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    Making Your Own Fermented Berry Sauce

    With summer winding down, we are often finding ourselves surrounded by fruits and vegetables that need to be used up. The farmer’s markets are overflowing and perhaps our own backyard is giving up its own abundance. There are many ways to preserve berries. Processing berries at home has a few distinct advantages. For one, you get to control the ingredients. Starting with organic berries is crucial and a huge improvement over most store-bought conventional jams and spreads. Beyond making jam from your organically-sourced fruit, fruit sauce is another option. We are familiar with applesauce which is made by cooking peeled apples down into a thick sauce-like consistency. This can then be canned and stored away for winter. This fermented fruit sauce is different from the familiar applesauce in that it is raw, never cooked, and imbued with a starter culture which adds enzymes and probiotics. So, the nutrients of the berries are left intact when they might otherwise be lost in the cooking process, and the naturally occurring bacteria, enzymes, and vitamins in the berries are allowed to proliferate through the fermentation process.

      Dr. Oz Warns About Mercury in Flu Shots

      Dr. Oz spent considerable time covering the issue of thimerosal being used as a preservative in the annual flu vaccine. Thimerosal contains mercury, a well-known neuro-toxin. Dr. Oz interviewed Dr. Mark Hyman and former U.S. Senator and Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on his show to discuss mercury in vaccines. While it is certainly worthwhile to warn the public of the dangers of mercury in the flu vaccine, Marcella Piper-Terry of VaxTruth.org points out several facts regarding this issue that were not covered during the show, and how Dr. Oz did not exactly get his facts straight on a few things. Sadly, this is representative of the current level of knowledge concerning vaccines both among the mainstream media and modern-day physicians. Parents of vaccine-damaged children do their homework and research well, and in many cases are more educated on this issue than both the mass media and many doctors.

        When Biologists Think Like Engineers: How the Burgeoning Field of Systems Biology Supports Intelligent Design

        Opponents of the intelligent design (ID) approach to biology have sometimes argued that the ID perspective discourages scientific investigation. To the contrary, it can be argued that the most productive new paradigm in systems biology is actually much more compatible with a belief in the intelligent design of life than with a belief in neo-Darwinian evolution. This new paradigm in system biology, which has arisen in the past ten years or so, analyzes living systems in terms of systems engineering concepts such as design, information processing, optimization, and other explicitly teleological concepts. This new paradigm offers a successful, quantitative, predictive theory for biology. Although the main practitioners of the field attribute the presence of such things to the outworking of natural selection, they cannot avoid using design language and design concepts in their research, and a straightforward look at the field indicates it is really a design approach altogether.

          Are GMO Foods, Vaccines, and Big Pharma Producing an Infertile Generation?

          The U.S. fertility rates are at all-time record lows. Are we watching the leading edge of a slowly moving tidal wave of infertility? I wasn’t sure what is really happening with human fertility until I took a hard look at the data and the science. I now believe that there is strong reason to be concerned about the emerging trend of infertility. What is causing the current generation of child-bearing aged adults to become infertile?

            Baking Gluten Free Cookies with Coconut Flour

            Coconut flour is one of the trickiest, if not the trickiest, most finicky, temperamental, fickle gluten free flour to work with. However, when you get it right, coconut flour baked goods will be some of the best you’ve ever had, gluten free or otherwise. One of the hardest baked goods to transfer over to gluten free with coconut flour would be cookies. How do you do it? It’s either not the right texture, too crumbly, too dense, requires too many eggs or simply bakes up into sawdust. Here are some proven tips to making successful coconut flour cookies based on three textures: crispy cookies, cakey cookies, chewy cookies. I include 10 kitchen-proven recipes to get you started.

