Medical Experts Want Psycho-active Drugs in the Water Supply to Make Coronavirus Defectors “Co-operative”

    The Conversation – an “independent source of news and views, sourced from the academic and research community” – published an article headlined: "Morality pills may be the US’s best shot at ending the coronavirus pandemic, according to one ethicist." I swear I’m not exaggerating. Not even a little bit.

      CENSORED: Peer-Reviewed Published Study Showing 5G Induces Coronaviruses Disappears from Journal

      [The peer-reviewed study referenced in this article has been "withdrawn" since this article was published a few days ago, according to the NIH PubMed website. The Journal that published it, the Journal of Biological Regulations & Homeostatic Agents, which means it was peer-reviewed prior to acceptance and publication, has also removed it from their website. Health Impact News has reached out to the authors of the study to try and learn why it was removed, but as of publication time today (Sunday 7/26/20), we have not received any responses. Health Impact News has a copy, which is also available on] 5G induces coronaviruses according to a new study just published on the US NIH (National Institute of Health) website and published earlier elsewhere. The study, entitled 5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells, comes to the shocking conclusion – shocking from a mainstream scientific viewpoint – that 5G technology can instigate the body to produce viruses as a cellular response. Guess what? The 5G millimeter waves (so-called because they operate in extremely high frequencies where there is less than a millimeter between the wave peaks) can make the body produce not just any class of viruses but actually coronaviruses! This research peels back another layer of Operation Coronavirus, affirming the coronavirus 5G connection that I and others were warning about in February when this entire plandemic got off the ground. In that article I asked the question: “What if 5G is being used to open up the skin of those in Wuhan so as to allow the new bioweapon coronavirus to infiltrate more easily?” Now with more information the question could be: “What if 5G is being used to open up the skin and simultaneously create coronaviruses?”

        Coronavirus Plandemic Shows Why We Need Separation of Medicine and State

        It seems like only yesterday. Americans were denied the right to go to their churches. They were denied the right to visit their loved ones in the hospital. They were denied the right to open their businesses and go to work to provide for themselves and their families. They were denied the right to go to restaurants, to bars, to hair salons. No laws were passed denying these rights. Even that would be illegal and immoral. But what happened was worse. They were denied these basic rights by governors, county judges, and even local mayors who used the coronavirus outbreak as an excuse to rule by decree. They stole power that was not theirs to take and wielded it at all levels to force America into three months of house arrest. Then, in the midst of stay-at-home orders across the country, the same governors and local officials who locked Americans in their homes suddenly came around with their keys and threw open the doors. Suddenly not only was it OK to go out into the street, it was required to go out into the street! What happened? A cure? A miraculous vaccine? No. The officials who locked Americans up found a cause they felt required Americans in the streets to protest. Police had killed a black man, Floyd George, in their custody in Minneapolis and suddenly the need to protest trumped the need to “stay home, save lives.”

          Coronavirus Hypocrisy Exposed: Same People who Said “Stay Home – Stay Safe” Now Say “Get Out – Go Protest”

          Former U.S. Congressman Dr. Ron Paul today addressed the hypocrisy currently being displayed by those medical authorities and politicians who have been warning people to "stay home and stay safe" over the Coronavirus plandemic who are now saying that it is OK to go out and protest, even while restrictions remain in place for other types of gatherings, such as churches and other businesses. His co-host, Daniel McAdams, said: "Either they've been lying all along, that this is a deadly virus, and that if you go out, you're going to kill yourself or others - or they are lying now. If they're lying now, then they actually do want black people to die, because if you die by going out and catching this disease and they're encouraging black people to go out and protest, they're actually wanting these people to die." Dr. Ron Paul also hinted that we should consider an amendment to the Constitution to have a "separation of medicine and the State," just as there is a separation of church and the State. Earlier this week a group of 1,288 public health professionals, infectious diseases professionals, and community stakeholders published a letter encouraging the protesters to protest because: “White supremacy is a lethal public health issue that predates and contributes to COVID-19.” So just like that, those warning the public to stay home and stay safe, including many states that still have these orders in place, are now telling people it is OK to go out and protest, because this is more important.

            Does 5G Make Us More Susceptible to Coronavirus Infection?

