Elon Musk and the CIA try to Overthrow the New Democratically Elected Government in Venezuela

The people of Venezuela just recently completed their national elections, voting to keep the incumbent president, Nicolás Maduro, in power for a 3rd term. Because the U.S. did not back Maduro during the elections, but instead his opponent, Edmundo González Urrutia, the U.S. did what it usually does when their favorite candidate did not win, and employed the U.S. Mocking Bird media to run smear campaigns against the winner, while the CIA has allegedly taken measures to try and depose him, which has now caused riots in Venezuela. This is how "democracy" is defined in the United States today. It means regardless of what the people want as voting citizens in their own country, if they do not choose the candidate that the U.S. and the CIA want in power, then they will do everything they can to cause a coup, and getting the U.S. Media to print their lies, which of course today also includes Elon Musk's X platform. So with almost one voice, both on the Left and on the Right, the U.S. Media has declared that the elections in Venezuela were "not fair", as they claim that "other countries" also agree with them that the elections were "corrupt." Of course many "other countries" have also congratulated Maduro and accepted the election results, such as Russia and China. What is the U.S. basing their claim on that the election results were not accurate? They are basing their claims on exit polls done in Venezuela by the US government-linked firm out of New Jersey named "Edison Research," which has reported links to the CIA.

Elon Musk: World’s Biggest Con Man, or Just a Fool? Big Tech in Panic Mode!

While Elon Musk is taking advantage of the current political climate after the Trump shooting incident and claiming to support free speech and be against online censorship, his X platform has been busy the past couple of days deleting posts of the Trump shooting that do not fit the current narrative from the Republican platform, clearly betraying what he claims about being against "online censorship". And as he espouses views that appease those on the Right and on the conservative side of the political spectrum by attacking Gov. Newsom as he pledges to move his companies from California to Texas, the reality is that his empire that has made him the richest man in the world appears to be crumbling, and in danger of completely crashing. So let's take a peek behind the scenes and ignore Elon Musk's rhetoric, and let's see what is happening in the real world with the companies he owns, and where that evidence, as opposed to rhetoric, leads us, because Big Tech is in full panic mode right now.

The “New” Media is Run by Satanic Jewish Freemasons Just Like the “Old” Media

In the past two articles I have published, I have exposed the Satanic Skull and Bones secret society of Yale University, and how members of this secret society founded the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the 1940s after World War II. The development of the home television (TV) appliance and the corporate media also started during this same time period when the CIA was forming, and the CIA made use of this new product of technology by enhancing their methods of counterintelligence and misinformation, and then broadcasting their lies and propaganda into the homes of most Americans by the 1950s and early 1960s. In those early days in the 1960s, CBS evening news anchor Walter Cronkite was the most influential voice bringing the "news" to Americans every night on their TVs. He read the news on the CBS TV network each evening Monday through Friday from 1962 through 1981. This is what Walter Cronkite wrote in the introduction to the 1996 book Censored – The News That Didn’t Make the News- And Why, by Carl Jensen. Walter Cronkite wrote: "A handful of us determine what will be on the evening news broadcasts, or, for that matter, in the New York Times or Washington Post or Wall Street Journal…. Indeed it is a handful of us with this awesome power… a strongly editorial power. …we must decide which news items out of hundreds available we are going to expose that day. And those [news stories] available to us already have been culled and re-culled by persons far outside our control." The names and faces today may have changed, and even the "medium" is rapidly changing from TV and Cable News to Internet-based news broadcasts, but those behind the scenes controlling what "news" gets published and what "news" does not has not changed. The CIA and the Satanic Freemason Jews still control the media, whether it is "legacy" media or "alternative" media, like Elon Musk's X platform.

The Epstein Beast Banking System: A House of Cards Banking System Built on the Back of Global Child Sex Trafficking

Former Wall Street insider, banking industry whistleblower, and investigative reporter Pam Martens of Wall Street on Parade, has just published another explosive report this week about how the corporate media's fascination over a list of names of people associated with Jeffrey Epstein's pedophile network that has just been unsealed, is from an older lawsuit against Epstein by some of his victims that was filed in 2015, and settled in 2017. She reports that the REAL explosive documents that remain under seal, are the ones in the case against JPMorgan Chase Bank and their criminal CEO, Jamie Dimon. Chase Bank funded the Epstein pedophilia network that leveraged the world's wealthiest people in business and politics through child sex trafficking. Chase Bank is the largest bank in the U.S. and one of the most powerful banks in the world. In fact, I believe we can actually say now that the U.S. Banking system is built upon the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking network, and probably would have crashed and burned years ago without it.

