Comments by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

We continue to bring to the public stories of those who chose to receive an injection from an experimental COVID-19 shot and are now dead.

All of these people believed what the media and government health authorities were telling them. They wore masks and complied with other COVID measures, in some cases ridiculing those who did not.

But they paid the ultimate price for their belief in the shots, and the claims that were made regarding them.

We want to put names and faces on the cold statistics where millions now have suffered from injuries, or are no longer alive after getting a COVID-19 shot.

This is the chance you take when you comply with social pressure or mandates from employers to receive a shot for a virus that even if it exists, is no more deadly than the annual influenza, and far less deadly than other things killing people every day, such as heart disease, cancer, car accidents, etc.

Davide Bristot: 18-year-old Italian volleyball player dead 27 days after first Pfizer mRNA shot

by The COVID Blog

SEDICO, VENETO — An 18-year-old Italian volleyball player is dead and Italian prosecutors are, again, threatening manslaughter charges against doctors.

Mr. Davide Bristot (spelled “Bistrot” in some Italian media) received the first injection of experimental Pfizer mRNA on June 17, according to True News.

He suffered no immediate adverse effects. But around July 10, he started experiencing debilitating headaches. The Corriere Del Veneto reported that Mr. Bristot was hanging out with friends at a pizzeria on Tuesday, July 13. Not only had the headaches persisted for several days, but he vomited at least twice that night.

Davide’s parents, Paolo and Barbara Bristot, took him to the Belluno Hospital at about 10:30 p.m. that evening. Doctors did a few clinical tests and placed an IV (“drip”) in his arm for an hour before discharging him.

They said he was a healthy, 18-year-old athletic man so nothing more could possibly be wrong. Davide went to sleep immediately when he got home.

Barbara grew suspicious the next morning when Davide didn’t come out of his room at all. She opened his door and discovered her son’s lifeless body at the foot of his bed, Wednesday morning, July 14.

Same song from Italian prosecutors

Luca Zaia, the president of the Veneto region in Italy, sent a team of inspectors to the Belluno hospital late last week. They were tasked with investigating the methods and procedures used on Davide the night before his death.

But they have already ruled out the experimental mRNA injection as the cause of death.

Belluno Deputy Prosecutor Alberto Primavera opened a potential manslaughter investigation. But we’ve seen this all bark, no bite mentality from Italian prosecutors throughout 2021.

Syracuse prosecutors opened a manslaughter investigation against the doctor and nurse that administered the AstraZeneca shot to navy officer Stefano Paternò. He died 24 hours after the injection.

Gela prosecutors said they were investigating the death of Mrs. Zelia Guzzo. She was brain dead 15 days after the AstraZeneca injection. But nobody has been held to account from any of these investigations.

Davide Bristot would have started his final year of high school in September. He and his family are steeped in Italian volleyball tradition.

Paolo, Davide’s father, played for the Italian national volleyball team. Alessandro Bristot, Davide’s younger brother, plays for the Italian Under-17 national team. Davide was a striker in volleyball. The Italian Volleyball Federation sent condolences to the family.

Read the full story at The COVID Blog.

Maxime Beltra: 22-year-old French man dead nine hours after first experimental Pfizer mRNA injection

The COVID Blog

SÉTE, HÉRAULT — A 22-year-old man is dead, and authorities appear to be blaming food allergies.

Mr. Maxime Beltra received the first dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA on Monday, July 26 at around 2 p.m. local time, according to a video by his father, Frédéric Beltra. The image of the EU Digital COVID certificate is a bit hard to read because it’s a screenshot from a video. But you can clearly see Maxime’s name on the top right and the date on the bottom right.

La Chaîne Info (LCI) reported that Maxime went to a restaurant with friends after receiving the injection. Maxime’s sister called Frédéric at 10 p.m. and told him that Maxime was suffering a “violent” allergic reaction of some sort. Paramedics tried saving Maxime, to no avail. He passed away at 11 p.m., nine hours after the Pfizer injection.

Father’s video goes viral

Parts of Frédéric’s video have been (crudely) translated from French to English. Note, anyone reading this who can speak French and English can please listen and post a full translation in the comments. Here is part of what Frédéric is saying:

Maxime just wanted to live. He was my only son and he died, killed by a shit vaccine that was never validated or properly tested, only nine hours after injection, under the horrified look of carers who have nothing to curb the consequences of the violent anaphylactic shock that killed him. He had to get vaccinated so he could go on vacation to Greece, with his friend.
It is criminal to put on the market vaccines which have not been certified, which have not been verified, which kill 22-year-old young people in great shape with a kind of corruption to vomit from our elites. For a virus that kills less than 1% of the population, we are in the process of vaccinating all of humanity with treatments that have never been thoroughly examined and whose side effects we do not know

The full video, originally shared on Twitter by a French journalist, is embedded below.

