Iowa State University to Pay Students $900 to Eat Experimental GMO Bananas

    Iowa State University researchers are moving ahead with a long-delayed project in which a dozen students will be paid to eat one genetically modified banana each. Earlier this week, activists delivered petitions calling on the project’s halt to university officials and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which is funding the project. The activists said more than 57,000 people signed the petition. “ISU students are being asked to be the first to consume a product of unknown safety,” the activists said in a prepared statement. “The study is not being conducted in a transparent manner, and concerned ISU community members have not been able to receive answers about the research design, risks, nature of the informed consent given by the subjects and the generalizability of the study.” The trial is expected to take place sometime this year.

      Bananas as We Know Them May Be Disappearing – The Push for GMO Bananas

      They’re being decimated by an incurable fungus. Some scientists think they have an answer—genetic engineering—but will it be tasteless “frankenfruit”? When most people speak of bananas, they’re thinking of a single variety—the yellow Cavendish banana found in almost all grocery stores. But the popularity of this banana has made it susceptible to a fungal disease known as Tropical Race 4 (TR4), which is quickly spreading across the globe and is likely to hit South America, where 80% of Cavendish bananas are grown. The effort to quarantine fungus-ridden plants has largely failed, so researchers are exploring other options. Fortunately, other banana varieties still exist and are often much more flavorful than the Cavendish. Keep in mind also that in nature, flavor is often closely associated with nutritional value. It is no coincidence that the Cavendish, selected for ease of transport and sale, not taste, is often both tasteless and low in nutrition.

        Why Bananas Are Good For Weight Loss and Immunity

        The misinformation about bananas on the internet is fairly extensive, especially relating to weight loss. There are some people out there actually trying to convince audiences that bananas are as bad to consume as cookies and french fries...I kid you not. If we look at the facts on bananas, we find a fruit with a low glycemic index, high in fiber and full of vitamins. They are one of the most nutritious and natural foods that help promote weight loss and help enhance immunity.

          Bananas – Healthy and Overlooked

          by Harry G. Psaros
          Health Nutrition & Wellness

          If you conduct an internet search on the term Superfoods you’re bound to find a plethora of lists that will provide you between 10 to 20 ‘must eat’ items.  If you narrow the lists to fruits, you’re bound to find blueberries, kiwis, cranberries, acai, amalaki, apples and pomegranates.  Bananas, despite […]

            Discover the health benefits of bananas

            by: Shona Botes
            (NaturalNews) So often, the humble banana is often overlooked when it comes to providing nutritional and medicinal value. Bananas in fact have a lot to offer us, both nutritionally, as well as in relieving the symptoms of a myriad of physical complaints.

            Bananas are rich in vitamins, minerals and […]