Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.

ADA’s Stronghold Over Mercury Amalgam Fillings Is Finally Crumbling

Over the past nine months, the American Dental Association, a pro-mercury trade group, has suffered a succession of humiliating defeats -- at the mercury treaty, in the mainstream media, and in the public health community. The public health community, an integral part of health care in America, now realizes the value of mercury-free dentistry. An American Public Health Association panel met last month to review policy proposals and soundly rejected one backed by the ADA. In January in Geneva, at its 5th and final negotiation session, delegates from over 140 nations agreed to a treaty that will address mercury. Amalgam is part of that treaty – every nation must take concrete steps to phase down its use.

95 Year Old WWII Vet Refuses to go to Hospital for Urinary Tract Infection, so Police Shoot and Kill Him

John Wrana was reportedly suffering from a urinary tract infection, and paramedics arrived to transport him to a hospital. Mr. Wrana refused to go, so the paramedics reportedly called the police, who showed up in riot gear. When Mr. Wrana continued to refuse transport to the hospital, they shot him with a stun gun. He still refused, so they reportedly shot him in the stomach with a bean bag round from a shot gun - three times. He was reportedly sitting down at the time, and friends have testified that Mr. Wrana was so wobbly on his feet that he needed a walker, and could be pushed down easily with little force he was so unstable. The family and their attorney want to know why this happened, as they have received no answers in over a month now, and no one has been held accountable.

Grape Seed Extract Superior To Blockbuster Diabetes Drug

A new study published in the Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling compared the effects of a grape seed extract (GSP) to the diabetes drug metformin (MET) in rats fed a high fat, high fructose diet (HFFD) designed to provoke insulin resistance. The weight of evidence suggests that grape seed proanthrocyanins hold great promise as a metformin alternative and/or anti-diabetic agent. Unfortunately, the law forbids the medicinal use of natural substances, and lacking the $800 million plus required on average to fund the clinical trials necessary to file for FDA drug approval, health consumers are left almost entirely without guidance from conventional medical practitioners who lose their FDA-underwritten liability shield when they deviate from the drug-based standard of care.

FDA Seeks to Restrict Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Used in Cancer Treatment

Earlier this year we covered a new study conducted at the China Medical University in Taiwan showing how non-drug therapies such as the ketogenic diet and hyperbaric oxygen therapy were being used to cure cancer. So it should come as no surprise that the FDA, in an obvious effort to protect the lucrative drug market for treating cancer, has issued a statement saying that hyperbaric oxygen therapy is "not approved" by them for such treatment.

FDA Protects Big Pharma Products by Declaring that Silver Has No Therapeutic Value

While the FDA says that silver has no therapeutic value, in an effort to protect the interests of Big Pharma, the EPA, on the other hand, allows its widespread use as a germ killer in clothing, bedding, cosmetics, electric shavers, baby bottles, and food containers. Silver has been used as an antimicrobial for thousands of years—that’s why forks, spoons, and platters were traditionally made out of silver. Nanosilver sprang out of the new science of nanomaterials, which involves creating objects smaller than 100 nanometers. Objects this small can penetrate parts of the body that larger sizes of silver cannot and thus potentially increase silver’s antimicrobial effect. The difference between drug company products and silver is of course that the latter is natural. As such, it is not easily patented, and not being patentable, no one can afford to spend $1 billion on FDA approval. This is a scandalous situation. How many millions of people will have to die as a result?

Probiotics Linked to Reduced Risk of Allergies, Psoriasis, Colitis, Periodontal Disease and More

The root of many health problems is related to an imbalance of intestinal bacteria, and this foundation of good health is laid even while in utero. A recent analysis of available clinical trials found that women who take probiotics—i.e. healthy bacteria—during pregnancy reduce their child’s risk of developing allergies. Providing abundant probiotics in the form of fermented foods is one of the most powerful ways to restore your baby’s beneficial gut flora; raw, organic grass-fed yogurt is well tolerated by most infants and children. Recent research shows probiotics can put those suffering with psoriasis, ulcerative colitis and/or chronic fatigue syndrome into remission, and reduce chances of relapse. Another study showed a certain probiotic strain improved the efficacy of standard treatment for chronic periodontitis, which includes scaling and root planing, by 53 percent.

