Using Coconut Oil in Cold Drinks

    Cold drinks are a popular summer staple that coffeehouses and restaurants make a killing off of every year with their ridiculous prices. However, there is little need to buy them. Making most of these drinks at home is easy, not to mention with far more healthy potential when you control what goes into them. Adding coconut oil to your blended cold drinks is one way to get your daily dose of coconut oil without it being bothersome or boring. Not only that, but the addition of coconut oil will also give your endurance and energy a boost, keeping you going throughout the day or acting as a quick pick me up along with some natural fruit as the day drags on.

      How to Add Coconut Oil to Hot and Cold Drinks

      Getting more coconut oil into your regular meals and drinks can be a bit challenging to those new to the product, but it’s actually a lot easier than you’d think. Coconut oil can be used in anything from cooking, baking, frying, to drinks, both hot and cold. Learn how to add coconut oil to your hot and cold drinks.