Scottish Doctor and PhD Nutritionist Win Libel Case Against British Media for Being Labeled as “Murderers” by Exposing Dangerous Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs

    In 2019, Health Impact News covered a story out of the UK where the British media launched an attack campaign against medical doctors and nutritionists who exposed the cholesterol myth, and the very profitable, and very dangerous, statin drugs that were being prescribed to artificially lower people's cholesterol. They were gaining so much popularity in the Alternative Media, including Health Impact News, that drug sales for statins were apparently declining. So they brought out the attack dogs in the corporate media to smear them, calling them "statin deniers" who they said were responsible for murdering people because patients were not taking their statin drugs, that they claim prevent heart attacks. These doctors and nutritionists were being compared to "vaccine deniers", such as Andrew Wakefield, to vilify their reputations. Because now, some 5 years later, Dr. Malcolm Kendrick has reported that he and Zoë Harcombe have won a libel suit against the The Mail. "Finally, the dust settles. Zoë and I won our case against the Mail on Sunday. The judgement came out a few weeks ago, but the legal wrangling continued – and still continues. The Mail on Sunday did print an apology. There is still a statement in open court to come (SIOC). The SIOC has to be agreed by the judge, and this has not yet happened. But some names are going to be named. We know who you are. The behind the scenes activity was quite outrageous. Eventually, all will be revealed. Because none of this is confidential anymore. The rock was lifted to see the creatures squirming in unaccustomed sunlight."

      Medical Promotion of Cholesterol-lowering Drugs Biased – Not Based on Scientific Evidence

      A group of independent medical academics challenged a BMJ (British Medical Journal) 20 year follow-up study that claimed favorable results among those using statins as a preventative measure. It was known as the West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study (WOSCOPS), and it was the first trial to demonstrate a significant reduction in cardiovascular events with statin therapy for primary prevention. The critical report challenging the BMJ’s statin-promotion based on the WOSCOPS study was published recently, October of 2017. The challenging trio of medical scientists, led by independent researcher Uffe Ravnskov MD, PhD, author of The Cholesterol Myth and Fat and Cholesterol are Good for You, parsed and picked at the study to show it is flawed. They concluded: "The study has serious bias. Many patients stop taking statins. In a study of over 140 000 elderly people, two thirds of those with cardiovascular disease (and even more of those without) had stopped treatment after two years. The question is, therefore, whether the mortality benefit among those with the highest LDL cholesterol is due to statin treatment or to their high LDL cholesterol. The question is relevant because a recent systematic review of 19 cohort studies including 68 094 elderly people (≥60 years) followed for several years found an inverse association between all cause mortality and LDL cholesterol in 92% of participants. In the largest study those with the highest LDL cholesterol lived longer than those taking statins."

        Exposing the Cholesterol Myth: Big Pharma and Their Corporate “Mainstream” Media Strike Back

        It seems to coincide that when fraudulent medical or nutritional dogma promoted by mainstream medicine or government nutritional institutions starts getting exposed in the alternative media, they both double down with the aid of mainstream media, especially if the result of that exposure is lowered sales of statin drugs and processed non-fat foods. This is what is happening with both statin drugs and saturated fat disinformation. But now the empire is striking back. Cleveland Clinic cardiologist Dr. Steven Nissen writes: "We are losing the battle for the hearts and minds of our patients to websites developed by people with little or no scientific expertise, who often peddle ‘natural’ or ‘drug-free’ remedies for elevated cholesterol levels. This 'Internet-driven cult' denies statins’ benefits and whips up fears of side effects, then profits from the resulting confusion by peddling snake oil. The diversion of patients away from evidence-based therapy by advocates of unproven dietary supplements must be vigorously opposed by physician-scientists. Similarly, the claims that cult diets can reverse heart disease have no scientific basis and represent a danger to public health." Dr. Nissen’s viewpoint was also covered in a MedPage Today article titled “CardioBrief: Statin Denialism Is 'A Deadly Internet-Driven Cult,'" where Dr. James Stein (University of Wisconsin) supported Dr. Nissen’s editorial with more vitriol than even Dr. Nissen expressed, stating: "There is a special place in hell for people who use fear tactics and misinformation to promote books and natural health aids, including crazy diets, at the expense of proven medical therapies, rather than as complimentary options under medical direction. I am not sure why Americans are so susceptible to these charlatans."

          New Cholesterol-Lowering Drug Tests Fail: Should You Even Lower Your Cholesterol with Drugs?

