Vaccines are Religion, not Science

    We hear all the time that “the science is clear: vaccines save lives.” But where is that science? If it exists, then why can nobody show it? Vaccines are a religion and vaccinations are a (barbaric) religious ritual. That means that any kind of mandatory vaccination law is unconstitutional. Some people might still play semantics and say that a belief system is not the same as a religion. But let’s look at the vaccine religion. – You are expected to go to preparation classes (prenatal check-ups) – You are expected to give birth in the temple (=hospital). – As soon as the baby is born you are confronted with the temple servants (doctors/nurses/midwives) who want to submit your baby to the standard ritual (two injections) – If you decline they usually will try to convince or coerce you – At set times after birth you need to bring your baby to another temple (doctor’s practice) for more rituals – If you don’t want to submit your baby to the rituals you can expect extremely negative reactions, which can become aggression and end up with you not being welcome in the temple anymore – If you lose the faith (or never join in the first place) you can expect social exclusion and often serious family trouble. Some grandparents even consider “saving their grandchildren” by bringing them to the temple themselves, without the parents permission. Vaccinations have almost every characteristic of a religion, so the desperate argument that a belief system doesn’t equal a religion doesn’t hold up.

      Fetal DNA Contaminants Found in Merck’s MMR Vaccines

      My name is Dr. Theresa Deisher. I am Founder and Lead Scientist at Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute, whose mission is to educate the public about vaccine safety, as well as to pressure manufacturers to provide better and safer vaccines for the public. I am writing regarding unrefuted scientific facts about fetal DNA contaminants in the Measles-Mumps- Rubella vaccine, which must be made known to lawmakers and the public. Merck’s MMR II vaccine (as well as the chickenpox, Pentacel, and all Hep-A containing vaccines) is manufactured using human fetal cell lines and is heavily contaminated with human fetal DNA from the production process. Levels in our children can reach up to 5 ng/ml after vaccination, depending on the age, weight and blood volume of the child. That level is known to activate Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR9), which can cause autoimmune attacks. Anyone who says that the fetal DNA contaminating our vaccines is harmless either does not know anything about immunity and Toll- like receptors or they are not telling the truth.

        Oregon Becomes First State to Permit Dentists to Vaccinate Children

        Governor Kate Brown of Oregon signed a bill on May 6, 2019 that will allow dentists in that state to administer vaccinations. House Bill 2220, which passed Oregon’s House of Representatives on Mar. 28, 2019 and Senate on Apr. 25, will make it possible for dentists to give vaccines, including MMR, HPV and annual flu shots, to their patients during dental checkups. With the signing of HB 2220, Oregon becomes the first state in the U.S. to permit dentists to vaccinate patients of any age, including young children, with many types of vaccines. According to Oregon Public Broadcasting, dentists in Minnesota and Illinois can only give influenza vaccine to adults. The University of Minnesota’s School of Dentistry offers a 10-hour, self-paced, online course to administer flu shots and also offers a more basic three-hour online course.

          Vaccine Extremist and Industry Insider Dr. Paul Offit Losing Credibility with the Public

          Dr. Paul Offit was at the National Press Club in Washington, DC last night peddling his new book, “BAD ADVICE: Or Why Celebrities, Politicians and Activists Aren’t Your Best Source of Health Information.” It is clear that Dr. Offit desperately wants to be the authority on vaccines. He already is the industry shill, but is he the authority? The opinion of the crowd in attendance at the event was a resounding NO. Children’s Health Defense advocates, parents of vaccine-injured children, and scientists came from all over the United States to ask Dr. Offit questions. They pointed out in their respectful, thoughtful questions that they do their own research. Although Offit declined to take questions directly from the audience, it was a good day for parents everywhere to see Dr. Offit forced to have a moderator filter the written questions he did address down to the very basics so he could answer with one of his canned responses. And the harder questions from the group were never presented to him. Today’s intelligent parents don’t need a pharmaceutical tycoon physician from Philadelphia with a “gift of gab” telling them what the industry wants them to hear.