WARNING! Get Off of Twitter X if You Value Your Privacy! Face Scan Logins and No More Blocking Being Implemented

Ever since Elon Musk purchased Twitter, I have been warning people that Musk bought Twitter to develop an "everything app" similar to China's WeChat app, which is the main app China uses to combine social media, digital identity, vaccination and medical status, criminal history, tracking and surveillance, digital currency, shopping, carbon footprint, and other digital information which can then be used to determine one's "social credit score." Musk kicked his plans to develop Twitter as a tool for evil into high gear recently by rebranding Twitter into "X". Today, August 18, 2023, it is being reported that Elon Musk and his "X" platform is about to roll out biometric IDs as a requirement to log in to one's account, that will require a government-issued ID, along with a "selfie" picture of one's face. Another announcement regarding Twitter/X in my newsfeed today, is a Tweet from Elon Musk that he is planning on eliminating the ability to block people on your Twitter/X account. This will give free reign to trolls and SPAMers, and give free access to the Intelligence Agencies to dispatch their paid trolls to discredit anything you write that does not fit the Globalist narrative.

Freemason Elon Musk Rebrands Twitter to “X” – New “Everything App” is the Goal

Last year I published an article about Elon Musk purchasing Twitter, and his desire to turn it into an "everything app" similar to the Chinese WeChat app, which is the main app China uses to combine social media, digital identity, vaccination and medical status, criminal history, tracking and surveillance, digital currency, shopping, carbon footprint, and other digital information. We also reported that several large foreign Twitter investors had received access to confidential information about the social network, possibly including its users' personal data and financial statistics as part of Elon Musk's deal on his Twitter acquisition. Musk's plans to turn Twitter into an "everything app" that would provide new levels of tracking individuals is apparently becoming a reality, as Musk changed the name of Twitter to "X" earlier this week. Forbes reported: "Elon Musk’s abrupt decision to do away with Twitter’s iconic blue bird and rebrand as “X” erased one of social media’s most recognizable brands overnight and potentially killed billions in brand value, but marketing and branding experts told Forbes the unconventional and seemingly reckless strategy signals the start of Musk’s promised “everything app” and could have more to it than meets the eye. The change was unsurprising—Musk has been open about his ambition to build an “everything app” like China’s WeChat and has already changed the business name to X Corp—but it was sudden." Like Sam Altman's WorldID and WorldCoin, the U.S. Government may soon be using "X" to distribute things like Universal Basic Income ("Free" money) in return for biometric scans of various parts of your body.

Elon Musk is Latest Billionaire to be Subpoenaed in Jeffrey Epstein Virgin Island Case

Elon Musk became the latest billionaire subpoenaed in the Jeffrey Epstein Virgin Island case today. He has allegedly been trying to avoid being served since last month. According to investigative reporter Whitney Webb, Epstein provided business contacts to Musk helping him start Tesla and SpaceX. Elon's brother, Kimbal Musk, sits on the board for Tesla and SpaceX, and also dated one of Epstein's girlfriends. In a 2020 article published in The Sun, Musk's ex-wife Talulah Riley denied "truly awful" rumors that Ghislaine Maxwell had handpicked her to be Musk's "child bride", although she did admit that she and her then-husband Musk had been entertained at Jeffrey Epstein's house in New York City.