          Since 2015 there have been a few pharmaceutical companies working on a new cholesterol-lowering drug type as a replacement for the older class of statin drugs, such as Lipitor. Lipitor was the best-selling drug of all time, but its patent expired a few years ago. The new mantra is getting LDL cholesterol levels lower than statin drugs. The drug class of these new cholesterol-lowering drugs is a PCSK9 inhibitor. Of course, this is madness for two reasons: (1) Cholesterol and fats, in general, are not the cause of heart disease; (2) cholesterol is vital for hormone production and nervous system and brain function. The fact is that cholesterol is vitally essential for good health, and lowering cholesterol artificially can and does lead to more immediate health problems, and a lower life expectancy. So why the focus for a new cholesterol-lowering drug? Once again, we follow the money.

            Statin Scam and the Cholesterol Myth: Know the Truth

            Statin drugs that reduce cholesterol in the body are much more harmful than beneficial, even though they do lower cholesterol readings. There is much clinical evidence that lowering cholesterol is not only unnecessary, but it is seriously damaging to overall health. This is worth repeating even as much as Health Impact News has covered cholesterol and statin issues in the past. Many others, even alternative health sites and practitioners, still continue to perpetuate the cholesterol myth that promotes the scam of dangerous and highly profitable statin drugs. Epidemiological studies tracking elderly people over time have concluded that people with high cholesterol live longer than those with low cholesterol. So there is no need to take a pharmaceutical with dangerous side effects to lower cholesterol.

              Dr. Brownstein: $14,000 For New Cholesterol-Lowering Drugs? We Must Be Out Of Our Minds!

              The best metric for measuring the effectiveness of a drug is the NNT or the number of patients needed to be treated with the drug to prevent 1 clinically significant endpoint. In the case of statins and presumably in the case of the new class of drug to lower cholesterol the NNT for primary prevention is between 100-500!! I would not want to take an expensive dangerous drug that is likely to increase my incidence of diabetes (which in and of itself increased heart attacks), heart failure, dementia, muscle aches, fatigue, and oxidative stress as a result of lower vitamin D and coenzyme Q10. For what? To lower my chances of an MI or stroke by less than 1%? I would rather take up jogging and eat better. I would rather bet on black. The statin drugs have been a disaster as they don’t work in the majority of people who take them. Now, we want to spend over $14,000 per year in a new class of cholesterol-lowering drugs? We must be out of our minds.

                Low Cholesterol Levels Associated with 990% Higher Mortality After Heart Attack

                A recent study in Critical Care Medicine is titled, “Lipid Paradox in Acute Myocardial Infarction- The Association with 30-Day In-Hospital Mortality.” This study followed 724 hospitalized patients who suffered an acute heart attack (i.e., myocardial infarction). The scientists attempted to clarify the relationship between the lipid profiles and the 30-day mortality in patients who suffered a heart attack. The authors found that those with lower LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels had a significantly elevated mortality risk when compared to patients with higher LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Why would lowered cholesterol and triglyceride levels be associated with a higher mortality rate? Fats from triglycerides are a major energy source and LDL-cholesterol is critical for cell membrane synthesis and is needed to fight infections. Adequate LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels may be critical for cell function and survival in the case of a heart attack—as well as in other conditions. Folks, we have been hoodwinked to believe that we must all take cholesterol-lowering medications in order to prevent and/or treat heart disease. People do not get heart disease because their cholesterol level is elevated. Remember, 50% of patients who suffer a heart attack have normal cholesterol levels.

                  Alert: Amount of People Recommended for Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drugs Has Tripled

                  Shocking news! Two studies were recently published that endorse 2013 guidelines for a wider use of statin drugs. As reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), out of over 2400 people, 39% were statin eligible, compared with 14% by the old 2004 guidelines. In one fell swoop, the amount of people recommended for statin use was tripled! This is not surprising given the amount of revenue from statin drug sales. Who makes the guidelines? Doctors on Big Pharma payroll, that’s who.

                    Is Your Cardiologist a Pill Pusher?

                    My father was a cardiologist who started his practice in the 1970’s. In those days, the beauty and art of medicine were in the diagnosis of heart disease. They didn’t have many “tools” to treat patients. There were only a few pharmaceuticals and surgery was new on the scene. Fast forward to 2015. If you walk into a cardiology office you will walk out with a stack of prescriptions and orders for testing such as treadmills and ultrasounds. But what are the benefits?

