Children Raised on Small Dairy Farms Develop 90% Fewer Allergies

    A new study published in Sweden shows that children who live on small dairy farms run one-tenth the risk of developing allergies as other children. This study confirms the same results observed among small Amish dairy farms last year, where the drinking of farm-fresh raw milk was shown to be a cure for many allergies. The authors of the study suspect that the development of a healthy gut flora, as a result from living on the farm and being exposed to many different types of bacteria, is a major factor in developing immunity to allergies.

      FDA Influencing Illinois Raw Milk Restrictions

      As we have frequently reported here at Health Impact News, the federal war against raw milk is NOT over food safety, but over the economic threat to Big Dairy and their subsidized milk pools that go into processed food. When farmers bypass the system and market a premium product directly to the consumer, such as farm-fresh milk directly from a healthy cow, they are threatening the system. The FDA should have no jurisdiction at all at the state level in trying to regulate raw milk, but as Pete Kennedy writes below, they are influencing the Illinois Department of Public Health to restrict consumer's rights to purchase milk directly from the farm.

        FDA Backs Down from Consumer Outcry over Raw Artisanal Cheese Restrictions

        Does the FDA have a legitimate concern when it comes to aging cheese on wooden boards? Is it true that they can’t be “adequately cleaned or sanitized?” Simply put, no. As thoroughly documented by the American Cheese Society, there are a number of effective ways that wooden boards can be safely cleaned. Some of “the most awarded and well-respected” American artisanal cheeses are aged on wooden boards, since it brings a richer, more complex flavor that can’t be duplicated when aged on other materials. In fact, many artisan cheese recipes are specifically formulated to be aged on wooden boards. This rule could have irreparably harmed thousands of small artisans and businesses. The business about wood boards is just an excuse, a distraction, from the issue at hand, which is the FDA’s determination to harass and even shutter as many artisanal cheese makers as it can. The FDA’s demand that artisanal cheese producers, which depend on friendly bacteria for the taste and nutritional benefits of their product, essentially create a sterile environment, isn’t unlike what’s happened to the rest of our society with a push for sterilization of food and the environment, all the way to the ever-present hand sanitizers. Unfortunately for small cheese producers, the only entities that can successfully produce cheese in a sterile environment are the corporate producers, whose cheese fewer and fewer people want.

          Illnesses from Raw Milk less Severe than Illnesses and Deaths due to Pasteurized Milk

          David Gumpert recently published an insightful blog post demonstrating how the mainstream media treats outbreaks of illnesses due to milk. If there are illnesses due to drinking fresh raw milk, it is presented as a public health hazard and something that should be banned, even though there have been no recorded deaths due to drinking raw milk in the past 15 years. When illnesses and deaths occur due to pasteurized milk, however, it is glossed over in the mainstream media, and the fact that the milk was pasteurized as commercial processed milk is not even mentioned in the story. The official position in the mainstream media is that fresh raw milk directly from the farm is dangerous, while store-bought pasteurized processed milk is safe. This is a false belief not supported by the data. As we have previously reported, the raw milk debate is not a debate about food safety as the government, Big Dairy, and the pharmaceutical industry would like you to believe. The most dangerous foods in your local grocery store, causing the most outbreaks of deaths and illnesses, are in the fresh produce department, and the meat sections. And then if you want to include deaths due to FDA approved prescription drugs, the comparison becomes even more absurd.

            Illinois Legislators Back Off Raw Milk Ban After Consumer Outrage

            Under current Illinois law, farmers can sell an unlimited amount of raw milk on the farm without a permit. Legislators and health officials were working hard to completely banish farm-to-consumer agreements in some sneaky ways. This was not lost on Illinois' thriving raw milk market. Now, a proposed bill in Illinois banning the sale and distribution of natural or “raw” milk, has come to a screeching halt this session after legislators heard from thousands of natural milk supporters.

              U.S. Representative Massie Introduces Bipartisan Raw Milk Freedom Legislation

              Fresh raw milk is currently the only food banned in interstate commerce. And while the constitution gives Congress the authority to regulate interstate commerce, the current ban in place was not put there by an act of Congress, but by the FDA, preventing states where the sale of raw milk is legal from being able to transport and sell that milk in other states (where it is also legal). This action by the FDA is usually cloaked in the deception that it is for the sake of public health, however statistics clearly show that raw milk is no more dangerous than any other raw food, and in most cases is probably safer when sold by organic grass-fed small-scale operations. The sale of raw milk in the United States is first and foremost an economical issue, and deals with the rights of dairy farmers to be able to sell their products directly to consumers, bypassing the milk pools of Big Dairy, who enjoy tremendous political favor via farm subsidies. The ban on interstate commerce of raw milk and raw milk products is simply an attempt by Big Dairy to prevent consumers from having a choice between their highly processed commodity dairy products and fresh wholesome products produced by small-scale farmers. Congressman Massie (R–KY), Chellie Pingree (D–ME) and a bipartisan coalition of 18 other lawmakers have introduced legislation to improve consumer food choices and to protect local farmers from federal interference. The two bills – the “Milk Freedom of Act of 2014” and the “Interstate Milk Freedom Act of 2014” – are the first in a series of “food freedom” bills that Rep. Massie plans to introduce this year. These bills would make it easier for families to buy wholesome milk directly from farmers by reversing the criminalization of dairy farmers who offer raw milk. Encourage your representatives to support this bipartisan legislation!