Freemason Satanist Technocrat Elon Musk: The New Idol of the Christian Right

Freemason Donald Trump has new competition among his faithful followers on the Christian Right, as a new savior is being crowned in the Conservative Right alternative media. "Elon Musk set out to save civilization when he bought Twitter. He meant it. Civilization can only be saved through free and open communication and not behind walls constructed by elitists and totalitarians. On Saturday Elon Musk released the Twitter Files, Part 4 report on the company’s discussions on the censoring and banning of United States President Donald Trump." (Source: Gateway Pundit) Elon Musk's purchase of Twitter and revealing previously censored information against Trump and conservatives, is undoubtedly being observed by those on the Christian Right as an "answer to prayer" as a new coalition of Christian Pastors is forming to help Donald Trump get re-elected. "Jackson Lahmeyer, the Oklahoma United States Senate candidate who took on anti-Trump incumbent James Lankford, has launched a new organization to rally the evangelical faithful to President Donald J. Trump’s corner ahead of the 2024 GOP primary. President Trump has long ties to the Christian evangelical community, despite what the fake news media wants to say. Pastor Lahmeyer gained recognition during his campaign for offering religious exemptions to help his fellow citizens escape the deadly COVID-19 vaccine. Pastors for Trump, is geared towards organizing Christians across the United States." (Source: Gateway Pundit) What could be more insane than a "Pastor" who "gained recognition during his campaign for offering religious exemptions to help his fellow citizens escape the deadly COVID-19 vaccine" starting an organization of other "pastors" to put back into office the very man who funded the COVID-19 gene altering shots, and then pressured the FDA to pass it? I am not sure there is anything more dysfunctional than that, but if there is, it is calling Elon Musk the "savior of civilization" and supporter of "free and open communication and not behind walls constructed by elitists and totalitarians." Could it be that Freemason Satanist Elon Musk will soon be joining forces with fellow Freemasonist Donald Trump, and turning Twitter into the world's largest surveillance tool in the U.S., similar to China's WeChat which is used for social credit scores and Covid vaccine passports?

Freemason Technocrat Elon Musk Proudly Displays his Allegiance to Satan on Halloween – Beware the “Twitter Trap!”

We recently published an article about how the Technocrats false techno-prophecies were rapidly falling apart showing how these false claims of what the technology can do, such as integrate with humans to create trans-humans is all fake, and that the one place where this is being exposed today is in the fantasy of totally autonomous self-driving vehicles. We exposed many of the false claims made by Elon Musk, and warned people that the real threat the Technocrats posed was in data collection. Elon Musk is clearly a Freemason, which is how he has gained access to his power. If you are not yet familiar with how Freemasonry is a secret religion that worships Satan, please educate yourself on this topic by watching Altiyan Childs' documentary. Elon Musk showed up at a Halloween party, along with his mother who is also clearly a Freemason, and proudly displayed what appears to be his allegiance to Satan. And as to his plans for Twitter, someone has found a video where he admits that he wants to turn Twitter into the same thing as the Chinese WeChat app, which is the main app China uses to combine social media, digital identity, vaccination and medical status, criminal history, tracking and surveillance, digital currency, shopping, carbon footprint, and is their major input into the Chinese "Social Credit Score." I have noticed that Health Impact News is beginning to get some traffic again from Twitter, since Musk took over, which probably means they removed our ban. But we have no plans to go back on Twitter ourselves, and anyone who is planning to, should be cautious that Twitter could become a massive surveillance tool. And while Musk claims that he respects "free speech," he could also very well be planning to provide your "free speech" to intelligence agencies where your political views and everything else you share on Twitter is put into a database to potentially be used against you. Those of you driving Musk's Tesla cars probably have all the places you have ever driven to, how long you stayed there, and with the camera's 9 cameras inside and out, possibly even what you have done in your cars and around it, all stored in a database somewhere.

Elon Musk: Champion of Free Speech or Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing?

It’s quite clear that Musk is on board with the whole technocratic/transhumanist agenda, so why is he all of a sudden being cast as a champion of democracy and free speech? Simple. The globalists are playing “good cop, bad cop”. Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, etc are the “bad guys” and Musk is the “good guy” who has come along to offer humanity a better way forward. There’s only one problem. Schwab’s vision for the future and Musk’s vision for the future are exactly the same. The paths to getting there may be different but the destination hasn’t changed. So why choose Musk to play the role of the “good cop”? First of all, he’s got the right personality, he’s eccentric and he’s already worshipped as a genius of our time. Secondly, he’s not associated with either the political right or left and thus he appeals equally to people on both ends of the spectrum. While it’s a good thing that banned accounts have returned to Twitter and that freedom of speech on the platform has (supposedly) been restored, it’s important to stay cautious before bowing down to Musk as some sort of saviour. In fact, I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t trust Elon Musk to tell me the time in a room full of clocks.