                      Dr. Brownstein: National Panel Reverses Idiotic Cholesterol Guidelines

                      As reported in the New York Times (2.20.15), a nutrition advisory panel that shapes U.S dietary advice eased some of the previous restrictions on fat and cholesterol, while at the same time recommending Americans lower their consumption of sugar. For many years, I have been writing and lecturing about the idiotic cholesterol and fat guidelines that the Powers-That-Be have been espousing. Over 30 years ago, we were told to eat less fat and cholesterol in order to lower our risk from dying from cardiovascular disease. During that same time we were encouraged to increase our consumption of carbohydrates in the form of grains and bakery products. We followed the Powers-That-Be’s advice and guess what? Our health has worsened. During the time we lowered our fat and cholesterol intake, we suffered with more obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

                        Statin Drug Scandal: Cholesterol-lowering Drug Researchers Start Backtracking

                        The cholesterol-lowering statin drug empire continues to crumble. On Sunday February 15, 2015, the Sunday Express in the UK published a headline story stating that Oxford professor Dr. Rory Collins, whose research had been used to support putting millions of patients on statin drugs, was reassessing the data behind those studies for possible drug side effects. According to the Express: "Although the original research looked at the effect of statins on the heart and considered cancer risks it did not examine other side effects." This announcement by Dr. Collins is stunning, to say the least, and points to a massive cover-up and scandal related to statin drugs.

                          36,605 Reports of Brain Dysfunction from Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drugs

                          Statins work by poisoning an enzyme (HMG-CoA reductase) which is needed to produce cholesterol, adrenal and sex hormones, memory proteins and maintain cell energy. The highest concentration of cholesterol in the body is found in the brain. There were 36,605 reports of brain dysfunction from the FDA Adverse Events Databases which included memory impairment, transient cases of global amnesia, confusion, paranoia, disorientation, depression, and dementia related to statin use. Remember, this number is thought to represent only 1-10% of the true number of adverse drug reactions.

                            Thousands Sue for Damages Against Cholesterol Drugs as Big Pharma Defends Billion Dollar Industry

                            The $100 billion dollar cholesterol-lowering statin drug industry is under attack, as thousands of Americans are filing lawsuits against the manufacturers cholesterol-lowering drugs such as Lipitor. Research continues to confirm just how dangerous these drugs are, with yet another study published recently linking increased statin drug use to type 2 diabetes. One in four Americans over the age of 45 are currently on statin drugs. In spite of the increased research linking these drugs to diabetes, Alzheimer's Disease, liver damage, breast cancer, among many others, government-funded Big Pharma agencies continue to promote statin drugs and are attempting to get more Americans to take them. New guidelines put out by the American Heart Association earlier this year (2014) would more than double the number of Americans taking statin drugs. If we follow the pattern of Big Pharma when their products can no longer be supported in a free market due to lack of consumer confidence and demand, and massive litigation due to faulty products, they will probably seek some kind of government protection from these lawsuits. Such government protection will allow them to distribute their cholesterol drugs through government drug programs such as Medicare and Medicaid, and the new Obamacare. With the baby boomer generation heading into their senior years, it is just too large of a market for them to give up without a fight. The logic they will use with politicians in Washington D.C. will be very similar to the logic currently used by the vaccine market: Americans are too stupid to know better, so we need laws to protect us and our products against litigation so we can continue to manufacture and distribute them to people who don't want them, because they don't realize how much they need our drugs. We are currently living in the Dark Ages when it comes to health freedom, as today's pharmaceutical companies are the biggest criminals in the marketplace, having reached settlements in criminal medical abuses that reach into the billions of dollars. Yet the government continues to not only recommend their products, but purchase and distribute them with YOUR tax dollars via government funded programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare. As a consumer, you must resist purchasing these toxic products, and fight against any kind of mandated "health program" that forces you to purchase or take their products. History will look back on these Dark Days of medical tyranny with horror. In the meantime, don't become a fatality and statistic to the cholesterol drug scam! If you are responsible for caring for any seniors, help them to not become a fatality or statistic as well, by being informed and taking a stand for your rights!

                              The Cholesterol Drug War: ABC Australia Bans Documentary Exposing Statin Drug Scandal

                              Dr. MaryAnne Demasi's documentary on the criminal activity of the pharmaceutical industry regarding cholesterol-lowering statin drugs sent shock waves through the mainstream media in Australia last year. Published in two parts on the popular news show The Catalyst, the pharmaceutical industry complained loudly after the first show, and requested the network not air the second episode, "Heart of the Matter Part 2 – Cholesterol Drug War." ABC Australia aired it anyway, but the pharmaceutical influence is apparently too strong, as it was announced this week that the network would remove the videos from their website because "they breached its impartiality standards." They also removed them from YouTube. These two episodes were among the most watched videos on Health Impact News in 2013, with tens of thousands of "likes" on Facebook alone, helping the videos go viral outside of Australia. We found other copies on YouTube for now, but it may only be a matter of time before YouTube bans these altogether. If you or anyone you know have been prescribed cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, then you need to watch this documentary. It could save your life.

