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    Data on Serious Hospital Errors Will Now Be Withheld from the Public

    Preventable medical mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the US, right after heart disease and cancer, claiming the lives of 210,000 Americans each year. More than two million people are affected by hospital-acquired infections each year, and 75,000-100,000 people die as a result of those infections. The federal government has quietly decided to “solve” the problem of hospital acquired conditions by burying the data.

      Dr. Brian Hooker: Father of Vaccine-damaged Child and His Relentless Pursuit to Expose Fraud at the CDC

      A top researcher employed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has come forward as a whistle-blower, confessing to his participation in actively covering up data that clearly links vaccines to autism. This is not a story the mainstream media (MSM) will be able to ignore for long. However, the MSM is heavily funded by the pharmaceutical industry, and the pharmaceutical industry has their appointed spokespersons on all of the major networks. The pharmaceutical industry is well-funded. They are perhaps the richest and most powerful group in the world here in the 21st Century. They will fight back and spin this story as best they can - you can be sure of it. What we will need are more whistle-blowers from the MSM. They will most certainly lose their jobs and careers if they become whistle-blowers, as Sharyl Attkisson, formerly of CBS News, lost her job. Others, like Ben Swann, have left the MSM to start their own independent reporting where they are more free to publish the truth on many issues, including vaccines and autism. Dr. Hooker is the father of a vaccine-injured child, and is a Ph.D. researcher. He has fought against the CDC for more than 12 years, using the Freedom of Information Act to try and gather as much data as he could from the studies that the CDC has published that claim there is no link between vaccines and autism. He has submitted much of the results of his own internal investigation of the CDC data on vaccines and autism to Congress. Congressman Bill Posey has assisted him in forcing the CDC to comply with many of these requests. After almost 12 years, his tireless pursuit of finding the truth that the CDC was hiding paid off, as the CDC finally handed over documents so that Dr. Hooker could look at the raw data that the CDC used to claim that there was no link between vaccines and autism. It took some Congressional pressure from Congressman Bill Posey to get this information. Dr. Hooker is hero, and I believe history will bear that out. He faces a tough road ahead, as he continues to analyze the CDC data that has been covered up and withheld from the public for so long. He needs our prayers and support during this time, as does Dr. Thompson the CDC whistle-blower. Dr. Hooker has clearly stated what his goal is his pursuit of getting the truth from the CDC: a safer vaccine schedule for children. Tens of thousands of children are damaged or killed by vaccines, as the government vaccine compensation program proves, and yet the CDC continues to promote a one-size-fits all vaccine schedule that sacrifices the lives of so many children. Read more about what Dr. Hooker is saying about the recently revealed whistle-blower and the damaging cover-up by the CDC.

        The Vaccine Autism Cover-up: How One Doctor’s Career was Destroyed for Telling the Truth

        In what is perhaps the biggest news event of the year (that the mainstream media does not want to cover), the full ramifications of Dr. William Thompson of the CDC coming forward as a whistleblower to confess that the CDC has covered up data linking vaccines to autism are yet to be seen. However, while blame and (hopefully) criminal complaints more than likely await many people who participated in this cover-up, there is one man who deserves honor, and to whom the mainstream media owes a huge apology to: Dr. Andrew Wakefield.

          CDC Whistleblower Emerges: Admits Coverup on Vaccine Link to Autism

          The CDC Whistleblower who came forward earlier this week to admit that the CDC had covered up evidence that vaccines are linked to Autism has been revealed as Dr. William Thompson. Dr. Thompson was a lead researcher and participant on several studies that were used by the CDC to supposedly prove that vaccines did not cause Autism.

            Ebola Virus: A Major Threat to the U.S. or Overhyped?

