Are More People Being Harmed by the Pfizer Experimental “Vaccine” than from COVID? Israeli Population Now the World’s Lab Rats Sold Out to Pfizer

    On November 18, 2020, Israel’s senior health officials were caught unprepared when Pfizer announced that its vaccine was “90% effective” (revised to 95%) against Covid-19. They had ordered millions of vaccine doses from Moderna and AstraZeneca but none for the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. How then, did Israel procure an estimated four to five million doses of the Pfizer vaccine in December 2020 – enough to vaccinate at least two million people? Israel is considered an ideal place for a vast epidemiological study, encompassing 9.3 million people, because of its universal, state-sponsored healthcare system in which insurers maintain 40 years of digitized medical records, including vaccination records for each Israeli citizen. The government of Israel entrusted the health of the people to Pfizer; by entering into a secret contract that enrolled the Israeli population to become research subjects, without their knowledge or consent. Under the contract, the government signed a commitment to vaccinate the entire seven million adult population and to provide weekly data on its citizens during a 24-month surveillance follow-up study. The government disregarded potentially serious medical risks from the experimental vaccine and risks to privacy. This centralized system helped Israel administer more than 2 million doses of the vaccine in under a month. In exchange, Israel received priority delivery of millions of doses of the vaccines. Israeli citizens became the unwitting human subjects of a massive, unethical, unapproved, non-consensual human experiment. As of January 27, 2021, Johns Hopkins’ tracking system states that the infection fatality rate in the U.S. is 1.7%; in Israel it is 0.7%. According to the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as of Dec. 18, 2020 (just when mass vaccinations began), the adverse event rate following Covid-19 vaccination was 2.79%. This would indicate that the short-term risk of harm from the vaccine is far greater than the risk of dying from COVID-19.

      4 People Died and 240 Got COVID19 in Israel After Being Injected with Pfizer Experimental mRNA Vaccine

      With the vaccine not providing immediate immunity to the coronavirus, over two hundred Israeli citizens have been diagnosed with the disease days after getting the Pfizer/BioNTech jabs, local media reported. The number of those who got Covid-19 despite being vaccinated was at around 240 people, according to data from Channel 13 News. The Jewish state is currently undertaking a massive vaccination campaign, which already saw over one million people or almost 12 percent of the population getting the Pfizer/BioNTech jab. That’s the largest span per capita in the world, according to Oxford University. The first phase of the program aims to immunize medics and elderly people before expanding on to other categories. Around one in a thousand people have reported mild side effects after the injection, including weakness, dizziness and fever as well as pain, swelling and redness in the spot where the shot was given. Only a few dozen of them required medical attention, the Health Ministry said. Since vaccinations kicked off on December 20, at least four people in Israel died shortly after getting the jab, Kan public broadcaster reported.

        Vaccinated Israelis to Receive “Free Movement” Waivers as 50% to 75% are Unwilling to take Experimental COVID19 Vaccine

        Israelis who choose to get vaccinated against coronavirus will receive "free movement" waivers, allowing them to bypass certain health restrictions, the Health Ministry has said. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said last week that Israel will begin administrating coronavirus vaccinations on December 27 and that Israel was ready to vaccinate 60,000 people a day. Thousands of doses of the Pfizer vaccine arrived in Israel last week via special charter flights. The so-called "green passports" will be handed out only after the second shot is administered since Pfizer vaccine requires two jabs in order to be effective. Recent polls reveal 50% to 75% of Israelis are unwilling to take the jab, mostly due to concerns over how fast it had been developed.

          Rabbi Arrested for Trafficking Babies of Mentally Disabled Mothers Between Israel and the U.S.

          Earlier this month (December 2019) The Nazareth Magistrate’s Court in Israel lifted a gag order on a two-year investigation into a suspected baby trafficking ring. In February 2019 Israeli police arrested five people, including an American rabbi who heads a yeshiva, for allegedly running an international baby trafficking ring that targeted mentally disabled mothers. The Times of Israel reports: "Rabbi Shmuel Puretz 44, a businessman who divides his time between New York and Jerusalem, is suspected of brokering a deal under which a heavily pregnant Israeli woman was flown to New York and her baby removed from her allegedly against her will, then given for adoption to a childless ultra-Orthodox couple who live in Israel." The Jewish Journal further reports: "Puretz, who denies the allegations, is accused of sending Israeli expectant mothers in need or suffering from a mental disability from within haredi Orthodox communities to the United States so they would give birth there. The babies would be given to childless foster parents who allegedly paid Puretz and others for the babies. Many details about the affair, including how much money the handlers allegedly charged, are still subject to a gag order. Yediot Aharanot reported in a 2017 expose about the affair that they charged a $100,000 to $150,000 'handling fee' per child." Marianne Azizi, writing for the publication Byline, has profiled the case of one of the alleged victims of this baby trafficking operation, Adi Gnio. "She has come forward to give her story in English to the NGO CFI - Children and Families International, of how her twin girls were taken from her several years ago. Currently raising her 3 sons, she has found the courage to tell the story of the network who coerced her into taking her twin girls and then selling them. She goes into details as to how she was manipulated by an experienced ring of traffickers. Here is the inside exclusive story of how she was pressured by a sophisticated ring of people to sell her children against her will. Her own country Israel – were waiting to take her babies at the moment of birth, and in the USA, an unscrupulous ring capitalised on her dilemma."

            HPV Vaccine: Israel Health Ministry Considers Canceling Vaccination Due to Side Effects

            A new article published in the Israeli newspaper, Haaretz on September 3rd, 2013 said that the Israeli Health Ministry is re-evaluating the safety record of the HPV vaccine. The Center for the Biology of Chronic Disease (CBCD) urges American health officials to start their own re-evaluation.