Over Half of Military Families do Not Want COVID Vaccines – Employers Cannot Legally Mandate Experimental Shots

    The Vaccine Reaction is reporting that a recent survey found that 53 percent of U.S. military families do not want to take the experimental mRNA COVID injections. Among deployed troops overseas, most of them are refusing the COVID shots. While the military acknowledges that they cannot legally require anyone to receive an experimental injection not yet approved by the FDA, some businesses in the U.S. are attempting to do just that. If federal law and federal guidelines issued by the CDC and FDA make such mandatory requirements illegal, then why are some employers trying to make the shots mandatory as a requirement for employment?

      Philadelphia School Officials to Start Home Visits of Children not Vaccinated

      School officials in Philadelphia are reportedly prepared to start doing home visits for students that have not provided medical records showing that they are up-to-date on their vaccines. The Philadelphia Inquirer reports: "Over the summer, parents of Philadelphia students got phone calls, text messages, and letters reminding them to have their children vaccinated. By Monday’s deadline’s for immunizations, the district may start planning home visits to families that have not provided medical records or sought exemptions. District officials on Thursday said they want to minimize the number of students who are excluded from attending school for vaccine-related reasons. This year, students were given 60 days to provide their records or obtain a religious, medical or philosophical exemption."

        New York Moves Closer to Becoming Nation’s First Vaccine Police State

        The State of New York recently passed legislation removing the religious exemption to mandatory vaccines for children. Attorneys Michael H. Sussman and Robert F. Kennedy have filed a lawsuit to repeal the law, as 26,000 families in New York wait to see if their children can attend school. As of now, the only way to get an exemption to mandatory vaccines is to have a medical doctor write a medical exemption. Last week, the New York Department of Health published "Emergency Regulations" to "Prevent Medical Exemptions." So now, unelected bureaucrats will determine if doctors are qualified or not to write medical exemptions. By having the Department of Health declare an "emergency" and issue an order without passing legislation, the entire democratic process is bypassed, resulting in medical tyranny.

          No, You Don’t Have a “Right” to Demand that Others are Vaccinated

          It's hard to think of a more fundamental right than the right to determine what happens to one's own body. Forcing someone to undergo medical treatment against their will violates this most basic of rights—the right to be free from physical assault. To begin with, nobody has a "right" to a germ-free environment outside of their own property (and good luck establishing one there). Proponents of vaccine mandates assert this "right" as if it is a long-standing social or legal norm, but it is not. Human beings have been living among each other for millennia, and there has never been a widely asserted right to freedom from any and all pathogens at others' expense. There has, historically, been a widely held and asserted expectation of quarantine in the case of exceptionally dangerous illnesses. However, this is not at all what the proponents of mandated vaccines are calling for. Quarantine is simply the demand that those who are already infected with a disease remain isolated in their homes or elsewhere until they are no longer able to infect others. This is profoundly different from what the pro-mandate crowd demands: that those who are not infected undergo a medical procedure to minimize their chances of becoming infected. This is a much more intrusive demand and a potentially dangerous one. Furthermore, measles—the scariest thing the mandate pushers can come up with—is not even on the list of federally quarantinable diseases.

            Will the Government Start Using Force against the American Public Resisting Mandatory Vaccines?

            On a cold winter morning in November 2007, I watched hundreds of parents line up with their children in front of a Maryland county courthouse. The children had been kicked out of school by state officials and were truant. The mothers and fathers were holding letters threatening them with imprisonment or fines of $50 a day for failing to show proof their children had gotten a chickenpox or hepatitis B shot. Confused, angry and frightened, but mostly resigned, they were working Moms and Dads trudging toward the courthouse on a Saturday morning to face a judge ordering them to vaccinate their children or go to jail. Patrolling the scene was an armed SWAT team of policemen with dogs. We were being shown the power of the State wielded by guards armed with dogs and guns. When a government policy is unjust and people resist, the last resort is always a show of force. Use of fear, intimidation, discrimination and punishment of dissenting minorities is the hallmark of authoritarian governments and so is censorship and propaganda. You and you alone will make the choice to live free or die as a slave. Do not let anyone take away your freedom to think and speak and obey the certain judgment of your conscience. It’s your health. Your family. Your choice. And our mission continues: No forced vaccination. Not in America.

