New Zealand Health Authorities Trying to Medically Kidnap 4-Month-Old Baby Who Needs Heart Surgery Because Parents Want Unvaccinated Blood

    Health Authorities in New Zealand are trying to take custody of a 4-month-old baby that needs heart surgery, because the parents don't want the baby to receive blood from someone who has been vaccinated against COVID-19. According to an interview with the parents, the parents are not refusing medical treatment, and agree with the doctors who state that their baby needs immediate heart surgery. They just want to donate their own blood from their own donors, and they claim they already have more than 20 pediatric donors who have been screened and could donate their blood for the needed surgery. But doctors are refusing, because they claim the parents' beliefs are unfounded and that vaccinated blood is perfectly safe. The corporate media in New Zealand is branding the parents as crazy anti-vaccination conspiracy theorists. I have read two articles in the corporate news, one from The Guardian, and one from, and both sources make it sound like the parents are refusing "life-saving treatment" for their baby due to their "conspiracy" beliefs. But a former TV news reporter, Liz Gunn, who is now with FreeNZ Media, attended a meeting the parents had with health authorities and also interviewed the parents afterwards, so that the public can hear directly from the parents themselves regarding what their desires are. They state that they want what's best for their 4-month-old baby, and that they agree with the doctors, but simply want unvaccinated blood.

      Police Break Down Door of Arizona Family at 1 AM to Medically Kidnap 3 Children Because Parents Refused to Take Child to Emergency Room with Fever

      Local news media in Arizona have reported that a family had their three children forcibly removed from their home in the early morning hours after armed police forces broke down their door to gain entrance. The military SWAT-like actions of these armed police forces were captured on video by the family's security cameras. The incident is reportedly the result of the family's doctor reporting them to child services because they did not follow her advice and take their 2-year-old son to the emergency room due to a high fever. The parents claim the child's fever came down considerably on the way, and that he started playing with his siblings. They offered to bring him back to the doctor to verify he was not in danger, instead of spending thousands of dollars for an emergency room visit, but the doctor allegedly refused and reported them to social services. If local authorities truly believed the child was in imminent danger, why did they wait until the middle of the night when the entire family was asleep to break down their door and come in and raid their home, traumatizing the children and taking all three of them into custody? The parents do not even know where their children are located, and social services reportedly canceled their meeting.

        Difficult Father’s Day for Dads Who Lost Their Children to Corrupt Child Protection System

        It is Father's Day. The day that we honor dads. The holiday began decades ago as a day to celebrate the strong, heroic, protective men who inspire, encourage, and push us to be the best we can be. Most of us have a beautiful, nostalgic image of what today is supposed to be like, but for too many of our readers, that image is a painful reminder of what could be, what should be - but isn't. Children and parents are being separated by the hundreds of thousands in the United States. There are many fathers who want nothing more than to be with their children today, but a judge or a social worker has decided that they can't be. If they had done something wrong, the bitter separation might be somewhat easier to bear, but many dads today are in a situation that was created by a false allegation or by asking for a second medical opinion. They wanted to protect their children and give their best, but people who see their children as little more than dollar signs have stolen that basic human right from them. May God soon bring about the day of restoration of families, and may He hold and protect all of the children, and comfort every one who is missing a loved one today.

          Baby of Idaho Disabled Mom Seized when Parents Claim Religious Exemption to Vaccines

          Something unconscionable has happened in North Idaho this last week. We were notified by the daugther of a local pastor here in Kootenai County regarding a woman of his congregation, Diamond Mehlhoff, who gave birth in Kootenai County @ KMC on Monday November 20th via C section. On Wednesday November 22nd, after the parents refused vaccination for the baby, the state became involved and took this beautiful baby, Elijah, from his loving parents, claiming the mother to be unfit due to a diagnosis of cerebral palsy (a non progressive movement disorder). Their court hearing is tomorrow, Monday 27th at 8am @ 205 N 4th Street Coeur D Alene ID 83814 in the Juvenile Justice Center. They are asking anyone available to please come support them.