            Many have raised questions about whether there is a connection between 5G and this pandemic. In some ways, the connection between COVID-19 and 5G is a moot issue. In other ways, it's not. Either way, it's tangential to what you need to do now to protect yourself and your family from here on out. At the time of this interview, which took place March 31, 2020, a vast majority of those who have died from COVID-19 were elderly. Those who died in China and Italy under the age of 50 have generally been encumbered with obesity, diabetes and hypertension, with insulin resistance being the common denominator. Very few under the age of 19 are affected. That said, the infection appears to be more aggressive than influenza in older individuals, and the illness lasts longer than the regular flu. So, there's enhanced virulence to this virus for some reason we yet do not understand. While unproven, one current theory is that EMF radiation — and the addition of 5G in particular — could be having an impact.

              Dr. Brownstein: Over 100 Patients Treated for COVID19 so far with No Hospitalizations and No Deaths

              At my office—The Center for Holistic Medicine–we have seen patient after patient with COVID symptoms improve on our therapies. We have treated over 100 patients and, so far, we have no hospitalizations and no deaths. My partners and I continually share notes and we are all seeing the same positive results. We have seen some patients respond well to oral therapies including high doses of vitamins A, C, D as well as iodine. Many others, especially those with lung problems, have improved when they started nebulizing hydrogen peroxide and iodine. Others have needed IV dosing of vitamin C, hydrogen peroxide and ozone to overcome COVID-19. I have posted numerous video testimonials detailing our patients’ stories. To watch our patient testimonials, take a look at our playlist on my YouTube Channel: Center for Holistic Medicine COVID Program.

                Was the Lockdown a Big Mistake that the Government is Not Willing to Admit?

                From California to New Jersey, Americans are protesting in the streets. They are demanding an end to house arrest orders given by government officials over a virus outbreak that even according to the latest US government numbers will claim fewer lives than the seasonal flu outbreak of 2017-2018. Across the US, millions of businesses have been shut down by “executive order” and the unemployment rate has skyrocketed to levels not seen since the Great Depression. Americans, who have seen their real wages decline thanks to Federal Reserve monetary malpractice, are finding themselves thrust into poverty and standing in breadlines. It is like a horror movie, but it’s real. Last week the UN Secretary General warned that a global recession resulting from the worldwide coronavirus lockdown could cause “hundreds of thousands of additional child deaths per year.” As of this writing, less than 170,000 have been reported to have died from the coronavirus worldwide. Many Americans have also died this past month because they were not able to get the medical care they needed. Cancer treatments have been indefinitely postponed. Life-saving surgeries have been put off to make room for coronavirus cases. Meanwhile hospitals are laying off thousands because the expected coronavirus cases have not come and the hospitals are partially empty. What if the “cure” is worse than the disease?

                  Are COVID19 Death Statistics being Inflated to Justify Government Actions?

                  On Mar. 19, 2020, the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 in Italy reached 3,405. The number was significant in that it surpassed the number of COVID-19 deaths in China, which stood at 3,245 at the time, and thus it was widely reported by the media. The following day, the president of the Italian Civil Protection Department, Angelo Borrelli, held a press briefing regarding the COVID-19 outbreak in the country and he specifically addressed the death count.  Borrelli stressed: "I want you to remember these people died with the coronavirus and not from the coronavirus." Borrelli was clarifying that the 3,405 people who died did not all die from COVID-19 even though they tested positive for the coronavirus that can cause the disease. He was making the distinction between dying with the virus and dying from the virus, which is not a negligible thing. Particularly when the perceived lethality of the virus may be the key factor behind public policy decisions to encourage “social distancing,” quarantine certain people and mandate the closure of large segments of society and even potentially institute martial law, suspend constitutional rights and violate basic civil liberties. Padding the numbers doesn’t make sense unless the goal is to create more fear and panic. So if 3,405 people reportedly died of COVID-19 in Italy by Mar. 19 and not all of them died with COVID-19 as the primary cause of death, then what was the real number? According to Prof. Ricciardi: "On re-evaluation by the [Italian] National Institute of Health, only 12 percent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 percent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity—many had two or three." If that’s true, then, of the 3,405 deaths initially reported in Italy as being solely caused by COVID-19, only 409 of them actually can be classified as COVID-19 deaths. That is a huge discrepancy, and one that can dramatically skew the public’s view of the impact of COVID-19 in Italy. What if this same dynamic were in play in the United States? What if only 12 percent of the deaths attributed to COVID-19 in the U.S. were actually caused by the virus?

