Medicalized Homicide: Euthanasia’s Moral Abyss

    Belgium legalized lethal-jab euthanasia in 2002. Since that time, medicalized homicide has grown increasingly radical. Now, MercatorNet has published a story based on a translation of the “Belgium Federal Commission on the Control and Evaluation of Euthanasia” — the nation’s official report on patient-killing by doctors. It makes for very chilling reading.

      Child Murder or “Euthanasia”? Belgium Legalizes Physician-Assisted Suicide for All Ages – 3 Minor Children Die

      A report published earlier this month (July, 2018) by Belgium's Federal Commission for Euthanasia Control and Evaluation states that doctors assisted with the "suicides" of three minor children since the country's parliament voted to lift age restrictions on euthanasia. The minors were 9, 11 and 17 years old, according to the report. Their conditions ranged from muscular dystrophy to brain tumors to cystic fibrosis. The conditions of all three were determined to be terminal, and euthanasia was approved unanimously by the Belgium's euthanasia committee. In 2017, a doctor resigned from Belgium's euthanasia commission, alleging that the committee had euthanized a demented patient who had not formally requested to die. This begs the question, can a minor child, especially a handicapped one, be expected to make such an important decision as to end one's own life? Or are these "physician-assisted" suicides simply a way to murder children who are deemed not useful to society?

        Belgium Bans Glyphosate Herbicide Use

        A wave of glyphosate bans are being introduced by member states in Europe while the issue of the chemical’s reauthorization at EU level drags on. Among the most dramatic developments has been the announcement by Belgium’s federal minister of agriculture, Willy Borsus, that he wants to ban the sale and use of herbicides by non-professionals. He voiced particular concern over glyphosate. "Considering the risk-benefit balance, there is no justification for the use of herbicides for individuals," Borsus said. He said there were safer alternatives, such as heat treatment, mechanical weeding, or bio-pesticides. Borsus also called for a new investigation into alleged “Monsanto manoeuvres and attempts to influence experts” with the aim of keeping glyphosate on the market.

          Europe’s Morality Crisis: Euthanizing the Mentally Ill

          Once prohibited — indeed, unthinkable — the euthanasia of people with mental illnesses or cognitive disorders, including dementia, is now a common occurrence in Belgium and the Netherlands. This profoundly troubling fact of modern European life is confirmed by the latest biennial report from Belgium’s Federal Commission on the Control and Evaluation of Euthanasia, presented to Parliament on Oct. 7. Belgium legalized euthanasia in 2002 for patients suffering “unbearably” from any “untreatable” medical condition, terminal or non-terminal, including psychiatric ones. In the 2014-2015 period, the report says, 124 of the 3,950 euthanasia cases in Belgium involved persons diagnosed with a “mental and behavioral disorder,” four more than in the previous two years.

            Influenza vaccine fails completely

            by International Medical Council on Vaccination

            Source: Artsenkrant, February 12, 2013 page 2

            After some Cochrane publications proved influenza vaccination is not evidence based, except perhaps in COPD patients, a recent experience proved the complete failure of the vaccine in the field.

            In a residential care centre in Vilvoorde, Belgium, between mid January and mid February 2013, […]