              N.Y. Health Department Orders All Unvaccinated School Children to Miss 21 Days of School Over Measles “Outbreak”

              The Rockland County Health Department in the State of New York has notified schools that students who are not vaccinated for measles cannot attend school for 21 days, due to a "measles outbreak" where 33 cases have allegedly been confirmed in the county. This directive includes those who have legal vaccine exemptions for either medical or religious reasons. Parents and members of the community are, of course, outraged at this tyrannical action being conducted by the Health Department, which is run by unelected medical professionals and administers "free" MMR vaccines purchased by the CDC (with U.S. taxpayer funds). When these "outbreaks" of measles occur, and action is taken to target those who are not vaccinated, many facts are left out in educating the public regarding the truth about measles and the measles vaccine. So here are the facts about measles and the measles vaccine, all of which are easily verified by anyone with an Internet connection. 1. There is NO measles vaccine. Only a 3-combo vaccine that includes measles (MMR). 2. Merck, the Manufacturer of the MMR Vaccine, is Being Sued in Court for FRAUD. 3. The MMR Vaccine is Linked to Autism. 4. More People Die from the Measles Vaccine than from Measles. 5. Measles Rates were Declining Long Before the Vaccine was Introduced.

                Japan has the Lowest Infant Mortality Rate Following Ban on Mandatory Vaccinations

                Fact: Japan has the lowest infant mortality rate following ban on mandatory vaccinations, and they urge other countries to follow this firm stance. The citizens of Japan are statistically proven to be the healthiest and longest-living people in the world. The country also has the lowest infant mortality rate on the planet. It may come as no surprise to many that the Japanese Government banned a number of vaccines that are currently mandatory in the United States and has strict regulations in place for other Big Pharma drugs and vaccines in general. Japan’s anti-vax policies have long been criticised by vaccine pushers in the US who claim that vaccinating the public “promotes health.” However, Japanese people live longer, healthier lives than Americans, with babies born in the US twice as likely to die in infancy than those born in Japan. It’s clear to see that Western nations have a lot to learn from the Japanese when it comes to their approach to vaccinations and issues facing public health. The Japanese are vaccine sceptics, to put it simply, and due to adverse reactions suffered by Japanese children, have banned many vaccines. The Japanese are well educated on the dangers of over-vaccinating their children and oppose the use of multi-shot vaccinations such as the MMR vaccine. Following a record number of children developing adverse reactions, including meningitis, loss of limbs, and even sudden death, the Japanese government banned the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine from its vaccination program, despite facing serious opposition from Big Pharma.

                  Who Will Take a Stand Against Forced Vaccination and Fight for Medical Freedom in the U.S.?

                  Every July Americans celebrate the day in 1776 when we declared our independence from a monarchy and began to create a Constitutional Democratic Republic to secure liberty and justice for all. Today, we are witnessing the erosion of core values that our constitutional democracy was founded upon. One example is a public campaign led by the medical establishment to demonize and discriminate against anyone opposing zero tolerance vaccine laws that violate human rights in the name of public health. There are only two laws that require American citizens to risk their lives. The first is a federal law, the military draft, which requires all healthy male adults to risk their lives in a war declared by the government to protect national security. Adults objecting to a war for religious beliefs or conscience can obtain a conscientious objection exemption without being punished. The second is a state law requiring all healthy children to risk their lives in a war that doctors declared on microbes two centuries ago. However, unlike adults who are not punished for following their conscience and refusing to fight in a war to protect national security, parents can be punished for following their conscience and refusing to risk their children’s lives in a war to theoretically protect the public health. State sanctions include segregation and loss of the unvaccinated child’s right to a school education or permitting pediatricians to deny medical care to children if their parents refuse one or more government recommended vaccinations. The forced vaccination lobby backed by industry and medical trade is already making plans to double down and target multiple states in 2019 for removal of religious and conscientious belief exemptions, while also placing further restrictions on medical exemptions to vaccination. Will you stand up and defend vaccine freedom in America?

                    Court Overturns Decision by Pennsylvania Medical Center to Terminate Nurse Over Refusal of Vaccine

                    The Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Pennsylvania has overturned a lower court's decision to dismiss a nurse's lawsuit against Mount Nittany Medical Center for discriminating against her when she supplied a doctor's exemption to a mandatory tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis vaccine as a condition for continued employment, but was nevertheless terminated from employment for refusing to receive the vaccine. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) also appeared as amicus in the Third Circuit Court in support of Nurse Ruggiero and her claim for discrimination. The case will now go back to District Court in Pennsylvania, where Nurse Ruggiero will attempt to sue and collect damages for a wrongful termination of employment based on refusing a mandatory vaccine for medical reasons.

