France, Italy Swept By Mass Protests Against COVID Health Pass

    France saw its largest protests yet against the country's health pass, as thousands swept across major Italian town demanding an end to the infamous green pass. On Saturday, Protesters took to the streets in France and Italy in opposition to COVID rules that they say infringe on their civil liberties but which officials argue are needed to curb the coronavirus pandemic. The protests come as European countries double down on efforts to get wide portions of their populations vaccinated. Demonstrations against France's health pass and mandatory vaccines for health care workers entered their fourth weekend, with Saturday seeing the largest rally yet, Deutsche Welle reported. An estimated 237,000 people turned out nationwide, according to the Interior Ministry. The figure exceeds the attendance a week ago, which saw 204,000 protesters.

      300 Italian Health Workers File Legal Challenge to Mandatory COVID-19 Shots as Condition for Employment

      Three hundred healthcare workers in Italy have lodged a legal challenge against the requirement that they get vaccinated against coronavirus, according to media reports Saturday. The case, brought by professionals throughout northern Italy, will be heard on July 14. "This isn't a battle by anti-vaxxers but a democratic battle," constitutional lawyer Daniele Granara, who helped build up the case, was cited as saying in the Giornale di Brescia newspaper. "We force people to take a risk under threat of no longer being allowed to exercise their profession," he added. Granara is also defending dozens of caregivers who have been suspended from work for refusing to be vaccinated. Italy passed a law in April obliging anyone working in public or private social health positions, including in pharmacies and doctors' offices, to get vaccinated against Covid-19 or be suspended without pay, unless their employer can reassign them to a less sensitive position.

        Entire City in Shock as Another Italian Professor is DEAD Following the AstraZeneca COVID Injection

        As mass vaccination campaigns with experimental COVID injections now move on to the next demographic populations after beginning with senior citizens in assisted care facilities, and the healthcare workers in those facilities, the next targeted groups are educators. We have seen multiple reports, for example, in the U.S. of entire school districts having to close down following a mass COVID injection campaign, as so many people get sick after the injections that there have not been enough employees in some school districts to hold classes right away following these massive injections. Last week, I was informed of 3 deaths among faculty following COVID injections in one school district in Portland. But with nothing printed in the media and social media accounts silenced, I could not get collaborating evidence to publish those stories. The Italian press, however, has now reported another death following the AstraZeneca COVID injection, a young professor from Gela, Italy. This follows our report from last week about 31-year-old Ilaria Pappa, a professor from Ischia, who also died shortly after the AstraZeneca injection, and a 57-year-old Italian clarinet teacher who passed away less than 24 hours after having the first dose of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine. All of this information is being censored by the Pharma-controlled corporate media, as well as Big Tech, all of whom are also heavily invested in Big Pharma now, which is the only reasonable explanation as to why people are continuing to rush out and take one of these experimental injections. What is it going to take for people to wake up and understand that the intention behind these shots is NOT to provide immunity against a SARS virus, but to control people and serve the goals of the eugenicist Globalists who have publicly stated that they want to reduce the world's population?

          Horrors of Selling Children for Sex Uncovered in Italy as Arrests Include Town Mayor

          Italian police in the city of Bibbiano, near Reggio Emilia, have arrested over a dozen people including the town mayor, Andrea Carletti, for what is being reported as an elaborate child sex trafficking ring where "MK-Ultra" types of brainwashing tactics were used to brainwash children in foster care into believing that their parents had sexually abused them, when in reality they had not. Others arrested reportedly as part of the alleged pedophile ring included politicians, doctors, social workers and psychologists. It is being reported that the children were sexually abused and sold for very large sums of money. The children were reportedly from poor families. The parents and families of these children are reportedly devastated, as a warehouse was uncovered by police showing toys, gifts, and letters sent by the parents to the children which were never delivered.

            Vaccinegate: Italian Researchers find Fraud with 6-Combo Vaccine Given to Babies

            Italian scientists from an organization called Corvelva have published results from their investigation of the 6-combo vaccine, Infanrix Hexa, which is administered to infants. They have shocked the world by claiming that their investigation shows that the ingredients in this popular childhood vaccine does not contain the antigens it claims, and also contains some toxic chemicals that are not listed as ingredients. They are calling the results of their investigation "Vaccinegate."

              Millions of People Take to the Streets in Italy and France to Protest Mandatory Vaccines

              Turning their backs on the human rights principle of voluntary informed consent memorialized in the Nuremberg Code after World War II, health authorities in France and Italy are fast-tracking involuntary vaccine mandates for school-age children. In Italy, millions of Italians have been demonstrating since June, protesting the infringements to parental rights. On July 28, industry-beholden Italian legislators voted 296-92 to pass a one-size-fits-all law that mandates multiple doses of ten vaccines for preschoolers through teenagers, imposing steep fines for parents who do not comply. Mainstream media outlets in both Italy and the US ignored the record protests against medical coercion. A recent survey found widespread doubts among Italian and French citizens about the importance and safety of vaccines. A cascade of recent scientific studies have described the emergence of new vaccine-related autoimmune illnesses and the inferior health status of vaccinated compared to unvaccinated children. Furthermore, a slate of films, news reports and government investigations have exposed widespread corruption among vaccine regulators, government efforts to hide serious vaccine-related adverse reactions and intimidation of scientists who publish data contrary to the orthodoxy that all vaccines are always safe for all children.

