Censored in U.S. Media, Killer Vaccines Exposed in India and Around the World

    It was recently announced that the government of India has finally admitted that the deadly Pentavalent vaccine had indeed been linked to the deaths of children. The five-in-one Pentavalent vaccine contains five vaccines for: Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Hepatitis B & Hib Meningitis. The Office of Medical and Scientific Justice (OMSJ) reported that 54 deaths and 135 hospitalizations have been recorded as a result of the vaccine. Many doctors oppose the vaccine due to the serious adverse effects. The Pentavalent vaccine has been linked to deaths in other developing countries as well, where it has been mostly banned as a result. But most of this news is blacked out of the U.S. mainstream media. Find out why.

      Pediatrician predicts Bill Gates and the WHO will kill 3,125 babies with their 5-in-1 vaccine

      The head of pediatrics at St Stephens Hospital in New Delhi has blasted the World Health Organization and Bill Gates’ GAVI vaccine partnership for pushing a deadly vaccine program on India. The pentavalent vaccine has already killed at least 40 babies in India, Pakistan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and Bhutan. The vaccine program has been suspended in Bhutan, Sri Lanka and Pakistan after deaths and adverse reactions. This pentavalent vaccine combines the outdated whole-cell DPT (withdrawn in the US) with Hib and hepatitis B. It is the brainchild of the Bill Gates GAVI vaccine partnership, which boasts of rolling it out around the world.