Will California Governor Newsom Follow Colorado Governor Polis’ Example and Reject Vaccine Mandates That Eliminate Medical Exemptions?

    While proponents of Senate Bill (SB) 276 act as if vaccine-inflicted injuries and deaths don’t exist, the big question is whether their fellow lawmakers and Governor will ignore the federal law of the land and growing chorus of informed Democrat voices coming out against the assault on exemptions from mandatory vaccinations that cannot be made safe for all our sons and daughters. Democrat Gov. Jared Polis made national headlines when he took a strong stand for medical freedom and torpedoed legislation in Colorado that mirrors the bills that have been introduced in states like New York, Oregon and California. When asked about vaccination mandates? “You can’t do that at the point of a gun,” Polis told Hill.TV’s Krystal Ball and Buck Sexton during an interview on “Rising.” “When the government tries to force parents to do this, it creates distrust in both vaccinations and distrust in government,” added Polis, whose state has one of the lowest vaccination rates in the country.

      What Happened to the California Medical Board’s Concerns About SB 276 and Restricting Doctors Who Write Exemptions for Vaccines? Who Changed Their Minds?

      During their quarterly meeting on August 8, 2019, The California Medical Board (CMB) surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, voted to support SB276, Senator Richard Pan’s medical exemption bill that places narrow restrictions on doctors’ abilities to write vaccine exemptions for school aged children. SB276 is not about vaccines, it is a bill regarding the exemption process required to fulfill California’s school vaccine mandate. The bill, in an unprecedented way, hands over the jurisdiction of reviewing and revoking the medical opinions of physicians from the CMB to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and California Department of Health and Human Services (CHHS). In May, when the Board previously voted to “Support SB276 in Concept” - the concept being that physicians writing fraudulent medical exemptions should be investigated - CMB Members raised a number of concerns on the bill. These concerns were not addressed by the most recent amendments to SB276, nor were they brought up for discussion at yesterday’s board meeting. So it is surprising that the CMB changed their position to Support SB276. What (or who) made them change their positions?

        Beverly Hills Harvard-Trained Doctor Sues County of Los Angeles and Social Workers $750 Million in Whistleblower Lawsuit

        In 2015 Health Impact News first reported on the case of Dr. Susan Spell (formerly Evans) whose 4 children were allegedly kidnapped by the LA County Department of Child and Family Services (DCFS). Her oldest child has since turned 18 and aged out of the system. This week, Dr. Spell and her son filed a $750 million lawsuit against LA County and some social workers. The Epoch Times has published an article about her case: Dr. Susan Spell, alongside her 18-year old son Nicholas, filed a $750 million lawsuit July 30 against the County of Los Angeles and individual social workers. “I want to bring awareness. This is the epitome of corruption and abuse of power. I have to pay to see my children,” Spell told The Epoch Times. “Susan is a physician in L.A. County. She went to pick her kids up from school one day, only to find that DCFS removed them,” Spell’s lawyer Stephen Lamont told The Epoch Times. “DCFS convinced the school they had a warrant. They did not have a warrant. They tried to get a warrant but it was denied. They said there was a restraining order against Dr. Spell, but that never existed.” Melinda Murphy, a former DCFS social worker who became a whistleblower, has supplied an affidavit in Dr. Spell's lawsuit stating that DCFS falsifies evidence to justify taking children from their parents. Murphy said in her affidavit that her trainer told her and others on their first day of training, “We should be ashamed of what we have done to some of the families that we have sworn to serve.” “During my training, my observations, and in my work experiences, I learned that the DCFS does not have a mechanism for backing down and, has a tendency, even if the parent is innocent, to make them appear guilty in some way, and that includes perjuring testimony, falsifying reports, and fabricating evidence to justify taking children,” Murphy said in the affidavit.

          California Mom Wins Second Big Settlement Against CPS for Seizing, Vaccinating Son Without Warrant

          Rachel Bruno, the mother at the center of a civil rights battle in Orange County, California, has been awarded another big settlement against social services and Children's Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) after they took her 20-month-old son and ran unauthorized medical tests on him and injected him with a dozen vaccinations at the same time. Bruno was just given a half-million-dollar settlement from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department for their role in violating her Fourth Amendment rights of due process by carrying out an unwarranted seizure of her 20-month-old son, David. David had been vaccinated according to his pediatrician's recommendations at a slower pace because of a troubling reaction to Prevnar. At the physician's direction, his vaccination schedule had been altered to slow it down to avoid more reactions. Orange County Social Services vaccinated him with seven shots containing twelve viruses at once, disregarding his medical history and without parental consent. "By the grace of God, David is okay," Bruno told PJ Media. But the psychological damage he suffered from the unlawful separation and time in a foster group home lingered. "It took a while for him to stop rejecting me," said Bruno. "He believed I had left him." Bruno is now reunited with her family.

