost $163 billion dollars to fully vaccinate every US child. Vaccine mandates guarantee a vaccine market, now and in the future. Mandates put in place today will enforce the uptake of vaccines on the currently required list, plus other vaccines yet to be added. 

Big Pharma Reeling Over Opioid Criminal Charges – Why Would we Trust These Companies to Produce Safe Vaccines?

Del Bigtree and reporter Jefferey Jaxen covered the recent national news regarding the opioid criminal charges against Big Pharma. Purdue Pharma is trying to file for bankruptcy to avoid more legal litigation, and Johnson and Johnson is facing serious charges of criminal intent over OxyContin. Johnson and Johnson was also just convicted of including asbestos in its popular baby powder product. This raises the question as to why the public is asked to believe that one class of pharmaceutical products is supposedly immune from the criminal intentions of Big Pharma, as they claim that these products are completely "safe and effective": vaccines.

Eli Lilly Paid $20 Million in Hush Money Over Prozac Mass Shooting Lawsuit

The Louisville Courier Journal reports that thirty years after Joseph Wesbecker went on a deadly shooting rampage in Louisville Kentucky, on September 14, 1989, the families and survivors of his actions have finally come forward to tell the truth. They were plaintiffs in a lawsuit against Eli Lilly because they had reason to believe that Prozac, manufactured by Lilly, had been the trigger that propelled Wesbecker on his violent rampage. Eli Lilly had paid these plaintiffs $20 million in hush money to conceal damaging evidence about Lilly’s culpability in marketing defective, deadly drugs from the jury in the Wesbecker- Eli Lilly trial. "On the eve of the jury’s verdict, which absolved Lilly of liability, the company made the secret payment without telling the judge overseeing the case. In exchange for the payment, the plaintiffs – eight estates and 11 survivors – agreed to withhold damaging evidence about the arthritis drug Oraflex that Lilly withdrew from the market. Lilly pleaded guilty to 25 criminal misdemeanor counts for failing to report adverse reactions that patients suffered from the drug, and the drug company feared that the Prozac jury would be more inclined to rule against the drugmaker if it learned of it." Circuit Judge John Potter, the judge in the case, suspected that Lilly bribed plaintiffs and their lawyers before the jury verdict. He uncovered evidence of bribery, and fought Eli Lilly for years but failed to obtain the terms of the deal. Lilly succeeded in keeping its criminal action from a judicial proceeding. As is Eli Lilly’s norm and practice; it trashed the judge for his pursuit of the truth.

Missouri Farmer Who Ran Largest Organic Food Fraud Scheme in U.S. History Takes Own Life Instead of Reporting to Prison

Last month (August, 2019), U.S. District Judge C.J. Williams sentenced Missouri farmer Randy Constant to 10 years in prison in what is reportedly the largest organic food fraud scheme in U.S. history. Judge Williams gave shorter prison terms to three Overton, Nebraska, farmers whom Constant recruited to join the scheme. According to the Associated Press: "The farmers reaped more than $120 million in proceeds from sales of the tainted grain. The scheme may have involved up to 7 percent of organic corn grown in the U.S. in 2016 and 8 percent of the organic soybeans, prosecutors said. 'Thousands upon thousands of consumers paid for products they did not get and paid for products they did not want,' Williams said. 'This has caused incalculable damage to the confidence the American public has in organic products.' Williams said the scam harmed other organic farmers who were playing by the rules but could not compete with the low prices offered by Constant’s Iowa-based grain brokerage, and middlemen who unknowingly purchased and marketed tainted organic grain." Randy Constant reportedly never showed up to serve his prison term, but committed suicide instead.

Communist China’s Social Credit Score System being Implemented in U.S. by Silicon Valley?

Recently we reported that China's new Social Credit Score system resulted in millions of Chinese citizens being banned from public travel due to social credit scores that were too low. According to China's new Social Credit Scores, “Bad behavior” can lower an individual’s social credit score, and “good behavior” can increase it. Reported examples of “bad behavior” include: playing too many video games, spreading “fake news,” drinking too much, walking your dog without a leash, smoking where you are not supposed to, or simply being too noisy on a train or bus. In that article we asked: "Could something like this be implemented in the United States?" According to Mike Elgan, writing for Fast Company, such a system is already being developed here in the U.S. by Silicon Valley technology companies, apart from the U.S. Government. Is the American public going to allow the Technology giants to determine what is proper social behavior, who is qualified to hold political offices, and what is fake news and what is not? Will it take massive protests (hopefully peaceful!) in streets as we have recently seen in Hong Kong to turn the tide against technology tyranny here in the U.S.?