            African Ebola Victims Get Dangerous Experimental Vaccines While Proven Life-saving Therapies Denied

            There is now another Ebola breakout occurring in Africa, this time in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). This is following the 2014 outbreak in Sierra Leone, which prompted pharmaceutical companies to begin development of an Ebola vaccine. The 2014 outbreak in Sierra Leone is reported to have claimed 11,000 lives. The World Health Organization (WHO) is reporting that the "yet-to-be-licensed rVSV-ZEBOV Ebola vaccine" will be distributed in the DRC. The vaccines are donated by Merck, while GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance funded primarily by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is contributing $1 million towards operational costs. In 2014, American doctors Robert Rowen and Howard Robins went into the Sierra Leone heart of darkness with donated ozone generators and facilitating apparatus to treat those infected with the inexpensive, safe, and highly effective, but not FDA approved, ozone therapy (OT). The doctors' humanitarian effort was done at their cost and time with donated equipment. They gathered some local medical practitioners and began training them with application of the procedures among Ebola victims in their region. Those treated with ozone therapy recovered. One who insisted on using the experimental Zmapp drug died quickly. After a short time in Sierra Leon, the doctors were forced to stop. Ozone therapy was banned. But it wasn’t just a ban. Doctors Rowen and Robins were attacked by Sierra Leone media as Americans “experimenting” medically on African Ebola victims and told to go home and experiment on Americans. After the initial ban was enforced, Rowen wasn’t even allowed to administer ozone therapy to one of the locals who had been trained to deliver it to others in his community. That person died an agonizing death over the next week.

              Official Canadian Data Show That There Is More Autism in Regions Where Vaccine Coverage Is Highest

              Rates of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) continue to soar worldwide, with average prevalence estimated to be around 1.5% in developed countries. This estimate appears to be spot-on for Canada, which reported in March 2018 that autism (as of 2015) affected 1 in 66 children and youth (1.52%). These numbers place Canada among the “top ten” for autism among North American, European and Asian countries. ASD prevalence in 2015 varied among the seven regions, with the highest prevalence noted in the three provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador (1 in 57), Prince Edward Island (1 in 59) and Quebec (1 in 65). In comparison, prevalence was substantially lower in the Yukon territory (1 in 125). What might explain the variation in ASD prevalence within Canada’s borders? The NASS report does not offer any comments. However, an observant health practitioner in British Columbia has noticed a compelling parallel: autism prevalence is highest in the Canadian provinces that also have the highest vaccination coverage.

                Refusing to Vaccinate Your Kids is Not Abuse

                Last fall, when an exhausted new mom wanted time to consider vaccinations for her newborn, the infant was taken from her by the on-call pediatrician at a Portland hospital, who claimed "medical negligence." A caseworker from the state Department of Human Services, without a judicial review, had the child removed and allowed the attending nurse to vaccinate the child "with whatever they wanted to give" against the parents' permission. This happened even though Oregon allows parents to opt out of vaccinations. The mother was allowed to see her baby only for the purpose of nursing her and then escorted out of the hospital by police. Throughout this illegal nightmare, a DHS caseworker falsified reports and placed numerous roadblocks in the way of this family wanting to parent their newborn. Despite this, many Oregon families came forward to help them. With the aid of attorneys who offered to represent the family pro bono, the case was dismissed, with DHS conceding the woman was an excellent mother.

                  Childhood Allergy Epidemic: Are the Increasing Number of Vaccines Injected into Children to Blame?

                  The global prevalence of allergic diseases is skyrocketing, affecting 30% to 40% of the world’s population. Allergic conditions include food allergies, anaphylaxis, asthma, eczema, allergic rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis and reactions to drugs and insects. In the U.S., food allergies are widespread and are the most common cause of anaphylaxis in children. One in 13 American children—about two per classroom—has at least one food allergy, and food allergies increased by 50% from 1997 to 2011. Given that the hallmark of allergic disease is an altered immune response, it stands to reason that vaccines— which purposefully set out to “reprogram immunity”—are major contenders as allergy triggers. To grasp how the chain of vaccine-related events initiated roughly 30 years ago has bred today’s worldwide allergy epidemics, one has to understand that vaccines, by their very nature, induce an unnatural immune response. This property of vaccines is called “immunogenicity.”

