How Did One California Doctor Become the Vaccine Czar with the Power to Force Every Other Doctor to Obey Her Wishes on Vaccine Exemptions?

    SB276/714 – the bills which limited the exemption criteria for vaccine injury and put every physicians writing more than 4 a year under the scrutiny of the California Public Health Department - did not appear out of nowhere this year. Dr. Charity Dean, friend of Senator Pan, planned a multi-year campaign to propel herself up the ranks of the Public Health Department which culminated in her current position where she will oversee the review and revocation of all vaccine medical exemptions under SB276/SB714, leaving hundreds of well-intentioned, legitimate physicians throughout California wrongly discredited in her wake. A Voice for Choice Advocacy urges the Governor, our California State Senators and Assembly Members and the mainstream media to investigate and take action to stop the witch hunt and allow physicians to practice medicine without fear of unwarranted investigation, and specifically to remove Dr. Charity Dean from her post until the investigation is complete.

      Award-Winning Pro-Vaccine California Pediatrician Appeals to Gov. Newsom to Preserve Doctor-Patient Relationship

      Dear Governor Newsom, My name is Dr. Dane Fliedner, and I am a board certified, California-licensed pediatrician in Orange County. In addition to my medical training, I also hold a Master’s Degree in Public Health and at one point in my career was considering a career in Maternal-Child Public Health, interning at the OC Health Department and traveling to Sacramento with the local health officer to learn about the advocacy aspect of public health. I was one of the earliest recipients of Medical Board of California Service awards for my work in an under-served community. Since that time, I have also worked in Pediatric Emergency Medicine and have seen first-hand the devastation that severe bacterial infections can have on small children. I mention all of these things so that you are very clear that I am not against vaccines. I administer them daily in my pediatric practice and my own children are vaccinated and are not vaccine-injured. I know you are receiving many letters, including from physicians, but wanted to share an aspect of SB277 and now SB276/714 that you may not have considered—and that is the fact that these bills have created a climate of fear and anxiety. There are many physicians in practice that have been afraid to speak up for fear of retribution, of being targeted by the state, for public censure and loss of professional respect for speaking up regarding these laws—because that is what we often observe happening from what appears to be vindictive agendas by those in power against anyone who dares speak up.

        California Pediatrician Appeals to Governor Newsom to do the Right Thing and Preserve the Doctor Patient Relationship

        Dear Honorable Governor Newsom, I am a California-licensed, board-certified, Stanford-, NYU, & UCSF-trained pediatrician. I am not anti-vax. I administer vaccines in my pediatric practice. I believe that vaccines can be effective at reducing the risk of vaccine-preventable diseases for MOST children. I believe that vaccines are safe for MOST children. But not for all… I am not a “hysterical anti-vaxxer.” I am not the mother of a vaccine-injured child. I am not an unethical doctor selling “fake” medical exemptions. I am not a bureaucrat or a politician. I am a pediatrician in the trenches. And I am unashamedly, unabashedly, and unequivocally PRO-CHILD. I believe in public health, yet I care for individual children and families who sit across from me everyday, trusting that I am giving them valid, scientific, evidence-based information that will keep their individual baby safe and healthy, and believing that I am providing them with true informed consent. I am a pediatrician trying to do the best I can for the children in my practice. And the best is not simply repeating that vaccines are “safe and effective.” Because they’re not 100% safe. Because they’re not 100% effective. Because parents are asking questions. And because we, as primary care physicians, need to be able to practice the art and science of medicine to the best of our abilities, for the child sitting in front of us, without bureaucratic handcuffs and fear of retribution. SB 276 continues to place the decision regarding an individual child’s vaccine risk/benefit assessment and whether or not that child qualifies for a vaccine medical exemption in the hands of the government. As clearly stated by Andrew Kroger M.D., M.P.H., Communications and Education Branch of the Immunization Service Division of the CDC: “It would be inappropriate for anyone other than the treating provider to determine who should be allowed to get a medically-necessary exemption.”