            For the third time in the history of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the agency has raised its level of emergency alertness to "Level 1"—this time in response to the Ebola virus, following outbreaks in West Africa. On August 8, the World Health Organization (WHO) also declared the Ebola outbreak an international public health emergency. The Ebola panic is very reminiscent of the 2005 bird flu hoax, and the 2009 H1N1 (swine flu) scare—another Level 1 "emergency" that turned out to be grossly hyped to promote the sales of unnecessary vaccines that turned out to be riddled with horrible side effects, including the devastating sleeping disorder, narcolepsy. Now, health officials warn that an Ebola outbreak in the US is just "one airline passenger away." While theoretically plausible, panic should be tempered by the fact that the American medical system is far better equipped to contain a non-airborne virus like Ebola, compared to West Africa. According to Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, it would be "extraordinarily unlikely that it will be an outbreak at all because of the way we take care of people, how we have the capability of isolating them, how we understand what one needs to do to protect the health care providers and the kinds of health care facilities we have." The fact is, the CDC is trumping up the fear factor, while simultaneously downplaying its own role in potentially creating a devastating outbreak through its own negligence. Mere weeks ago, the CDC was found to have accidentally released two dangerous pathogens: anthrax and H5N1 avian influenza. Dr. Thomas R. Frieden, head of the CDC, recently issued a report that admits to sloppy work ethics at the lab. If you ask me, we should probably be more afraid of what the CDC does with the Ebola virus than anything.

              ALS Ice Bucket Challenge: Do You Know What You Are Supporting?

              The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge to raise money for the ALS Association is sweeping the nation, and going viral in social media. However, do you know what you are supporting if you contribute funds to the ALS Association? Many people may be surprised to learn that only 27% of the Associations' funds are spent on research, with over 50% of its expenditures supporting salaries. Also, if you are pro-life, did you know that the ALS Association supports drug research utilizing stem cells from 8-week old aborted fetuses?

                China Blocks U.S. Pork Imports Due to Banned Animal Drug

                Ractopamine is a controversial animal drug that is banned in 160 countries, but not the United States. China is now refusing to allow several pork processing plants in the U.S. to import their meats which they say have tested positive for ractopamine.

                  Russian Officials Approve Fines for Individuals and Businesses Failing to Label GMOs

                  While the heavily funded Biotech industry along with major processed food companies in the U.S. continue to oppose any form of labeling requirements to allow consumers information on whether or not a product contains genetically modified ingredients, Russia is moving in the opposite direction, and now approving fines for failing to warn consumers that their products contain genetically modified ingredients.

                    Users Testify to Coconut Oil “Miracles” on WebMD

                    WebMD is the world's most visited "health" website. They derive their advertising from the pharmaceutical industry, so they have a pro-Pharma slant, as one can expect. It is not typically the place you would go to find information regarding alternative treatments to FDA approved pharmaceutical drugs. If you are contemplating using prescription drugs, it is a great place to get information about the medical industry's products. If however you are looking for information on products that are not approved as drugs by the FDA, their information will be highly biased. Due to the increasing popularity of coconut oil and its healing properties, WebMD now has a listing for coconut oil. It is listed in their vitamin and supplement section, since it is not approved as a drug, and since they generally do not provide any health information about foods. They give the standard pro-Pharma view of coconut oil, which is that, in their view, there are no approved claims for coconut oil. They also warn people that coconut oil could raise cholesterol levels and could be harmful, even while acknowledging that research actually shows the opposite, since coconut oil traditionally lowers LDL cholesterol while raising HDL cholesterol (a positive thing.) They also warn that if people eat too much coconut oil, since it is fat, that it could lead to weight gain. Interestingly, WebMD allows users to comment on these entries, presumably in a format where patients can comment on their own experiences with the vast array of drugs listed on their website. Read what users said about the "miraculous" properties of coconut oil in relation to Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, weight control, memory, mood swings, energy, dry skin, dental health, stopping seizures and more.

                      Will India be First Country to Revoke Marketing Licenses for HPV Vaccines?

