700 Percent Increase in Number of Psych Drugs Prescribed to Active Soldiers Leads to More Deaths by Suicide than Deaths by Combat

    Last year, more active-duty soldiers committed suicide than died in battle. According to data not reported on until now, the military evidently responded to stress that afflicts soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan primarily by drugging soldiers on the front lines.

      The Drug War on Boys

      Boyhood isn’t a medical condition to be cured. The God-complex of doctors, on the other hand, could use an injection of humility. Physician, heal thyself.

        Psychiatric Research Misconduct at the University of Minnesota: How Forced Participation in Drug Trial Resulted in Death

        by Vera Sharav
        I have just signed a petition urging Mark Dayton, Governor of Minnesota to appoint an independent, external panel of experts to conduct an investigation into gross medical research and clinical care misconduct by psychiatrists at the University of Minnesota who put their financial interests above the life of a […]

          Newtown Mother Fights to Get Adam Lanza’s Medical Records

          Patricia Sabato testifies in Hartford, CT 2 14 2013 re bills in Children’s Committee – Still no release from the State of Connecticut of Adam Lanza’s records so no bills should even be presented without the evidence.
          by Ann Marie Somma
          Hartford Faith and Values


          Patricia Sabato, a Newtown mother, is the lone voice struggling to be heard […]

            Steve Forbes Uninformed About Antipsychotic Drugs Link to Violence and Suicide

            by Alliance for Natural Health

            Will that avoid mass shootings like Sandy Hook—or just put people on the very drugs that can make them homicidal?

            In the January 21 issue of Forbes magazine, Steve Forbes says that hundreds of thousands of people lead tortured, miserable lives and need supervised care. His solution is to repopulate public mental hospitals and wards instead of […]

              Connecticut Shooting— Wake Up Call for Federal Investigation of America’s Failed Mental Health System

              by Kelly Patricia O’Meara
              Citizens Commission on Human Rights International

              Sign the Petition for Federal Investigation into relationship between school shootings and psychiatric drugs.

              Photo Caption (left): Click image to read CCHR’s full report—Another School Shooting, Another Psychiatric Drug? Federal investigation long overdue

              In the coming days, as a nation, we will respectfully bow our heads for those brief moments of […]

                Should We Be Looking at Prescription Drugs for a Possible Cause of Increase in Mass Murders?

                So will the media even investigate the possible link of drugs and violence in the current tragic massacre, or will we again simply debate the gun control issue?

                  TeenScreen Operations Have Shut Down

                  by Vera Sharav
                  Alliance for Human Research Protection

                  The following announcement was posted on TeenScreen’s website (November 15, 2012):

                  “Important Announcement for Schools & Communities:  We are sorry to inform you that the TeenScreen National Center will be winding down its program at the end of this year. Accordingly, we will no longer train or register new programs.”   […]

                    Chicago Psychiatrist Faces Federal Fraud Suit for too many Prescriptions to the Elderly

                    by Charles Ornstein and Tracy Weber


                    The U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois filed a federal fraud lawsuit [1] today against a Chicago psychiatrist profiled by ProPublica [2] and the Chicago Tribune in 2009 for his voluminous prescribing of antipsychotic drugs to nursing home patients.

                    In a news release [3], the government says that […]

                      Psychiatric Drugs and War: A Suicide Mission

                      by Kelly Patricia O’Meara
                      Citizens Commission on Human Rights International

                      Imagine for a moment that a soldier is ordered to proceed through a clearly identified mine field, having received assurance from his commanding officer that it’s okay to proceed because the odds are not everyone is blown to bits. Most would consider this nothing short of […]

                        Random Violence & Senseless Shootings: Police data may I.D. psychiatric drug use in violent crimes

                        By Kelly Patricia O’Meara
                        The Citizens Commission on Human Rights

                        Law enforcement is in a unique position to collect data that may actually provide the most accurate information about the possible connection between psychotropic  drugs and violence.

                        Image caption: 22 international drug regulatory warnings cite psychiatric drugs causing violent reactions including mania, psychosis, hostility, violence and homicide.