                    Licorice Inhibits Replication of Coronavirus

                    During the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing and hygiene seem to be having some effect on "flattening the curve" and slowing the spread of the virus. The use of ultraviolet (UV) light to decontaminate medical facilities, proper hand-washing and disinfectants, equipment and even protective facemasks also seems to be useful. But people will still contract COVID-19, and effective treatments are lacking and needed. That’s why some scientific studies are looking at a natural product that has long been known to have antiviral effects1 – glycyrrhizin, the major active constituent in licorice root. Glycyrrhizin was valued in ancient Arabia and Greece for treating coughs and in China for relieving irritation of the mucous membranes. In modern times, glycyrrhizin has been shown to be a formidable antiviral, fighting herpes, HIV, hepatitis, influenza, encephalitis and pneumonia as well as less known viruses like respiratory syncytial virus, arboviruses, vaccinia virus and vesicular stomatitis virus. Still, it’s glycyrrhizin's effectiveness against SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) that has scientists hoping this important natural substance may be a tool against COVID-19.

                      Meet the New Billionaires Club: COVID-19 Vaccine Developers

                      Immediately after the Jan. 30 WHO declaration that a novel coronavirus outbreak in China posed a “public health emergency of international concern,” press releases were issued by the Gates Foundation and World Health Organization (WHO) informing the world that experimental coronavirus vaccines already in development would be put on a fast track to licensure for global use. By mid-March and early April, the WHO, National Institutes of Health, universities, and global pharmaceutical corporations had announced development of more than 50 experimental COVID-19 vaccines. Using vitamin and supplement therapies or currently licensed prescription drugs has taken a back seat to an aggressive push to keep restrictive “social distancing” measures in place until fast tracked experimental vaccines are licensed. Maintaining that the only solution to dealing with the new coronavirus is universal use of a new vaccine, this single solution approach guarantees even bigger profits in the exploding global vaccine market that has doubled over the past decade from $20B in 2010 to $42B in 2018. Dominated by the UK’s GlaxoSmithKline, France’s Sanofi and U.S. drug giants Merck and Pfizer, the vaccine market is projected to double again by 2026 to over $93B. There are already reports from Wall Street predicting big gains in Biotech stocks based on multiple companies developing COVID-19 vaccines and new drugs. One company, Moderna, which is partnering with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) headed by Dr. Fauci, has seen a 78 percent increase in its stock price since it announced in February that its experimental messenger RNA vaccine was ready for clinical trials. The company’s CEO has become a new billionaire overnight.

                        China Cures Coronavirus with Vitamin C

                        I live in China. All across China, not just in Wuhan, but also in other cities that saw pneumonia cases (and note, Chinese medical teams discuss COVID-19 as pneumonia), people are being cured with vitamin C. I am including the details from a public report written in Chinese and published by a medical team Xibei Hospital, affiliated with Jiao Tong University, in the city of Xi’an, Shaanxi province. The teams in China did not choose to administer vitamin C due to mere guesswork. To make the decision, they cited the medical literature and used their knowledge about respiratory diseases and oxidative stress. Dr. Zhi Yong Peng, at the Zhongnan Hospital, at Wuhan University, justified his decision to use vitamin C, noting: "For most viral infections, there is a lack of effective antiviral drugs … Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, has antioxidant properties. Clinical studies have shown that vitamin C can effectively prevent [sepsis and related cytokine storms]. In addition, vitamin C can [protect the lungs]. Vitamin C can effectively shorten the duration of (or even prevent) the common cold. In a controlled … trial, 85% of 252 students experienced a reduction in [cold] symptoms, [after receiving] high-dose vitamin C group (1g per hour for 6 hours, followed by 1g every 8 hours)." This is not a time to accept economic stagnation and the social dislocation that will accompany it. It is not a time to fear that which you cannot see (a virus)—especially given that no medical doctor has ever proven that said viruses cause illness. (I will present more on the virus theory in future articles). Get your Vitamin C, selenium, and zinc, wash your hands to prevent bacterial infection and tell your friends to do the same.

