Rise of New Rotaviruses Induced by the Vaccine

A bit of wizardly conjuration involving the words “it is believed” can make things transmute from nice-ideas-if-they-work into facts—if they’re muttered with the correct intonation from the throats of state-sanctioned scientists. It is, at least, a nifty way to hide the fact that the rotavirus vaccine has caused new types of rotavirus.

New Cholesterol Drug is Likely to Prematurely Kill You

A new class of drugs known as PCSK9 inhibitors promises to reduce LDL cholesterol levels to previously unheard of lows, dropping your level below 50. These drugs will undoubtedly kill many before the risks are fully realized. Your body needs cholesterol for the production of cell membranes, hormones, vitamin D, and bile acids that help you to digest fat. If your levels get too low, you increase your risk of dementia, violent and aggressive behavior, depression, suicide, cancer, Parkinson’s disease—and likely heart disease, as a result of cholesterol sulfate deficiency.

Deaths from prescription painkiller overdoses are “skyrocketing” among women

Deaths from prescription painkiller overdoses have increased five-fold among women from 1999 to 2010. Many people find themselves addicted to painkillers before they even realize what’s happened, often after taking the drugs to recover from surgery or treat chronic back, or other, pain. Painkillers typically work by binding to receptors in your brain to decrease the perception of pain, but they also create a feeling of euphoria that can easily lead to physical dependence and addiction. There were four times more deaths among women from prescription painkiller overdose than from cocaine and heroin deaths combined in 2010.

Another Assault on America’s Children—Electroshocking kids promoted as “safe & effective”

Dr. Peter Breggin, a psychiatrist, author and medical expert describes ECT this way: “Shock treatment is simply closed-head injury caused by an overwhelming current of electricity sufficient to cause a grand mal seizure. When the patient becomes apathetic, the doctor writes in the hospital chart, ‘No longer complaining.’ When the patient displays the euphoria commonly associated with brain damage, the doctor writes ‘mood improved.’ Meanwhile, the individual’s brain and mind are so drastically injured that he or she is rendered unable to protest.”

Doctors Perform Thousands of Unnecessary Surgeries: Are You Getting One of Them?

According to a USA Today review of government records and medical databases, tens of thousands of patients undergo unnecessary surgery each and every year. Among the most commonly performed unnecessary surgeries are cardiac angioplasties, pacemakers, back surgery, knee and hip surgeries, hysterectomy and Cesarean sections. Diagnostic errors are also problematic and may account for the permanent injury or death of up to 160,000 US patients each year.

Drug Companies Plan to Use Compounding Bill to Eliminate Competition

S.959, the Senate compounding pharmacy bill, will likely shut off access to important medications like bioavailable estriol and time-released natural thyroid. Special interests in the pharmaceutical industry would try to use the call for federal regulation of compounding pharmacies to outlaw compounded estriol and thyroid and replace them with standard drugs. Compounded, bioidentical estriol became popular in the first place because the standard drug used for the same purpose was proven to be dangerous, a risk for both heart disease and cancer. It would be understandable that the drug companies would want this huge market back.

Could Malaria Drug Used by the Military be Responsible for Afghan Massacre?

The U.S. military is ignoring documented evidence that links a violence-inducing prescription drug with the worst American war crime in decades -- the massacre last year of 16 Afghan civilians by Army Sgt. Robert Bales.

Supreme Court rules Drug Companies exempt from Lawsuits

Among all the press coverage on recent Supreme Court rulings, most media sources barely even mentioned that the US Supreme Court also made a ruling on lawsuits against drug companies for fraud, mislabeling, side effects and accidental death. From now on, 80 percent of all drugs are exempt from legal liability. In a 5-4 vote, the US Supreme Court struck down a lower court’s ruling and award for the victim of a pharmaceutical drug’s adverse reaction. According to the victim and the state courts, the drug caused a flesh-eating side effect that left the patient permanently disfigured over most of her body. The adverse reaction was hidden by the drug maker and later forced to be included on all warning labels. But the highest court in the land ruled that the victim had no legal grounds to sue the corporation because its drugs are exempt from lawsuits.

Rotavirus Vaccine Deceit: Textbook Example of What’s Wrong with the Vaccine Industry

The rotavirus vaccine is a textbook example of what’s wrong with the vaccine industry. It works for only a limited number of rotavirus types, causes severe adverse effects including death, was approved via corrupt agencies & officials with financial ties to the manufacturer—and it results in far more cases of a far more deadly disease.

Labeling Kids ADHD—Are We Dumbing Down our Innovators of Tomorrow with Drugs?

Nearly one in five American high school students has been diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, and most are subsequently put on medication to treat this "disorder". What are the long-term effects of these drugs, not only on their health, but on the world's future? It is quite likely that in our effort to "normalize" our children, we are in fact destroying the next generation of American leaders and innovators.