            California Bill to Remove Medical Doctor Exemptions Halted in Assembly Committee – For Now

            SB 276 was heard in the Assembly Appropriations Committee today, July 10, 2019. Due to the exorbitant costs, it was sent to the Suspense File. Typically this is where a bill goes to die. However, SB 276 could be removed from the Suspense File on August 31st and continue to move during this session. It would have to pass the Assembly Floor before going back to the Senate for a Concurrence vote on the Assembly amendments and pass the Senate once more before hitting Newsom's desk for his signature or veto.

              Medical Doctor: CA Mandatory Vaccination Bill Would Actually Harm Public Health

              As a medical doctor, I am steadfastly against Senate Bill 276 because it is trying to fix a problem that does not exist. Vaccination rates for children in California are above levels for ”community immunity.” According to California Department of Public Health, 99.3 percent do not even have medical exemptions. Further, over 97 percent have received the MMR. The majority of measles outbreaks are from unvaccinated foreign travelers, and spread mostly by vaccinated adults. Not only is there no reason for this bill from a science or math perspective – which will cost taxpayers nearly $400 million as estimated by a PhD colleague who worked for Cal Department of Health’s Immunization Branch – this bill is catastrophic from a medical-legal perspective. SB276 states that a “state or local health clerk” or “designee” can “revoke” a medical exemption I’ve authored. Even worse than that, under SB276, the CDC guidelines are so narrow that reactions like paralysis, cardiac arrest, blindness, and seizures will no longer be considered as grounds for granting a medical exemption. In this new SB276 world, when a child dies from a medical decision forced upon them by government bureaucrats – a decision that went against the advice of the child’s actual MD – who is held accountable? SB276 is a liability nightmare in the making. “Local health clerks” and their state “designees” cannot and should not practice medicine and be authorized to contradict a trusted doctor’s medical judgments. SB276 hijacks the practice of medicine and gives it to the State, when there is no proof of fraudulent exemptions in the first place, resulting in a lack of trust in the entire medical profession. Bottom line: If the State doesn’t trust a doctor, who will?

                California Governor Not Supportive of Proposed Bill to Restrict Medical Doctors from Writing Vaccine Exemptions

                The San Francisco Chronicle is reporting that California Governor Gavin Newsom has doubts about proposed bill SB 276, which would restrict medical doctors from writing vaccine exemptions and require all medical exemptions for vaccines to be approved by the state Department of Public Health. SB 276 recently passed the full Senate by a vote of 24 YES to 10 NO and the bill will now go to the California Assembly. The Chronicle is reporting that Governor Newsom supports the doctor-patient relationship more than "bureaucratic relationships." “I like doctor-patient relationships. Bureaucratic relationships are more challenging for me,” Newsom told reporters at the California Democratic Party convention in San Francisco. “I’m a parent. I don’t want someone that the governor appointed to make a decision for my family.” The Chronicle reports that while the Governor did not explicitly say he would veto SB276, he cast "serious doubts on its prospects should it reach his desk." “With respect, as a father of four that goes through this on a consistent basis, that’s just something we need to pause and think about,” Newsom said. “I believe in immunizations. However, I do legitimately have concerns about a bureaucrat making a decision that is very personal.”

                  Public Called Upon to Descend on California Capital to Stand for Health Freedom and Oppose Removal of Medical Exemptions for Mandatory Vaccines

                  The California Senate Health Committee hearing for SB 276 in Sacramento on Wednesday, April 24th at 1:30 pm in the John L. Burton Hearing Room 4203. We need your action this week to stop SB 276 sponsored by Senator Richard Pan which interferes with and restricts the medical exemption to mandatory vaccinations in California. It is inappropriate for The California Department of Public Health (CDPH), a state agency of unelected bureaucrats, to be given legal authority to hijack the private patient physician relationship by being placed in the position to reject doctor issued medical vaccine exemptions. Forcing physicians to violate their professional judgment and their conscience is a form of state-sponsored tyranny that should not be part of public health law in any state, especially in California where parents who witness vaccine reactions in their family no longer have the protective safety of the personal belief exemption due to another bill, SB 277 in 2015, by the same bill author. SB 276 discriminates against those who can’t tolerate vaccination. A child injured or killed by a vaccine is just as important as a child who gets sick from a vaccine preventable illness. The United States Government has paid out more than $4 billion dollars to vaccine victims through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. VOTE NO on SB 276!