                    Vaccine Injury Payouts: Taxpayers on the Hook for over $3.8 Billion as Vaccine Makers Rake in Profits

                    The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) that went into effect in 1988 stipulated that vaccine manufacturers cannot be held liable for injuries or deaths that occur from use of their vaccines which are recommended for every child in America by the Centers for Disease Control. Vaccine makers are in a win-win position that no other industry in America enjoys. While profits go to vaccine companies, the monetary amounts awarded to the vaccine-injured from “vaccine court” are paid for by taxpayers. As vaccine makers aren’t held accountable for unsafe products intended for children, there’s no incentive for them to ensure the vaccines they manufacture are safe. Only 1% of vaccine injuries are reported and only 1/3 of the petitions are compensated – up to 99% of vaccine injuries go unreported. Total compensation paid for by taxpayers over the life of the program is over $3.8 billion.

                      Mandating Ineffective Vaccines Creates Public Health Crisis as Ineffective Vaccines Can Actually Enhance Disease

                      It’s clear that some vaccines don’t work as well as advertised. And yet, instead of first making a vaccine with better effectiveness, the solution is to use the force of law to make everyone get more shots of the failing vaccine. Even when significant vaccine failure rates for vaccines are acknowledged, the legislative solution remains fully supported. Concerns over the need for more effective vaccines are dismissed by apologetics pointing out that the current vaccines are better than nothing. The assumption is implicit: low immunity is better than no immunity. So, until a better vaccine comes along, accept the current shot at whatever level of immunity it provides. But the notion that any amount of antibodies is preferable to no antibodies at all, is dangerously wrong. The same exact antibodies that prevent disease at higher concentrations, can enhance the disease at lower concentrations.

                        Incentivizing Pediatricians to Be Vaccine Bullies

                        It is quite common for pediatricians (and family doctors) to encounter parents who refuse one or more infant vaccines, most often due to safety concerns. These concerns also mean that pediatricians frequently get requests to modify or delay the vaccine schedule—nearly three-fifths (58%) of pediatricians reported such requests in a 2014 AAP survey. Rather than recognize the validity of parents’ safety concerns or admit to their own ambivalence about some of the newer vaccines, many pediatricians—nearly two in five according to some estimates—choose to boot uncooperative families out of their practice. A recent Medscape survey indicates that one of the main things that pediatricians dislike about their job is “dealing with difficult patients.” However, when pediatricians dismiss families whose only crime is the desire to make informed and individualized health care decisions on behalf of their children, the doctors are doing more than just unprofessionally dumping “difficult” patients—they also are protecting their bottom line. Dr. Bob Sears confirms that HMO plans use incentive practices, conducting year-end chart reviews and awarding large bonuses to pediatric practices that score well. Dr. Sears explains: “This bonus varies depending on the number of patients the doctor sees. One of the requirements for a patient’s chart to pass the test is that they are fully vaccinated. […] Such incentives…end up forcing a doctor to consider the financial implications of accepting patients who even just want to opt out of one vaccine. …Maybe a few such families wouldn’t make them fail the chart reviews, but if they have too many, there goes their year-end bonus.”

                          Childhood Cancers Rising Same as Autism – Cancer Now #1 Cause of Death in Children

                          The incidence of childhood cancers has been steadily rising for several decades, to such an extent that cancers in young people now have their very own day in the limelight: International Childhood Cancer Day (February 15). For American children ages one through 14, cancer is the top disease-related cause of death, second only to accidents among all causes of childhood mortality. Leukemia and malignancies of the central nervous system are the most common types of childhood cancers. A recent opinion piece in The Hill points out that autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) have increased in lockstep with pediatric cancers. One in thirty-six (2.76%) children aged three-17 had an ASD diagnosis as of 2016, compared to one in 10,000 children in the 1970s. The parallel rise in the two conditions is not a fluke—environmental toxins are widely known to “initiate or aggravate various neurological disorders [and] carcinomas.” Although the National Cancer Institute (NCI) views environmental causes of childhood cancers as “difficult to identify,” one route of exposure to heavy metals and other toxic substances that begins prenatally and continues through adolescence is sitting in plain sight: the bloated U.S. vaccine schedule.