Read the full story at The COVID Blog.

Larry Dietrich: 64-year-old Syracuse (NY) retired journalist dead 12 weeks after second Moderna mRNA injection

by The COVID Blog

SYRACUSE, NEW YORK — A 64-year-old former journalist and newspaper editor is dead in what is becoming a disturbing pattern in Upstate New York.

Mr. Larry Dietrich received his second experimental Moderna mRNA injection on April 24, according to his Facebook page. He also announced the injection on Twitter. Mr. Dietrich celebrated being a “fully vaccinated” family once his son received injection number-2. Friends and colleagues, some of whom referred to themselves as “Moderna groupies,” celebrated the “great feeling” of being fully-vaccinated.

Mr. Dietrich suffered no apparent adverse reactions. Or at least he did not talk about them on social media. But he was a loyal mask-wearer to the end, implying on June 2 that those who do not wear masks over their nose and mouth put others at risk.

Mr. Dietrich was sporadic on social media. He typically posted on Facebook 5-6 times per month. His Twitter activity is more interesting. He tweeted 21 times in January 2021 and nine times in February, according to Social Blade. But there were -95 (that’s negative 95) tweets in March, which would have been the month he received the first Moderna shot.

There’s no archive of his Twitter account, thus no way of knowing what those tweets said. Mr. Dietrich last posted on Facebook on June 17. There were only two tweets after June 4 – one a retweet and his last one on July 8 that says only “L Pop I.” He passed away on July 20.

What’s going on in Upstate New York?

Granted we are a small blog with small (but growing) sample sizes. We also happen to have a reliable contact in that area who finds these stories and reports them to us.

The first one was 53-year-old Syracuse teacher’s union president Bill Scott. He died 10 weeks after the second Pfizer shot. Mr. Scott is the first story that we labeled a “near-term death.” Though the time range is fluid, these individuals typically die anywhere from nine to 12 weeks after their second injections.

Jeff Kimpland is the 53-year-old Syracuse musician who died nine weeks after the Johnson & Johnson injection. We covered near-term “vaccine” deaths in ChicagoOhioNew Jersey and elsewhere. But Mr. Dietrich is now the third one in Syracuse since April.

Mr. Dietrich was a journalist and editor at Syracuse-area publications for the last 32 years. He is survived by three adult children.

Read the full article at The COVID Blog.

Anna Biafora: 49-year-old Italian woman in intensive care for three weeks, dead four weeks after first AstraZeneca injection

by The COVID Blog

VERZINO, CALABRIA — A 49-year-old mother of three and agricultural entrepreneur is dead as Italian prosecutors open yet another phony “manslaughter investigation.”

Ms. Anna Biafora received the first experimental AstraZeneca injection at a Crotone Red Cross Center on May 30, according to Gazzetta Del Sud – Catanzaro. She went to the San Giovanni di Dio emergency room on June 7 complaining of severe stomach pain. Doctor discharged her 15 hours later with some Pepto Bismol and a gastritis diagnosis. But Ms. Biafora knew there was something seriously wrong with her.

She returned to the emergency room the following day. Doctors admitted her to the civil hospital and ran a battery of tests. They found several blood clots in her intestinal arteries. The blockages led to intestinal ischemia and infarction. In other words, large amounts of intestinal tissue was suffocated to death, placing Ms. Biafora in a life-threatening condition.

Doctors transferred her to the intensive care unit (ICU) and performed several “interventions,” according to media reports. It’s unclear if she received emergency surgery. But the interventions caused her condition to deteriorate further. Ms. Biafora remained in ICU for 19 days until she passed away on Monday, June 27.

Same song and dance by Italian prosecutors

Italy, by far, leads the world in prosecutorial theater related to “vaccine” deaths and adverse reactions. We’ve frankly lost count of the number of times Italian prosecutors opened “manslaughter investigations” against doctors and others after someone dies from experimental AstraZeneca and Pfizer injections. Nobody has been held accountable thus far as a result of these prosecutions. But at least they are consistent in their acts.

