Hundreds of Soldiers & Vets Dying From Antipsychotic–Seroquel

Fred A. Baughman Jr., MD & Stan White (Father of Deceased Veteran, Andrew White) disclose the following:
EL CAJON, Calif., Nov. 7, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — As a neurologist who has discovered and described medical diseases, I (FAB) read the May 24, 2008, Charleston (WV) Gazette article “Vets taking Post Traumatic Stress Disorder drugs […]

Everyone Opposed to Creation of New Psychiatric Disorders Except Those Who Stand to Profit from Them

Health Impact News Editor Comments: The “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders” is the publication used by Psychiatrists to define mental illnesses and legally prescribe drugs. How are these diseases diagnosed? Watch this video:

The DSM5 edition is now being debated, and as this article by Dr. Allen Frances explains, almost every group has come […]

American Academy of Pediatrics Promotes Big Pharma Agenda—Labeling and drugging 4-year-olds

Citizens Commission on Human Rights

4-year-olds on drugs? You betcha. The  American Academy of Pediatrics issued new treatment guidelines for “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder” that say ADHD can be diagnosed in kids as early as age four, and that Ritalin and similar drugs are an appropriate treatment even for children this […]

Drugging of children for “ADHD” has become an epidemic

by Dr. Peter R. Breggin
The New York Times

The drugging of children for A.D.H.D. has become an epidemic. More than 5 million U.S. children, or 9.5 percent, were diagnosed with A.D.H.D. as of 2007. About 2.8 million had received a prescription for a stimulant medication in 2008.
The A.D.H.D. diagnosis does not identify a […]

Treating Drug-Induced Diseases with More Drugs

by Alliance for Natural Health

Treating Drug-Induced Diseases…

…With more—and worse—drugs?
Mainstream medicine too frequently relies on pharmaceuticals to solve problems that FDA-approved medicines caused in the first place. Take, for example, delirium—a kind of mental confusion that’s a common complication of hospital admission, especially among people over 65. It is one […]

Many mental health advocacy groups are really pharma-funded front groups run by psychiatrists

The Psycho-Pharma Front Groups

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP)
Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA)
Attention Deficit Disorder Association (ADDA)
Center for the Advancement of Children’s Mental Health (CACMH)
Children and Adults with ADD (CHADD)
Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA)

DBSA Advisory Board
Herbert Pardes: Creating The Front Group Pipe Line
Mental Health America (Formerly National Mental Health Association)
National Alliance on […]

Convicted: Prozac Turned Teen into Murderer

Prozac Turned Teen into Murderer – Judge Bases Opinion on Testimony of Psychiatrist Peter R. Breggin, MD that the Antidepressant Caused a Stimulant-like Syndrome Leading to Manic-like Behavior, Suicidality and Violence

By Peter R. Breggin, MD
The headline from the Winnipeg Free Press in Canada tells the story: “Judge Agrees Prozac Made Teen a Killer.” Provincial […]

The Drugging of America

By Barry Evans
The theory that psychological problems are mainly caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain can be traced back 60 years, when French researchers accidentally discovered that Thorazine (chlorpromazine) dramatically improved the emotional behavior of institutionalized mental patients. Within a few years, the anti-psychotic properties of Thorazine […]

Anti-depressants no better than placebos according to scientific studies

by Dr John Read
The Sydney Morning Herald
Mental health services have become increasingly dominated by psychiatry’s ”medical model”, which claims that feeling depressed, anxious or paranoid is primarily caused by genetic predispositions and chemical imbalances.
This has led to alarming rises in chemical solutions to distress. In New Zealand, one in nine adults […]

Shy Kids Seen as Next Target Market for Psych Drugs

Now shy children face risk of being given mental-health drugs… with 650,000 youngsters already on Ritalin

Experts fear widespread use of powerful medications
Hyperactive children already being treated with drugs

By Emily Allen

Children who are shy or considered moody run the risk of being diagnosed with mental illnesses and given powerful drugs like […]