What Do Cigarettes, DDT, Agent Orange, and GMOs Have In Common?

by Gretchen DuBeau
Alliance for Natural Health

Scientists knew about the dangers of cigarettes, DDT, and Agent Orange long before anything reached the public. The same is true today about genetically modified food (often referred to as genetically modified organisms or GMOs). This food is being sold without even a label identifying it. A genetically modified seed […]

USDA Offers the Biotech Industry Blanket Immunity for Contaminating Organic Crops

by Alliance for Natural Health

USDA calls it “coexistence,” but it’s just a way for GMO farmers to harm whomever they like—without consequence. Action Alert!

Many countries across the globe ban genetically engineered crops and foods. The USDA, rather than banning GMOs, aggressively supports them and claims that GMO crops will coexist alongside non-GMO crops.

The USDA’s Advisory Committee on Biotechnology […]

Michelle Obama: Tell Barack to honor his campaign promise to label GMOs

By Organic Consumers Association
To be delivered to: Michelle Obama, First Lady

Michelle, tell President Obama to honor his campaign promise to require GMO labeling and ask him to endorse California’s Proposition 37, a citizens’ ballot initiative to label GMOs.

Michelle Obama is a champion of better nutrition in school lunches and of ending childhood obesity. Which makes […]

Brazil court rules Nestle must label GMO ingredients

by GM Watch

1. Brazil court rules that Nestle must label transgenic ingredients
2. GMOs written on the label

NOTE: A Brazilian court has forced the multinational food company Nestle to label GM ingredients in food products, in conformance with a Brazilian law (item 1) that says all food products containing ingredients that have more than 1% GMO content […]

Codex Alimentarius & Health Freedom

Shadows of The Future by Kevin P. Miller – Watch this video to learn how Codex Alimentarius threatens our health freedom, and how the National Health Federation is the only Health Freedom group allowed to oppose the Codex Alimentarius agenda.

Global Censorship of Health Information
The Politics of Controlling Therapeutic Information to Protect State-Sponsored Drug Monopolies

by […]

Pitchfork Protest: Farmer Fined for Hosting 10 Year Old’s Birthday Party at the Farm

In April, Fauquier County threatened Martha Boneta, owner of a small farm in Paris, VA, with thousands of dollars in fines for a series of alleged violations, including hosting “an event” on her farm without obtaining a special events permit.
The event? A small birthday party for the 10-year old daughter of a close friend, […]

Woman Sues City Of Tulsa For Cutting Down Her Edible Garden

By Lori Fullbright
News On 6

A Tulsa woman is suing the city’s code enforcement officers after she said they cut down her garden with no cause.

Denise Morrison said she has more than 100 plant varieties in her front and back yards and all of them are edible and have a purpose.

She knows which ones will […]

“FDA Went Too Far” Says Judge

by Alliance for Natural Health
A court has stopped FDA’s latest attempt to censor food and supplement science. Action Alert!
An FDA disclaimer about green tea and the risk of cancer is so strongly worded that it “effectively negates” the manufacturer’s qualified health claim (QHC) and violates the First Amendment, according to US District Court Judge […]

Kentuckians Battle Big Ag for Basic Right to Choose Food

Why is Big Ag so afraid of freedom of food choice? Kentuckians battle for basic right to choose food.
By John Moody
Food Clubs & Coops
Kentucky finds itself at the center of the emerging battle over who decides what the average person can choose to eat – the governmentt/regulatory apparatus, little more than a front man […]

USDA Secretary: Americans need to “adjust” their tastes so that they like the kind of food the government believes they should eat

Health Impact News Editor Comments: U.S. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, a former Monsanto executive, believes that the government knows best what Americans should be eating, and he told the National Restaurant Association to help make the transition to the government foods by forcing consumers to adjust their taste preferences. This includes a low fat diet regiment, […]