Former Prisoners: Human Experimentation Happening in LA County Jail for Women

    Los Angeles County Jail for Women: What goes on behind closed doors, locked fences, and steel bars? Should most of these women be in jail, or should they be recognized as victims who were abused and often trafficked? Two former prisoners from LA County Jail for Women were recently interviewed on the National Safe Child Show, with host Tammi Stefano. Meet two woman who experienced horror, including human experimentation. Kay and Jessica decided to speak out as they both were forced to participate in psychological human experimentation. They talk about the women they met in jail, including one woman who was kept in a cage for 10 years prior to her arrest! Is putting these women in jail, many who are forced into drug addiction, "reabusing" them?

      Producer of VAXXED Speaks Out: “This is Bigger than Watergate”

      Del Bigtree, producer of the controversial film "VAXXED," recently appeared on the National Safe Child Show with Tammi Stefano in Los Angeles. Before taking on this film project together with Dr. Andrew Wakefield on the MMR vaccine fraud, Mr. Bigtree was the producer of the popular daytime medical show "The Doctors." Mr. Bigtree states that when he learned about the top scientist whistle blower at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), that he knew this was the biggest story of his life, and that this was "bigger than Watergate." Since the 2004 study that supposedly proved there was no link between the MMR vaccine and autism was published by the CDC, more than one million children have been diagnosed with autism, and now one of the study's authors at the CDC has revealed that data was concealed that actually showed there was indeed a link between the vaccine and autism in some children. In the second half of the National Safe Child Show, Tammi Stefano interviewed Jennifer Margulis, Ph.D., and investigative journalist and the author of several books, including "Your Baby Your Way" and "The Vaccine-Friendly Plan" that she co-authored with Dr. Paul Thomas, M.D. Dr. Paul Thomas is a board-certified fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, and he agrees with actor Robert De Niro that we need to learn the truth about vaccines, and that the science is anything but "settled." Dr. Thomas is not anti-vaccine, but delays or forgoes certain vaccines depending on the needs of the children in his practice. Margulis reveals in her interview that in her experience as a professional award-winning journalist, she has seen censorship in journalism on the vaccine topics. She attributes this phenomenon partly on the ignorance of journalists and their unwillingness to explore both sides of the debate. She believes many journalists erroneously believe that if the government states vaccines are safe, then it must be true. She reminds her colleagues in the media that traditionally the media's job has always been to question the government, and act as a "watch dog" over what the government was claiming.

        World Renowned Medical Anthropologist Compares Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy Labeling to Witch Hunts

        Dr. Helen Hayward-Brown is a medical anthropologist/sociologist who completed her doctorate on false and highly questionable accusations of Munchausen syndrome by proxy. She completed two post-doctoral fellowships with the Social Justice and Social Change Research Centre at the University of Western Sydney, in addition to her teaching and advocacy work. Dr. Helen Hayward Brown joins Tammi Stefano on The National Safe Child Show to discuss the widely discredited "Munchausen syndrome by proxy" label. This label has proven to be not only destructive of families but also obstructive of justice. Dr. Helen explains: "What actually happens in many of these cases, in about 70%, the mothers pick up that there’s been some kind of medical error. Sometimes they’ve made a complaint, sometimes they’ve actually started legal proceedings but as soon as that happens very often the parent find that that’s what they’re labeled in and that discredits the mother. It also means that if they child is removed from the family then the family can’t get a second opinion with what’s going on with the child’s health."

          LA County DCFS Whistleblower Reveals how Parents are Losing Their Children to a Corrupt System

          Julian J. Dominquez, the author of "A Culture of Fear: An Inside Look at Los Angeles County’s Department of Children & Family Services" (DCFS), is a former social worker for LA County DCFS. Mr. Dominquez recently left his career of 18 years with DCFS which included working as an emergency response worker, family maintenance and reunification worker and a dependency investigator. In addition, he created and conducts training for child welfare and other support agencies and is a licensed marriage and family therapist. In this shocking interview, Mr. Dominquez tells the world just how corrupt LA County DCFS is, revealing inner policies and practices that harm children and families, not protect them. From an insider perspective, Mr. Dominquez tells us how reports against parents are falsified by managers who have no contact with the families, how parents are being labeled Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy when they have legitimate medical concerns for the child, and how parents are losing their children because they are asking for a second medical opinion. How long will we as a nation allow such corruption to exist in our child "protection" social service agencies as apparently exists in LA County, the largest Child Social Service agency in the United States?