Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.

Hospital Errors Kill Well Over 180,000 Americans Annually – Why are Super-Safe Supplements and Natural Health Under Attack?

By Dr. Mercola

When Consumer Reports speaks, people listen – and this time the consumer advocacy agency is advising you on where to get your care – or not – if you need to go to the hospital. It’s the first time Consumer Reports has investigated hospital safety,1 and the results show hospital ratings don’t always match public opinions. Some […]

Groundbreaking Federal Study Proves Chelation Therapy Helps Cardiac Patients

by Alliance for Natural Health

Chelation has long been favored by many integrative doctors. Now conventional cardiologists with vested interests in surgery and drugs are trying (and failing) to trash the study. What a surprise.

TACT, the Trial to Assess Chelation Therapy, is a seven-year study funded by the NIH and carried out by university cardiologists […]

Supplements not on an FDA approved list could disappear

by Alliance for Natural Health

Supplements not on an FDA “approved” list could disappear.

The NDI guidance interprets the rules for new supplements. After your protests got the first draft scrubbed, work on a second draft continues at FDA. A second meeting between FDA and “stakeholders”—mostly trade groups, with ANH-USA once again the only grassroots consumer group present—took […]

Low cholesterol associated with enhanced risk of death in heart failure patients

by Dr. Briffa

While raised cholesterol levels are often said to be bad news for the heart, I was interested to read a recently published piece of research which assessed the relationship between cholesterol levels and health outcomes in individuals suffering from heart failure. In this US-based study, about 2,500 people were assessed for an […]

Research: Ginger Selectively Kills Breast Cancer Cells

by Sayer Ji

New research published in the Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology found that “ginger may be a promising candidate for the treatment of breast carcinomas.”

[i]  This is a timely finding, insofar asbreast cancer awareness month is only days away, and one of the primary fund-raising justifications is the false concept that a low-cost, safe and effective […]

Will Key Health Ingredient in Apples be Hijacked Into a Drug and Supplements Banned?

by Alliance for Natural Health

Will another supplement be turned into a drug?

Harvard researchers have found that a flavonoid compound in apples called rutin (it’s also found in onions, buckwheat, citrus fruits, and tea) has powerful properties that prevents blood clots in heart vessels. Rutin could prevent both the arterial clots that cause heart attacks and strokes and the venous […]

The Fluoride Debate Heats Up and Finally Gets Some Media Attention

The above video is an excerpt from An Inconvenient Tooth! To watch the entire documentary, click HERE!

By Dr. Mercola

An Inconvenient Tooth, a documentary by Guy Wagner about fluoride, premiered at City Hall in Portland, Oregon on September 6, 2012, the same day a public hearing was held before the five-member City Council about whether or […]

Birth Is No Reason to Go to Hospital, Cochrane Review Suggests

by Science Daily

A new Cochrane Review concludes that all countries should consider establishing proper home birth services. They should also provide low-risk pregnant women with information enabling them to make an informed choice. The review has been prepared by senior researcher, statistician Ole Olsen, the Research Unit for General Practice, University of Copenhagen, and […]

Cholesterol: It’s All Good

by: Margie King, Health Coach

You’ve heard it repeatedly: there are two kinds of cholesterol: the good high density lipoprotein (HDL) and the “bad” low density lipoprotein (LDL). Now a researcher at Texas A&M University has come to the defense of LDL and says that it may not be so bad after all.  In fact, it helps […]

How Licensing Laws Kill Jobs

by Lisa Knepper 

Jestina Clayton is the type of entrepreneur we should be encouraging if we want to put more Americans back to work. Instead, the state of Utah shut her down.

Her offense? To help support her young family while her husband was in school, Jestina turned to a skill she learned growing up in her native […]

Diet and Toxins Cause Alzheimer’s, Not Genetics

Rhode Island Hospital researcher Suzanne de la Monte, MD, looks at the link between nitrates and nitrites — found in many food products — and the development of Alzheimer’s disease, as well as the link between diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

See Also:
New Research Continues to Show Alzheimer’s is a Type 3 Diabetes

Largest Water Wholesaler in Southern California Sued for Illegal Use of an Unapproved Drug to Fulfill Fluoridation Program


by Jeff Green, National Director, Citizens for Safe Drinking Water
Bolen Report 

Wednesday, August 18th, 2011

Alleging willful misrepresentation and deceptive business practices by Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, attorneys for citizen/consumers from San Diego, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties filed a lawsuit in the public interest of millions of consumers in Southern California, citing that MWD of […]

Can Ginger Beat Out The Multi-Billion Dollar Acid Blockers?

by Sayer Ji

Did you know that the multi-billion drug category known as “acid blockers,” despite being used by millions around the world daily, may not work as well as the humble ginger plant in relieving symptoms of indigestion and heartburn?

