Raw milk better than energy drinks

    Energy Drinks

    Raw Milk

    your child can choose to buy this wholesome drink in any store
    but they cannot choose this dangerous
    beverage in most places

    by C. M. Brubaker
    Chilliwack Times

    Re: raw milk.

    I would like to get my two cents in on this one.

    I concur with all the other reasons stated why we should be able to buy […]

      Judge Orders Questioning of Lab Workers in Raw Milk Shutdowns Where Listeria was Supposedly Tested

      Piercing a State Lab’s Armor: Judge Orders NY Ag & Markets to Allow Questioning of Lab Workers by FTCLDF Lawyer
      by David E. Gumpert
      The Complete Patient

      It’s our way of the highway. That’s essentially been the position of New York’s Department of Agriculture & Markets over the last nearly five years, when New York […]

        Herdshare Bill Needs Support in Massachusetts

        The Little Dairy Herd on Joshua’s Farm
        Steep Snow Caused Thyme (center) to Climb into Hay Rack, the farmer shooed her out, as it is not her bed, but her dinner.

        America’s Tiniest Dairy Farm is at Risk, Who Will Speak Out for Joshua’s Farm?
        by Kimberly Hartke, Publicist, The Campaign for Real Milk
        The bill presented by Massachusetts […]

          New State Raw Milk Association Formed in Wisconsin

          by Wisconsin Ag Connection

          Supporters of the recent effort to legalize the sales of unpasteurized milk in Wisconsin have formed a new group to help advance their cause. The Wisconsin Raw Milk Association is made up of consumers, dairy producers and other farmers committed to changing the current raw milk laws in the Dairy State.

          Organizers […]

            CDC Admits No One has Died from Drinking Raw Milk in last 11 Years in California

            by David E. Gumpert
            The Complete Patient
            The Power of Numbers in the War Over Raw Dairy–How the CDC Came to Admit a Death Wasn’t Categorized Correctly
            In this age of the Internet, it’s amazing how quickly certain statistics can catch on.

            Take the statistic I came up with in my Feb. 11 post, after having assessed data […]

              Ag Agency in Vermont Threatens Legal Action to Block Classes on Raw Butter, Yogurt, Cheese making

              Jared Carter, director of Rural Vermont, has some difficult decisions to make about holding dairy prep classes in Vermont.
              by David E. Gumpert
              The Complete Patient
              At the Senate confirmation hearing for U.S. Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, Sen. Tom Coburn posed this situation: supposing Congress passed a law requiring all Americans to eat three fruits and three vegetables […]

                Raw milk: What you need to know

                by Barbara Kessler
                Your Green Path
                Raw milk has enjoyed growing consumer attention in recent years as people have learned that it retains nutrients better than commercial milk that has undergone high-heat pasteurization.
                Industrial milk producers, however, have fought this trend, painting raw milk as risky or no better nutritionally. This has led to what the Organic […]

                  Industry Ads Attack Raw Milk, But Texas Bill Going Strong

                  By Judith McGeary, Esq.
                  Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund

                  The Big Dairy opposition to raw milk took a new turn recently when an industry group began running radio ads, across the state of Texas, warning the public away from raw milk. Not only did the ads include false and misleading information, but the campaign was being funded with […]

                    Is Raw Milk Safe to Drink?

                    by Jaime McLeod
                    Farmer’s Almanac

                    Raw milk is, quite simply, milk that comes straight from the cow without being pasteurized. But, they pasteurize milk for a reason, right? So, how could drinking unpasteurized milk be safe?
                    Pasteurization involves heating foods, then rapidly cooling them again to kill off any microorganisms living in the food. The process, invented […]

                      Listen to raw milk farmers Michael Schmidt and Alice Jongerden discuss the movie “Milk War”

                      by The Bovine

                      Listen to an interview with Alice Jongerden on Blog Talk Radio:http://www.blogtalkradio.com/awakentoyouradio/2011/01/27/raw-milk-health-accessibility

                      Michael Schmidt with Alice Jongerden on stage in British Columbia.

                      About the interview: “Wednesday, 02 February 2011 Alice Jongerden, the founder and former operator of a 450-member Fresh Milk cowshare in Chilliwack, BC, has been under attack by the Fraser Health […]

                        President Taft Kept a Cow on the White House Lawn and Drank Raw Milk

                        William Howard Taft (1909-1913)
                        Photo from The History Chef
                        by Suzy Evans, J.D., Ph.D.
                        President Taft kept a family dairy cow named Pauline Wayne on the White House lawn. For two years, Pauline supplied Taft and his family with fresh milk. When Taft left office in 1913, Pauline was shipped back to her former […]

                          Massachusetts Files Bill to Allow Raw Milk Sales off the Farm

                          Dairies seek to deliver raw milk

                          New bill would loosen regulations
                          By Christine Legere

                          Two raw-milk farms south of Boston are among 27 statewide that stand to benefit from legislation that would allow farms to deliver the product directly to […]

                            A Tale of Two Calves — One Calf was Fed on Raw Milk, the Other on Pasteurized

                            Health Impact News Editor’s comments:

                            This excellent blog post records a four month trial feeding one calf raw milk, and one calf pasteurized milk. The weight of the two calves was basically equal at the beginning of the feeding trial. At the end the raw milk calf weight 200 kg and the pasteurized milk calf weight […]

                              Raw Milk Dairy Farm Fights Back and Wins

                              by Annie White

                              With all the trouble that raw milk producers have had recently as the FDA hones in on the rise of its sale, it is certainly refreshing to see a win on the side of food freedom.

                              Bechards Family Farm in Conway, Missouri is run by husband and wife Armand and Teddi Bechard along with their […]

                                Using Raw Milk to recover from toxic mold digestive sickness

                                by hellaD

                                It is Real Milk Wednesday! I started posting articles about Real Fresh Raw Milk on Wednesdays because Kelly the Kitchen Kop does a Real Food Wednesday Bloghop. There are a lot of great links and recipes from the RealFood blogosphere posted there so check it out.
                                Today I finally got around to posting […]

                                  While illegal in much of the US, Raw Milk vending machines are starting to pop up in Europe

                                  by The Bovine
                                  From Lune at the “Constant State of Flux” blog:


                                  We found the material for this post on the Salt Spring News along with the following bit of commentary:
                                  “Having grown up on a dairy farm and having operated one myself, I’ve been drinking raw milk most of my life. […]

                                    CDC site of scientific shame on raw milk–what might agency have done differently?

                                    by David E. Gumpert of The Complete Patient

                                    There is lots not to like about the new web site about raw milk from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control. It is nearly totally one-sided in painting raw milk as dangerous. It is intellectually dishonest in not acknowledging large-scale journal-published research that demonstrates raw milk’s health benefits […]

                                      As Organic Valley Begins Enforcing Its No-Raw-Milk-Sold-Here Policy, Here Are Lessons Raw Milk Producers Can Learn About Gaining and Using Clout

                                      by The Complete Patient

                                      No way around it, the issue of food rights, responsibilities, and standards is complicated when it comes to raw dairy. That helps explain why the discussion here sometimes exasperates.

                                      It certainly helps to discuss the issue in terms of specific situations, because that is when the complexity becomes clearer. As one example–that […]