Self-Appointed Internet Police Declare MedicalKidnap.com and DOJ Vaccine Court Reports Fake News

Health Impact News was recently contacted by John Gregory, a medical reporter working for the company NewsGuard, a self-appointed Internet policing group that awards "nutrition badge" ratings for websites determining if they are "reliable" or not. Mr. Gregory accused me right up front of publishing "false" claims, and asked me to comment on a list of articles in our network that he determined were "false." Curiously, one of the articles he chose to exhibit as something published that was "false" was one of our articles on the Department of Justice quarterly reports on compensated cases for vaccine injuries and deaths in the U.S. Vaccine Court, submitted every three months to the federal government Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines (ACCV) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The article is reporting what is public information from government sources. When they gave Health Impact News a negative rating, they even gave a negative rating to Created4Health.org, which is not even a news site but a site where I publish my devotional articles based on Bible studies. They also gave a negative rating to MedicalKidnap.com. Mr Gregory accused us of simply taking unverified social media posts from parents who claimed their children were being kidnapped by the state, and asked us if we even bothered to verify their stories. There is strong evidence that NewsGuard is comprised of "old-school journalists" who represent corporate interests, and are doing everything they can to squelch free speech on the Internet, especially in social media platforms. Health Impact News provides a free service to the public that often is seldom found elsewhere, and that is especially true with our Medical Kidnapping stories, where we are one of the few places parents can come to and find a platform to tell the world what is happening to America's children who are being kidnapped by the State, and often end up being sexually trafficked. What a shame it would be if the corporate censorship forces get their way. What can you do to fight corporate censorship?

Georgia Court of Appeals Blasts Judge in Juvenile Court that Denied Parents Justice Forcing them to Flee the State to Keep Their Children

The Reveal, a weekly news show at Alive 11 news in Atlanta, has published a report about judicial corruption in Georgia's Juvenile Court, highlighting a case where parents were denied their Constitutional rights, forcing them the flee the state to try and prevent the state from kidnapping their children. Judge Tripp Self from the Georgia Court of Appeals wrote in their decision: "We agree with the parents’ view that this ‘case is about much more than its individual facts. It is about the American legal system, about what our state and country require for every person brought before a court: fairness, respect, and a judicial system that should protect its citizens.’" Chief Judge Stephen Dillard went on to call the state’s justification for removing the children, “nonsense on stilts,” citing case law declaring parenting to be “a fiercely guarded right … that should be infringed upon only under the most compelling circumstances.” This story is all too typical of the kinds of stories we have been reporting at Health Impact News for years now, where parents are often denied due process and their Constitutional rights in family courts where decisions are made to remove their children. The judge in the case, County Juvenile Court Judge Joseph Wyant, used the excuse of "imminent danger" to order the removal of the children, even though the children's lives were allegedly not in imminent danger. The parents were denied legal representation and the opportunity to call their own witnesses and to cross examine the Division of Family and Children Services' (DFCS) witnesses. So feeling they had no options left in a corrupt judicial system, the parents packed up their children and fled the state. “I’m sure there are going to be people who are going to be judgmental and be like, 'You were stupid. You put their lives in danger.' Everyone knows in the back of their minds, if you have children, you would probably do the same thing,” said Martha.

