Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.
There Is Only One Type of Cholesterol: All of it Beneficial
Photo from Morgue File
by Heidi Stevenson
Article Concept by Andrej Oljaca
We keep hearing about different types of cholesterol. It’s all nonsense. There’s only one cholesterol molecule, so there’s only one type of cholesterol. What started this nonsense of types of cholesterol?
Just how many types of cholesterol are there? The more we’re indoctrinated with the cholesterol-as-poison […]
Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs: A New Cancer Risk in Your Home
Have the government and General Electric lied to us? The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) mandates the phase-out of incandescent light bulbs, and favors energy-efficient compact fluorescent light (CFL) bulbs. Sounds good—until you realize that CFL bulbs contain mercury, and mercury poses a significant cancer risk. A new study shows that CFL bulbs also emit high levels of ultraviolet radiation—specifically, UVC and UVA rays. In fact, the UV rays are so strong that they can actually burn skin and skin cells. Experts say the radiation could initiate cell death and cause skin cancer in its deadliest form—melanoma.
The FTC and FDA’s Sordid History of Overreach and Abuse of Power
FDA warning against raw milk.
By Dr. Mercola
Power Grabs by the FTC are Underhanded Threats to Your Health
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have both taken serious steps to restrict or eliminate your access to certain foods and supplements. For example, the FTC recently decided to “make up its […]
FDA and Pharmaceutical Companies Move to Take Over the Supplement Industry
Image courtesy of National Health Federation
Drug Industry Acquisition of the Supplement Marketplace
by Attorney Jonathan Emord
When I fought the Pearson v. Shalala battle against FDA in the late 1990s, the industry was far different than it is today (not only were consumers willing to pay a premium for specialty products in a highly diversified marketplace […]
Saturated Fat is not the Culprit in Heart Disease
Can we jettison misguided and dangerous recommendations on fat and heart disease – please? It’s not often that the mainstream media notices an academic meta-analysis, or study of studies – particularly if it goes against the tide of prevailing dietary advice. But that’s what happened with a recent Australian study, published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ). The BMJ paper was an update of a previous meta-analysis by the same investigators, looking at the consequences for cardiovascular health of replacing dietary saturated fats (i.e. butter) with polyunsaturated, omega-6 fatty acids (PUFAs). This time around, the group reassessed the results of the Sydney Diet Heart Study (SDHS), a randomized, controlled trial involving 458 patients that compared the rates of cardiovascular disease among subjects who increased the amount of omega-6 PUFAs – specifically, linoleic acid from safflower oil – in their diet with patients who continued their normal diet. As well as reanalyzing the results, the investigators incorporated them into their previous meta-analysis. The SDHS results were clear: replacing dietary saturated fats with omega-6 PUFAs increased all-cause mortality, cardiovascular mortality and mortality from coronary heart disease.
Pharmacists Want to Classify Herb as a Drug to Protect Anti-depressant Drugs
by Alliance for Natural Health
A Natural, Inexpensive, Easily Accessible, Safer Treatment for Depression?
Not if pharmacists have their way! Action Alert!
Pharmacists Planning Service (PPS), a “public health, consumer, and pharmacy education” nonprofit, is petitioning the FDA to change the designation of St. John’s Wort from “herbal dietary supplement status” to “behind pharmacy counter status” (BPCS)—a designation that requires pharmacist […]
Is Homeschool Freedom at Risk in the U.S.?
German Home-schooling Family
Update November 20, 2013
Very good news on Romeike!
This morning the Supreme Court ordered the United States to respond to our petition. This substantially increases the likelihood of granting us full review. Thanks for all of your prayers. Please continue to pray.
The government reply is due December 19. They probably will ask for an […]
Fluoridegate—Why is Poisoning of Children Considered a Valuable Public Health Policy?
By Dr. Mercola
The debate over the dangers of fluoride has been ongoing for more than six decades. Study after study confirms that fluoride is a dangerous, toxic poison that bioaccumulates in your body while being ineffective at preventing dental decay.
Dr. David Kennedy’s documentary film Fluoridegate — An American Tragedy1, exposes the sordid truth about water […]
Healthier Alternatives to the Seasonal Flu Vaccine: Garlic, Zinc, and Vitamin D
By Dr. Mercola
The cold and flu season got off to an early start this year in the US, and everywhere you turn, you’ve undoubtedly seen ads and media reports urging you to get the flu vaccine.