            Vaccine Extremist Pediatricians Want Child Protective Services to Remove Children from Parents Who Object to Vaccines

            Pediatricians who hold the most extreme views on vaccines (ALL people should be vaccinated with ALL vaccines ALL the time by force if necessary) are starting to publicly call for children who are not vaccinated with all recommended vaccines to be removed from their parents by reporting the parents to Child Protective Services. Similar to what happened in 2015 when the media and pro-vaccine extremists used the California Disneyland measles outbreak as an excuse to attack parents with children not vaccinated as the cause, so the most recent call to punish parents who choose not to vaccinate is using a supposed outbreak of measles in Minnesota to justify such severe actions. As we saw in 2015, the Disneyland measles outbreak was completely blown out of proportion by the mainstream media who did not accurately report on the facts. For example, many of those who contracted measles at Disneyland were already vaccinated against measles, and the "outbreak" (90 cases) was hardly significant, as similar outbreaks have occurred throughout the U.S. the past 30 years, and among a highly vaccinated population. What we saw in 2015 was a rash of proposed state bills to mandate vaccines, using the Disneyland measles "outbreak" as an excuse. Most of those bills were defeated in local state legislatures, and that trend has continued to 2017. The public, overwhelmingly, does NOT want the state forcing parents to vaccinate their children. With legislative efforts to force vaccines upon the public failing across the country, is the new strategy to have doctors start reporting parents who delay or refuse certain vaccines to local Child Protective Services (CPS) for "medical neglect"?

              Top 10 Health Impact News Stories from 2016

              Articles published on our Medical Kidnap website dominated our top most-read stories in 2016. Four of the top ten stories read involved infants taken away from their families at or near the time of their birth. One of them later died while in state custody. In terms of total traffic to our network, the HPV Vaccine and Gardasil continued to dominate the most traffic over any other topic. Two of the top 10 articles from 2016 involved the HPV Vaccine, including the story of a 19 year old girl who died from complications of the HPV Vaccine. Previous articles published prior to 2016 about Gardasil and the HPV vaccine also received significant traffic. Here are the top 10 articles read on the Health Impact News network in 2016:

                Dr. Phil Exposes Medical Kidnapping and Shaken Baby Syndrome False Diagnosis with North Carolina Family

                In December of 2015, North Carolina mother Marty Peele contacted Health Impact News through their website in the hopes that we would tell her story of how her "miracle baby" had been taken away from her and the father of the baby with allegations of "child abuse." Local media had published stories portraying them as child abusers, in spite of the fact that Marty had suffered 8 miscarriages, was well respected in her community and church, and had worked with other family's children for over 17 years. Doctors had even testified that their child was suffering from infantile rickets, which would cause brittle bones. But they still did not get their baby back after 19 months, so they contacted Health Impact News, and we published their story at The Peele family's ordeal has now appeared on the Dr. Phil show, and joining them on the show were several doctors who gave their expert testimonies in Marty's defense, confirming that there was a medical reason for Micah's broken ribs, and that it was not a result of child abuse. Testifying on the show were Dr. J. Patrick Whelan, EDS (Ehlers-Danlos syndrome) genetics and pediatrics expert, Dr. David Ayoub, radiologist and published rickets expert and lecturer, and Dr. Doug Benson, orthopedic surgeon who has been involved in the case for some time. Also a guest on the show is attorney and child advocate Areva Martin who said: "The system has just run amuck on this case."

                  Medical Kidnapping: A Threat to Every Child in America Today

                  If you live in the United States of American today, and you have children in your home under the age of 18, every day you are in danger of losing your children to the State through medical kidnapping. All across the United States today, parents are losing custody of their biological children due to medical kidnapping. Medical kidnapping is defined as the State taking away children from their biological parents and putting them into State custody and the foster care system, simply because the parents did not agree with a doctor regarding their prescribed medical treatment for the family. In some cases it is as simple as telling a doctor you are going to seek a second opinion on a suggested medical procedure, and then ending up being charged with "medical abuse" and losing your children.