Healing Cancer Naturally

Cancer is a scary word for most people, however it doesn’t have to be when you know how to listen to your body to heal your Cancer naturally. I myself had cancer and healed it naturally without surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation. Luckily for me, I had discovered that alternative remedies are safer and more cost effective than the cut, poison, burn method of traditional western medicine. Here are the basics of what I did to heal my cancer naturally.

Children Seized in Shocking Raid on Homeschool Family

The privacy of our families and the right to educate our own children is seen as a threat to many in government authority. The goal to vaccinate every child in the U.S., for example, runs into a road block with homeschool families as they are not part of "the system." Germany is the only western country that does not allow homeschooling. The ban on homeschooling began with a Nazi law passed in 1938, and the European Human Rights Court upheld that ban in 2006. Earlier this year, the Obama administration decided to challenge the legal asylum of a German homeschool family here in the U.S. Now comes a new story of a peaceful homeschool family in Germany who had all four of their children, ages 4 to 17, force-ably removed from their home in a military style raid.

How Child “Protection” Services is Legally Abducting Children in the U.S.

Child Protection Services (CPS) across the United States is legally abducting children from parents through a profit motive, and placing them into the foster care system. The right to legal counsel, your Miranda rights, the right to a speedy jury trial, are American rights protected by our Constitution. But not in family court, where a single judge can decide whether or not you are a fit parent. CPS services "protecting" children today has become a $29.4 billion dollar industry. CPS has more power today than the police, sheriff, or FBI, as they can come into your home and remove your child without a search warrant or court order. Someone who doesn't like you, for any reason, can make a phone call and provide an anonymous "tip" with the result of you losing your children. Children are being taken away from parents today with no warrant and no jury trial for things such as: refusing vaccines, being overweight, being underweight, refusing to drink fluorinated water, eating organic food, and more.

The Amazing Broccoli: Effective Against Cancer, Diabetes, Osteoporosis, Allergies and Heart Disease

Broccoli contains a very powerful anti-cancer, anti-diabetic and anti-microbial called sulforaphane. It is obtained from cruciferous vegetables and abundant in broccoli. A daily dose of broccoli might prevent dozens of diseases before they even have a chance to start.

FDA Attempting to Restrict Medical Foods

Want to manage your diabetes through medicinal foods? The FDA says no. “Medical foods,” by federal definition, aren't simply a diet plan prescribed by a doctor. They are foods that are specifically formulated and processed for a sick patient. They form a separate category from conventional foods and dietary supplements in that they are intended to meet specific nutritional requirements for the management of a disease or condition, and are used under medical supervision. The FDA has just issued an updated draft guidance on medical foods, and this new version drastically limits the number of medical conditions that medical foods can be used to manage. What we need are better medical foods, not the elimination of them.

Cinnamon Combined With Magnesium Decreases Blood Pressure More Than Any Hypertension Medication In The World

Supplementation with cinnamon has been found to lower blood pressure in pre-diabetic and diabetic people. Combined with diet and lifestyle changes, magnesium and cinnamon supplementation may lead to an overall reduction of up to 25mm Hg more than any hypertension medication in the world with the advantage of no adverse effects.

DHA From Omega 3 Fats Linked to Intelligence in Children

If you want your child to reach his or her maximum intellectual potential, the research is clear that plentiful intake of the omega-3 fat DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is essential. In the US, most kids get hardly any of this healthful fat, found primarily in seafood, in their diets, and may be missing out on this simple opportunity to boost brain performance. Low levels of the omega-3 fat DHA were associated with poorer reading, memory and behavioral problems in healthy school-aged children.

