Prescription Painkiller Drugs Kill More People Than Murders or Car Accidents in the US

    Deaths caused by overdosing on painkillers now surpass murders and fatal car accidents in the US. America’s rising drug problem recently received renewed attention following the death of Philip Seymour Hoffman. The 46-year-old Oscar-winning actor died from a heroin overdose on February 2. Last year, Hoffman entered rehab when addiction to prescription painkillers led him to switch to heroin. US officials now acknowledge that narcotic painkillers are in fact a driving force in the rise of substance abuse and lethal overdoses.

      Natural Solutions for Pain: Non-Addictive and Cost-Effective

      Over 100 million Americans suffer from chronic pain—yet conventional “solutions” can cause intestinal bleeding, dependence, heart disease, and cancer. There are many non-addictive and cost affection alternative solutions for pain, many of which stimulate the body's natural healing mechanisms so that you can heal the body, rather than just mask symptoms with prescription drugs.

        Pain-for-profit industry booming

        by Dr. Carolyn Dean
        (NaturalNews) Global Industry Analysts, Inc. (GIA) released their comprehensive global report on Pain Management markets in January 2011. The Pain-for-Profit Industry is so darn lucrative that you have to pay $4500 just to read the report but I’ll give you the highlights for free.
        The Pain-for-Profit Industry will earn US$60 billion […]