                    Top 10 Stories in 2015 on Health Impact News

                    News highlighting the dangers of vaccines and medical kidnapping stories dominated our readership in 2015. Half of the top 10 stories were stories about vaccine dangers, and 4 of the top stories were Medical Kidnapping stories of families who lost their children to the medical system and Child Protection Services (CPS). Two of the vaccine stories, including the #1 most-read story in 2015, were stories about young women who reportedly had their lives destroyed by the Gardasil HPV vaccine. Here are the top 10 most read stories in 2015 on the Health Impact News network.

                      Is This What Has Become of America? Texas Citizens Have 3 Children Seized at Airport for Wanting to Visit Dying Mother

                      Tammi Stefano, host of The National Safe Child Show, is joined by Kathy and Ahmed Giwa, a couple who have received national media attention recently. Kathy Giwa has a Ph.D. and is working on her second Ph.D. She is a Texas certified special education teacher, Texas certified principal and also a CPS approved daycare director. Her husband, Ahmed, holds a Masters in Computer Science and also an MBA. Ahmed works for energy companies in Houston, Texas, where they live. The Giwas are dual citizens of the U.S. and Nigeria. Their children were seized by Texas Rangers at the Dallas airport in November, after Customs and Border Control officers and local police reportedly refused to arrest them due to lack of evidence. Child Protection Services (CPS) was the one recommending the arrest. Ali Giwa, the youngest child, was medically kidnapped on April 14, 2015, by Harris County CPS – a county the family doesn’t even live in – on allegations of “failure to thrive.” Though Ali has some developmental delays, CPS never mentioned to the judge that he is in the 75th percentile with his height and weight. He was returned home on July 29, but the case remained open. The U.S. Marshal at the Dallas airport allegedly had a private meeting behind closed doors with CPS, and acting on orders from CPS arrested the parents. They were at their gate, ready to board their plane with their car parked in the airport parking garage as they were clearly expecting to come back shortly to their home and jobs in Houston. They were hoping to get to say goodbye to their grandmother on her deathbed in Nigeria (Ahmed's mother) to fulfill her dying wish. Without a trial or any charges pressed against the parents, the Giwa family was torn apart when their three young children we removed from their custody at the airport just before Thanksgiving and Christmas. They have not seen their young children for over a month. They recently told their story to Tammi Stefano on The National Safe Child Show.

                        Christmas is not so “Merry” when your Children Have Been Kidnapped by the State

                        Child trafficking is a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States today, with American taxpayer funds paying for the kidnapping of children for placement into foster care and adoption programs. Child Protection Services across the United States by and large do NOT look out for the interests of the child anymore, but instead look out for their own interests and programs, and billions of dollars in federal funds. Christmas is a lonely time, and a cruel reminder that their family has been torn apart, for thousands of families across the U.S. who have had their children medically kidnapped by force.

                          Indiana Parents’ Trip to E.R. Results in Children Kidnapped – Names Slandered in Local Media – Lives Ruined

                          On June 8th, 2015, Nikki and Rodney Wisler of Anderson, Indiana, noticed bruises on their one-month old daughter Leigh Ann. They took her to Community Hospital Anderson’s Emergency Room, as advised by their pediatrician over the phone. The concerned parents worried that their new baby might have a genetic disorder that caused the bruises, since their 2.5 year-old daughter Caridie had been diagnosed with a genetic disorder the previous year. Initially, the E.R. did not find anything of concern, and since the baby was not in pain, they sent the parents home, advising them to follow up with their regular pediatrician the next morning. The following day, their pediatrician sent the parents back to the hospital for x-rays and a head ultrasound. After they left the hospital, they were called back again for additional x-rays to “rule out a fracture.” Later, the pediatrician called them, saying there was a tibia fracture, and directed them to come back to the E.R. to have the baby's leg splinted. The pediatrician explained that she had to call the Department of Child Services (DCS) because there was an unexplained fracture and bruises. Nikki and Rodney weren’t concerned, since they knew they had done nothing wrong. However, they were traumatized when DCS seized custody of their children that night and accused them of abuse. Without an investigation or even a home visit, warrants were issued for the Wisler's arrest. The Wisler's lost everything: their children, their reputations, their jobs, and their home. The Wisler’s are shocked how the system can be so heartless and punitive towards loving parents, and how the doctors, social workers, and prosecuting attorneys are quick to call "child abuse" and destroy a family without an investigation or any evidence. Further evidence has shown that there was actually no fracture, and doctors have reversed their opinions on the matter. However, the Wislers are still without their children, and without employment as the community believes they are guilty of child abuse.