                Oregon Farmer Wins Case Challenging Raw Milk Advertising Ban

                The Oregon Department of Agriculture today agreed to stop enforcing that state’s ban on the advertisement of raw—or unpasteurized—milk. This comes in response to a Nov. 2013 federal lawsuit filed by Christine Anderson, owner of Cast Iron Farms in McMinnville, Ore. Until today, it was illegal for farmers like Christine to advertise that they sell raw milk, a perfectly legal product. This meant that Christine was banned from posting flyers at local stores, advertising sales online or via email, or displaying a roadside sign at the farm saying “WE SELL RAW MILK.” Christine was even ordered in 2012 to take down prices for her milk from the Cast Iron Farm website. If she did advertise her raw milk, she faced $6,250 in fines and civil penalties as high as $10,000—plus a year in jail.

                  In Europe you can Purchase Fresh Raw Milk from Vending Machines

                  This Country Has America Beat When It Comes to Handling Raw Milk - Illegal in many states, unpasteurized dairy is sold out of vending machines in Slovenia.

                    Town of Foxboro Shows Up to Defy Board of Health and Save Family Raw Milk Farm

                    300 people turned out for a board of health hearing in Foxboro to support the Lawton Family Raw Milk farm which was being threatened with new regulations that would have put them out of business. Their farm spans 11 generations back to the 1700s, and town support for them was strong. In the end, the board of health backed down. One board member complained they had received: “Horrible emails, mean-spirited. Some very negative voice mails were left. It was uncalled for. We have been referred to as Gestapo. That being said, if you want to drink raw milk, have at it. If you want to sky dive, go ahead.”

                      Support for Lawton’s Raw Milk Family Farm Forces Delay in Board of Health Public Hearing to Shut Them Down

                      The town of Foxborough Massachusetts is proposing new stricter raw milk regulations which would put The Lawtons Family Farm out of business. The farm has spanned 11 generations dating back to the 1700s. But at a Board of Health public hearing, so many people turned out to support the Lawtons, that the hearing had to be postponed until they could find a larger venue. The regular meeting room only holds 80 people, and more than 140 showed up, most of them to show support for the raw milk farmers.

                        Farmer Fights Back: Sues State of Oregon For Ban on Free Speech in Advertising Raw Milk

                        An Oregon raw milk farmer is fighting back against Big Dairy and the state of Oregon for limiting her free speech. The state of Oregon allows limited sales of raw milk from the farm. Based on a law passed in 1999, if a farmer has 3 or less dairy cows, with no more than two lactating, they can sell raw milk directly to the public. Yet, in spite of these tight restrictions, the Oregon Dairy Farmers Association pushed for even more restrictions last year. So while it is still currently legal to sell raw milk from a 2-cow dairy farm, it is a criminal offense if you advertise your product. If a raw milk dairy farm even publishes the cost of their product online, they can face a year in jail and $6,250 in fines. All Oregon farmers who sell milk on the farm directly to consumers are prohibited from advertising the milk online, in fliers, via email or on signs. Being faced with the possibility of going out of business, Christina decided to fight back, with the help of the Institute for Justice, a civil liberties law firm based out of Alrington Virginia. This week they filed a suit against the Oregon Department of Agriculture in U.S. District Court in Portland, claiming farmers' Constitutional rights to free speech are being violated.

                          N.Y. Times Admits Raw Milk is Cure For Allergies

                          In this N.Y. Times opinion piece, dairy farm life and the consumption of raw dairy milk is clearly shown to be associated with reduced allergies. But raw milk consumption is discouraged nevertheless, and people are encouraged instead to wait for new drugs which will mimic the same effect.

                            Raw Milk: A Key Ingredient in Some of the World’s Finest Cheeses

                            Based on their vehement warnings to the public, as well as their raids on small farms, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) want you to believe that raw milk is unsafe. And if you listen to them, you would come away believing that raw milk is a filthy, disease-causing beverage that is virtually guaranteed to make you and your family sick… Yet, this very same ingredient – raw milk – is used to make some of the world’s finest cheeses, from the Italian Parmigiano Reggiano to the famous French-made Camembert. The traditional cheese-making process has been crafted over centuries in many cases, and is truly an art form, with each cheese carefully aged and ripened to develop a complex taste and texture that mass-produced cheeses cannot replicate – thanks, in large part, to their raw milk content.