                      A petition currently before the Supreme Court of India alleges that the Drugs Controller of India issued licenses for Gardasil and Cervarix without adequate research on safety as directed by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health and Family Welfare. Petition number 558/2012, filed by Kalpana Mehta, Nalini Bhanot and V. Rukmini Rao, seeks to resolve this and several other issues by asking the Supreme Court of India to rescind the licenses for marketing and administration of HPV vaccines, make provisions to identify and treat any girls left with chronic health problems and/or autoimmune disorders after their participation in HPV vaccine trials, blacklist the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH), and allow no other foreign agencies to have a field presence in India. Will India be the first country in the world to revoke the marketing licenses for Gardasil and Cervarix? Will the Supreme Court of India move to protect the health and welfare of their young citizens, or the interests of the HPV vaccine manufacturers? Will PATH and similar agencies be banned from operating in India? Will the victims of adverse reactions to HPV vaccines be located and treated? We can only hope these questions will be answered when the final hearing will take place.

                        Study: Low Salt Intake Associated with High Death Rates

                        An article in the New England Journal of Medicine (August 14, 2014) studied the sodium levels in 101,945 persons from 17 countries. The scientists examined the association between sodium excretion and the outcome of death and major cardiovascular events. Sodium excretion correlates directly with sodium ingestion. This article is another in a long-line of salt articles debunking the myth that we need to lower our salt intake. I have tested thousands of patients for their salt levels. I can assure you that the vast majority of patients are low in salt.

                          CDC Whistleblower: CDC Covered Up MMR Vaccine Link to Autism in African American Boys

                          A top research scientist working for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) played a key role in helping Dr. Brian Hooker of the Focus Autism Foundation uncover data manipulation by the CDC that obscured a higher incidence of autism in African-American boys. "We've missed ten years of research because the CDC is so paralyzed right now by anything related to autism. They're not doing what they should be doing because they're afraid to look for things that might be associated." The whistleblower alleges criminal wrongdoing of his supervisors, and he expressed deep regret about his role in helping the CDC hide data.

                            Unapproved but Effective Cancer Cures

                            The conventional cancer treatment system and the pharmaceutical companies that control it are dedicated to limiting the development of all other forms of cancer treatment. They have a chokehold on the development of alternative treatments, and they ruthlessly work together with the US FDA and various US government cancer research funding agencies to prevent new treatments from being approved for use by physicians. The reason is that most alternative cancer treatments are much less expensive than surgery, radiation, and chemo. They are also more effective and have many fewer (if any) unwanted side effects. The great fear of the pharmaceutical industry, and the vast cancer treatment system that it controls, is that a non-patentable and inexpensive cure for cancer might put them out of business. Sadly, these organizations exist to turn a profit from cancer treatment, which is measured in the billions of dollars every year. They are in the business of treating cancer not curing it. Alternative treatments for cancer have a history of curing cancer and it is this fact that big pharma wants to hide from the American public. Historically, many successful approaches have been developed for curing cancer. We give a review of many of the most popular ones here.

                              The Cancer Industry is Too Prosperous to Allow a Cure

                              We have lost the war on cancer. At the beginning of the last century, one person in twenty would get cancer. In the 1940s it was one out of every sixteen people. In the 1970s it was one person out of ten. Today one person out of three gets cancer in the course of their life. The cancer industry is probably the most prosperous business in the United States. In 2014, there will be an estimated 1,665,540 new cancer cases diagnosed and 585,720 cancer deaths in the US. $6 billion of tax-payer funds are cycled through various federal agencies for cancer research, such as the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The NCI states that the medical costs of cancer care are $125 billion, with a projected 39 percent increase to $173 billion by 2020. The simple fact is that the cancer industry employs too many people and produces too much income to allow a cure to be found. All of the current research on cancer drugs is based on the premise that the cancer market will grow, not shrink. John Thomas explains to us why the current cancer industry prospers while treating cancer, but cannot afford to cure it.

                                800,000 Die from Blindly Trusting Their Doctor’s Prescription for This Pre-Surgery Drug

                                European doctors may have caused as many as 800,000 deaths in five years by following the “standard of care” to use beta-blockers in non-cardiac surgery patients—a guideline based largely on discredited science.