                            Couple Arrested and Children Taken by CPS When Trying to Leave Texas to Visit Dying Grandmother

                            They just wanted to honor a dying grandmother's deathbed wish to see her grandbabies one time before she leaves this earth. Now, thanks to the intervention of a Texas Ranger and CPS, that may never happen. Ahmed and Olubunmi Giwa were arrested last weekend and all of their children seized by Child Protective Services when they tried to fly out on an emergency trip to see Mr. Giwa's mother. Ahmed's mother is reportedly doing very poorly. The family was simply planning to visit her in Nigeria for a couple of days. They had return tickets for everyone, and their car was parked in the parking deck at the airport the whole time. Ali Giwa was medically kidnapped on April 14, 2015, by Harris County CPS - a county the family doesn't even live in - on allegations of "failure to thrive." It is still unclear how Harris County has jurisdiction in this case. Though Ali has some developmental delays, CPS never mentioned to the judge that he is in the 75th percentile with his height and weight. He was returned home on July 29, but the bizarre case remained open. Now, CPS has taken the 2 year old's twin sister and his 3 year old sister as well and placed them into foster care, accusing his parents of "interfering with child custody" and attempted international kidnapping, of their own children.

                              Medical Kidnapping in Kentucky: Mother Coerced to Give Up Daughter to Adoption in Order to Keep Son

                              When Brenda Maney of Richmond, KY, walked into her Termination of Parental Rights (TPR) hearing on May 7, 2015, she was not prepared for the impossible choice the Family Court would present to her. About 2.5 years earlier, in the winter of 2012, a series of unfortunate events in Brenda’s life led to a friend naïvely calling Kentucky's Department for Community Based Services (DCBS) for help. DCBS social workers showed up at Brenda’s door, and despite the children being well taken care of, removed her children after “diagnosing” her as having Postpartum depression and demanding that she check herself into a psychiatric hospital for treatment in order to get her two children back. Brenda would never get her baby daughter back, despite the fact that she did what DCBS required and checked into the hospital. At Brenda’s TPR hearing, the judge called a recess which lasted about 40 minutes. Brenda’s attorney came back and said that the court was offering Brenda a choice – to choose between having her 14-year-old son Aaron come home by giving up her 3-year-old daughter Tanaieah voluntarily to adoption, or lose both children. The attorney explained: “Your daughter does not know you, she has bonded to the foster family and she is happy. She thinks they are her family. DCBS is going to use her attachment as the ‘Best Interest of the Child’ and if you continue with the TPR hearing, you will lose. Your son wants to come home. He’s miserable in foster care. He’s not thriving in foster care. Every potential adoptive home he’s been placed in has fallen through. You should take this offer, for Aaron. If you go ahead with the TPR hearing, you will lose. You will lose both children.” Faced with an unbearable likelihood of losing both children, Brenda could not allow Aaron to suffer any longer. Brenda chose to get Aaron out of the foster care system that was destroying him, by relinquishing her rights to Tanaieah. Even though the Family Court required that Brenda sign her rights away “willingly,” she did so out of coercion and feeling that she had no other choice.

                                Child Protection Services is Out of Control – What Ordinary Citizens Can Do About It

                                Children yanked from loving homes over and over again for the flimsiest of reasons. Parents desperately seeking to bring them home as their rights are trampled, their homes overrun, their lives disrupted, their reputations smeared, their savings bankrupted. Foster care and adoptions ramrodded through the system despite willing extended family members to take them in. And worst, children are lost for years within the foster system, over-drugged, abused, even trafficked into horrible situations. All of these have been documented by, as well as many others. How has Child Protective Services fallen into what appears to be, in too many cases around the nation, legal kidnapping? Try $6.8 billion dollars – that’s billion with a “B” -- in federal funding that is projected for CPS fostering and adopting out children in 2015.

