Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.
Tropical Traditions Announces New Line of Organic Essential Oils from France for U.S. Market
Tropical Traditions announced today that they are now offering Florihana organic essential oils imported from France. From the company's website: "Florihana is a distillery located in Provence, France, not far from the cities of Grasse and Cannes. Their distillery is located in an extraordinary site rich in biodiversity: The Caussols plateau in the heart of the French Riviera. The French are world-renowned throughout history when it comes to high-quality plant fragrances, and Florihana carries on the tradition today with much pride. Florihana has a world-renowned history of producing some of the highest quality essential oils in the world, and their products are well-known in Europe, as well as throughout Japan and China." Tropical Traditions reports they have been using Florihana organic essential oils in their skin care products for over ten years. Tropical Traditions skin care products are based on their Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil sourced form the Philippines. With over ten years of experience in using Florihana essential oils, they felt that it was time to offer the same essential oils to their customers in the United States.
Deanna Protocol Offers Nutritional Program to Slow or Stop ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)
The Deanna Protocol is gaining national attention as an alternative natural treatment to slow down or even stop the progression of Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), commonly known as "Lou Gehrig's disease." In the video below the physician who discovered this protocol gives his story. He is a retired surgeon, and when his daughter was diagnosed with ALS, he looked beyond the conventional medical system, which offered no hope, and turned to nutrition and natural methods instead. The protocol utilizes GABA and other supplements (see Table below), along with a ketogenic diet. The ketogenic diet is a high-fat low-carb diet that has been used to successfully treat many neuro-degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer's, and it has been successfully used to treat epilepsy where drugs fail. We have reported much of the research regarding the ketogenic diet here at Health Impact News. The ketogenic diet is currently being studied in its effect on starving cancer cells. Coconut oil is an important component of a ketogenic diet, as it provides ketones due to the presence of medium chain fatty acids. We reported the story of "Clarence" back in 2012, who claims he actually reversed ALS by eating large amounts of coconut oil.
Flavonoids In Tea, Chocolate and Berries Can Prevent Diabetes
Strong evidence from several studies have shown that individuals consuming fruits and vegetables rich in different flavonoids have a reduced risk of overall mortality and of several chronic diseases. According to new research from the University of East Anglia (UEA) and King's College London, eating high levels of flavonoids including anthocyanins and other compounds (found in berries, tea, and chocolate) may prevent type 2 diabetes, a disease whose initial stages is now affecting almost 40 percent of Americans age 20 and older.
Study: Essential Oil of Lemon Effective Against Candida Yeast Infections
A study published in the journal Mycopathologia showed that the essential oil of lemon can be used as a very effective natural remedy against candidiasis caused by C. albicans. Candida albicans is a yeast (or fungus) that normally inhabits our digestive system. In healthy people, Candida does little harm because it’s kept in check by beneficial microorganisms or probiotics. The study showed that the antifungal potential of lemon essential oils against Candida yeast strains was related to the high content of monoterpenoids and the type of Candida strains. The authors concluded: "Our study characterizes lemon essential oils, which could be used as very effective natural remedies against candidiasis caused by C. albicans."
Essential Oils Make Superior Wound Antiseptics – and Combat MRSA
Good wound dressings are critical to preventing severe infections after an injury. Recent research has confirmed that applying antiseptic essential oils makes for a great alternative to antibiotic creams and other dressings, which often produce antibiotic-resistant microorganisms.
Vitamin C More Effective than Vaccines for Shingles
The pharmaceutical industry, and many doctors, appear to be making great efforts by to get as many people as possible vaccinated against shingles. Even if such an intervention was highly effective in preventing shingles, which certainly has not been shown to be the case, the information in this article should make it clear that such vaccinations are unnecessary. The side effects that would be suffered by a significant number of individuals need never occur in the first place. The real problem is that what is discussed in this article generates relatively little income for anybody in the healthcare industry. Left to itself along with mainstream therapies that include analgesics, antiviral agents like acyclovir, and corticosteroids, the rash will generally resolve in two to four weeks. The pain is generally lessened little by analgesics. The clinical response of shingles to vitamin C therapy is decidedly different from its response to traditional therapies. While there are not many reports in the literature on vitamin C and shingles, the studies that do exist are striking. Frederick Klenner, MD, who pioneered the effective use of vitamin C in a wide variety of infections and toxin exposures, published the results of his vitamin C therapy on eight patients with shingles. He gave 2,000 to 3,000 mg of vitamin C by injection every 12 hours, supplemented by 1,000 mg in fruit juice by mouth every two hours. In seven of the eight patients treated in this manner, complete pain relief was reported within two hours of the first vitamin C injection. Furthermore, the blisters on Dr. Klenner's patients were reported to begin healing rapidly, with complete resolution within the first 72 hours.