                    4th Child Develops Cancer after California Elementary School Cell Tower Installed

                    Four students and three teachers have reportedly been diagnosed with cancer at an elementary school in Ripon, California, after a cell tower was installed directly on the school grounds about 3 years ago. After the 4th child was diagnosed with cancer earlier this month (March, 2019), some parents reportedly pulled their students from school, and about 200 parents of the school's 400 students gathered at a City Council meeting last week. They want the cell tower removed from the school. The school district reportedly has a 25-year lease contract with Sprint, and receives $2000.00 a month to have the cell tower located on school property. School board president Kit Oase has said that tests done on the tower found it was operating normally within safety standards. Many parents disagree. Monica Ferrulli is one of those parents who has done her own research. Her son Mason was diagnosed with brain cancer at the age of 10. She says a doctor has confirmed that the cause of his cancer is “environmental.” Parents are claiming that the testing done by the school utilized a company (Hammett) hired by Sprint, the owner of the cell tower. So the parents reportedly hired their own independent company, Windheim, to conduct testing, and they provided handouts at the City Council meeting that is reportedly the result of the testing. They also claim that the school website did not allow them to publish their findings

                      Senator-Doctor Wants California to Eliminate Doctor’s Medical Exemptions to Vaccines

                      In 2015, in spite of widespread public opposition, California became the first state in the U.S. to remove a philosophical and religious exemption for childhood vaccines as a requirement for school attendance. The bill was authored by Dr. Richard Pan, with strong ties to the pharmaceutical industry. California is now one of only 3 states in the U.S. to not allow parents the choice to opt out of vaccines for their children (Mississippi and West Virginia are the other two, and apparently never had parent exemptions.) The only way to get a vaccine exemption in these three states today is to have a doctor write a vaccine exemption based on medical reasons. However, Dr. Richard Pan is not satisfied with just removing parental choice in matters of childhood vaccines. In public comments and in a commentary published in the Journal Pediatrics, Pan has made it clear that he wants to try to reduce or eliminate altogether the choice of family doctors in writing vaccine medical exemptions as well. The California Medical Board is currently being sued for intimidating doctors who write vaccine medical exemptions.

                        California Pediatrician Bob Sears Breaks Silence on Medical Board Opposition to Vaccine Exemptions

                        Two years ago we covered the story about Dr. Bob Sears in California who faced discipline by the California state Medical Board after he wrote a medical exemption for vaccines on behalf of a 2-year-old patient who experienced adverse reactions from earlier vaccines. This action taken against Dr. Sears happened after the new law in California, SB277, went into effect removing religious and philosophical exemptions for vaccines. After the passage of SB277 in 2015, only a doctor can issue an exemption for vaccines for medical reasons. Dr. Bob Sears is internationally renown for his stance on parental rights and informed consent, and although he is not anti-vaccine, he does believe that a one-size-fits-all approach to vaccines is misguided, and that the medical needs of his patients need to be taken into consideration regarding vaccines and the spacing of vaccines. Therefore, the attack on Dr. Sears was generally seen as a political move in California to try and intimidate him and other doctors who write medical exemptions for vaccines for their patients, which is perfectly legal, even after the passage of SB277. California lawmakers are heavily lobbied and influenced by Big Pharma, which would like to see all vaccines mandated for everyone, regardless of medical conditions. Dr. Sears has broken his silence after 2 years, and he has revealed that there are several other cases the California Medical Board is looking into regarding his medical practice.

                          Harvard-trained Beverly Hills Doctor Mom Still Fighting for Kids After 6 Years

                          Reporter Sara Tiano of The Chronicle of Social Change, an online news publication dedicated to solution-based news coverage of child welfare, juvenile justice, mental health and educational issues faced by vulnerable children, has written an investigative report about the case of Dr. Susan Spell, a Harvard-trained Beverly Hills California doctor who has been fighting to regain custody of her children for over 6 years. Health Impact News originally reported on Dr. Susan's case back in 2015, and Tammi Stefano of the National Safe Child Show first brought Dr. Susan's story to the public in LA County in 2014 by having Dr. Susan on her show. Tammi Stefano of the National Safe Child Show first brought Dr. Susan's story to the public in LA County in 2014 by having Dr. Susan on her show. The Chronicle of Social Change is reporting that: "In March, Los Angeles County paid a $150,000 settlement to a celebrity Beverly Hills doctor after social workers lied under oath and falsified evidence to take her four kids from her, amid a thorny custody battle. But despite the payout — and the help of top-notch private lawyers — Susan Spell, whose TV credits include Oprah, CNN, Good Morning America, and Dr. 90210, still doesn’t have her kids back."