                            Dr. Brownstein: Where Is Our Billion Dollars to Develop a Zika Vaccine?

                            Did you ever wonder what happened to Zika? You should, as our Government gave the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) $1.1 billion to study and develop a vaccine against Zika. Where did that money go and what happened to Zika? The CDC and the other Powers-That-Be should be asking for money to study why autism has increased at epidemic rates in our children. Instead of asking for billions to study a benign virus, perhaps we should be studying our children. President Trump, when he was campaigning for office, stated that he wanted to drain the swamp in Washington D.C. Let’s start draining the swamp by asking the CDC for the $1.1 billion dollars it wasted studying Zika and developing a vaccine that was never needed. Better yet, let’s demand to know how this money was spent.

                              A Lone FDA Scientist Could End the Autism Epidemic

                              In a brand new published study, the only science vouching for the “safety” of injected aluminum adjuvant has come under extreme criticism by heavyweight scientists. Dr. Robert J. Mitkus — author of the misleading aluminum safety study from 2011 — could change the autism debate forever by telling the truth. While you were (hopefully) enjoying the winter holidays, a study was published in the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (it went online on December 27th) that could change the autism debate permanently. In fact, this new study placed the burden of proof for the safety of aluminum adjuvants used in vaccines so squarely on the shoulders of a lone FDA scientist — Dr. Robert J. Mitkus — that he alone could permanently change the outcome of the autism debate. Forever. I firmly believe that Dr. Robert J. Mitkus, a federal employee of the FDA, can help unravel the autism mess. All he needs to do is tell the truth. He needs to admit that these scientists are right, that the paper being relied upon to vouch for the safety of injected aluminum that he wrote in 2011 is inadequate, in light of much more recent science about aluminum adjuvant, and that the regulatory agencies need to heed the warnings of these scientists, as they explained so eloquently in their recently published paper. It’s time for honest scientists to step up and do the right thing.

                                Sanofi Dengue Vaccine Scandal an Example of Government and Big Pharma Corruption

                                This is a developing news story focusing on the corruption of industry-initiated government vaccination policies. The case involves Sanofi and the launching of its Dengvaxia vaccine in a massive school-based Dengvaxia vaccination campaign in 830,000 Filipino school children. The New York Times has just published its report, noting that: “public health experts are worried that the distrust could spill over to other vaccination programs.” The Philippine government under the Benigno Aquino regime initiated a massive school-based Dengvaxia vaccination drive in January 2016, subjecting more than 830,000 children to the severe risks posed by the vaccine. Sanofi and the former Philippines’ Secretary of Health, Janette Garin ignored scientists who warned about the potentially deadly risk. More than likely, company executives had their eyes fixed on the potential $1 billion annual sales of Dengvaxia.

                                  Medical Doctor Speaks Out Against Over-Vaccination Agenda of Big Pharma-Controlled CDC and FDA

                                  We physicians, nurses and clinics (and hospital staff) often have no idea what are the ingredients in vaccines. We tend to not take the time to read the wordy product information sheet. Shame on us. But what should frighten us caregivers is the fact that many of those vaccines contain ingredients that are known neurotoxins, mitochondrial toxins, cytotoxins, genotoxins, teratogens and mutagens. There are also contaminants that are occasionally found in vaccines when independent testing is done. That reality adds to what should be everybody’s concern about vaccine safety. What also frightens me is the fact that inoculation accidents can easily happen when the tip of the needle pierces and then inadvertently injects some of the vaccine directly into a small vein, where it is not supposed to go. The consequences of such accidents are not known but nothing good can happen when a toxic mix of chemicals – especially aluminum, mercury or live viruses - goes directly into the blood stream. The power of the FDA, the CDC and their various subsidiaries has been acquired thanks to their cozy relationship with for-profit corporate entities that make up what is called Big Pharma, Big Vaccine and Big Medicine, whose directly- and indirectly-related entities have been largely responsible for the many vaccine-induced disorders in America.