          California Dr: “Despicable, Dishonest, Double Standard and Lying Politicians” Pass Bill to End Medical Exemptions to Vaccines

          California Bill SB 276 passed the State Senate on Wednesday (September 4, 2019) in the midst of fierce opposition from the public. SB 276 makes it nearly impossible for medical doctors to write exemptions for childhood vaccines for medical reasons. California Dr. Robert J. Rowen did not hold back when describing his feelings for the California Senate: "Despicable, Dishonest, Double Standard and Lying Politicians." All eyes are now on California Governor Gavin Newsom who needs to sign the bill to become law, or veto it. Will he follow the progressive liberal values he touts and stand up for the helpless, California's children, and the rights of parents and families to choose their own medical doctors to decide on vaccines, or will he become another pawn in Big Pharma's powerful political lobby machine?

            Will California Governor Newsom Follow Colorado Governor Polis’ Example and Reject Vaccine Mandates That Eliminate Medical Exemptions?

            While proponents of Senate Bill (SB) 276 act as if vaccine-inflicted injuries and deaths don’t exist, the big question is whether their fellow lawmakers and Governor will ignore the federal law of the land and growing chorus of informed Democrat voices coming out against the assault on exemptions from mandatory vaccinations that cannot be made safe for all our sons and daughters. Democrat Gov. Jared Polis made national headlines when he took a strong stand for medical freedom and torpedoed legislation in Colorado that mirrors the bills that have been introduced in states like New York, Oregon and California. When asked about vaccination mandates? “You can’t do that at the point of a gun,” Polis told Hill.TV’s Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton during an interview on “Rising.” “When the government tries to force parents to do this, it creates distrust in both vaccinations and distrust in government,” added Polis, whose state has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the country.

              California Bill to Remove Medical Doctor Exemptions Halted in Assembly Committee – For Now

              SB 276 was heard in the Assembly Appropriations Committee today, July 10, 2019. Due to the exorbitant costs, it was sent to the Suspense File. Typically this is where a bill goes to die. However, SB 276 could be removed from the Suspense File on August 31st and continue to move during this session. It would have to pass the Assembly Floor before going back to the Senate for a Concurrence vote on the Assembly amendments and pass the Senate once more before hitting Newsom's desk for his signature or veto.

                California Dr. Bob Sears Exposes How Good Doctors Fear State Medical Board and SB 276 Regarding Vaccine Medical Exemptions

                California pediatrician Dr. Bob Sears recently testified at the California State Assembly hearing considering SB 276, which would prevent doctors from writing medical exemptions to childhood vaccines without the approval of California State health officials, appointed by politicians. Dr. Sears pointed out that the passage of this bill would cause many doctors to stop writing medical exemptions for vaccines out of fear of what the California State Medical board may do to them, such as take away their license to practice medicine, or come under disciplinary action. Dr. Sears should know, because that is exactly what happened to him. A disgruntled spouse in a custody case who wanted to administer several vaccines over the objection the other parent reported Dr. Sears to the California State Medical Board, which proceeded to put Dr. Sears on probation. This was in spite of the fact that the judge over the custody case agreed with Dr. Sears that there were valid medical reasons to not fully vaccinate the infant in question, who was suffering neurological disorders. This action resulted in Dr. Sears having to pay over $20,000 a year in probation fees, and even though he has never had a single malpractice case, his malpractice insurance doubled, and he lost insurance contracts that allowed him to serve 500 military families, and now he can no longer provide service to these families.

                  California Doctor Fights Subpoena to Hand Over Patient Medical Records for Vaccine Exemptions

                  Dr. Kenneth Stoller has filed a lawsuit to stop the San Francisco City Attorney’s attempt to obtain the medical records and genetic information of his vaccine exemption patients. The basis of the City Attorney’s subpoena, which was served and widely reported in the media on May 8th, is a purported public nuisance investigation about Dr. Stoller’s practice of writing medical exemptions for children who do not meet the strict CDC (Centers for Disease Control) vaccine contraindications. We believe that there is no real investigation. Rather, the City Attorney’s press conference announcing the subpoena was intended to create public support for SB 276, which would remove medical vaccine exemption decision making from physicians and place it in the hands of state or local public health officials.