Crotone Deputy Prosecutor Pasquale Festa opened a manslaughter investigation after the Biafora family filed a complaint. They believe doctors acted negligently and/or deliberately indifferent by discharging Ms. Biafora the first time she went to the emergency room. The case was also reported to the Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA).

Meanwhile Festa ordered an autopsy that was completed on July 5. However the results will not be known until October.

Read the full article at The COVID Blog.

Michael Mitchell: 65-year-old “Braveheart” actor receives both Sinovac injections, then third Pfizer “booster” shot, dead six days later

by The COVID Blog

FETHIYE, TURKEY — A 65-year-old actor, bodybuilder and former Mr. Universe is dead after proudly admitting his voluntary guinea pig status.

Mr. Michael Mitchell received his first experimental Sinovac Coronavac “inactivated virus” injection on February 22, according to his Facebook page. Coronavac is used pretty much everywhere (including Mexico and the Philippines) except the United States, Russia and Western Europe. He received the second injection on March 20. He reported no apparent adverse effects. But Mr. Mitchell and a friend immediately wondered if the China-made Coronavac injections would suffice for international travel.

Virtue signaling commences

Note that Mr. Mitchell’s entire Facebook page was scrubbed of all posts sometime this past weekend. Only one post remains – his wedding announcement from 2013. But the virtue signaling was very strong after the second injection. Mr. Mitchell posted an image of Charlie Brown on March 31 that said “Good grief, just wear the mask.”

He wrote on April 22 that COVID cases were up in Turkey because of “dimwits that don’t wear masks and social distance.”

He posted the proverbial “fully vaccinated” banner on his profile photo on May 2. His May 5 update responded to people telling him he should not have received the experimental injections. Mr. Mitchell posted disinformation, saying that only 0.005% of all recipients of experimental injections suffered adverse reactions.

Mr. Mitchell appeared to celebrate what he considered good news on June 2 – that the World Health Organization (WHO) apparently approved Sinovac as a legitimate “vaccine.”

Fatal injection

The Sinovac approval was not enough to satisfy Mr. Mitchell. He announced on July 16 that he received a “third jab,” the experimental Pfizer mRNA injection. He also admitted being a guinea pig for pharmaceutical companies.

Five days later, he posted a lengthy update trying to justify his own behaviors and actions. He’d been wearing masks since last year to be “considerate to others for the common good.”

Mr. Mitchell said, among other things, that wearing a mask isn’t a sign of weakness, but instead shows he is “caring and responsible.” Several of his friends agreed and commented accordingly.

The final sentence in the July 21 post reads, “P.S. I have had three vaccinations of different brands, so we may learn more about a way forward.”

Mr. Mitchell died the next day, Friday, July 22 in a marina cabin near his house boat. The marina manager checked on the actor after he was inside the cabin for an unusually long time. Mr. Mitchell was found unresponsive, lying on the floor.

Some media reports say it was “natural causes.” Others are saying heart attack. Mr. Mitchell was best known for his acting roles in the films “Gladiator,” “Braveheart,” and “City of Hell.” He also won several bodybuilding competitions. Deadline reported he is survived by his wife and “several” children.

Expect more cover-ups as body count grows

We took all screenshots from Mr. Mitchell’s Facebook page last week, in anticipation of writing this article. But now it appears Facebook and mainstream media are trying to hide history and facts. Mr. Mitchell is not only the first high-profile “third booster shot” case study, but also at least the second case of high-profile censorship in a week.

There was an uptick in traffic to our story about Atlanta news anchor Jovita Moore. That’s because her former employer announced that she has aggressive brain cancer and is unlikely to ever return to the air. No mainstream media news story about Ms. Moore mentions that she received the second Pfizer injection less than two weeks before falling ill. As a matter of public concern, it is the responsibility of the press to report these facts. Of course we no longer have a free press in the United States. We have state-run media.

Mr. Mitchell literally kept injecting himself until he experienced adverse effects and/or died. He mentioned that “they” recommended he get the third shot. Doctors offices and mainstream media are two entities critical thinkers must avoid for both mental and physical health. Both are properties of the pharmaceutical industry. They always and only have their stakeholders’ best interest in mind. You are only part of those best interests after adverse reactions and/or death. Don’t be fooled. Don’t be a fool.

Read the full story at The COVID Blog.