                Mass Protests in Italy Highlight Global Vaccination Agenda and the Resistance Movement

                June 2017 saw the biggest public demonstrations against forced vaccination held in Europe since the Victorian era, as tens of thousands of Italians of all ages marched for vaccine freedom of choice in Rome, Florence, Milan, Bologna, Turin, Cagliani and other cities. They marched in opposition to a May 19 decree endorsed by the government’s Health Minister and President mandating that school children receive multiple doses of 12 vaccines or be prohibited from attending school with fines of up to $7500 euro (about $9,700) assessed to non-compliant parents. Parents leading the 35-year old vaccine safety and informed consent movement in America stand in solidarity with the parents in Italy, France, Germany, U.K. and many other countries in Europe, who are leading a defense for the human right to informed consent to medical risk taking, including vaccine risk taking. Hold your elected officials accountable for their actions at the polls. Have faith, stay strong and do not back down. You inspire us to do the same.

                  Mass Protests Against Mandatory Vaccines in Rome – Some Parents Prepare to Leave Italy

                  Once again, Health Impact News brings you reports out of Italy that are censored in the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media. Tens of thousands of parents across Italy have taken to the streets to protest new mandatory vaccination laws. The BBC is reporting that one group of German-speaking parents in northern Italy are so angry about a new requirement to get their children vaccinated that they plan to seek asylum in nearby Austria. "We won't allow our children to be poisoned. Asylum is claimed not just by people fleeing war, but also by people whose rights are being violated," said Mr Holzer, quoted by Austria's Der Standard daily.

                    Italians Take to the Streets to Protest New Mandatory Vaccination Law

                    Readers from Italy have been contacting Health Impact News this past week, asking us to cover the massive demonstrations happening throughout Italy to protest a new mandatory vaccine law. This news has been censored from the U.S. corporate media. Francesca Alesse, who worked with the VAXXED film team to get the film shown in Italy last year, writes: "In an unprecedented way, the decree-law proposed by the Minister of Health has been signed by the sitting Italian president Sergio Mattarella. Only four vaccines were mandatory in Italy, now that number triples to 12. No other decree-law has moved so fast in the Italian legislative system, the reasons of such hurry are incomprehensible considering that the Istituto Superiore Di Sanità (the local version of the CDC) has declared that contrary to what stated in the decree itself there is no objective urgency. There are no epidemics, the number of cases of measles or meningitis in the current year have been substantially lower than the previous year. Thousands of parents have protested the new law this past June 3rd, protests and marches have taken place in 21 Italian cities spread across the nation. A national protest is scheduled for this Sunday June 11th." The new law apparently has severe consequences for parents who fail to comply, including the possibility of having their children taken away from them. In addition to public outcry, there appears to be strong political opposition to the law as well.

                      Study: Almost All Vaccines Contaminated with Toxins and Linked to Side Effects

                      A new study, titled New Quality-Control Investigations on Vaccines: Micro- and Nanocontamination published in the International Journal of Vaccines and Vaccination, represents an unavoidable wave of clear information supporting an immediate moratorium on vaccination, suspension of government laws mandating vaccination, and simultaneous legal action at numerous levels to investigate a criminal vaccine industry and the establishment offshoots that have worked to prop it up. What did the new Italian study find? Examining 30 vaccines — representing 44 samples in total — the researchers found particulate matter, in aggregates and clusters, of micro- and nano-sized particulate matter in 43 of the 44 samples whose presence was not declared in the leaflets delivered in the package of the product. The authors state: "We had never questioned the purity of vaccines before. In fact, for us the problem did not even exist. All injectable solutions had to be perfectly pure and that was an act of faith on which it sounded impossible to have doubts. For that reason, we repeated our analyses several times to be certain. In the end, we accepted the evidence."

                        13 Year Old World Championship Karate Student Forced to Quit After Gardasil Vaccine

                        My daughter Chiara is 13 years old. She was an athlete with a history of Hashimoto’s thyroiditis with elevated levels of anti-thyroid peroxidase antibodies. We discovered it much before receiving HPV vaccine. I can tell you that she was a good athlete. Hashimoto’s did not stop her from participating in the World Championship Karate in Caorle twice. In 2010, she won the brown belt. Chiara’s other hobbies included painting, singing and practicing sports. That was before Gardasil. I hope our experience could help you decide to investigate before you decide to use an HPV vaccine. Above all, I hope Chiara and all the other survivors of new medical conditions after HPV vaccinations find treatments to help them get their normal lives back.

                          U.S. Media Blackout: Italian Courts Rule Vaccines Cause Autism

                          Both these Italian court decisions break new ground in the roiling debate over vaccines and autism. These courts, like all courts, are intended to function as impartial, unbiased decision makers. The courts’ decisions are striking because they not only find a vaccine-autism causal link, but they also overrule the decisions of Italy’s Ministry of Health. And taken together, the court decisions found that both the MMR and a hexavalent thimerosal- and aluminum-containing vaccine can trigger autism.

                            Italian Court Rules that MMR Vaccine Caused Autism

                            Health Impact News Editor Comment: Since the Supreme Court in the US upheld the law giving pharmaceutical companies complete immunity against lawsuits due to vaccine injuries and deaths in 2011, expect to see more cases and stories from outside the US like this one coming out of Italy this week. The evidence linking autism […]