PhD Chemist Whistleblower who Worked 17 Years Developing Chemtrails: 90% of Chemtrails Designed to Alter Emotions/Mood/State of Mind and Provoke “Flu-like Symptoms”

The following is a blog that I stumbled on back in 2012 in which a courageous Chemtrail chemist whistleblower, known only as OP, appeared on’s blog and spilled the beans on his 17 years of developing chemicals for dispersion on the human population... 90% of which were designed to alter emotions/mood/state of mind as well as provoke “flu-like symptoms”! Is it possible that in order to increase the Covid-19 case numbers and get the population to submit to the bogus 85% false-positive PCR tests, masks, vaccines and the rest of it, that the Controllers are having us sprayed with chemical irritants from the sky in order to provoke Covid-like symptoms? I have noticed an uptick in Chemtrail activity in our area recently as the number of symptomatic Covid cases in our area is spiking! The following blog is broken down into the 5 days of posts OP shared with us before going silent… below is day 1.

Doctors Recognizing Increased Diseases from Air Pollution by Chemicals Sprayed into Our Atmosphere

Since 1990, Alzheimer’s and other neurological diseases have been rising rapidly all over the world, as has environmental pollution. The same holds true for respiratory diseases, according to the WHO (World Health Organization). Fracking, vehicular emissions, coal-fueled electric energy plants, and others are all contributors to environmental pollution. However, there’s one air polluter that’s more ubiquitous than all the above put together. It appears high above our atmosphere in the stratosphere. It’s very noticeable to the naked eye from the ground, but hardly recognized for what it is by most and denied as anything unusual by most government sources. It's the deliberate spraying of chemicals into our atmosphere by aircraft to create artificial clouds designed by scientists in the field of geoengineering. The creation of these artificial clouds are known by several terms: aerial spraying, aerosol spraying, solar radiation management, or stratospheric aerosol injection. The actual clouds that appear in the sky are called chemtrails or persistent contrails. Denied as a "conspiracy theory" by most in the corporate-sponsored "mainstream" media, the fact that chemicals are being sprayed into our atmosphere as part of the science of "geoengineering" is a fact that is well documented. Today, some holistic physicians, who truly study health beyond what they are taught in medical school, are recognizing the severe health implications of this aerial spraying as they link chemicals in our atmosphere to neurological diseases, respiratory illnesses, and other auto-immune diseases.

Artificial Clouds and Geoengineering: Public Exposed to Toxic Chemicals

What color is the daytime sky over your home? Is it a deep clear blue that seems to extend to eternity, or is it a milky blue or a thick hazy white soup that obscures the pristine blue of the heavens? Does it start out blue in the morning and then end up as a complete haze later in the day? Are there puffy white clouds or is it filled with unnatural shapes and streaks? The clouds in the sky are not always natural, because they are often manufactured by specially equipped aircraft. These jets are spraying highly toxic particles of aluminum, barium, strontium, arsenic, and other substances to make clouds for weather-related and military purposes. These clouds are also harmful to humans and the environment.

Covert Chemical Geoengineering Programs – A Real Threat to Public Health

While any discussion of the "chemtrail" phenomenon today is immediately labeled conspiracy theory, a new study provides evidence that a global covert program is underway, made possible through political, commercial, and government interests working in collusion to release extremely toxic material into the atmosphere ostensibly to "combat global warming." The 2015 study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health titled, "Evidence of Coal-Fly-Ash Toxic Chemical Geoengineering in the Troposphere: Consequences for Public Health," offers a convincing explanation for what is behind the so-called "chemtrail" phenomenon, revealing that the source material used to create artificial weather visible throughout the world is the extremely toxic waste material from the electric industry known as coal fly ash.

Are Aerosol Vaccines Forced Upon Populations via Plane or Helicopter The Wave of the Future?

It is a well established fact in the United States that the pharmaceutical company's vaccine products cannot survive in a free market. Facing complete financial ruin due to extensive litigation resulting in faulty products which were maiming and killing people in the 1980s, the industry sought and was granted legal protection from all lawsuits by Congress in 1986. This law was challenged but upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2011. Without this legal protection that no other product in the U.S. market enjoys, we would have far fewer vaccines in the market today, but the vaccines that would have survived the normal free market pressures would also be far safer. So like many other government subsidized products in the market, a huge "financial vaccine bubble" has formed over the past few years - a very costly bubble in more ways than one. However, even with this legal protection, vaccine sales are continuing to slump as the true danger and toxicity of vaccines is becoming more widely understood, even with an almost complete ban on covering the dangerous side effects of vaccines in the mainstream media, which is quickly losing credibility. The financial vaccine bubble may be poised to burst, as countries outside the U.S. are beginning to question the safety of certain vaccines in the market place, such as Gardasil. Thanks to the power of the Internet and the new alternative media, facts about the true danger of vaccines are becoming well-known, where in the past they may have been concealed from the public. The Elizabeth Birt Center for Autism Law & Advocacy group published a report earlier this year explaining that the U.S. government has paid out more than $2 billion in vaccine injury compensation in over 2500 claims since the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was implemented in 1988 to replace the legal system in hearing and trying vaccine injury cases. That is $2 billion in taxpayer money that in a free market judicial system would have been paid by the vaccine manufacturers (and probably a whole lot more than that!), but who get to continue dumping new vaccines into the market place with virtually no risk. So what's next in the government and pharmaceutical's effort to keep the financial vaccine bubble inflated? If people are waking up to the facts of the dangers of vaccines and increasingly refusing them, then mandatory forced vaccinations is the only course left open, and what better way to maximize expenditure and profit than to use an aerial spraying delivery system on a non-compliant public who no longer wants these products.