Pharmaceutical Companies Want to Eliminate Natural Thyroid Hormone with New Law

Patients need access to compounded thyroid extract, not just the synthetic and incomplete version. A new clinical trial has found that hypothyroid patients prefer natural, full-spectrum desiccated thyroid extract (DTE) to T4-only preparations.There is a bill moving through Congress to outlaw certain compounded medications. This bill is a blatant move by pharmaceutical companies to eliminate the competition from compounding pharmacies and force people to buy the mass-marketed version of the drugs. That would mean that in the event of future shortages of DTE, people might be forced to switch to the T4-only preparations that leave so many patients with unresolved symptoms.

Baby Deer at No-Kill Shelter Executed by DNR as “Wild Animal” for Fear of Potential Disease

Is the United States moving closer to "medical tyranny"? Here is another shocking story of unnecessary government police action resulting in the use of deadly force and unnecessary death all in the name of "health safety." We are seeing these types of stories of forceful government intrusion into the private lives of peaceful citizens far too often these days! In almost all these cases, it is the result of what the government deems is proper action in regards to private health decisions, all in the name of "protecting the public," and sometimes even protecting someone in the public sector from themselves, which was not considered a legitimate use of government force by our founding fathers. Who is going to protect us from these unnecessary forceful actions taken by the government? Is the United States heading towards medical tyranny by enforcing upon peaceful citizens what it deems is proper medical treatment, taking away our freedom to choose which foods we eat, and the freedom to raise our own food all in the name of public health? While these freedoms have been a part of our national heritage since the founding of our country, they are often a financial threat to certain industries that control the medical system and the industrial food supply.

Turmeric Superior to Chemical Mouthwash In Improving Oral Health

Since ancient times, turmeric has been used for remedying oral ailments, among other therapeutic applications too numerous to count. Turmeric contains approximately 3-4% curcumin by dry weight. This yellow pigmented polyphenol has been studied extensively in human clinical research as a natural alternative to the common mouthwash ingredient known as chlorhexidine for the treatment of gingivitis, "inflammation of the gum tissue."

Israel Court Rules To Stop Water Fluoridation in 2014, Citing Health Concerns

It seems that almost the entire world is now realizing the health consequences of poisoning the water supply with fluoride. Most developed nations, including all of Japan and 97% of western Europe, do not fluoridate their water. Israel will now be added to that list in 2014. This begs the question as to when the United States will wake up from its unscientific beliefs and embrace the irrefutable evidence that ingestion of fluoride is of no benefit and actually a detriment to human health.

Garlic Fights Foodborne Illnesses 100 Times Better than Antibiotics

Those unlucky enough to come down with a foodborne illness are usually prescribed antibiotics, which may wreak further havoc on their digestive and immune system, especially if not offset with probiotics. An alternative is raw garlic. According to research published in the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy, a compound in garlic, diallyl sulfide, fights foodborne illnesses 100 times better than antibiotics.

Chamomile Proven to Fight Anxiety and Clinical Depression

Recent clinical and laboratory research has determined that chamomile is not only relaxing, but it can significantly decrease anxiety and even fight depression. The most recent study, from the UK's University of Nottingham Medical School, found that chamomile significantly relaxed blood vessels and smooth muscle fibers. This effect of chamomile to soothe and calm the system was also shown in a recent study from the Eulji University Hospital in South Korea. Here, 56 patients undergoing coronary treatment and surgery were given aromatherapy with a combination of lavender, chamomile and neroli. A control group was given only nursing care. The researchers found that the aromatherapy group had significantly lower anxiety and improved sleep compared to the control group.

As State-sanctioned Licensing Boards Continue to Proliferate, the Trend of Limiting Free Speech is Increasing

State licensing boards are trying to prevent unlicensed citizens from even talking about certain subjects. As these state-sanctioned licensing boards continue to proliferate, the trend of limiting free speech is increasing—almost without exception as a tool for the board to protect the professional turf of licensed practitioners. In the 1950s, only one in twenty US workers needed government permission—for that is what licensure is—to pursue their chosen occupation. Today, it is closer to one in three. Yet there is little evidence that licensing protects public health and safety or improves products and services. It does, however, increase consumer costs and reduce opportunities for workers.