                          Family Court Shutdown due to Coronavirus Could Cause Termination of Parental Rights for Countless Families

                          Federal laws require states to initiate termination of parental rights when a child has been in foster care for 15 of the last 22 months. With family courts shutting down across the country due to the Coronavirus outbreak, delaying reunification and adjudication hearings, could families face termination of their parental rights without due process? CPS must have a signed order by a judge in order to remove a child from their home, unless the agency feels a child is in imminent danger, at which time the agency can proceed with an “emergency removal." The agency must then seek the approval of a judge on the following business day. At that time, the family is likely assigned an attorney or has already sought legal counsel to contest the removal and petition the court to return the child home.  With the potential spread of COVID-19, family courts have closed or reduced caseloads. According to the report by Kramer, regarding a statement from the New York State Office of Court Administration, judges are holding hearings by phone and video, only on “essential/emergency” matters. The administration did not respond to the author's request for further comments on their story. Kramer states, according to attorneys who represent parents, judges are continuing to hear petitions from the Administration for Children’s Services (ACS) seeking to remove children from their homes and place them in foster care, but they are not willing to hear motions by parents seeking to return children home.

                            Hospitals Separating Newborn Infants from Mothers due to Coronavirus Fears

                            Expecting mothers can experience enormous amounts of worry and anxiety. With the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the world, expecting mothers have even more reasons to be worried when hospitals are separating newborns from their mothers within seconds of birth. "I saw her and felt her on my chest for like maybe three to five seconds." This is what mother, Veronica Batton, told KSHB in a story by Lindsay Shively, March 24th.  Veronica Batton emailed her doctor with concerns about a cough. She agreed to be tested for the coronavirus, but the test results were not back by the time she went into labor. According to KSHB, Batton claimed, it took a full week for the results to come back, four days after she gave birth to her baby girl at St. Luke’s East Hospital in Lee’s Summit, Missouri.   While waiting for the test results, Veronica had no contact with her newborn daughter other than the 3-5 seconds directly after delivery, the story reports. Christopher Frizzelle, writing for The Stranger out of Seattle, reports that separating newborns from their mothers if the mother tested positive for COVID-19 is the recommendation of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, which is based on CDC recommendations. "But if the mom is a PUI or is COVID-positive, the recommendation from the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) is that medical staff should maintain social distancing of at least six feet between the mom and the baby. In other words, 'Not to do skin-to-skin contact. And the mom goes through labor in a mask. Can you imagine going through natural childbirth, breathing, working, in an air mask the whole time? And then we deliver, and we try to keep them separate from each other.'" Gretchen Vogel with Science posed the question in a recent story: “Do newborn babies need to be separated from mothers infected with the new coronavirus?” Vogel reports, “The scant data available have led to apparently contradictory recommendations: Some health authorities, including in China and the United States, recommend isolation of newborns from their infected mothers; others, including the World Health Organization (WHO), strongly recommend breastfeeding and keeping mothers and babies together, while taking precautions such as the mother wearing a mask.”

                              Overnight, the U.S. Has Become a Medical Police State

                              I have long feared a police state. Not the figurative one we’ve been letting develop for years now. I mean a literal one. Where they can stop you for any reason and ask you for your “papers.” Where they can restrict your movements, and your associations. Where they can confine you to your homes. This became an unfortunate reality for me and all other Virginians. Mayor Ralph “Blackface” Northam signed an Executive Order that essentially locks my state down. Police can stop any motorist and ask where they are going. If they aren’t going to a doctor or the store, they can be charged with a misdemeanor. For now. And those essential personnel who are still working have been given papers. Yes, “show me your papers” is finally here in the land of the free. Over the course of just a few weeks, America and most of the world has been subjected to a power play that rivals anything that George Orwell could have dreamed up. Whole countries locked down. People quarantined who have no illness. People restricted to their houses. “Social distancing” mandating that people stay six feet apart from one another. The closing down of virtually all businesses. No more going to the movies, or restaurants, or casinos, or concerts. Professional sports leagues and even the NCAA’s lucrative March Madness basketball tournament have been cancelled. All schools have been closed indefinitely. Benjamin Franklin wisely warned, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Considering the continuous fear porn coming from our leaders, few of us probably feel safe. And their totalitarian response to an invisible enemy should make all of us feel demonstrably less free.