China Boasts of Restricting Millions from Public Travel Due to Low Social Credit Scores

The Chinese government operated English news site, Global Times, tweeted recently that the government had restricted 2.56 million people from purchasing plane tickets, and 90,000 people from buying high-speed rail tickets during the month of July, due to too low of a social credit score. China's new social credit system will be fully operational by 2020, but it is apparently already in place across China. Like a person's financial credit score, a social credit score can move up or down based on your social behavior. In recent years, China has increasingly monitored its citizens activities through social media, and extensive facial recognition software. "Bad behavior" can lower an individual's social credit score, and "good behavior" can increase it. Reported examples of "bad behavior" include: playing too many video games, spreading “fake news,” drinking too much, walking your dog without a leash, smoking where you are not supposed to, or simply being too noisy on a train or bus. Besides banning you from riding an airplane or train, other ways China can restrict its citizens for having too low of a social credit score include: throttling your internet speeds, banning you — or your kids — from the best schools, stopping you getting the best jobs, keeping you out of the best hotels, getting your dog taken away, or being publicly named as a bad citizen. Could something like this be implemented in the United States? Most of the major corporate-media outlets in the U.S. have reported about China's new social credit system as something negative, but I did find one exception. The Washington Post published an article last year titled: "The West may be wrong about China’s social credit system." The Washington Post is now owned by Jeff Bezos, founder and owner of Amazon.com. Amazon.com is also selling facial recognition software in the U.S. to law enforcement and governments.

New Monsanto Papers Reveal that Congress Relied Upon ‘Ghostwriting’ Documents Used by Regulators for Years

The U.S. law firm of Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman added 100+ new documents to the Monsanto Papers on Thursday. The new Monsanto Papers documents are available for review via the Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman website. Prior to, during, and after the first three Monsanto Roundup trials, Baum Hedlund worked to declassify and publish internal Monsanto documents pursuant to the protective orders entered in the cases. The latest batch of Monsanto Papers documents were de-designated on March 1 and July 22. Among other things, the Monsanto Papers show: Monsanto purposefully ghostwrote articles that regulators have been relying on for years. Monsanto orchestrated attacks against the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and its members for concluding glyphosate is a probable human carcinogen. Monsanto hid its own consultant’s conclusions that Roundup causes DNA damage. Monsanto hid data showing Roundup penetrates skin at greater rates than reported to regulators. Monsanto influenced EPA officials to arrive at pro-Roundup conclusions.

The 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability Summit is Online and FREE

You may have heard of 5G, it stands for fifth-generation cellular wireless. In a February 2019 US Senate hearing, the wireless industry was forced to admit they have no safety studies on 5G, and don’t plan to do any. Meanwhile, there are thousands of independent studies concluding that wireless radiation causes biological harm. Despite this, the wireless industry is working with government to deploy 5G — it’s a global, for-profit, human experiment… without our consent. What does it mean? Millions of “small” cell towers will be added to every block (which is a serious privacy concern). Each tower emitting radiation at levels known to cause cancer, sterility, DNA damage and other harm… especially to our children, who are most at risk. The 5G Crisis: Awareness & Accountability summit is online and FREE!

Breaking the Gaming Addiction: One Doctor Stepped in and Helped His Son by Smashing his Xbox

It’s not every day your son smiles while beating up his Xbox. Theo literally enjoyed it. We tried many ways to regulate gaming time. It was always a source of arguments. Finally, I unplugged it yesterday after thinking about doing it for over a year. Not only did I unplug it, I broke it. My son didn’t know I busted it. He saw me take it out of his room. Later he asked me if I broke it. I said yes. Honestly, he seemed relieved. He wasn’t upset at all.

Kansas Mom Has Children Taken Away While Husband Dies in Jail for Using Medical Marijuana

A Eureka, Kansas couple reportedly had police enter their home recently without a warrant, based on what the police allegedly stated was a complaint from someone that they heard screaming from inside the home. Jennifer Hess answered the door and explained that no one was screaming, and attempted to close the door. Doug McVay, writing for FreedomLeaf.com reports: "At that point, they forced the door open. Two of them entered the house, and they demanded I go outside,” Hess tells Freedom Leaf. On June 14 on Facebook, she wrote: “They said they were getting a search warrant, alleging they had seen drug paraphernalia in the house.” Police searched the house and found “293 grams” (about 10 ounces) of cannabis, “all personal use.” Hess and Wilson both had medical conditions and used marijuana for that purpose, she said. “They made up a reason to come to my door, probably because there was no one we associate with to do a controlled buy.” Medical marijuana is legal in many U.S. States, but not Kansas. Jennifer and her husband Homer were arrested, and the two children, Ashton, 15, and Holden, 11, were put into protective custody. Two weeks later, with Homer having various medical conditions and being denied his medical marijuana, he died in jail. Facing criminal charges and having just lost her husband, Jennifer must now also fight to regain custody of her children. "On June 7, I was preparing to bond out and was taken to the interview room and informed by the Sheriff and a KBI agent that my husband had a medical emergency, and he didn’t make it. They proceeded to ask me questions about his health and habits, then left me in the interview room for about 30 minutes. Now, I’m separated from my kids and unable to be with them during this difficult time, and facing serious charges all alone. I’d like to know what makes us such a danger to society that my husband deserved to lose his life."