                                How Bad Science and the Pharmaceutical Industry Created Most Modern Diseases

                                Dr. David Diamond, who is an expert in neuroscience, explains how he was forced to become an expert in heart disease. Faced with the problems of obesity, high triglycerides, and bad cholesterol lab results, making him a prime candidate for a heart attack, Dr. Diamond decided to forsake the standard statin drugs treatment and try to treat his problems through dietary intervention alone. He embarked on a dietary course endorsed by the medical system to supposedly reduce his cholesterol levels and triglycerides, by cutting back on meats and fat and exercising more. After a couple of years, he found out that this dietary course not only did not reduce his risk for heart disease, it actually increased it. His triglycerides and cholesterol ratios got even worse. His cardiologist told him he needed to go on statin drugs immediately and that he was kidding himself by believing diet could change anything. Dr. Diamond then decided to study heart disease himself, researching the published literature, so that he could become an expert on heart disease. During the day he was a neuroscientist, but in the evenings and weekends he was studying about heart disease. What he found was that the idea of saturated fat and cholesterol causing heart disease was not based on any real science and is a myth. Modern dietary advice is actually causing obesity and most modern diseases.

                                  Big Pharma Hiding Dangers of Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drugs

                                  Are statin drugs the biggest fraud in the history of medicine? Consider the evidence: "Bad" cholesterol is actually a myth, as cholesterol is essential to life. The brain contains only 2% of the body’s mass, but 25% of the total cholesterol. Lowering cholesterol by drugs may be contributing to Alzheimer's. Lipitor, the best selling-drug in the history of medicine, at one time outsold every other drug on the market with no serious competitors. Statin drugs are known to have serious side effects, including these that the FDA warns against: liver damage, memory loss and confusion, type 2 diabetes, and muscle weakness. Now, a group in the U.K. is reporting that the Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ (CTT) Collaboration in Oxford has an agreement to keep secret much of the information contained in its huge database which holds results from 27 trials of these drugs, nearly all of which were run by a drug company (story below). This follows the publication last year (2013) of a study published in the Journal of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases: The Ugly Side of Statins. Systemic Appraisal of the Contemporary Un-Known Unknowns which concluded: "These finding on statin major adverse effects had been under-reported and the way in which they withheld from the public, and even concealed, is a scientific farce." And now, in both the USA and the UK, doctors are being encouraged to prescribe even more statin drugs. Fortunately, many doctors are now stepping forward and speaking out against this biggest medical fraud of all time.

                                    Saturated Fat and Cholesterol Myth Exposed in Mainstream Media in Australia

                                    Outside of the United States, the myth that saturated fat and cholesterol cause heart disease is quickly falling apart. Sweden just recently became the first western nation to reject the low-fat dietary philosophy in favor of a high-fat low-carbohydrate diet. A leading cardiologist in the U.K. made shock waves recently by appearing in the mainstream media and stating that saturated fats were not the cause of heart disease, but refined carbohydrates were. Now, ABC TV in Australia has now released a news documentary with the title: "HEART OF THE MATTER: The Cholesterol Myth: Dietary Villains and Cholesterol Drug War." This documentary interviews cardiologists, science writers, and other experts who expose the saturated fat and cholesterol myth. People around the world are waking up to these dietary myths, as well as the scam of cholesterol-lowering drugs and how harmful they actually are. But given that exposing this myth threatens the loss of billions of dollars in profits in the United States, will the mainstream media and the U.S. Government follow other western nations?

                                      Forget Cholesterol, Inflammation’s the Real Enemy

                                      by Lorie Johnson
                                      CBN News

                                      Keeping up with which foods to eat and which ones to avoid could be a full-time job. That’s because scientists continue to learn more about what we put in our bodies.

                                      Some of their latest findings could change your mind about fat.

                                      Twenty years ago, doctors told us to stay away from high-fat […]

                                        Evidence On The Dangers Of Lowering Cholesterol Dates Back 20 Years

                                        The failure of cholesterol lowering to affect overall survival justifies a more cautious appraisal of the probable benefits of reducing cholesterol concentrations in the general population.

                                          Heart Disease: How Inflammation May Be The Real Culprit, Not Cholesterol

                                          Dr John Briffa
                                          The Cholesterol Truth

                                          Someone sent me an interesting link this week. It was to a letter which had been published in the Daily Mail newspaper on 13th March. Entitled ‘Medical statistics which just don’t add up…’ it was written by Dr G Edlin, a doctor based in north-west London in the UK. In the […]