                              YOU the Taxpayer are Funding the Agri Business Takeover of our Food Supply

                              When the United States was founded in the 1700s, about 90% of the U.S. population was employed in agriculture. By the time of the Civil War, when Abraham Lincoln served as President of the United States, about 50% of the population was employed in agriculture. Today, less than 1% of our population is employed in agriculture, and most of the food sold in the U.S., and even around the world, is controlled by just a handful of companies. Who controls the food supply in the U.S. today, and how did they come to be so powerful? Unfortunately, we are blaming everyone and everything for the poor quality of our food today, except for the ones who have actually caused this to happen. Unless we understand the true cause of the problem, and the real solutions, nothing will change.

                                Prosecution of Peaceful Farmers Continues Across U.S.

                                State regulatory agencies are increasingly targeting and prosecuting peaceful farmers who provide fresh, healthful food to ready and willing co-op members. The war against raw milk and other small farmers is an issue of government and big business trying to interfere with your right to access pure food from the producers of your choice. This is a tragic situation, indeed, as well as a serious threat to your ability to purchase food from small, independent farmers.

                                  Top Chefs Serving Heads of State Served Raw Milk in Amish Barn

                                  The Club des Chefs des Chefs, known as the world's most exclusive gastronomic society, recently gathered in an Amish barn in Pennsylvania. In attendance were some of the world's most renowned chefs including: the queen of England's chef, chef to His Highness Prince Albert II, of Monaco, two chefs who serve Italian President Giorgio Napolitano, and President Obama's chef Cristeta Comerford. Among the local organic food that was served to these distinguished chefs by Amish farmer Leroy Miller, was raw milk. Did any of these chefs refuse the Amish raw milk? We don't know, but I doubt it. These were chefs, not politicians. Unfortunately, however, locally-produced farm food has become a huge political issue in recent times. Back in 2011 the Obama administration decided the FDA should prosecute Amish raw milk farmer Dan Allgyer in Pennsylvania, carrying out a sting operation against him and putting him out of business. His crime was supplying raw milk to a private food club a few miles away, but across the Pennsylvania state border. The incident prompted a demonstration in Washington D.C. Will the major players in the industrial mass-produced and heavily subsidized food system that runs America allow direct access to farm-fresh food? The movement towards community sustainable agriculture and local foods is definitely an economic threat to the current system. But for at least one day, the chefs of the politicians who often protect the Industrial Food system gathered together in an Amish barn to enjoy REAL food!

                                  Maine Governor Vetoes Raw Milk Bill

                                  Governor Paul LePage of Maine became the latest governor this month to veto a raw milk bill that enjoyed widespread support among the people of his state, and had the support of state lawmakers. One would have thought that if a bill like this could be passed anywhere, Maine would be the place, given their strong commitment to family farms and healthy food. But much the same as Nevada governor Brian Sandoval last month, LePage apparently caved into Big Ag special interest groups.

                                    New Studies Confirm: Raw Milk A Low-Risk Food

                                    Three quantitative microbial risk assessments (QMRAs) recently published in the Journal of Food Protection have demonstrated that unpasteurized milk is a low-risk food, contrary to previous, inappropriately-evidenced claims suggesting a high-risk profile. These scholarly papers, along with dozens of others, were reviewed on May 16, 2013 at the Centre for Disease Control in Vancouver, BC (Canada), during a special scientific Grand Rounds presentation entitled "Unpasteurized milk: myths and evidence." The reviewer, Nadine Ijaz, MSc, demonstrated how inappropriate evidence has long been mistakenly used to affirm the "myth" that raw milk is a high-risk food, as it was in the 1930s. Today, green leafy vegetables are the most frequent cause of food-borne illness in the United States. British Columbia CDC's Medical Director of Environmental Health Services, Dr. Tom Kosatsky, who is also Scientific Director of Canada's National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health,welcomed Ms. Ijaz's invited presentation as "up-to-date" and "a very good example of knowledge synthesis and risk communication."

                                      Herdshare Programs Gain Legal Status for Raw Milk Distribution

                                      Herdshare programs, which are private contracts between farmers and individuals who purchase a share in a milk-producing animal, have been getting more legal status in many states. North Dakota and Michigan are the two latest states to take action protecting herdshare programs.

                                        Maine Department of Agriculture Actions Prove Safety of Raw Milk is NOT the Issue in Attacking Raw Milk Farmers

                                        Raw milk safety is NOT the issue. It's all about government control. If safety were truly the issue, then why is the Maine Department of Agriculture allowing one farm to sell raw milk to the public for a simple $25.00 license, while denying a similar small farm who was following a local ordinance that did not require a license? Isn't time the anti-raw milk antagonists stop hiding behind the raw milk "safety" issue? The raw milk issue is not a safety issue. It is about government control. As the recent jury who acquitted Wisconsin farmer Vernon Hershberger from being guilty of providing milk to private club members without a state-approved license shows, the public is getting fed up with the government stance over licensing, and their treating peaceful farmers like illegal drug criminals. It is time for a Food Freedom Revolution!