5800 Fake Families Found at Border – Children Brought Across Border to Feed Sex Trafficking Networks

Acting Commissioner of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Mark Morgan testified before the Senate Homeland Security Committee this week (July 30, 2019). In questioning by Committee Chairman Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin, Mark Morgan, who was also the top official at Customs and Border Protection during the Obama administration, revealed that a new pilot program began using DNA tests at the border to determine if the children coming across the border were, in fact, related to the adult accompanying them. Initial tests found 5800 fake families trying to cross the border. As we have reported previously here at Health Impact News, we don't have a major problem in the U.S. of separating children from their families at the border. We have a child sex trafficking problem, which is luring adults in the human trafficking business to bring children across the border, posing as their parents. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recently delivered the Trafficking in Persons report, which is created annually by the State Department to document human trafficking in the year prior. Geoff Rogers, co-founder of the United States Institute Against Human Trafficking (USIAHT), said in an interview with Fox News: “The United States is the No. 1 consumer of sex worldwide. So we are driving the demand as a society.” “We’re also driving the demand with our own people, with our own kids,” Rogers said. “So there are tremendous numbers of kids, a multitude of kids that are being sold as sex slaves today in America. These are American kids, American-born, 50 percent to 60 percent of them coming out of the foster care industry.” The problem of child sex trafficking should be a non-partisan issue, and the corporate "mainstream" media needs to stop portraying the problems with children at the borders as a problem with separating children from their parents. This is not the major problem this country is facing right now. The major problem is the lucrative child sex trafficking business, where children from American families are being put into foster care to feed this heinous business, and it draws in children from outside the U.S. as well. We need to abolish the foster care program in its present form, and dismantle the pedophile networks luring children across the border.

Adult Medical Kidnapping: Euthanizing America’s Seniors – Orlando Medical Guardian Resigns After Getting Caught, but How Many More Are There?

The Orlando Sentinel is reporting that professional guardian Rebecca Fierle has resigned after an investigation revealed that she had filed unauthorized “do not resuscitate" orders on almost all of her senior patients, against the wishes of the patient and their families. The investigation was prompted by the Orlando Sentinel's report that one of her patients died due to her "do not resuscitate" (DNR) order, even after the patient and family requested that the DNR be rescinded. The Sentinel reports: "A man died at a Tampa hospital after staff could not perform life-saving procedures because of a “do not resuscitate” order his Orlando guardian filed against his wishes, state investigators determined. The investigation into the final days of 75-year-old Steven Stryker of Cocoa caused Circuit Judge Janet C. Thorpe to seek the removal of his court-appointed guardian, Rebecca Fierle, from 95 Orange County cases at once in a hearing sealed from the media last week. Thorpe found Fierle had “abused her powers” by requesting that incapacitated clients not receive medical treatment if their heart or breathing stopped — without permission from their families or the court, records show. The investigation concluded that Fierle refused to remove the DNR despite Stryker’s desire for life-saving actions, and that her claims about his final wishes contradicted his daughter, friend and a psychiatrist." We applaud the work of the Orlando Sentinel, fulfilling their role as the media was originally intended to be: a voice educating the public on matters that government and medical authorities would prefer remain in secrecy. Too often in our own investigative work here at Health Impact News, we find that the corporate-sponsored media is the mouth-piece of the medical system and government, rather than exposing its corruption. If not for the investigative work of the Orlando Sentinel, this professional guardian working for the State of Florida may have continued to euthanize seniors against their wishes and the wishes of their families. Rebecca Fierle has now resigned and faces criminal charges, but how many more like her are still out there?