                        In an effort […]

                          How Kids Are Getting Hooked on Pills for Life

                          By Evelyn Pringle, Martha Rosenberg
                          Young children were once expected to outgrow their issues; now they’re diagnosed with lifelong psychiatric problems.
                          Where do parents and teachers get the idea there’s something wrong with kids that only an expensive drug can fix? From Big Pharma’s seamless web of ads, subsidized doctors, journals, medical courses and conferences, paid “patient” groups, phony public services messages […]

                            Doctors prescribing amphetamines to struggling students in low-income areas to improve grades

                            by Alliance for Natural Health

                            Some doctors are now prescribing long-term ADHD medications to low-income kids who don’t have ADHD—simply to boost academic performance.

                            One physician, Dr. Michael Anderson of Canton, Georgia, calls ADHD a “made up” disorder, “an excuse” for doctors to prescribe Adderall to treat poor academic performance in inadequate schools. According to a disturbing […]

                              Big Pharma’s Newest Money-Making Scheme: Adult ADHD

                              By Evelyn Pringle and Martha Rosenberg

                              Who belongs to this “untapped” market? Just about anybody.

                              There is good news and bad news about attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) — that is, if you’re a drug company. The bad news is the kid market has peaked out with 4.5 million U.S. children now carrying the label. The good […]

                                Is Your Child Mentally Ill? Yes, According to Big Pharma Funded Doctors


                                by Martha Rosenberg
                                Citizens Commission on Human Rights International

                                How has Big Pharma managed to get so many children on expensive drug cocktails for “mental illness”? Drugs that they may not even need?

                                Big Pharma has spent millions on public relations campaigns that tell parents, teachers and clinicians to dose children at the first sign of problems. It knows if […]

                                  Why are 5 milllion kids diagnosed ADHD? — $7.2 Billion a year in ADHD drug sales

                                  by CCHR International

                                  A recent article posted in the Wall Street Journal posed the question, “Are ADHD Medications Overprescribed?”

                                  Is that a rhetorical question? 5 million children are currently taking ADHD drugsin the U.S. alone.

                                  In fact the U.S. has the unfortunate distinction of being the world’s leader when it comes to child drugging—the top nation fueling the […]

                                    Why have Antipsychotic Prescriptions in Children Skyrocketed?


                                    By Dr. Mercola

                                    Thanks to aggressive marketing techniques, pharmaceutical companies are raking in profits from atypical antipsychotic medications – drugs originally approved for mental illnesses that are as serious as they are rare.

                                    It’s no surprise then that a major portion of the sales of these types of “hard-core” psychiatric drugs come from off-label uses. Drugs […]

                                      How Do These People Sleep? She Was 4 and She’s Dead by Psychiatry

                                      by Heidi Stevenson
                                      Gaia Health 

                                      John McCarthy speaks passionately about prescription of psychiatric drugs to children. Rebecca Riley was four years old—”four and bold”—given four drugs at once, and she died from the cure. Her psychiatrists are still in practice.

                                      Take just 5 minutes to listen to this incredibly moving piece, when McCarthy spoke at Health Actions International’s […]

                                        U.S. Senators File Amendment to Combat Widespread Antipsychotic Drugging of Elderly in Nursing Homes

                                        by Citizens Commission on Human Rights International

                                        U.S. Senators Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, Herb Kohl, D-Wis., and Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., filed an amendment last week seeking to combat the costly, widespread and inappropriate use of antipsychotics in nursing homes.

                                        “This amendment responds to alarming reports about the use of antipsychotic drugs with nursing home residents,” Grassley said. “It’s […]

                                          According to Psychiatry, Everybody Must be Addicted

                                          by Jacob Sullum
                                          Citizens Commission on Human Rights

                                          Several interesting articles about the upcoming revisions to psychiatry’s diagnostic manual, for the new DSM 5.

                                          The next edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, scheduled to be published a year from now, is expected to include a looser definition of addiction that will qualify millions […]