                    Physician Group Exposes False Government Measles Statistics – Opposes Mandatory Vaccination

                    Government Doctors Make Gross Errors Concerning Measles Statistics, Misinform Senators, and Threaten Public Health. Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC), an organization of doctors and scientists who encourage using statistics to safeguard public health, recently flew in doctors from across California to educate members of the Senate Committee on Health about the risks of measles vs. the risks of the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine—which are explained in PIC’s opposition letter to California SB 276, a bill that would allow only state public health officers the right to grant or approve vaccine exemptions to children at-risk of vaccine injuries. PIC’s doctors included Dr. Shira Miller, Dr. Lionel Lee, Dr. Edmond Sarraf, Dr. Melanie Gisler, and Dr. Charles Penick. Misinformation concerning measles data is rampant.

                      Public Called Upon to Descend on California Capital to Stand for Health Freedom and Oppose Removal of Medical Exemptions for Mandatory Vaccines

                      The California Senate Health Committee hearing for SB 276 in Sacramento on Wednesday, April 24th at 1:30 pm in the John L. Burton Hearing Room 4203. We need your action this week to stop SB 276 sponsored by Senator Richard Pan which interferes with and restricts the medical exemption to mandatory vaccinations in California. It is inappropriate for The California Department of Public Health (CDPH), a state agency of unelected bureaucrats, to be given legal authority to hijack the private patient physician relationship by being placed in the position to reject doctor issued medical vaccine exemptions. Forcing physicians to violate their professional judgment and their conscience is a form of state-sponsored tyranny that should not be part of public health law in any state, especially in California where parents who witness vaccine reactions in their family no longer have the protective safety of the personal belief exemption due to another bill, SB 277 in 2015, by the same bill author. SB 276 discriminates against those who can’t tolerate vaccination. A child injured or killed by a vaccine is just as important as a child who gets sick from a vaccine preventable illness. The United States Government has paid out more than $4 billion dollars to vaccine victims through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. VOTE NO on SB 276!

                        Senator-Doctor Richard Pan Wants California to be First State to Refuse Medical Exemptions by Doctors for Vaccines

                        In 2015, despite widespread opposition from the public which included testimonies from doctors and attorneys opposing SB 277 to remove the religious exemptions to vaccines, California became the first State in the U.S. to remove religious and philosophical exemptions by parents to childhood vaccines. Every other state legislature that tried to do the same, both then and through the present time, failed. The majority of the American public is clearly OPPOSED to mandatory vaccinations, even among those who choose vaccines for their own children. Since the passage of SB 277 in California in 2015, the only way to opt out of childhood vaccines is to get a medical exemption from a licensed doctor. California started going after doctors who write medical exemptions trying to restrict their freedom to practice medicine in a matter best suited for the individual needs of their patients. The Internationally well-known pediatrician Bob Sears, who himself is NOT anti-vaccine but does delay or forgo some vaccines dependent upon the medical needs of his patients, was the first doctor they attacked, threatening to revoke his medical license. California medical doctor Ron Kennedy, who has been in medicine for almost 50 years, observed how many California medical doctors feared the loss of their medical license for writing vaccine medical exemptions, and filed a lawsuit against the California State Medical Board. Dr. Kennedy allegedly states in his lawsuit that the California Medical Board goes from school to school demanding medical records of children, without any permission from the parents, in an effort to find medical doctors writing medical exemptions for vaccines. Now, Dr. Richard Pan, who is a State Senator in California and authored SB 277 to remove the religious exemptions for childhood vaccines in California in 2015, has introduced Bill SB 276, which would take away the right of California medical doctors to write medical exemptions for vaccines, unless they get government permission.