Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.
Grape Seed Extract May Beat Chemo in Late-Stage Cancer
Photo by Jeff Devries
by Heidi Stevenson
Gaia Health
The more advanced cancer is, the less effective chemotherapy is. However, a new study has shown that grape seed extract has exactly the opposite quality: The more advanced the cancer, the less extract that’s needed to kill it. On top of that, the study also shows that grape […]
Apricot Kernels Display Promising Effects in Fighting Cancer
by Dr. Veronique Desaulniers
In September of 1983 my father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He was dead in 6 weeks. I remember the anguish and the frustration as the medical doctors offered no hope. I had been in practice for only 3 years and the Internet was nonexistent back then. But I recall going to […]
FTC More Dangerous than FDA: Will Only Allow Drugs to Make Health Claims
by Alliance for Natural Health
FTC Proceeds with Raw Power Grab on Health Claims—In Effect Thumbing Its Nose at Congress
Food company POM Wonderful’s battle with the FTC ends (for now) with the agency making up its own law and quashing free speech. Action Alert!
Last year, an administrative law judge (ALJ)* for the Federal Trade Commission upheld the pomegranate juice […]
More Physicians are Believing Cholesterol is NOT the Main Culprit of Heart Disease
Lorie Johnson of CBN interviews Dr. Stephen Sinatra, a veteran cardiologist, who reveals that cholesterol is not the cause of heart disease. “Cholesterol is your friend” he states, and has many benefits. He believes processed sugar and carbohydrates are the problem, and advocates eating healthy fats, including coconut oil. The dangers of statin drugs are […]
You’re Still Told Fluoridation Prevents Tooth Decay, but Science Proves Otherwise
By Dr. Mercola
Despite widespread public health adoption, water fluoridation has come under close scrutiny over the past quarter century. Time has stripped away fluoridation’s rosy glow. Once touted as the magic solution to dental caries, fluoride’s benefit for your teeth – IF there is any, which is still debatable – comes with overshadowing downsides.
No […]
Fecal Transplant Cures Antibiotic Resistant Infections – Will FDA Stop it?
Health Impact News Editor
A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine on fecal transplants curing Clostridium difficile bacteria made news across the nation recently. 14,000 people a year in the U.S. die from C. difficile, which is generally caused by the overuse of antibiotics which kills off all of the gut flora, including […]
Cholesterol is Crucial for Healthy Cell Functioning
By Dr. Mercola
Are you still under the impression that cholesterol is a dietary villain and a primary cause of heart disease? And do you avoid eating healthy animal foods like eggs, butter and grass-fed beef because of “high-cholesterol” fears?
It’s time for these pervasive myths to be laid to rest, as when you understand the truth […]
Combining Chiropractic Techniques with Acupuncture Produces Amazing Results – Sprains Healed in Minutes Instead of Weeks!
Advanced Muscle Integration Technique — A Remarkably Effective Treatment for Muscle Injuries and Pain
Click HERE to watch the full interview!
Download Interview Transcript
by Dr. Mercola
The chiropractic profession contains some of the most profoundly innovative physicians that I am aware of, and Dr. Craig Buhler is one of them. His work focuses on the interrelationships between muscle […]
FDA Can Now Remove Any Dietary Supplement from the Market – Easier Than They Can Remove Drugs
Health Impact News Editor Comments: Almost nobody dies from overdosing on vitamins and dietary supplements, but well over 100,000 people a year die from properly prescribed prescription drugs. If one were to analyze the Food and Drug Association’s actions towards dietary supplements and pharmaceutical drugs, you would think it is the other way around.
Constitutional Attorney Jonathan […]
What You Need to Know About the Different Forms of Mercury, the Next Generation of Mercury Testing, and How to Detox Safely
By Dr. Mercola
Dr. Christopher Shade, a former organic farmer, received his PhD from the University of Illinois. His education included the study of metal-ligand interaction in the environment, and for a long time, he specialized in environmental- and analytical chemistry of mercury.
About six years ago, he developed and commercialized technology for mercury speciation analysis—a process […]
2012 Top Stories on Health Impact News
Health Impact News
Articles on the health benefits of coconut oil dominated our top 10 stories published in 2012. Many of these were published in the first quarter of 2012, when coconut oil received a lot of national media exposure, especially in the area of Alzheimer’s support. While we have been publishing these results on […]
Cholesterol Helps Regulate Key Signaling Proteins in the Cell
Health Impact News Editor Comments: Long criticized wrongly as something evil, I am happy to see more positive research being conducted on cholesterol. When the pharmaceutical industry has billions and billions of dollars invested and earned from cholesterol fear, such research can be quite rare. Earlier in 2012 we published research on cholesterol and Alzheimer’s […]
White House stalls critical EPA report highlighting chemical dangers to children
A landmark Environmental Protection Agency report concluding that children exposed to toxic substances can develop learning disabilities, asthma and other health problems has been sidetracked indefinitely amid fierce opposition from the chemical industry.
Reports that Backscatter Machines Are Being Removed from Airports False – Even Worse Scanners May Be Coming
by Alliance for Natural Health
And even worse scanners may be coming.
As we reported earlier this year, the full-body x-ray scanners used in airports are so dangerous that the European Union has banned them. The backscatter machines being used by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) emit “low” levels of ionizing radiation with an impact that […]
From Tomb To Table: Cumin’s Health Benefit’s Rediscovered
by Sayer Ji
Traded along spice routes separating ancient cultures by vast distances, spices like cumin were once worth their weight in gold. Has modern science now revealed why, beyond their remarkable aesthetic value, they were so highly prized?
Many spices are perfectly happy living a charmed life as seasonings, peppering things generously with flavor, and […]
American Journal of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Attack Home Births
by Judy Cohain, CNM
Abstract: In 2009, while 99.3% of US women delivered in hospital, 0.7% delivered at home. In response to this slight rise in homebirths, The American Journal of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (AJOG) issued a warning to all doctors and midwives to refuse to attend homebirth under all circumstances. In the absence of respected […]
Study Finds Intermittent Fasting Reduces Heart Disease
by Cynthia M Kroeger, Monica C Klempel, Surabhi Bhutani, John F Trepanowski, Christine C Tangney and Krista A Varady
Nutrition &
Abstract (provisional)
The ability of an intermittent fasting (IF)-calorie restriction (CR) regimen (with or without liquid meals) to modulate adipokines in a way that is protective against coronary heart disease (CHD) has yet to be tested.
Accordingly, […]
Are Registered Dieticians “Practicing Medicine” Without a License?
by Alliance for Natural Health
If so, it would be ironic, since RD groups are using similar laws to attack and suppress other, often better qualified nutritionists.
The Georgia Board of Examiners of Licensed Dietitians met on February 17. According to the minutes, the meeting included six board members, the executive director for the Georgia Board of […]
Texas Medical Board Dismisses Case Against Cancer Doctor Burzynski
by Tim Bolen
Bolen Report
There was a day in Texas when sleaze artist Stephen Barrett could call up the Executive Director of the Texas Medical Board and “arrange” a prosecution of a Texas cutting-edge doctor, even offering his even sleazier “skeptic” companion, Bobbie Baratz, as the do-all, be-all, expert witness against that doctor. Those days are […]
How the AMA Tried to Destroy the Chiropractic Industry
by Dr. Mercola
Did you know that while the United States makes up only five percent of the world’s population, we consume over 50 percent of all the world’s pharmaceutical drugs?
This sobering statistic and much more is revealed in Jeff Hays’ documentary film, Doctored.
The primary focus of the film is on the chiropractic profession and its […]