Psychiatry’s new blood test for diagnosing kids mentally ill is bogus

    by Citizens Commission on Human Rights International
    A study about a new “blood test”  that can supposedly be used to determine teens have “Major Depressive Disorder”  is being heralded by the press as a breakthrough in legitimizing  psychiatric disorders as medical conditions.  We’re going to cut to the chase—it’s not even close to a breakthrough.  It’s […]

      Big Surprise – Whooping Cough Spreads Mainly through Vaccinated Populations

      by Dr. Mercola
      In 2010, the largest outbreak of whooping cough in over 50 years reportedly occurred in California.

      Around that same time, a scare campaign was launched in the California by Pharma-funded medical trade associations, state health officials and national media targeting people opting out of using pertussis vaccine, falsely accusing them of causing the […]

        Michigan DNR Raids Family Hog Farms

        The DNR has carried out raids against at least two family farms in Michigan that raise heritage free range hogs, reports Mark Baker from Baker's Green Acres.

          Coconut Oil Reverses Dementia in 100 Year Old Woman

          I have seen such an improvement with coconut oil beginning with the first day. She seldom repeats herself, she loves to listen to music and dance. She has been remembering her past.

            Chocolate Gives Statins A $29 Billion Run For Their Money

            by Sayer Ji
            With the blockbuster cholesterol-lowering class of drugs known as statins being widely promoted for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, despite their having over 300 documented adverse health effects (including heart failure!), how does chocolate sound as a viable, heart-friendly alternative?
            We already connect amorously with chocolate (to the tune of 6 billion lbs of cocoa […]

              J&J Guilty of Fraud and Must Pay $1.1 Billion for Misleading Doctors About Risperdal

              By Eric Francis, Jef Feeley and David Voreacos
              Bloomberg News

              Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) must pay more than $1.1 billion in fines, a judge ruled after an Arkansas jury found the company’s officials misled doctors and patients about the risks of the antipsychotic drug Risperdal.

              Judge Tim Fox in Little Rock, Arkansas, yesterday found J&J and its […]

                Americans Eat the Cheapest Food in the World, But What is It Really Costing?

                by Dr. Mercola

                In 2010, Americans spent just over 9 percent of their disposable income on food (5.5 percent at home and 3.9 percent eating out).iThis is a dramatically lower percentage spent just decades ago in the early 1960s, when over 17 percent was spent on food, and even more of a “bargain” compared to […]

                  Battlefield acupuncture offers a safer, more effective alternative to dangerous painkiller drugs for soldiers

                  by: Christina Luisa

                  (NaturalNews) Psychiatric drugs and painkillers are now being routinely used across the U.S. military, where violent suicides have skyrocketed to levels never before seen in history. In the military today, soldiers who suffer TBIs — Traumatic Brain Injuries — frequently receive treatment with mind-altering psychiatric drugs that have known side effects of […]

                    Coconut Oil Reverses Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

                    I am not raising money or selling anything. I have ALS and want to share things that have helped me. I have had positive improvements from adding coconut oil and magnesium chloride to my diet. It’s the only change I’ve made. I believe the coconut oil and magnesium chloride has slowed, and partially reversed the progression of my ALS. Read More:

                      New Lupus Study Questions Aluminum in Vaccines

                      by Dr. Mercola

                      The presumed intent of a vaccination is to help you build immunity to potentially harmful organisms that contribute to illness and disease. However, your body’s immune system has been designed over the course of countless millennia to ward off infection naturally.

                      Infectious organisms do not so much invade your body, as take advantage […]

                        Proposed Cholesterol Vaccine Would Create a New Autoimmune Disorder

                        Graphic by JS Creationzs
                        by Gaia Health
                        No level is too low for the vaccinators. Now, they’re close to a vaccine they purport will fight heart attacks by attacking LDL cholesterol—an absolutely necessary substance made by the body and carried in the blood to maintain health.
                        If you had antibodies against LDL cholesterol, then you would – […]

                          CA Vaccine Bill Legislates “Freedom Only With Permission”

                          by Dr. Tim O’ Shea
                          CA Bill 2109
                          “This bill, if passed, would require parents to obtain the signature of a “health care practitioner” for a personal beliefs/religious exemption. MDs, nurse practitioners, and physician’s assistants can sign. Naturopaths and chiropractors cannot. The signature will need to be obtained on a separate form provided by the Department of […]

                            Statin Cholesterol-lowering Drugs and CoQ10 Deficiency: The Medicine is the Problem, NOT the Cure!

                            Health Impact News Comments: While Dr. Peter Osborne does not even address the issue of whether or not it is desireable to lower one’s cholesterol, and the dangers of doing so, he does an excellent job illustrating just how worthless statin drugs are in doing what they are prescribed to do, which is to […]

                              FACT: Antidepressant drugs no better than placebos

                              by Brian Shilhavy
                              Editor of Health Impact News
                              The CBS news program “60 Minutes” has produced a story featuring Dr. Irving Kirsch’s research on placebos and antidepressant drugs. To anyone who believes that popular antidepressant drugs prescribed for depression have solid scientific evidence based on sound research, you owe it to yourself to invest 14 minutes of […]

                                Oil Pulling with Coconut Oil for Dental Health

                                [Health Impact News] A study was published in India recently comparing the effectiveness of “oil pulling” versus chlorhexidine mouthwash in preventing bad breath and the organisms that cause it. It was a small sample size for a study, but oil pulling was more effective than the chlorhexidine mouthwash when measuring marginal gingival index, plaque index, and […]

                                  Natural Head Lice Treatment with Coconut Oil and Apple Cider Vinegar

                                  by Nena Patrick
                                  Pea-chi Facebook Page
                                  Getting lice in the family is truly horrifying & if you don’t get rid of them ASAP, they will get into everything & literally take over. Not fun. The really important thing is to find an effective treatment that doesn”t require putting harsh chemicals onto your head, which then get absorbed into […]

                                    J&J hid studies showing its Risperdal anti-psychotic drug caused diabetes to protect billions of dollars in sales

                                    by Jef Feeley

                                    Johnson & Johnson hid studies showing its Risperdal anti-psychotic drug caused diabetes to protect billions of dollars in sales, a lawyer said in the first personal-injury claim over the medication to go to trial.

                                    Researchers at J&J’s Janssen unit knew as early as 1999 that a study found Risperdal caused diabetes at a […]

                                      Soy protein present in egg yolks and chicken tissues

                                      Health Impact News
                                      There is a growing market today of consumers trying to avoid soy in their diet. Many people have developed soy allergies, and a number of people are concerned about the plant estrogen properties of soy protein. Soy protein is linked to the rise in hypothyroidism, early puberty in young girls, and lower […]

                                        Brain Fog and Coconut Oil

                                        Jay offers his testimony on how coconut oil along with other dietary changes caused his brain fog to improve greatly!
                                        Virgin Coconut Oil:
                                        How it has changed people’s lives and how it can change yours!

                                        Includes 85 recipes – Free shipping available!