Ginger is a spice, a food, and has been used as a medicine safely for millennia […]

Is Mandatory Pediatric Chemo Institutionalized Child Abuse?

by Sayer Ji
Mandatory chemotherapy for your child. The concept is horrific. But it is not just a concept. It has already happened and is still happening, which is why I am writing this article. We need to sound the alarm about this disturbing trend that, despite recent mainstream media references to a case of court-coerced […]

Airport X-ray Machines are Not Safe!


by Alliance for Natural Health

The airport x-ray machines are not safe. And for over a year, TSA has been defying a court order.

A few months ago we told you about the dangers of airport full—body scanners—that they emit low levels of ionizing radiation and can cause cancer. The x-rays skim the entire surface of your skin instead […]

How Soy Might Decimate the Health of Your Unborn Baby and the Fertility of Future Generations

by Dr. Mercola

If you’re pregnant or thinking of having a baby, you might want to take a look at some new research on the effects of plant estrogens, such as that found in soy, on a developing fetus.

According to Medical News Today1, a paper published in Biology of Reproduction2 suggests that exposure to estrogenic […]

The Myth of a Safer Hospital Birth for Low-Risk Pregnancies

By Dr. Mercola

Do you believe that a hospital is the safest place to give birth to a baby? Society certainly paints the picture this way, portraying the hospital as the savior of sorts where women must rush off to in the middle of the night at the first sign of labor.

However, a growing number […]

Effect of Your pH on the Development and Growth of Cancer

by Dr. Veronique Desaulniers


The human body’s entire metabolic process depends on one critical factor – the pH of the plasma fluids. The pH scale is very simple. The lower the readings on the pH scale are acidic and the higher readings are more alkaline. Through homeostasis, the body maintains a healthy plasma pH of 7.4. […]

Research Continues to Show Alzheimer’s is a Type 3 Diabetes

A recent study done at Rhode Island Hospital continues to confirm that Alzheimer's Disease has a strong link to brain insulin resistance, or type 3 diabetes. Since the National Institute of Health financed the study, we can probably expect people with Alzheimer's to now be prescribed even more drugs, the same drugs that are prescribed for type 2 diabetes. Unfortunately, the pharmaceutical companies have a terrible track record when it comes to diabetes drugs. The drug Actos, a drug that France and Germany pulled from the market a year ago after it was found to cause bladder cancer and tumors in people using it for type 2 diabetes, is a drug still found in the market in the United States. Since the FDA has not pulled it off of the market in the US, hundreds of lawsuits have been filed, including one from a whistle blower claiming the manufacturer "is benefiting in tens of billions of dollars in sales at the expense of the lives of people still taking the drug." Another diabetes drug, Avandia, was removed from pharmacies because it led to increased heart attacks killing thousands of people. (Although the FDA has just cleared Avandia to be sold again, even though it is banned in Europe.) Today's senior citizens living in managed care facilities are taking an average of over 30 different prescription drugs! The one class of drug that is prescribed the most, statin drugs to lower cholesterol, is linked to increasing the incidence of Alzheimer's by starving the brain of needed cholesterol. Another side effect of statin drugs is: diabetes! One out of every four Americans over the age of 55 is currently taking statin drugs. Given all the evidence regarding insulin resistance, diabetes, and the link to Alzheimer's, it is not surprising that people are reporting incredible benefits in helping or even reserving Alzheimer's from consuming coconut oil.

Surprising Cancer-Fighting Benefits of Pineapple Enzyme

by Dr. Mercola

One of the reasons why conventional cancer treatment is such a dismal failure in the United States is because it relies on chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy drugs are, by their very nature, extremely toxic and typically work against your body’s natural ability to fight cancer, e.g. destroying host immunity instead of supporting it.

One of the […]