                                  A Year After Emergency Room Visit, North Carolina Couple Still Fighting for Medically Kidnapped Newborn

                                  In what is becoming an all-too-familiar scenario, a young couple living in Fayetteville, North Carolina, took their baby to the emergency room when he was not acting right, only to find themselves almost a year later still battling to try to bring their child home out of Child Protective Services custody.

                                    Same Doctor Behind Two Wrongly Convicted Shaken Baby Cases in Massachusetts

                                    Dr. Alice Newton, the Medical Director of the Massachusetts General Hospital Child Protection Program, is back in the news. Dr. Newton gained attention in the media in 2014 during the Justina Pelletier medical kidnapping case when she used the designation of "medical child abuse" to take Justina away from her parents. Justina's parents were not happy with the treatment of Justina, and had sought a second opinion, more consistent with their regular doctor. In this report from WCVB in Boston, two people who were accused of "Shaken Baby Syndrome" by Dr. Alice Newton have allegedly had their charges dropped after being wrongly convicted on false evidence. Dr. Newton is part of a recently created pediatric specialty that looks for medical child abuse. Some would say that these specialists must find medical abuse to justify their positions, and that they often are quick to make judgments without considering other evidence.

                                      Judge Orders CPS to Return Baby to Parents in Texas Medical Kidnap Case

                                      Tears of relief and joyful smiles were a few indicators of the emotions that Diana Gonzalez and Ethan Johnson felt Tuesday morning when state District Judge Charles Van Orden ruled that their 10-month-old daughter, Melodi, must be returned to them that afternoon by Child Protective Services. But their rejoicing was cut short briefly Tuesday afternoon when a CPS investigator allegedly defied Van Orden’s order that the couple could be with their daughter at McLane Children’s Hospital Scott & White for testing. They were holding Melodi when the investigator ordered them to surrender her and then the couple was escorted from the hospital by security officers, Brad Williamson, the couple’s attorney, said. “Melodi had better be back in their arms no later than 4 p.m.,” Williamson said. “They are defying the judge’s ruling that the parents could be there.” Williamson mentioned possibly calling CPS headquarters directly to file a complaint against it for not following the judge’s orders and could even file a motion for enforcement, he said. Melodi was returned to her parents before 4 p.m. and was taken home.

                                        California Parents Blamed for SIDS Death – Lose Remaining Children to CPS

                                        Crystal Avenger of El Dorado, California states that 3-month old Alana Jo received a Hepatitis B vaccination in the hospital shortly before her death. Approximately one week prior to her death, in March 2015 they took her back to the hospital for a sick visit and she was diagnosed with a common cold. On the morning of March 18, 2015, Christopher awoke and noticed his daughter, Alana, didn’t look normal. His voice laden with emotion as he recalled, “I picked her up from the bed and her arms went completely limp.” He immediately called 911 and frantically followed the 911 operator’s instructions for CPR on his baby. The other children were watching in horror as Christopher tried desperately to revive Alana. The baby was taken away in an ambulance, and her mother Crystal was not even allowed to go with her. An investigation began, and despite no evidence of abuse with the parents, the remaining four children were removed from the home by force, screaming as they were ripped away from their parents.

                                          LA County DCFS Whistleblower Reveals how Parents are Losing Their Children to a Corrupt System

                                          Julian J. Dominquez, the author of "A Culture of Fear: An Inside Look at Los Angeles County’s Department of Children & Family Services" (DCFS), is a former social worker for LA County DCFS. Mr. Dominquez recently left his career of 18 years with DCFS which included working as an emergency response worker, family maintenance and reunification worker and a dependency investigator. In addition, he created and conducts training for child welfare and other support agencies and is a licensed marriage and family therapist. In this shocking interview, Mr. Dominquez tells the world just how corrupt LA County DCFS is, revealing inner policies and practices that harm children and families, not protect them. From an insider perspective, Mr. Dominquez tells us how reports against parents are falsified by managers who have no contact with the families, how parents are being labeled Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy when they have legitimate medical concerns for the child, and how parents are losing their children because they are asking for a second medical opinion. How long will we as a nation allow such corruption to exist in our child "protection" social service agencies as apparently exists in LA County, the largest Child Social Service agency in the United States?