              CDC’s Purchase of $4 Billion of Vaccines a Conflict of Interest in Overseeing Vaccine Safety

              Do you trust the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to oversee vaccine safety, when they have an annual budget of over $4 billion to purchase vaccines from drug companies? In 2015, they want to increase that amount by another half a billion dollars. Dr. Brian Hooker says the CDC should not be trusted to oversee vaccine safety, and after 10 years of fighting legal battles with the CDC via Freedom of Information requests to secure raw data on vaccine safety studies, he now has solid evidence to back up his claim of fraud within the CDC. In a shocking news story that rocked the online world but was almost totally ignored by the mainstream media a couple of weeks ago, senior vaccine scientist Dr. William Thompson was revealed as a whistleblower within the CDC, admitting that the CDC had withheld information from a key study in 2004 that supposedly showed that the MMR childhood vaccine was safe. The CDC was forced to issue a response, and Dr. Hooker has now shown that the CDC response is clearly trying to cover up ethical lapses and explain away key data that was omitted from their original study. This data which was hidden from the public for more than 10 years was not favorable towards their own bias and what they wanted the public to believe about vaccines and autism. Dr. Hooker has clearly shown that the CDC has a conflict of interest, and cannot be trusted with research on vaccine safety when it is spending more than $4 billion of taxpayer funds to purchase vaccines from drug manufacturers. So what's next? Will this fraud within the CDC be allowed to continue? There are reports that there are other whistleblowers within the CDC that would like to come forward, but are too fearful at this point. Dr. William Thompson is now represented by one of the top whistleblower attorneys in the nation, and has reportedly turned over more than 1000 documents to Congressman Bill Posey. The pharmaceutical industry is the richest and most powerful political lobby in the world, however. Will there be enough members of Congress to come forward and oppose them? Does the American public even care enough about this issue to take action and threaten lawmakers who refuse to act and remove vaccine safety oversight from the CDC? Will they demand that taxpayer funds NOT be increased by over a half billion dollars next year to fund the purchase of more vaccines that are produced by pharmaceutical companies who are convicted criminals, and whose products have not been proven safe? More:

                Gardasil: The Decision I will Always Regret

                She was full of life UNTIL she received her first and only Gardasil vaccine and this is a decision I regret every second of every day – if only I could turn back the clock!

                  Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Vaccine Empire on Trial in India

                  While fraud and corruption are revealed on almost a daily basis now in the vaccine industry, the U.S. mainstream media continues to largely ignore such stories. Outside the U.S., however, the vaccine empires are beginning to crumble, and English versions of the news in mainstream outlets are available via the Internet. One such country is India, where the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and their vaccine empire are under fire, including a pending lawsuit currently being investigated by the India Supreme Court. Narayana Kumar of The Economic Times of India has just written a scathing report of fraud and scandals surrounding the Gates vaccine empire: Controversial vaccine studies: Why is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation under fire from critics in India? Kumar starts out his 4 page article by focusing on the current case before the India Supreme Court regarding deaths and injuries occurring during drug trials carried out over Merck's HPV vaccine Gardasil. Vaccine trials were conducted on thousands of girls between the ages of 9 and 15. Many of the girls fell ill, and at least 7 died, and the lawsuit is alleging that in most of these cases, the girls and their parents did not even know what kind of vaccine trial they were participating in. Unlike the U.S., victims of vaccine harm and fraud will get their day in court as the Supreme Court in India takes up the HPV Gardasil fraud claims. Also unlike the U.S., investigative reporters like Narayana Kumar are doing their job and publishing their findings in the mainstream media, informing the public.

                    Virgin Coconut Oil Beats Drugs in Treating Alzheimer’s

                    Alzheimer's Disease is a modern plague on the seniors in our society. More evidence continues to be published that Alzheimer's is primarily a prescription drug induced disease. Coconut oil is an alternative to toxic drugs that has shown tremendous results in helping or even reversing Alzheimer's disease. But your doctor will not likely know about either the causes of Alzheimer's disease, or how coconut oil can help. Here is what you need to know.

                      Over-Medication of Elderly Epidemic – Study Links Prescription Drugs to Alzheimer’s

                      A new study just published in the British Medical Journal reports that taking benzodiazepines, common drugs prescribed for anti-anxiety and insomnia, is associated with a higher risk of Alzheimer's disease. Common benzodiazepines include Valium (diazepam), Ativan (lorazepam), Xanax (alprazolam) and Klonopin (clonazepam). The authors of the study reported in the British Medical Journal that the use of benzodiazepines for three months or more was associated with a 51% increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. In an accompanying commentary written by Zosia Kmietowicz, it was pointed out that in 2012 the American Geriatrics Society had updated its list of inappropriate drugs for older people to include benzodiazepines, precisely because of their unwanted cognitive side effects. Yet almost half of the elderly population continues to be prescribed these dangerous medications, and are continuing to take them.