                            California Christian Homeschool Family Torn Apart as Children are Medically Kidnapped, Forced into Public School, and Mother is Forced out of Family Home

                            When the Daugherty family decided to visit Seattle, Washington, for a 4 day whale watching trip to celebrate their son's 10th birthday, they had no idea that a trip to the emergency room would turn into a nightmare that would rip their family apart. They were more than a thousand miles from home and from their own doctors, when chronically ill Zachary began running a fever and showing signs of an infection. When his parents took him to the emergency room at Seattle Children's Hospital, they blindly walked into a web of controversy involving some of the most notorious Child Abuse Specialist doctors in the country, with connections to Medical Kidnap stories we have published spanning from Boston to Arizona, California, and Washington. California parents Kevin and Erin Daugherty learned that the conflict between Boston area doctors involved with the notorious Justina Pelletier case didn't stay in Boston. It has spread all the way from the East Coast to the West Coast of America. Their son Zachary has been caught in the crossfire of differing philosophies of different doctors. Orange County CPS in California has now seized custody of Zachary and his sister Zoe as well, and these formerly homeschooled children are now forced to attend public school. The children are only allowed to see their mother on supervised visits 4 hours per week, as the state has forced the mother to move out of the family home and separate from her husband against their will.

                              2 Year Old Medically Kidnapped Child Forced to Receive Chemo and Surgery When Parents Seek 2nd Opinion – Part of Medical Experiment?

                              Just one month ago, 2 year old Grace Alleluia Beabout-Vega of Ventura County, California, was a happy, thriving little girl. She had just celebrated Christmas with her family, and she was recording a children's album with her mom. Wide-eyed, innocent, and trusting, she took comfort in the love of both her mother and her father, with whom there was obvious mutual adoration. She had no fear. Her world was good. A trip to the emergency room over a mysterious lump in her side turned their lives upside down. That was Wednesday, January 10, 2018. When her parents simply said that they wanted a second opinion and to explore treatment options, Child Protective Services swooped in with incredible speed and took her from them. Today, Grace lies in a strange hospital bed at UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital. A huge gash stretches across her entire belly. Her tiny body hasn't even had time to recover from the surgery, yet toxic chemotherapy chemicals began being injected into her less than a week after major abdominal surgery. Her parents have been denied the ability to seek out any alternative treatment options even though they exist. They have been denied "informed consent" at every turn. Social workers and doctors decide her fate while strangers surround her. Her parents, once her entire world, are forcibly kept away from her except for occasional short visits. Her mother Leah Beabout says of her daughter: She's just getting worse and worse. It's like a horror movie. This may sound much like a futuristic sci-fi horror flick, but it is the present reality for Grace and her family, as well as for thousands of others across the United States of America. Grace has been medically kidnapped, and she is caught in an epic battle between Child Protective Services and the parents who truly want to protect her. Her story shows the power of doctors and social workers to take away her liberty, her family, and quite possibly - her very life.

                                California Parents Lose Custody of 2-Year Old Daughter When Asking for a Second Opinion Before Removing Child’s Kidney

                                They thought they had the right to get a second opinion. They thought they had the right as parents to have proof of a diagnosis before agreeing to a treatment plan. When California parents Leah Beabout and Christopher Vega asked for medical evidence before doctors remove their 2 year old daughter's kidney, the hospital called Child Protective Services and seized custody of their child. It is the kind of thing that they, like most parents, thought "couldn't happen in America." But as we at Health Impact News have seen and documented, medical kidnappings like this happen regularly all over the United States of America. According to Leah: "I brought my daughter Grace Alleluia to the ER on vacation. Two weeks later, she has NO MOTHER, NO diagnosis, NO symptoms other than having lost 2 lbs, a large incision in her belly and a PORT hole in her chest for chemo she might not even need, a catheter in urinary tract, a breathing tube!??" A child who has never even had a baby-sitter before has been separated from her parents at what may be the most frightening time in her life, the very time that she needs her mommy and daddy the most. Leah says: "The hospital just didn't want us interfering with what they wanted to do and we were asking too many questions." As Grace's parents who love her and want the best for her, Leah and Chris simply wanted: 1. a valid second opinion, 2. the ability to make an informed decision as to treatment plan, including the right to choose the facility to treat her and the course of action to take, and 3. the right to have evidence of a diagnosis before agreeing to treatment. Do parents no longer have this right? If doctors don't want to provide these answers to the parents responsible for their child's care, is the new normal to call Child Protective Services and do the procedures they want to do anyway?