Garlic Kills Brain Cancer Cells Without Side Effects
Garlic is probably nature's most potent food. It is one of the reasons people who eat the Mediterranean diet live such long healthy lives. Garlic is also a powerful performer in the research lab, including when looking at cancer. Cancer cells have a high metabolism and require much energy for rapid growth. Researchers reported in the journal, Cancer, that that garlic compounds produced reactive oxygen species in brain cancer cells, essentially gorging them to death with activation of multiple death cascades and blocking pathways the proliferation of brain tumors.
Cancer Patients Die as FDA Restricts Dr. Burzynski’s Treatment
In this article, you can watch a video (less than 4 minutes) to see the story of Dustin Kunnari, who was diagnosed with a stage 5 brain tumor at age 2. The doctors told his parents that when they began radiation treatment, if their son survived, he would be a vegetable because he was less than 3 years old. The parents said "No thanks" to the standard medical protocol and asked for the boy's records. The doctors informed them that they had more authority over their child than the parents did, and a legal battle followed. The parents persisted, however, and brought their child to Dr. Burzynski in Houston Texas, where the boy was totally cured. Unfortunately, the FDA has relentlessly attacked Dr. Burzyinski, and now people are dying because they are not allowed to receive this potentially life-saving treatment like Dustin did, who is still alive today, years later.
Acupuncture Has Nearly 30 Proven Uses and 60+ Potential Uses
Every year, millions of Americans turn to acupuncture as part of their health care routine, using it to relieve chronic pain, high blood pressure, nausea and much more. Although in the US, acupuncture is considered an alternative to conventional forms of medicine, it is actually one of the oldest healing practices in the world. In China, Japan, Korea, and other Asian countries, acupuncture has been used for thousands of years, and its staying power isn’t merely a matter of superstition or coincidence. Acupuncture has withstood the test of time because it works to safely relieve many common health complaints. New research has again confirmed acupuncture’s usefulness, this time among women being treated with aromatase inhibitor drugs for breast cancer.
Honey Heals Chronic Dandruff, Scaly, Itchy Scalp (Seborrheic Dermatitis)
Amazingly, something as simple as crude honey has been found to alleviate an embarrassing scalp condition that most body care products and drugs can't even make a dent in, like chronic dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. We should not be surprised by these remarkable results. Honey has been considered one of nature's most remarkable gifts to mankind since ancient Indian (vedic) civilization. In ancient Egyptian culture honey was the most popular drug mentioned: 500 times in 900 remedies.
Health Impact News in 2013 – The Year in Review
A review of the most-read stories at Health Impact News in 2013 will reveal a much different list than what one will see as the top stories for 2013 on mainstream media news websites. For example, the terrorist attack during the Boston Marathon is ranked as one of the top stories in 2013, if not the single most important story of 2013. While this was certainly a major story in 2013, let's look at some perspective in terms of its significance. The terrorist attacks in the Boston Marathon reportedly killed 3 people, and injured 264 others. It was a tragic event, to be sure, affecting the lives of hundreds of people. But in terms of deaths or lives affected by injuries, is it the top story of 2013? Probably not. Here are a few other stories that actually were covered in the mainstream media, with far more people affected, but will probably get no mention on the last day of 2013 in the mainstream media: 1. Deaths by hospital errors now the 3rd leading cause of death in the U.S. 2. Over-the-counter Ibuprofen is Killing and Injuring Thousands of Americans 3. U.S. Ranks First in Healthcare Spending – Last in Life Expectancy Of course the one story that affects many thousands of American's lives and gets virtually NO mainstream media coverage, is the issue of injuries and deaths due to vaccines. This is the one subject that is taboo in the mainstream media, and could easily be the top story in 2013. A search in the U.S. VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reports) database for 2013 on the last day of the year returns the following results: 1,582 serious adverse vaccine reactions, and 107 deaths, with 72 of those deaths under the age of 3. Headline news for 2013, but completely censored in the mainstream media. Read More.