                        Grassfed Traditions Adds New Artisan Butters from Grass-fed Milk

                        Tropical Traditions announced two new lines of artisan butters crafted from the milk of grass-fed pastured cows in their GrassfedTraditions line of products. Allgäu pure German Butter is from family farms in the Allgäu region of Southern Germany. These families feed their cows only grass and grass hay. Using their local breed, the Allgäu brown cow, the herdsmen in the Allgäu mountain region safely guide the cows down from the mountains to spend the winters in their cozy barns, and are led back up to the Alps every spring. Nordic Creamery is family owned and operated making some of Wisconsin's finest gourmet, artisan butter from the milk of cows on pasture. Award-winning Cheesemaker and Buttermaker Al Bekkum and his family live on the Bekkum-Langaard Farmstead owned and operated by their family since immigration from Norway in 1917. The farm is located among other Norwegian settlers in Westby, Wisconsin within Vernon County's lush, green hills and valleys known as the Coulee Region. This un-glaciated land is recognized for its fertile soil and exceptional grazing land making their butter second to none. These butters are shipped in coolers to all 50 states.

                          How the FDA Deceives You About Mercury Amalgams

                          57 Percent of Americans Do Not Know Amalgam Contains Mercury! Why exactly is the FDA so opposed to informing the public about the true nature of amalgam? The answer is simple: because the agency has been penetrated through the revolving door that's so common in other industries. Just like Monsanto has penetrated the federal government's regulatory agencies, amalgam profit centers have penetrated and effectively lobbied the FDA to remain complacent on this issue.

                            Are Experimental Vaccines Growing in a GMO Corn Field Near You?

                            With more and more people waking up to the dangers and false claims being made for vaccines today, it is becoming more difficult for the pharmaceutical lobbyists to enact mandatory vaccination laws at the local level. A recent bill in Colorado was defeated when citizens turned out to oppose legislation that would have prohibited vaccine exemptions. Are pharmaceutical companies now looking for new ways to market their vaccines that bypass the freedom to choose completely without the consumer even realizing they are consuming their products? The chemical industry, after all, has been successful for years in getting municipalities to put fluoride in public water supplies completely bypassing consumer choice. Recently obtained information through a freedom of information act shows that pharmaceutical companies and biotech are teaming up to produce genetically modified corn that will contain vaccines like hepatitis B. There are secret locations along California's Central Coast where plots of experimental genetically engineered corn are producing proteins for industrial and pharmaceutical uses, including an experimental vaccine for hepatitis B.

                              Guatemala Strikes Down ‘Monsanto Law’

                              In a close vote, Guatemala's Congress rejects genetically modified seeds in country's agricultural development. The law would have authorized stricter property rights and risked monopolizing agricultural processes in the country by placing copyrights on agriculture for the next 25 years.

                                Ebola: WHO Turns To Experimental Drugs, But Not Proven Natural Remedies

                                As the world starts looking to invest millions of dollars for ebola drugs, the Catch-22 of drug economics (no one will spend the exorbitant sums needed to run clinical trials if the product can’t be patented and turned into a huge money-maker) practically ensures that natural treatments will be ignored. But could some of our oldest natural antivirals be used at least to inhibit the transfer of the virus—or even cure it? Silver has also showed great promise as an antiviral, in both attacking the virus and in inhibiting transmission. So far, silver has been tested on HIV and herpes. Silver has also been used to clear HPV warts; inhibit the replication of the hepatitis B virus; kill the H1N1 virus; fight ocular infection; and kill the tacaribe virus, which also causes hemorrhagic fever, as well as the bacteriophage viral strain. Since disinfecting contaminated environments is the most effective method of halting Ebola’s spread, silver could be a most potent weapon in the battle. But we don’t see the WHO getting behind anything natural, whether effective or not.