Siyabonga Africa: 35-year-old South African digital media strategist dead three days after first experimental Pfizer mRNA injection

by The COVID Blog

JOHANNESBURG — An influential 35-year-old digital media expert is dead in one of the fastest post-injection deaths we’ve covered in months.

Mr. Siyabonga Africa received his first dose of experimental Pfizer mRNA on Friday, July 16, according to his Twitter account. The first two comments on the tweet were a woman telling him “well done,” and another woman with party emojis.

He retweeted two pro-mRNA posts shortly thereafter.

Two days later, Sunday, July 18, he retweeted a post about Fauci allegedly receiving his second dose of experimental mRNA on January 19. Fauci said he was “knocked out,” fatigued and achy for 24 hours thereafter.

Mr. Africa wrote, “This is me with dose number 1. It’s been 48 hours of hell.”

He collapsed in his home on the night he received the injection. But paramedics dismissed it as nothing. He was not hospitalized.

Mr. Africa encouraged another person to go get the mRNA injection that day as well.

He also retweeted a doctor that day who said she is here to comfort anyone having vaccine adverse effects. Mr. Africa replied, complaining of a fever, nausea and inability to move ever since he received the injection. But then he said, “No regrets, I’d still get the shot if I knew this is what I had to look forward too.”

Simone Gregor, his friend/colleague, wished him a speedy recovery. Ms. Gregor replied again on Monday, July 19 and asked “how are you feeling today?” When he didn’t respond, she tried sending him a message on WhatsApp.

Ms. Gregor then received a message from one of Mr. Africa’s family members. He passed away early that morning.

Read the full article at The COVID Blog.

See Also:

Over 12 MILLION Views!

New 2023 Documentary Premiere: COVIDISM – Contagious Deception

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COVID-19 “Vaccine” Casualties List

50,663 DEAD and 5,315,063 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions

Over 96 Canadian Children Ages 2-19 have Died Suddenly or Unexpectedly in the Past 3 Months

Triple COVID Vaxxed 25-Year-Old Medical Doctor Dies Suddenly – 132 Canadian Doctors Have Now Died Since COVID Vaccine Roll Out

44-year-old Thai Princess Bajrakitiyabha in Coma After Pfizer COVID Shots – Thailand to Nullify Contract with Pfizer

COVID + Flu Shots Injected Together: A Deadly Combo with 147 Already Dead and Over 6000 Injured

55 Performers Collapsing or Dying on Stage or Live Camera in Late 2022 through 2023

Vaccinated NFL Player Wanted Unvaxxed Jailed – Died Unexpectedly at Age 38

NFL Legend Franco Harris Dies Suddenly – Was CDC Spokesperson for COVID “Vaccines”

60,000 Children Injured and Dead Along with 4,571 Fetal Deaths Following COVID Vaccines

Pro-COVID Vaccine Authorities Continue to Die or Become Disabled After Mocking the Unvaccinated

48,817 DEAD and 5,107,883 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions

“Died Unexpectedly” Cases Surge with More Deaths in 2022 than 2020-2021 as People Continue to Get COVID-19 Vaccines

STOP the Infanticide! 5,000% Increase in Fetal Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccines!

80 Canadian Doctors DEAD Following COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates as Death Toll Continues to Rise

SADS: “Sudden Adult Death Syndrome” Explodes as Young and Healthy Adults Die Following COVID Vaccine Mandates

76,789 Deaths 6,089,773 Injuries Reported in U.S. and European Databases Following COVID-19 Vaccines

Injecting Babies with COVID-19 Vaccines: Brain Damage, Seizures, Rashes are Recorded Side Effects in VAERS

Official Government Data Record 74,783 Deaths and 5,830,235 Injuries Following COVID-19 Vaccines in the U.S. and Europe

45,316 Dead 4,416,778 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions – Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is New Category to Deny Vaccine Deaths

FDA had Data Showing 82% – 97% of Pregnant Women Injected with the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Lost Their Babies Before Approving the Shots

44,821 Dead 4,351,483 Injured Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions

Cases of Brain Damage in Children Skyrocket Following COVID-19 Vaccines

Recorded Cases of Heart Disease Among Under 40 Years Old Explodes 20,000% After COVID-19 Vaccines Roll Out

Killer COVID Vaccines: 4,400% Increase in Deaths Compared to All FDA-Approved Vaccines for Previous 30 Years

Millions of American Lives in Danger as Airline Pilots Suffer Heart Problems from Mandatory COVID Vaccines

43,000 Deaths 4 MILLION Injuries Following COVID-19 Vaccines in European European Database of Adverse Reactions

1000% Increase in Vaccine Deaths and Injuries Following Pfizer COVID-19 EUA Vaccine for 5 to 11 Year Olds

42,507 DEAD 3,984,978 Injured Following COVID Vaccines in European Database of Adverse Reactions

17,500% Increase in Heart Disease in Children Following COVID-19 Vaccines – This is NOT Rare!