                                Media Censoring Medical Doctors Saving Lives with Vitamin C for COVID19 – Reduces Need for Ventilators

                                Three US hospitals use of IV vitamin C and other low-cost, readily available drugs cut the death-rate of COVID-19-without the use of ventilators! A press release dated March 30, 2020 stated: “If you can administer Vitamin C intravenously starting in the Emergency Room and every 6 hours thereafter, while in the hospital, the mortality rate of this disease and the need for mechanical ventilators will likely be greatly reduced,” says Dr. Pierre Kory, the Medical Director of the Trauma and Life Support Center and Chief of the Critical Care Service at the University of Wisconsin in Madison. He explains that it’s the inflammation sparked by the Coronavirus, not the virus itself, that kills patients. Inflammation causes a condition called Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), which damages the lungs so that patients, suffering fever, fatigue, and the sense that their inner chest is on fire, eventually cannot breathe without the help of a ventilator. The vitamin C is a combination therapy developed in 2017 by Dr. Paul Marik at Eastern Virginia Medical School. He gives critically ill patients IV doses of hydrocortisone, vitamin C, and vitamin B1 within six hours of entering the emergency room. Dr. Marik reported a significantly lowered death rate in those treated with his regimen. When COVID-19 came to Virginia, Dr. Marik used his protocol. He reported saving four COVID-19 patients including an 86-year-old man admitted to the hospital with 100% oxygen. Elderly people on oxygen usually do not survive COVID-19. Dr. J. Varon at United General Hospital in Houston reported saving 16 lives with this protocol. He reports that his patients are getting off the ventilator at 48 hours instead of 10-21 days! So why isn’t IV vitamin C along with the other therapies Dr. Marik recommends being used in every COVID-19 patient? I am rarely at a loss for words, but here I am. It is infuriating. I have shown you our success in treating COVID-19 patients with a holistic protocol that includes oral dosing of vitamins A, C, D, and iodine as well as IV vitamin C, ozone, and hydrogen peroxide. I passed along the information I presented above to two local hospitals and offered my services to explain how to properly administer IV nutrients. To date, I have heard nothing. Yet, many continue to die as conventional medicine has little to offer COVID-19 patients. Conventional medicine can wait for a vaccine. At the Center for Holistic Medicine, we know there is not time to wait for a vaccine. Natural therapies work. It is time for you to find a holistic doctor who understands that the best way to treat COVID-19 (and many other illnesses) is to host’s immune system so that it can appropriately fight back and overcome the disease.

                                  Unprecedented Response to COVID-19 by Governments Prohibits Physical Contact and Cripples World Economy

                                  After officials at the World Health Organization (WHO) declared on Mar. 11, 2020 that outbreaks of a mutated coronavirus (COVID-19) had become a global pandemic and urged countries to take strong action to stop its spread, the governments of countries representing one-third of the world’s population closed borders, restricted or halted travel between and within countries and ordered healthy people to essentially eliminate physical contact with each other by staying in their homes. The president of the Philippines even gave authority to shoot down and kill anyone violating the country's lockdown orders. The halt to travel and closure of schools, businesses, stores and shopping centers, restaurants, theaters, sports arenas, gyms, beaches, parks and recreation areas, churches, and other places, where children are educated and people conduct business, shop and engage in recreation, sent stock markets into a sudden nosedive and has crippled the world’s economy.

                                    Simple, Effective Natural Ways to Maintain a Healthy Respiratory System

                                    A hallmark of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 is that it infects the upper respiratory tract accompanied by shortness of breath, a chronic cough and frequently chills, fever and fatigue. However, these are symptoms similar but not limited to many other viral infections, including other strains of CoV, avian and swine flu, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), picornaviruses, etc. The conventional war chest for arming ourselves against respiratory infections are drugs that can lessen the severity of these symptoms and hopefully will kill the virus to prevent it from worsening.  But pharmaceutical medications are not the only recourse we can rely upon.  There are non-toxic supplements, medicinal botanicals and common sense actions people can adopt to protect themselves. Consequently, even if infected by COVID-19 or another respiratory virus, our immune system can be strengthened naturally to dramatically reduce the risks of serious complications.  At the moment, the primary dispensers of information about the pandemic are the White House, the CDC, the National Institutes of Allergies and Infectious Disease (NIAID) and the World Health Organization (WHO). The mainstream media and state and local health officials have been completely relying upon comments and reports from these sources to inform or educate the public. However, what are not being communicated are the clinical experiences and scientific advice from around the world that contain valuable information and analyses to share. In China, Europe, Japan, and the US, there are tens of thousands or more physicians and medical professionals using alternative modalities such as nutritional therapy, naturopathy and Traditional Chinese Medicine to further protect patients from respiratory infections, alongside or to complement conventional drug protocols.  We are referring to studies published in respected journals and research conducted by important centers of medical investigation. The question, therefore, is why have a contingent of people on the frontlines of prevention and complementary approaches to health been completely marginalized from the community of so-called "experts" who dominate the voices in the media?  Therefore we want to share simple natural ways to protect your respiratory system and lungs during this stressful period. None of this information is folk tale but rather it is based on research found in the National Library of Medicine and other professional medical sources. 