                                  Judge: Lawsuit Against Merck’s MMR Vaccine Fraud to Continue

                                  In a recent story that no mainstream media outlet reported, a Pennsylvania federal judge ruled in favor of whistleblowers who have accused Merck of lying about the efficacy of its mumps vaccine (currently only available in combo with MMR). We had to find this story posted on a couple of websites representing lawyers. The lawsuit is brought by two whistleblowers, virologists who worked for Merck and are accusing Merck of lying about the effectiveness of the mumps vaccine. This story did garner mainstream news coverage back in 2012, before Merck's attorneys appealed and tried to get the case thrown out of court. This week, U.S. District Judge C. Darnell Jones II ruled that the whistleblowers had sufficiently pled that Merck might have provided false statements to the government and that the direct purchasers had shown enough evidence to establish that these falsehoods could have helped the company gain a monopoly. It is certainly understandable why the mainstream media does not want to touch this story, given the fact that one of the lead authors on a CDC published study in 2004 has also become a whistleblower, stating that the CDC withheld data from the public linking the MMR vaccine to a higher rate of autism among some children, specifically African American boys.

                                    Researchers Ran a Massive Yearlong Experiment to Get Bacteria to Evolve. Guess What Happened?

                                    It's a struggle out there. You have to be fit to survive. When the pressure is on, nature favors the ones who can take the heat. It's a theme that has been drummed into our heads since school. It's a cultural meme. Social Darwinists used it to justify atrocities. Today's kinder, gentler Darwinists downplay the violence in the struggle for existence, yet the fact as they see it is inescapable: environmental circumstances select random genetic mutations that confer fitness, i.e., survival, by allowing organisms to adapt. That in a nutshell explains the development of complex life forms. We're assured there are gobs of evidence for it, too. Looking into a recent paper in PNAS about evolutionary fitness tradeoffs, you have to feel sorry for a team of five evolutionists from UC Irvine who did their level best to produce clear evidence for the favored story.

                                      Baking Soda & Coconut Oil Cleanser for Problem Skin

                                      Using a facial cleanser as a part of your daily skin care ritual is one of the essential outward practices to maintaining clean, healthy skin. Many acne–fighting and exfoliating facial cleansers and masks contain little beads to help “polish” the skin by taking dead layers off, while a creamy and cleaning base should help moisturize and condition. Instead of shelling out money and being wasteful in the process of trial and error in trying to find a product that works for your skin, try making it at home with only two ingredients you probably already have: coconut oil and baking soda. Not only are these two ingredients readily available, they are also highly effective in treating problematic skin. Unlike all the fillers and toxic ingredients in normal store-bought cosmetics, these two ingredients are not only safe for your skin, but safe to be eaten as well.

                                        Study to Look at High Fat Diet’s Effect on Parkinson’s Patients

                                        The National College of Natural Medicine in Portland Oregon is teaming up with a local hospital to study the effects of the low-carb high-fat ketogenic diet on Parkinson's patients. We have reported in the past how Parkinson's sufferers have experienced relief when consuming large amounts of coconut oil.

                                          Is a Low-Carb Diet Ruining Your Health?

                                          Chris Kresser is a practitioner of functional and integrative medicine and a licensed acupuncturist who blogs and is a very popular writer. A nutritionist on his staff, Laura Schoenfeld, caused quite a controversy recently with a blog post titled: Is a Low-Carb Diet Ruining Your Health? The low-carb "paleo" diet followers have reached a cult-like following in recent times, and it seems Schoenfeld had crossed a "holy" line in suggesting that not everyone does well on a low-carb diet. Many in the "paleo" diet crowd believe that carbohydrates have no place in human nutrition at all. Schoenfeld gave reasons from her own clinical practice as to why she feels not everyone does well on a low-carb diet, and listed several types of people that seem to do better with at least a moderate amount of carbohydrates in their diet. The article generated so many comments, that Kresser added his own blog post to the topic: 7 Things Everyone Should Know About Low-Carb Diets.