Attorney Arrested in Tennessee Refuses to be Gagged – How One Woman Dares to Take a Stand Against Child Kidnappings by CPS

    They arrested a 67-year-old grandmother who has been practicing law for 25 years and advocating for the rights of families, fully intending to intimidate her and silence her, as she exposes the corruption in Tennessee family courts where parents are denied due process of law in the seizure of their children. What has happened instead, is that Tennessee's corrupt Department of Children Services (DCS) has given attorney Connie Reguli a national platform she did not previously have, to expose the abuses happening not only in Tennessee, but all across America in child welfare proceedings, which we have exposed here at Health Impact News over the years as a U.S. taxpayer-funded child trafficking business. This child trafficking business uses foster care as the #1 pipeline for feeding children into sex trafficking, and also uses children in foster care for drug trials to develop and market new pediatric drugs and vaccines, as two of the more unsavory reasons why a steady supply of children are needed in the nation's foster care and adoption system. The system in place, the American foster care and adoption system, is legal, as it was setup by Congress. It needs to be de-funded and dismantled, which is no easy task given that the system employs hundreds of thousands of people, and brings in billions of dollars of revenue to the states. Each state has a quota of how many children must be put into foster care to receive federal funding, and keep the system alive. The process of how children are taken out of their families and put into the system, however, is seldom, if ever, legal. And this is the part of the system Attorney Reguli is exposing in Tennessee. It is a system that kidnaps children, and trafficks them.

      Tennessee CPS Attorney Connie Reguli Arrested for Defending A Mother’s Constitutional Rights to Due Process

      Attorney Connie Reguli turned herself into authorities in Brentwood, Tennessee today (July 17, 2019) after learning that there was a warrant out for her arrest. She was released the same day without bail, on her own recognizance. Attorney Connie Reguli is well-known to the readers of Health Impact News and our website. She is the head of the LawCare Family Law Center in Tennessee, and also the founder of the Family Forward Project, which advocates for the rights of parents and children nationwide on matters related to abuses in Child Protective Services and Foster Care. She is a frequent speaker nationally, and educates legislators on matters related to family law and child welfare. She has been practicing law defending the Constitutional rights of parents for over 25 years. Yesterday she received a phone call informing her that there was a warrant out for her arrest, encouraging her to turn herself in rather than having police come in to storm her office or home to arrest her. Attorney Reguli states that she has: "never broken the law and never been arrested for nothing. I am 67 years old, I've never had a DUI... never had a single criminal charge. And here we are because I tried to get a parent due process, which means notice and opportunity to be heard. I am now going to be criminally charged for that." At a recent legislative session in Tennessee before a committee that provides oversight for Tennessee's Department of Children Services (DCS) Attorney Reguli says: "I told them that this system is so broken, and that parents' rights are being violated, that nobody will stand up for them. There's no oversight, there's nobody looking over their shoulder. I've been an attorney for 25 years. I know the law. I know what Constitutional rights are for parents, and I have been a thorn in their side."

        The Ease with which Government Kidnaps Children – A Review of Current Legislation and the Multi-Billion Dollar Child “Protection” Industry

        Attorney Connie Reguli writes: It is hard to imagine in a sophisticated first-world country like the United States that the government officials could walk into your child’s public school, have them removed from their classroom, interviewed by government officials in private (without your knowledge), remove your child from the school, and place them in the home of a stranger all without your knowledge. The reason you ask, maybe you don’t feed your child enough, maybe they missed a few days from school, maybe someone just lied and said you were a drug dealer, and your child could not answer the right questions to exonerate you. It is hard to imagine in a sophisticated first-world country that a new born baby could be stripped from his mother’s arms in a hospital because the Mother had one positive test for opiates during pregnancy, even though there was no showing of drugs in the Mother or the child at birth and there is no other evidence of child abuse or neglect. It is hard to imagine in a sophisticated first-world country that a child could be locked in a hospital with a rare and untreated disease and separated from her entire family simply because her parents wanted to take her for a second medical opinion. This is the state of our nation and the child welfare system in the United States. Here's what has to change....

          Disabled Virginia Mom Arrested with No Warrant, No Charges Because Health Impact News Exposed her Story

          Police have arrested a mother in Virginia. She was charged with no crime. There was no warrant. Tara Chapman, who has a mental health disability, was reportedly dragged out of the house, placed in handcuffs, and taken away in a police car yesterday, March 7, 2018. She was taken to a mental health facility where she was handcuffed to a hospital bed. Whitney Manning is her mother, and she has been fighting Tennessee's Child Protective Services for her daughter and grandchildren for several years. She is terrified for the very life of her daughter. Attorney Connie Reguli told Health Impact News that she believes that Tara's arrest was "all retaliation" for their story being exposed. She said that Tara was not a threat to herself or to anyone else. "She was TRULY medically kidnapped. They are treating her like a criminal. This is true abuse of the mentally ill." Tara Chapman had graduated with honors from college and had a teaching degree. The Tennessee Department of Children’s Services (DCS) became involved during a time when Tara was being abused by her sons' father. She had struggled with depression and bipolar disorder to some degree before that, but her children being taken literally drove her crazy. Now, after exposing her story to the public, a court has removed her mother as her guardian and placed under the custody of the State, and her family does not even know where she is located.