Vitamin D—One of the Simplest Solutions to Wide-Ranging Health Problems
Increasing levels of vitamin D3 among the general population could potentially prevent chronic diseases that claim nearly one million lives throughout the world each year. Incidence of several types of cancer could also be slashed in half. Vitamin D fights infections, including colds and the flu, as it regulates the expression of genes that influence your immune system to attack and destroy bacteria and viruses. Feeling tired and achy is a frequent complaint. While many are misdiagnosed as having fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue, these are classic signs of vitamin D deficiency osteomalacia. The remedy is a combination of vitamin D and calcium. Researchers estimate that 50 percent of the general population is at risk of vitamin D deficiency and insufficiency. Among school aged children, that percentage may be as high as 70 percent.
To Silence Political Dissent, IRS Issues New Rule to Censor Free Speech on Health Issues
ANH-USA could be targeted—along with your right to political representation. In May 2013, the IRS was caught illegally discriminating against Tea Party groups applying for 501(c)4 nonprofit status. In the wake of the scandal, the IRS worked to eliminate illegal censorship of political dissent—by attempting to legalize it. On Black Friday, under cover of a day when no one follows the news, the IRS issued proposed rules to severely restrict the activities of 501(c)4 nonprofit organizations such as ANH-USA. These rules would place strict limitations on speech, eliminate your voice in the political process, and put consumer advocacy nonprofits like ANH-USA under a gag order, leaving powerful private interests and their government allies free to operate in secret. In short, the new IRS rules are an egregious violation of the First Amendment. Without 501(c)4s—organizations that pool the resources of many like-minded individuals—the only remaining political influences will be the huge industries (Big Pharma, Big Agro, and Big Biotech included), unions, and other special interests that can afford to make enormous contributions and hire expensive lobbyists. The IRS has no business in politics. Tell the agency to rescind this political gag order and protect the right of political dissenters and organizations that represent individuals like you!
16 More Reasons Black Seed Is ‘The Remedy For Everything But Death’
This humble, but immensely powerful seed, kills MRSA, heals the chemical weapon poisoned body, stimulates regeneration of the dying beta cells within the diabetic's pancreas, and yet too few even know it exists. Over the last year, even more research has been done on the black seed, showing a wide range of health benefits. The black seed can help with everything from radiation damage to psoriasis to Alzheimer's to a wide range of cancers. Why is such a powerful seed not yet on the radar of most medical and nutrition communities? We are aware of so many natural remedies, yet the black seed's benefits are still largely under reported and underutilized.
Ohio Proposes New Law to Have Social Services Approve Parents Before they can Homeschool their Children
The right for parents to educate their children as they desire is increasingly under attack here at the end of 2013, heading into 2014. A judge in Florida recently ordered homeschool children from one family to attend public school, against the will of their parents. As we have reported previously, homeschooling is growing seven times faster than public schooling, and the U.S. government is progressively taking actions to restrict it. Parents are increasingly keeping their children at home to educate them, avoiding government intrusion into their family lives, which includes mandatory vaccinations, toxic school meals, and questionable educational materials among other things. Having access to the nation’s children is an economic necessity for the distribution of vaccines and government subsidized food provided to the schools. As public school enrollments decrease, it causes economic hardship on pharmaceutical companies and large commodity processed food corporations. After years of successfully fighting for parental rights and acceptance of homeschooling, we are now seeing new attempts to restrict these freedoms, as is seen in this new proposed legislation in Ohio. With the introduction of Senate Bill 248 on December 3, 2013, by Senator Capri Cafaro, Ohio has suddenly become a frontline in the battle over homeschooling freedom. SB 248 is breathtakingly onerous in its scope. It requires all parents who homeschool to undergo a social services investigation which would ultimately determine if homeschooling would be permitted. Social workers would have to interview parents and children separately, conduct background checks and determine whether homeschooling is recommended or not. If it is not recommended, parents would have to submit to an “intervention” before further consideration of their request to homeschool.
Florida City Evicts Widow and Threatens to Take Away her Home for Living “Off Grid”
A Florida woman who is a widow, has no mortgage, and is up-to-date on her taxes has been served eviction papers on her home, with threats of the government seizing it. Her crime: she lives off the grid and does not purchase municipal services such as water and electricity. They condemned her home and declared it "unihabitable" due to International Law, even though they never entered the home to examine it.
