Baby Cyrus Back Home! Grandfather Announces Rally for Idaho Parents Who Lost Children to CPS

    If you did not see our update on Friday, Baby Cyrus is now back home with his parents and family, although still under State Custody. Diego Rodriguez, the baby's grandfather, is organizing a rally next Saturday (March 26th) and is inviting other parents living in Idaho who have had their children kidnapped by the State, many of whom never got their children back, to attend the rally and tell their story, so that the public can learn just how prevalent this horrible problem of state-sponsored child trafficking is in the U.S.

      Idaho Lt. Governor Calls out Gov. Brad Little for Not Intervening in Baby Cyrus Medical Kidnapping Case

      Yesterday Idaho Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin appeared on the Stew Peters show and said that she had reached out to Governor Brad Little to intervene in the Baby Cyrus medical kidnapping case, but that he refused. I want to thank Stew Peters for covering this story, and having Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin on his show. And most importantly, I want to thank him for NOT making this a partisan issue, as Republican Conservatives and the Christian Right are just as guilty in participating in State-sponsored child trafficking as the "Left," if not more so, and this is NOT a partisan issue. The only thing I need to disagree with Stew Peters on, is his statement that nobody else is covering this issue, and nobody else wants to talk about this. Because actually, many people have covered this issue over the years, including us, and some have actually given up their lives to expose this corruption in the child welfare system that is trafficking children. Georgia State Senator Nancy Schaefer was one of the first who tried to expose this evil system years ago, but was then found dead in her home with her husband, in what was reported as a "double suicide." Another person who more recently tried to investigate and expose this corruption was Arkansas State Senator Linda Collins Smith, who was found murdered before she could finish her investigations.

        Idaho Judge Sanctions Medical Kidnapping and Child Trafficking as Innocent Baby Suffers in State Care

        This past weekend we reported on the medical kidnapping of a baby in Idaho who was literally ripped from the arms of his mother who was his sole source of nourishment through breastfeeding. The actual abduction by Meridian Police Detective Hanson was captured on video by the mother and live-streamed to her Facebook Page, where we grabbed it and put it on our video channels as well. The parents' alleged crime was to disagree with a doctor, and fail to make a scheduled doctor's appointment. The child reportedly did not have any serious medical conditions, but was simply underweight, and diagnosed as "malnourished." Hundreds of people showed up in Boise over the past few days to protest the kidnapping of this innocent child. According to medical records obtained from St. Luke’s Hospital, the baby was allegedly discharged on March 4th with a clean bill of health, according to the baby's grandfather. After the baby was kidnapped by the State on Saturday, March 12th from the arms of his breastfeeding mother, his parents were allowed a 2-hour visit with him two days later, where it was obvious to them their child was being abused in State care. Apparently the mother, Marissa, was able to pump out some of her breast milk and give it to the hospital to start feeding the baby, and then the next day, March 15th, a doctor called the father (Levi) and left a 7-minute voicemail on his phone giving an update on the baby stating that he was medically cleared to go home and "Hopefully we can get Cyrus back to you as quickly as the state will allow." Their first hearing in court before a judge concluded yesterday, March 16th, and there were hundreds of people locally and probably tens of thousands of people around the country hoping that this poor baby would be returned to his parents. But having covered these medical kidnapping child trafficking stories for years now, I can report that this almost NEVER happens at the first hearing. Why? Because #1, to release the child immediately is to forfeit massive state and federal funding that the State can collect when the child becomes a ward of the State. And #2, to release the child immediately would open up the door to legally prosecute those who removed the child needlessly if the judge found no cause to remove the child in the first place. And sure enough, that is exactly what happened. Magistrate Judge Laurie Fortier awarded custody of Baby Cyrus to the State of Idaho. We need AT LEAST 10,000 calls and emails to the Idaho Governor's Office RIGHT NOW!

          Idaho Parents Have Child Medically Kidnapped for Missing Doctor’s Appointment

          Last night, my Grandson, Cyrus Anderson, was ripped from the arms of his mother (my daughter), by police officers from the Meridian Police Department. It was a kidnapping, pure and simple! There are no words or emotional expression that can describe the sheer measure of wickedness that we experienced, nor the feeling of being forced at gunpoint to separate from your child. Make no mistake about it—this is not an extreme claim or emotional over-reaction—Baby Cyrus was kidnapped. My daughter and son-in-law are wonderful, Christian, God fearing parents who have dedicated their life to loving and nurturing Baby Cyrus. Why did they kidnap him? Because a doctor's appointment was canceled. My grandson is “underweight.” And that was enough for an overzealous Pediatrician, a control-freak social worker, and scores of tyrannical police officers to violently rip my grandson away from his loving parents under the guise of a “medical emergency.” Only God knows what they are doing to Baby Cyrus. They can abuse him and harm him in irreparable ways. They have no right to take Baby Cyrus away! This is wickedness! If they did it to us, they can do it to anybody.