22,000% Increase in Deaths following COVID Vaccines for Adults Over 50 as FDA Authorizes 2nd Booster for this Age Group

COVID-19 Vaccine Massacre: 68,000% Increase in Strokes, 44,000% Increase in Heart Disease, 6,800% Increase in Deaths Over Non-COVID Vaccines

Moderna Seeks Approval from FDA and European Medicines Agency (EMA) to Start Injecting Children Under 6 with mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines

41,834 DEAD 3.9 Million Injured Following COVID Vaccines in European Database as U.S. Military Deaths Soar 1100%

The Thousands of Fetal Deaths Recorded After COVID-19 Vaccines that Nobody Wants to Report and that Facebook is Trying Hard to Censor

65,615 Deaths Now Reported in Europe and the USA Following COVID-19 Vaccines – Corporate Media Refuses to Publish this Data

2000% Increase in Fetal Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccines but CDC Still Recommends Them for Pregnant Women

Official Government Data: Twice as Many Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccines in 1 Year as Deaths Following All Vaccines for the Previous 30 Years

California Nurse: “I Want People to Know What I Lost to this Vaccine – I am Living a Nightmare, It’s Not Worth it.”

German Health Insurance Claims Show 31,254 Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccines While Official Government Stats Report Only 2,255

68,000% Increase in Strokes as FDA and HIH Secretly Study Reports of Neurological Injuries After COVID-19 Vaccines

40,000 Deaths Following COVID Shots in European Database as Life Insurance Death Claims Skyrocket

34-Year-Old Canadian Father Drops Dead in Front of His Daughters After COVID-19 Vaccine

6-Year-Old Minnesota Boy Develops Myocarditis And Becomes Severely Injured After Receiving Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine

Double-Vaccinated 20-Year-Old Florida Model Develops Myocarditis, Suffers Heart Attack And Has Both Legs Amputated

Comedian Collapses on Stage During Joke: “I’m vaxxed, double vaxxed, boosted, and Jesus loves me most”

GENOCIDE! Military Medical Whistleblowers Reveal Miscarriages, Birth Defects, and Infertility Rates Exploded in 2021 Following COVID Vaccines

Government VAERS Data Reveal 15,600% Increase in Heart Disease Among Under 30 Year-Olds Following COVID-19 Vaccination

COVID-19 Vaxxed Olympic Gold Medalist Dies at 51 but Media Calls Him “Anti-Vaxxer”

Over 1 Million Deaths and Injuries Following COVID “Vaccines” Reported in VAERS as Second Year of “Experimental Use Authorization” Begins

2021: COVID Deaths Increase, Flu Deaths Disappear, 400,000+ More Total Deaths than 2020

Actor Bob Saget “Dies Suddenly” 1 Month After Receiving COVID Booster Shot

Crisis in America: Deaths Up 40% Among Those Aged 18-64 Based on Life Insurance Claims for 2021 After COVID-19 Vaccine Roll Outs

Year 2021 was America’s Holocaust: Unprecedented Lives Destroyed by Experimental COVID-19 “Vaccines”

One Year Anniversary of President Trump Forcing the FDA to give Emergency Use Authorization to the Pfizer Shot

Registered Nurse Suffers Pericarditis from Pfizer Shot – Put in Hospital Section for Vaccine Injured as She was 7th Patient Admitted That Day for Heart Issues Following COVID Shots

#RealNotRare New Website for COVID-19 Vaccine Injured

German Study Finds ZERO COVID-19 Deaths in Healthy Children but the Children are Now Dying from the Vaccine

666 Cases of Heart Disease in 12 to 17-Year-Olds After COVID Shots – Less than 2 Cases Per Year Following All Vaccines for Past 30+ Years

7-Year-Old Girl Has Stroke and Brain Hemorrhage 7 Days After Pfizer COVID-19 Shot

Vaccine Cult Exposed by Government’s Own Data: More than 50% of ALL Vaccine Adverse Reactions Reported for Past 30+ Years Have Occurred in Past 11 Months Following COVID-19 Shots