                                      Dr. Rowen: Ozone REVERSES Critically Ill COVID Patients in China, and VERY RAPIDLY

                                      Just Received. Ozone REVERSES Critically Ill COVID Patients in China, and VERY RAPIDLY. If I were given a chance, I strongly believe we could end this nightmare in a few weeks and restore the economy. There is a cure out there for COVID. Fast, simple, Essentially 100% safe. And depending on method used, can be quite cheap. So far, every patient I have heard about who has received ozone therapy for this disease has recovered, including the two critically ill patients here.

                                        COVID19 to Usher in First Federal Mandatory Mass Vaccinations?

                                        Until recently, the concept of mandatory and mass vaccination has been only a worrisome possibility. Vaccination laws are passed and monitored at the state level, not at the federal level. But while the country was still struggling to recover from the events of September 11, 2001, and the bioterrorism scares of smallpox and anthrax threats, the groundwork to make vaccines mandatory began to change in 2003, during President George W. Bush’s State of the Union Address. On that fateful night, Bush revealed the creation of Project BioShield, a comprehensive effort to develop and make available modern, effective drugs and vaccines to protect against attack by biological and chemical weapons. Fast forward: COVID19. Wasting no time, the Secretary of HHS, Alex Azar and the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response Robert P. Kadlec, MD, MTM&H, MS, issued Notice of Declaration of National Emergency and published in the Federal Register on March 17, 2020 (Vol. 85, No. 52). The Declaration was effective as of February 4, 2020. By declaring a national emergency for the SARS-CoV-19 virus and COVID-19, the Secretary evoked the PREP Act “to provide liability immunity for activities related to medical countermeasures against COVID–19.” Once this new, experimental COVID-19 vaccine is deemed to be a ‘covered countermeasure’ there will be no going back. The experimental vaccine designed to protect from a virus that little is known about? Can you think of a worse-case outcome for many? The mainstream media is conditioning people to anticipate and even beg for this vaccine. It’s all part of the Plan.

                                          Dr. Fauci’s History in Spending Billions of Government Funds on Vaccine Research with Little to Show for it

                                          Across the country, a debate is raging about the nation’s medical response and how best to apportion available resources. Many argue, quite reasonably, for the importance of identifying safe, effective and affordable therapies that can provide immediate help to those who are sick. On March 22, The New York Times reported that there are at least 69 existing drugs or compounds that might be effective in treating the coronavirus. In China, researchers are studying intravenous vitamin C as a potential nontoxic treatment, while a paper published by French researchers on March 20 described promising COVID-19 results from the off-label use of hydroxychloroquine (an antimalarial) and azithromycin (an antibiotic). The head of the French team, Didier Raoult, MD, PhD, is one of the world’s top infectious disease and virology experts, with roughly 2,000 peer-reviewed publications and multiple awards to his name. Raoult and coauthors point out that a major advantage of “repositioning” older drugs for this coronavirus is that their safety profile, side effects, dosing and drug interactions are already well documented. However, Ian Lipkin, MD, of Columbia University recently told MSNBC, with a grin, that investments tend to go toward treatments that are “sexy and new and patentable” rather than to “tried-and-true, classical sort of methods repurposing drugs and strategies that have already been shown to work.” For biopharma companies that are poised to profit from COVID-19-related misfortune, older drugs that have outlived their patent terms are not terribly helpful for the bottom line. Could this be why leading White House coronavirus advisor Anthony Fauci, MD, long-time head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), recently pooh-poohed the published chloroquine evidence as merely “anecdotal”? Fauci is a stalwart enthusiast of “patentable” vaccines, skilled in attracting massive government funding for vaccines that either never materialize or are spectacularly ineffective or unsafe.