                      Vaccine Refusal Increasingly Being Linked to Medical Kidnapping – Violation of Civil Rights

                      Author and research scientist Dr. James Lyons-Weiler, PhD, is concerned about doctors and Child Protective Services overruling parents who choose not to vaccinate. In a video livestreamed on the Facebook VAXXED page on the evening of Tuesday, November 28, 2017, he said: "In the United States, there is a new rash of what can only be called Medical Kidnap." He goes on to state: "When the government acts as though they have the authority to take rights away, that's when people need to stand up. That's when the people, especially in the United States, have always recognized that we need to stand up. And I can't imagine a right that is more sacred to a mom than the bonding moments that occur right after birth." The single most damaging practice in the events surrounding childbirth is the separation of mother and baby, yet the practice is occurring with more and more frequency as hospitals threaten parents with the removal of the child for refusal to vaccinate.

                        State Vaccine Legislation Scorecard: Majority of Americans Oppose Mandatory Vaccination

                        State vaccine laws and the legal right to vaccine exemptions are hot topics in America. Between 2015 and 2017, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), a non-profit charity, closely monitored state legislation and analyzed and issued positions on 454 vaccine-related bills through the NVIC Advocacy Portal (NVICAP). In 2015, the NVICAP team responded to more vaccine related bills than were filed in any previous year: 160 bills across 41 states. This record was shattered two years later in 2017 when NVIC tracked and published information on an all-time record of 184 proposed vaccine bills filed in 42 state legislatures. Mainstream media continues to cite the passage of two 2015 bills, California SB277, which eliminated the personal belief and religious vaccine exemption, and Vermont H98, which removed only the philosophical exemption, as evidence that public support for vaccine exemptions is waning. This is a myth easily refuted by looking at the real evidence.

                          Vaccine Requirement for Liver Transplant Nearly Cost Life of 11 Year Old Boy

                          Politics have no place in hospitals. My son, who is 11 years old, suffered tremendously because of a mandatory vaccine policy at his transplant hospital. Kendetrick was diagnosed with newly onset liver disease out of nowhere on October 18, 2016. From that day forward, his life went out of control. Several procedures and tests were done over the next few months. Experimenting with medications, there seemed to be no light at the end of the tunnel. He was getting worse and worse. He stopped eating, stopped playing, stopped living. He was evaluated for a liver transplant on January 12 and 13, 2017. I was told they would not transplant my son or even list him on UNOS unless I agreed to get him fully up-to-date on his vaccines. I stopped when he was a baby, with the support of his doctor, after a failed RSV vaccine and the fact that he was always sick. I did my homework. This is a child who has many problems. He has congenital heart disease as well and has never really been "healthy." When speaking with one of the members of the transplant team about the fact that they "required" him to get vaccinated I asked "what would happened if I don't get them for him" and she said "we will make him comfortable and continue to try things, but he could not get listed on UNOS."

                            French Lawmakers Oppose High Court and Public’s Resistance to Mandatory Vaccinations

                            The French government announced that it might make 11 vaccines compulsory for children, adding to the three already mandatory shots (diphtheria, tetanus, and polio). Under the new jurisdiction, parents would be forced to follow a vaccination schedule including jabs against measles, hepatitis B, meningitis C, rubella, mumps and whooping cough. This change of heart comes after the Conseil d'Etat, France's highest administrative court, ruled in favour of parents who chose not to vaccinate their children, as the three mandatory shots were not available separately, but only in one shot combined with additional vaccines. The former Health Ministry opposed making these three vaccines available for people, which led the court to give the new government 6 months in order to find a solution. In the largest study on vaccine confidence to date, France was found to be the least confident in vaccine safety out of 66 countries surveyed, with 41 percent respondents disagreeing with the claim that vaccines are safe. The skepticism isn’t limited to the general population; a quarter of French practitioners aren’t confident about the risk and efficacy of vaccines, either.

                              EU Court Rules in Favor of Vaccine Injury Based on Evidence

                              Our UK correspondent Christina England brings us this report regarding a vaccine injury case recently ruled on by a European Union court. The ruling is significant, because the court looked at the evidence of the particular case, and ruled that the evidence showed that the hepatitis B vaccine caused multiple sclerosis. This greatly upset pro-vaccine extremists who boldly declare that the "science is settled" on vaccines, and that there is no scientific proof that they cause injuries like this. The court was not swayed by this position, however, and ruled on the evidence presented in the case, not "scientific" opinion. The corporate sponsored mainstream media spun the story from the vaccine extremist position, of course, with headlines such as: "EU court: Vaccines can be blamed for illnesses without proof." (CBS News) They define "proof" according to their own standards, declaring that anyone who disagrees with them has no "proof." "Scientific proof" is, of course, almost a contradiction in terms, since science cannot technically "prove" anything. Scientific studies and their outcomes are only as good as the data examined, and as new data becomes available, scientific theories are revised. The other problem with relying on "science" is that most scientific studies today are heavily biased, producing the outcomes desired regardless of the data. Corruption and conflict of interest are common, as one CDC whistle-blower has revealed regarding data withheld from CDC studies supposedly proving vaccines do not cause autism.