A List Of People Who Had Their Leg Amputated Shortly After Receiving a COVID-19 Shot

Fully Vaccinated Pro-Vaccine Canadian Senator Dead at the Age of 56

Bill Gates Charged with Murder for COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India’s High Court – Death Penalty Sought

Pfizer’s War on Children Invades Canada and Israel as COVID Shots Begin to be Injected Into 5 to 11 Year Olds

Families of South Korea’s COVID Vaccine Victims Mourn Loved Ones During Mass Memorial Service

Vaccinated Doctors are Dying and Unvaccinated Doctors are Quitting or Being Fired: Who will Run the Hospitals?

The Genocide of American Seniors Continues: 8 Dead in Fully-Vaccinated Connecticut Nursing Home

Parents in NY Take to the Streets to Warn Ignorant Parents Injecting Their Children with Pfizer Shots as Injuries Among 5 to 11 Year Olds Now Being Reported

Parents Sacrifice Hundreds of Thousands of Children Ages 5 to 11 to the COVID-19 Vaccine Gods This Weekend

Cardiologist Medical Doctor who Wanted to Punch Anti-Vaxxers in the Face DEAD After COVID Booster Shot

Texas Church Injects Young Children with COVID Shot in Halloween Celebration – Christian Churches Now Working with the CDC to Abuse and Murder Children

Grieving Mother Who Threatened Health Impact News for Publishing Daughter’s Death following COVID-19 Shot Now Goes Public

Do You Have Blood on Your Hands? Tens of Thousands of Children Age 5 to 11 Injected with Gene Therapy Shots

41 Year Old Florida Man Who Cursed Anti-Vaxxers Found Dead in His Home by Neighbors After Second COVID-19 Pfizer Shot

12-Year-Old In Germany Dies 2 Days After Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine – 12-Year-Old in Thailand In ICU After Heart Problems Caused By The Pfizer Shot

Whistleblower Reveals Fraud in Pfizer COVID Vaccine Trials as 5 to 11-Year-Olds Begin to be Injected – Vaccine Deaths and Injuries to Follow

Doctors and COVID-19 Vaccine Injured Testify in Washington D.C. to Crimes Against Humanity – CDC, FDA, NIH, Fauci are No Shows

UK Stats Show 82% of COVID-19 Deaths and 66% of Hospitalizations were Among Fully Vaccinated for Past Month

Fully Vaccinated are Suffering Far Higher Rates of Infection than the Unvaccinated, and It is Getting Worse

White House To “Quickly” Vaccinate 28 Million Children Age 5-11 as Deaths and Injuries Continue to Increase among 12 to 19-Year-Olds Who Received a COVID-19 Shot

Evidence Clearly Shows Deaths are Increasing Worldwide After COVID-19 Shots – Major Labor Shortages Loom

As Deaths and Injuries to Teens Increase After COVID-19 Shots Pfizer Asks FDA for Emergency Authorization to Inject 5 to 11-Year-Olds

Post COVID-19 Injections: The Dead Don’t Speak, but Those with Crippling Injuries Issue Warnings

Denver Policeman Crippled After Mandatory Pfizer Shot – Are Law Enforcement the Key to Resisting Medical Tyranny?

1,969 Fetal Deaths Recorded Following COVID-19 Shots but Criminal CDC Recommends Pregnant Women Get the Shot

Study: COVID-19 Vaccines INCREASE Deaths and Hospitalizations from COVID-19 Based on Analysis of Most-Vaccinated Countries

Whistleblower Lawsuit! Government Medicare Data Shows 48,465 DEAD Following COVID Shots – Remdesivir Drug has 25% Death Rate!

Mockers of Anti-Vaxxers Continue to Die After Taking a COVID-19 Injection

STUDY: Government’s Own Data Reveals that at Least 150,000 Probably DEAD in U.S. Following COVID-19 Vaccines

Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID – Gets over 180K Responses of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead

Teens 50X More Likely to Have Heart Disease After COVID Shots than All Other FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021 Combined – CDC Admits True but Still Recommends It

CDC: Teens Injected with COVID Shots have 7.5 X More Deaths, 15 X More Disabilities, 44 X More Hospitalizations than All FDA Approved Vaccines in 2021

COVID Shots Are Killing and Crippling Teens in Record Numbers – Young Children Are Next

See the Full List of Tragic Deaths and Injuries Here!


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