                                  Adding Coconut Oil into Your Fitness Routine

                                  Fitness junkies, take note: you need coconut oil. Coconut oil straight up, in your protein-rich meals, protein shakes, snacks, pre-workout, post-workout fuel - whatever you choose. Coconut oil can be adapted into your style of eating and seriously enhance the results of the style of fitness you’re into, be it body building, toning, endurance, or general weight and muscle management. So why add coconut oil into your fitness routine? Coconut oil is a rich source of MCTs (medium chain triglycerides), a high-energy fuel that the body uses to prevent muscle loss, but take off body fat. Coconut oil has a lot of these MCTs. Eat it.

                                    Tylenol: The Killer Drug Your Children can Buy

                                    Is there any more doubt that acetaminophen (Tylenol) is the most dangerous over-the-counter drug ever allowed to be sold legally without a prescription? Consider the facts: Acetaminophen kills almost 500 people a year due to acute liver failure. Acetaminophen overdose is the leading cause for calls to Poison Control Centers - more than 100,000/year. Acetaminophen accounts for more than 56,000 emergency room visits, 2,600 hospitalizations. Acetaminophen poisoning causes nearly 50% of all acute liver failure in the United States. Acetaminophen is linked to fatal skin reactions. Acetaminophen causes a two-fold increased risk of blood cancer. Acetaminophen can cause an increase in autism, attention deficit with hyperactivity, and asthma when used with vaccines. And yet, any child can walk into a drug store or grocery store and buy it like candy. Alliance for Natural Health brings us the latest bad news on Tylenol: A study just published in JAMA Pediatrics finds that Tylenol (acetaminophen) taken by women during their pregnancy may raise the risk of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) and similar disorders in their children up to 40%—with the risk increasing the more acetaminophen the mother takes.

                                      Report: FDA Deliberately Deceptive – Poisoning Millions of Americans

                                      US consumers are in dark about mercury in dental products—and they are kept there deliberately by the government. This is documented in a new report being released this week by Consumers for Dental Choice called “Measurably Misleading: Evidence the FDA and Dental Industry are Deliberately Deceiving American Families about Mercury Dental Fillings and Why That Now Has International Consequences.” Mercury is a known neurotoxin, yet mercury fillings presents one of the largest consumer consumption of mercury worldwide, and dental amalgam represents the largest use of mercury in consumer products in the US. We’ve also been kept in in the dark about mercury in other consumer products because of the FDA. Thimerosal, a mercury compound often found in flu vaccines, is being ignored as a danger.

                                        Detox Your Liver with Homemade Lemon Water

                                        One of the drinks I routinely make for myself and my family in the mornings is lemon water. Not to be confused with "lemonade," a sweetened beverage, lemon water is a detoxifying health drink consisting of nothing but one whole lemon and warm water. Much of the research on lemon water's ability to detoxify the liver is centered around the antioxidant D-Limonene, which is more concentrated in the peel of the lemon. D-limonene has been shown to activate enzymes in the liver that lead to detoxification. It has also been shown to treat cancer.

                                          No Shots, No School, Not True! Exemptions Available in All 50 States

                                          It is back to school time, and along with that comes the push to vaccinate all school children. However, vaccines carry great risks and dangers. The U.S. government pays out millions of dollars to compensate vaccine injuries and deaths each year. We reported just this week about the tragic sudden death of a 12-year-old girl in Waukesha, Wisconsin, who died just hours after a Gardasil vaccine. As a parent, you need to research both sides of the vaccine debate so you can make an informed decision. You may be told that your child cannot attend school if they are not vaccinated, but this is not true. In spite of efforts of the Pro-Pharma lobby to take away parental choice when it comes to vaccines, all 50 U.S. states still offer vaccine exemptions. However, school officials and pediatricians who are pro-vaccine may either withhold this information from you, or even lie outright about it. The decision as to whether or not your child should receive any specific vaccine is a serious matter, so take some time to research each vaccine required for your child and know the risks. Then understand your state's laws when it comes to vaccine exemptions.