Meanwhile, scientific reviews by the independent Cochrane Database published last fall again refuted pervasive “expert” health and media claims that […]
The Benefits of Minimally Invasive Dentistry
By Dr. Mercola
It’s very difficult to achieve high-level physical health if your dental health isn’t effectively addressed. I’ve been involved with alternatives to regular dentistry for quite some time. I think many people fail to appreciate how important dentistry is to our total health.
Most tend to separate these two components, but both need to […]
Forget Cholesterol, Inflammation’s the Real Enemy
by Lorie Johnson
CBN News
Keeping up with which foods to eat and which ones to avoid could be a full-time job. That’s because scientists continue to learn more about what we put in our bodies.
Some of their latest findings could change your mind about fat.
Twenty years ago, doctors told us to stay away from high-fat […]
Lavender Is Effective Against Drug Resistant Staph Infection
by Heidi Stevenson
Lavender has long been a favorite plant for use in essential oils and for its lovely scent in sachets. Those are useful and pleasant effects, but hidden inside this unassuming and easy-to-grow plant are abilities that modern medicine can’t provide. Among other benefits, lavender can counteract drug resistant staph infections (MRSA) and fungal infections.
And […]
Illinois Mothers Arrested for Resisting the Installation of Smart Meters in Their Homes
by Alliance for Natural Health
Illinois mothers were arrested for preventing the installation of “smart meters” on their properties. It could happen to you. Action Alert!
Naperville, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, has started the Naperville Smart Grid Initiative which requires so-called smart meters to be installed in every home. Residents opposed to the smart meters have been fighting […]
Midwives Say Birthing Centers Could Cut C-Section Rates and Save Billions
by Bonnie Rochman
Time Health & Family
If more pregnant women delivered their babies at midwife-led birth centers, the nation’s C-section rate would go down and cost savings would go up, reversing the current twin trend of rising health care expenditures and numbers of cesarean deliveries.
That’s the conclusion reached in a study conducted by the American Association of […]
EPA Scientists Oppose Water Fluoridation
Fish Skeleton, by Erica Hargreave (Filter applied)
by Heidi Stevenson
“I’ve never seen scientific evidence discounted and refused to be looked at the way they’re doing with fluoride.” We’re facing a bottom-line reality. There can be no question that the US government’s policy is that water will be fluoridated no matter how much harm is done to […]
Why Is Birth Defect-Linked Vitamin A Used In Prenatals?
by Sayer Ji, Founder
Unknown to the public at large, many vitamins today are produced through total chemical synthesis – a process whereby a complex organic molecule is synthesized from simpler, petrochemical-derived precursors, usually without the aid of a biological process.
What this means is that many vitamins are essentially being produced from oil. Despite sharing certain chemical […]
Alternatives to Cancer, Inc.
by Alliance for Natural Health
A conference coming up in April reminds us that there is a lot going on in integrative cancer treatments.
Conventional treatments (“cut, burn, and poison,” essentially) work for a few types of cancers, but completely fail for many. Consider these five-year cancer survival rates:
Esophageal: 3% for esophageal cancers that metastasize, which is […]
Magnesium Helps Reduce Your Risk of Cancer
By Dr. Mercola
Your diet is one of, if not the most, powerful ally you have to help reduce your cancer risk. Countless natural compounds in a variety of whole foods and spices have anti-cancer properties, which is why eating a varied diet is so important.
Among the latest research is a study that found the consumption of […]
U.S. Ranks First in Healthcare Spending – Last in Life Expectancy
Click the image for more detailed statistics.
by Brian Shilhavy
Health Impact News Editor
A panel of experts initiated by the National Institutes of Health and consisting of members from the National Research Council (NRC) and the Institute of Medicine (IOM) released a report recently entitled U.S. Health in International Perspective: Shorter Lives, Poorer Health. The panel compared “health […]
German Remedy Effective for Respiratory Tract Infections
By: Case Adams, Naturopath
German researchers have conducted a clinical trial proving that a traditional herbal combination significantly treats and prevents severe respiratory tract infections.
The researchers, from Germany’s prestigious Carl Gustav Carus Medical Academy, utilized conventional medicine protocols to administer this double-blind, randomized and placebo-controlled study.
The researchers randomized 344 patients into three groups. Each of […]