                                Mass Protests Against Mandatory Vaccines in Rome – Some Parents Prepare to Leave Italy

                                Once again, Health Impact News brings you reports out of Italy that are censored in the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media. Tens of thousands of parents across Italy have taken to the streets to protest new mandatory vaccination laws. The BBC is reporting that one group of German-speaking parents in northern Italy are so angry about a new requirement to get their children vaccinated that they plan to seek asylum in nearby Austria. "We won't allow our children to be poisoned. Asylum is claimed not just by people fleeing war, but also by people whose rights are being violated," said Mr Holzer, quoted by Austria's Der Standard daily.

                                  Obama Legacy: Medical Tyranny? New Order Issued for Detainment and Quarantines

                                  Almost on the eve of the 2016 presidential election, outgoing president Barack Obama issued an executive order that is intended to coordinate all the world's health agencies in alignment with the CDC's intention to increase detainment and quarantining guidelines enforcement worldwide. This executive order is of grave concern for advocates of health freedom. It is called “Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats,” and it was signed and issued on November 4th, 2016. It seems innocuous at first glance, but one set of initials shows up often, GHSA. It stands for Global Health Security Agenda. This term first appeared in a CDC proposal in 2014, during the Disney measles outbreak. This proposal focused mostly on its “vaccine package.” It rested comfortably on the nationally orchestrated outcry against vaccination resistance. Some journalists even suggested jailing parents who did not have their children vaccinated.

                                    National Vaccine Information Center Urges Public to Help Stop CDC Police Powers

                                    The United States is very close to becoming a police state and giving up our Constitutional rights to medical professionals. We already see clear signs of medical tyranny as the government and medical officials move towards universal mandatory vaccines for everyone. In this very important announcement, the National Vaccine Information Center is urging the public to strongly oppose these proposed expanded powers by the CDC.

                                      Nurse Whistleblower: Hospitals Vaccinating Patients by Force Without Their Knowledge

                                      A nurse whistleblower who works in a U.S. hospital recently revealed how hospitals now vaccinate patients against their desire: when you go to the hospital if you need surgery — say you need a knee replacement surgery — first they’re going to ask you if you’ve had your vaccines. You’re going to say no. Then they’re going to say you need to sign this consent if you’re going to have surgery…you need to sign a consent. In the consent, there’s a word call “biogenics [biologics]” and if you sign the consent saying “I consent for you to give me biogenics [biologics]” — that basically means that they can give you anything that they deem necessary including vaccines. So if you say that you didn’t get a flu shot and it’s flu season and you sign the consent saying I agree to biogenics [biologics], they will give you a vaccine even when you’re under anesthesia because you already signed the consent. Unless you go and get your medial records, you will not know you got a flu vaccine. They [the hospital] may tell you at the end “oh by the way, you’re now covered, you’ve had the flu vaccine or you got the pneumococcal vaccine." Two people now have reported to me last week saying that they got the vaccine; they did not want the vaccines. They did not know that the word biogenics [biologics] meant they’re going to get a vaccine.

                                        California Bill Would Require State to Post Links to Vaccine Injury Reporting and Vaccine Injury Compensation

                                        Last year California became the first state in the U.S. to remove the religious exemption for childhood vaccines, in spite of overwhelming opposition from parents, doctors, and other community leaders. Now, California Assemblyman Travis Allen has introduced legislation that would require the California Health and Human Services Agency to provide information to the public regarding the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System and the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, two federally funded resources most of the American public knows nothing about. How could any lawmaker oppose this freedom of information? If the State is going to mandate vaccines to school children, should not federal information on vaccine injuries be available to the public? In 2014 the Government Accounting Office (GAO) issued a report on the federal Vaccine Compensation Program criticizing the government for not making the public aware that this program exists. If AB 2832 passes in California, it will become one of the first states to rectify the problems documented by the GAO.

                                          Is “Vaccine Hesitancy” a New Mental Disease to be “Cured”?

                                          There is a new affliction that is threatening the world population. It is so new that it hasn’t even been officially declared to be a disease, but the World Health Organization and bioethicists are already waving the red flag of warning. The World Health Organization (WHO) is very concerned about the problem of “vaccine hesitancy,” which they say is threatening the effectiveness of their worldwide vaccination program. In short, some parents are not automatically allowing their babies to be vaccinated even though such services are available. Adults also are not responding to calls for receiving vaccines even when they are free. How long will it be until the WHO steps up the intensity of its vaccine program and declares “vaccine hesitancy” to be a mental illness?