                                    Enraged Idaho Community Acts to Help Young Couple Who Refused Vaccine for Newborn – Baby Back Home for Now

                                    An Idaho newborn who was seized by Child Protective Services the day before Thanksgiving over vaccine refusal was conditionally returned to his parents on Friday, December 1. While supporters are rejoicing over the judge's decision, there is a great deal of concern over the state of Idaho's overreach in taking baby Elijah. Precious bonding time was lost, and a new family has been traumatized. Diamond Mehlhoff has cerebral palsy, which is a brain disorder affecting movement. Despite her disability, she is active and involved in her church. She lives with her husband Ari and the baby's grandfather. For the Mehlhoff family, they have won a temporary victory. Their baby is now home with them. Their church family has rallied around them and will be providing round-the-clock support. Like every other family that comes under the heavy hand of Child Protective Services, the couple will have to jump through hoops as they prepare for the next court hearing.

                                      Have Failed Vaccination Programs Caused the U.S. to Lead All Industrialized Nations in Infant Mortality Rates?

                                      The US leads all industrialized nations in the rates of deaths of infants on the first day of life. Starting in 2011, there were more fetal deaths than infant deaths in the United States (National Vital Statistics Report, CDC), and the rate of maternal death during pregnancy is skyrocketing, beyond all western countries. One study in the Lancet reported a rate of 26 deaths per 100,000 pregnancies in the US. We have also learned that the vaccine industry, including the CDC, will continue to allow society to expend time, energy and resources on demonstrably failed vaccine programs, ambivalent to the risks of adverse events associated with each and every vaccine, and that they will desperately try to move the goal post of performance, or ditch their vaccination efforts onto another unsuspecting segment of the population without sufficient safety testing.

                                        Autism Continues to be Blamed on Genetics – Vaccines and Environmental Causes Ignored

                                        Genetics is the darling of the biomedical research industry. For diseases ranging from cancer to skin disorders, investigators have been busily at work for decades trying to identify the conditions’ underlying genetic causes. However, these same investigators—and the reporters who communicate their findings to the public—are often strangely incurious about the role of environmental toxins as triggers of disease. A story about autism spectrum disorder (ASD) published in October 2017 by the news website Vox furnishes an example of this genetics-as-the-explanation-for-everything perspective. Vox senior health correspondent Julia Belluz (a self-described “evidence enthusiast”) interviewed a small sample of five reportedly “cutting-edge” autism researchers, all of whom focus on autism genetics. Belluz is willing to entertain the idea that environmental factors such as “air pollution, pesticides, antidepressants and viruses” may contribute to autism, but she categorically dismisses the possibility of any association between ASD and the dozen or so vaccines (containing 16 distinct antigens) currently included in the childhood vaccine schedule in the U.S. Belluz states, “Vaccines are the wrong explanation for autism, and we should let the idea go.” This attitude is frankly disingenuous (or worse), given what we know about the neurotoxicity of vaccine ingredients such as aluminum and the mercury-containing vaccine preservative thimerosal (still used in flu shots).

                                          Study: Record Levels of Aluminum Found in Autistic Children Brain Tissue

                                          Dr. Christopher Exley—one of the world’s leading experts on aluminum toxicity—has shown that chronic intoxication with myriad forms of this “ubiquitous and omnipresent metal” is exacting a high price on human health. Dr. Exley and other aluminum experts such as molecular biologist Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic have confirmed that aluminum readily and actively traverses the blood-brain barrier to selectively accumulate in brain tissues, where it induces unwelcome changes in brain biochemistry. As Dr. Exley has noted, “There are no ‘normal’ levels of brain aluminum,” meaning that “its presence in brain tissue, at any level, could be construed as abnormal” In light of the fact that even minute amounts of aluminum can have adverse neurological consequences, Dr. Exley’s newest paper—which reports on the first-ever study of aluminum in ASD brain tissue—is groundbreaking. Published in the Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology, the paper documents some of the highest values for aluminum in human brain tissue ever recorded. Using a two-pronged study design, the researchers measured and characterized aluminum deposits in brain tissues from five to ten ASD donors, most of whom died in their teens or twenties. What the research team found was startling. The study’s quantitative arm documented “consistently high” aluminum levels representing “some of the highest values for brain aluminum content ever measured in healthy or diseased tissues.”