Health Impact News Editor Comments: Long criticized wrongly as something evil, I am happy to see more positive research being conducted on cholesterol. When the pharmaceutical industry has billions and billions of dollars invested and earned from cholesterol fear, such research can be quite rare. Earlier in 2012 we published research on cholesterol and Alzheimer’s disease by Dr. Stephanie Seneff from MIT. Dr. Seneff presumably is not tied into funding from the government or the pharmaceutical industry which would cause conflicts of interest. (See: The Clue to Why Low Fat Diet and Statins may Cause Alzheimer’s)

A new study just published from the University of Illinois at Chicago shows how important cholesterol is in regulating proteins in cells. This study was funded by the government with ties to the pharmaceutical industry, and it would seem that the results surprised them. How much longer can the multi-billion dollar statin drug industry survive as research continues to show the dangers of lowering cholesterol via medication? For more news on this subject click here.

Cholesterol Helps Regulate Key Signaling Proteins in the Cell 

Source: University of Illinois at Chicago

Reported at Newswise


Cholesterol plays a key role in regulating proteins involved in cell signaling and may be important to many other cell processes, an international team of researchers has found.

The results of their study are reported in the journal Nature Communications.

In the new study, Cho and his colleagues showed how cholesterol interacts with a scaffolding protein, one of a class of proteins that plays an important role in cell signaling. The researchers showed that cholesterol binds to a region on the protein molecule where one of its signaling partners also binds — and that disrupting cholesterol binding to the protein makes it unable to activate its partner.

The researchers describe in detail how the protein hooks onto and reaches inside the membrane to find and bind cholesterol.

Cho believes that this strategy for interacting with cholesterol may be used by many interior cellular proteins and offers an insight into what is known about the importance of cholesterol to well-functioning cells.
“This is a major finding that will help people understand how cholesterol may regulate other cellular processes,” Cho said.

Read the Full Article Here:

Fat and Cholesterol are Good for You!
What REALLY Causes Heart Disease
by Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD

fat and cholesterol are good for you Another New Cholesterol Lowering Drug is Licensed Despite No Evidence of Benefits for Health

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