                                  California Uses Dogs to Sniff Out and Destroy Consumer Soy-free Egg Shipments

                                  Earlier this year (March 2017) we reported how the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture issued "cease and desist" orders to a few small-scale Amish egg farmers in Wisconsin who have been shipping soy-free cage-free eggs to customers across the U.S. for over 7 years. The main complaint from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture was that they were shipping the eggs to the consumers unrefrigerated. It was discovered that the complaint did not originate from any customers, but from the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA). CDFA had previously seized shipments of these farm eggs back in 2012, and were apparently upset that they were coming into California unrefrigerated. The farmers and representatives from Tropical Traditions/Healthy Traditions worked with the Wisconsin regulators, who responded appropriately and allowed the farmers to continue shipping their eggs. They met with the farmers, and the farmers agreed to make some minor adjustments to comply with Wisconsin State regulations. However, California CDFA was not through. Even though there is no record of any customer complaint about the Wisconsin eggs, they used a Dog Team to sniff out a consumer box of eggs at a FedEx facility and destroy them. Does CDFA have the right to search and destroy private property in a FedEx facility? Will they also begin searching automobiles and other vehicles entering the state of California for food that does not meet their regulatory standards? Is this a good use of taxpayer funds?

                                    New Proposed California Bill to Allow Optometrists to Administer Vaccines – State Vaccine Tracking System to Increase

                                    Your action is needed to OPPOSE California AB 443 Optometry: scope of practice. If passed as currently written, AB 443 would allow optometrists to administer vaccines for influenza, herpes zoster virus (Shingles), and pneumococcus to adults 18 years of age and older. AB 443 has already passed the Assembly and is scheduled to be heard in the Senate Committee on Business, Professions and Economic Development on Monday, July 10, 2017 at 12:00 noon in Room 3191. Please plan to attend. If AB 443 passes into law as written, it would require optometrists to enter newly administered vaccines and personally identifying information into the state vaccine tracking system, CAIR.

                                      Medical Doctor who Escaped Vietnam as a Child in the 1970s Explains Why He no Longer Vaccinates

                                      The VAXXED film crew recently interviewed Dr. Anthony Phan in California. Dr. Phan escaped from Vietnam in the 1970s when he was 8 years old. He was separated from his parents and escaped on a fishing boat along with his 2 year old brother. Making it to the U.S. as a child refugee, Dr. Phan testifies that God led him through college and medical school, and he went on to become a medical doctor at Johns Hopkins. Dr. Phan talks about how his mentor at Johns Hopkins taught him about the importance of the Hippocratic Oath to "do no harm." Do no harm means your oath is to the patient. Not to the CDC, not to the government, not to the FDA, your oath is to the patient. His mentor also reportedly stated to him: "One day Tony, in your career (this was in 1993), when you see these threesome (CDC, FDA, and the government) in bed together, be very careful. When you see pharmaceutical companies being in bed with the government, and being controlled by the health industry, you need to make a decision about where you want to take your medical career." Dr. Phan explains that his experience with vaccines began in 2000 when he did his fellowship in Integrated Medicine. He was taught to question the practices of "conventional" medicine that are wrong. He was practicing in geriatrics at the time, and he noticed that every time he gave the flu shot to his older patients, they would get very sick. "They would get very sick with upper respiratory tract infections, some would get pneumonia, and some would be admitted to the hospital and die." So he stopped giving flu shots after 5 or 6 injections.

                                        12 Year Old Girl Develops Guillain-Barré Syndrome After Gardasil Vaccine – Suffers Paralysis

                                        The VAXXED film crew was recently in California interviewing people about their experiences with vaccines. They interviewed Michelle Snyder and her daughter Ashley about the Gardasil vaccine. The mother had reservations about the Gardasil vaccine, but doctors said it was fine. She has five daughters, and began to make plans to have them vaccinated with Gardasil. After the first shot, her 12 year old daughter came in from playing and said her legs "weren't working." She had been a dancer since age 4. The next morning, she could not even walk. The mom called for help, and was told it sounded like "ascending paralysis" or Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS). By the time they got her to a hospital, she could not even swallow, requiring them to insert a feeding tube into her.

                                          California Mom Fights to Get Child Back Removed from Hospital at Birth

                                          Excerpts: Eight years ago, Melinda Garrett was induced into labor a month and a half before her due date. To Melinda, the baby represented a new beginning, a way to right all the wrongs and trauma and abuse she herself had endured as the survivor of childhood sexual and physical abuse, sex trafficking and a previously stillborn birth. She swore to break the cycle of abuse and to give everything she never had as a child to her newborn baby. She was never given that chance. Shortly after Melinda finished successfully breastfeeding the baby for the very first time, CPS removed the newborn from her custody. She never left the hospital with her baby.