State Threatens To Seize Infant Who was Fed Goat’s Milk Instead of Approved GMO Soy Formula

    A young mother in Maine is being threatened by the Department of Health and Human Services to have her infant child taken away and put into foster care. Her crime? Feeding him goat's milk instead of commercial infant formula. Alorah Gellerson was not able to breast feed her child, so she developed a formula of goat's milk that included celery juice, and reports that the child loved it, and "grew like a weed." The young mother made a huge mistake, however. She told her pediatrician about the formula. The doctor turned her in to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), which resulted in home visits, an overnight stay in the hospital, a directive to buy "approved" commercial infant formula (most of which contain GMOs and soy) and threats to remove the baby and place him into foster care.

      Raw goat’s milk offers many benefits

      by Luella May
      (NaturalNews) In western civilization, most milk consumption is in the form of pasteurized and homogenized cow’s milk. Although such milk is portrayed as being healthy, it actually can lead to impaired health, including allergies, tooth decay, colic in babies, arthritis, heart disease, and even cancer. A much better choice is raw milk, […]