Success Treating Lyme Disease Naturally Without Antibiotic Drugs
We recently published an article exposing why the CDC has suddenly come out and finally acknowledged that the number of people suffering from Lyme disease is much higher than what is being reported. The CDC and others have a significant conflict of interest and profit motive to introduce a new Lyme vaccine. In that article we asked people to contact us and tell us how they have overcome Lyme disease naturally without the traditional treatment of months or even years of antibiotic treatment. We received some very good feedback. If you are suffering from Lyme disease, please be assured that there are many people out there overcoming it without dangerous antibiotic drugs. Many people who responded stated that they used homeopathy successfully. If you don't know much about the history of homeopathy practice, read the excellent article "American Medical Revolutions: How the AMA Took Over America," to see how homeopathy was the prevalent method of healthcare in early America, before the pharmaceutical companies took over. Among the testimonies from people overcoming Lyme disease naturally, one name was mentioned as someone who had helped quite a few people, and that person is Dr. Cindee Gardner who treats people all over the world from her office in Pittsburgh. She has successfully treated people for Lyme disease without antibiotic drugs. Dr. Gardner is an internationally renowned Homeopath, Molecular Biologist, Herbalist, Nutritional Counsellor & Educator, spanning a career of over 28 years. Dr. Gardner has written a very comprehensive article on treating Lyme disease naturally, and she has allowed us to republish it..
FDA Moves to Eliminate Medical Foods
There’s still a small window to make the FDA listen to reason. “Medical foods,” by the federal government’s definition, aren't simply a diet plan prescribed by a doctor. They are foods that are specifically formulated and processed for a sick patient and are intended to meet specific nutritional requirements for the management of a disease or condition. The FDA has recently issued an updated draft guidance that drastically limits the number of conditions that medical foods can be used to manage. Under the new guidance, producers of medical foods will either have to reformulate their products to go through the drug approval process (which can cost billions of dollars) or market them as dietary supplements (which would severely limit the claims their products could make, depriving practitioners and consumers of valuable health information). By making the “buy-in” for the medical industry affordable only to Big Pharma, small businesses and start-up innovators will be kicked out of the industry, drug companies will reap the rewards of yet another FDA-sponsored monopoly, and consumers will be left to deal with the ramifications of limited, more expensive options.
Ginger Treats Osteoarthritis with Topical Application
Research from Australia’s Edith Cowan University has confirmed an ancient treatment – that osteoarthritis pain and mobility is reduced with the application of ginger root topically. The researchers recruited 20 adults between the ages of 35 and 90 years old – average age of 64 years old. All of the volunteers had been diagnosed with osteoarthritis. 85% of the patients had osteoarthritis of the knees and/or hips. The researchers randomly divided the patients into two groups, and treated half of them with a ginger (Zingiber officinalis) compress, and half with a ginger transdermal patch – a patent-pending product from New Zealand. The patients applied the patch or compress daily. They were monitored weekly with a Health Assessment Questionnaire throughout the 24 week study. The patients in both groups experienced significant improvement in pain, fatigue, well-being and mobility after only seven days, and this improvement increased through the study. Researchers concluded that “This pilot study suggests ginger therapy using both the ginger compress and ginger patch has the potential to relieve symptoms and increase independence for people with osteoarthritis.”
DNA Testing: Do You Have a Right to Test Your Own DNA? FDA Says No!
There’s a reason your government is whittling away at your healthcare options and driving costs out of control—and not a good one. America spends over $2.6 trillion a year (18% of our GDP) on healthcare. At the same time, government is tightening the regulatory reins on nutritional and natural methods to support health—an approach that isn’t lowering healthcare spending, but raising it! On November 22, the FDA sent a warning letter to to stop its inexpensive ($99 per test) “do-it-yourself” genetic testing service for health screening and ancestry purposes, because consumers could be “misled” and harm themselves by “self-treating.” The FDA’s stance on DIY genetic testing could very well drive up healthcare costs. Besides premiums being raised on those forced to report DNA results to insurance companies, in-office testing is far more expensive. As tests are priced anywhere from $300 to $3,500, this could significantly add to the overall cost of healthcare. The FDA’s true message is clear: because individuals can’t be trusted to make sound health decisions, they don’t have a right to private information on their own DNA.