Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.

Heavy Cell Phone Use Can Quadruple Your Risk of Deadly Brain Cancer

No one wants to hear that something as “indispensable” as your cell phone might cause grave harm to your health, but that’s exactly what mounting evidence tells us we’re faced with. Wireless phones and other gadgets have the potential to cause all sorts of health problems, from headaches to brain tumors. The link between brain cancer and cell phone use has been a particularly persistent one, and mounting research has only made this association stronger In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), an arm of the World Health Organization (WHO), declared cell phones a Class B Carcinogen, meaning a “possible cancer-causing agent,” based on the available research. This places cell phones in the same category as diesel engine exhaust, some pesticides, and some heavy metals.

Ozone Therapy Curing Ebola in Africa, but Government Banning it in Favor of Test Drugs

Dr. Robert Rowen, a leading expert on oxidative therapy, received an invitation by the President of Sierra Leone to bring his team there to teach health care workers how to treat Ebola using ozone therapy. After getting local doctors and the president himself to agree to using ozone therapy, Paolo Conte, the defense minister of Sierra Leone and newly appointed Ebola czar, prevented them from administering the treatment. However, they permitted the experimental drug ZMapp to be used on patients and they're also going to allow the use of Amiodarone—a highly toxic drug that, according to Dr. Rowen, has been proven ineffective. In the meantime, while ozone therapy is withheld from Ebola patients, two doctors who received ozone therapy treatment and training contacted Ebola, and recovered immediately.

2014 Top Stories: Medical Kidnappings, Vaccine Cover-ups, Glyphosate Food Contamination

2014 was a year that saw Health Impact News grow into a major network of health information in the Alternative Media. Two new websites were launched in 2014 due to reader demand: and Our top stories in 2014 were on the topics of Medical Kidnapping, Vaccine Cover-ups, and the contamination of our food supply by the herbicide glyphosate.

Top 12 Best Foods and Antioxidants to Fight A Cold or the Flu

When you have a sore throat or if you're congested, you might not want to eat. You feel worn down and swallowing can be very painful. Here are 12 of the most amazing foods and antioxidants that will help alleviate symptoms and even shorten the duration of any cold or flu.

Surprising Finding: Gut Microbes Make Dark Chocolate Healthy

Researchers have now discovered that certain bacteria in your gut actually break down and ferment the components in dark chocolate, turning them into absorbable anti-inflammatory compounds that benefit your health. In particular, beneficial microbes including Bifidobacterium and lactic acid bacteria like to “feast” on cocoa, according to the researchers. The microbes also break down the fiber found in cocoa powder, turning it into highly absorbable short fatty acid chains that promote satiety. The study, which involved three cocoa powders tested in a model digestive tract, may help explain why chocolate has been found to be so good for your heart, as the anti-inflammatory compounds may reduce inflammation of cardiovascular tissue.

British Government Health Authorities: Doctors Not Needed at Births

Giving birth at home or in a midwife-led unit is safer than the labour ward for most women, according to radical new NHS advice. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice) said thousands more babies could be born without doctors being present, under new guidance on childbirth.

How NOT to be “S.A.D.” this Winter!

This is the time of year that many folks—especially women, get the blues, get mildly depressed, or officially are said to be suffering from S.A.D., “Seasonal Affective Disorder.” This article is intended to shed some light on this issue and will first explain some of the causes of S.A.D. and then will provide some practical solutions. Interestingly, S.A.D. afflicts three times as many women as men, in other words, 75 percent of those suffering are women, so women out there should pay particular attention to this.

Research: Bisphenol A (BPA) Causes 100x More Harm Than Previously Imagined

A recent study reveals just how profoundly misled we are about Bisphenol A and its analogs: they are at least 100x more toxic than we previously imagined.

CPS & Police Taser, Handcuff Parents: Enter Home of Homeschool Family without Warrant

The Fourth Amendment strikes a carefully crafted balance between a family’s right to privacy and the government’s need to enforce the law. In most situations, government agents cannot simply force their way into a home. Instead, they must explain to a neutral magistrate why they need to enter the home, and they must provide real evidence to support that need. This rule applies to all government agents. Court after court has agreed that there is no social services exception to the Fourth Amendment. All too often, law enforcement officers and child-welfare workers act as if the Fourth Amendment does not apply to CPS investigations. They are wrong.

Marijuana Decreases Death Rates From Pain Killers By Over 30 Percent

Every year, painkillers such as Percocet, Vicodin and other opioids kill thousands. Opioid prescriptions have jumped 300 percent in the last decade. They are the most commonly prescribed drugs on the market. They are the most dangerous and addictive drugs which often lose effectiveness with long-term use. So when a plant comes along that can effectively curb dependency on these popular selling medications, pharmaceutical companies get very get angry. Marijuana does just that.

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS): Major Causes are Known but Ignored

The problem arises in understanding SIDS because the way SIDS is studied is totally wrong! The major components that should be looked into—namely nutrition and a child’s immediate environment (environmental toxins), are totally ignored while all kinds of money and effort is spent on factors that have little to do with solving the problem! When the issue of nutrition IS raised, it is summarily rejected without investigation! Thus factors that could lessen the nutritional health of a child are not considered worthy of investigation. In other words, they’re ignored. SIDS or ‘Sudden Infant Death Syndrome’ is the leading cause of death in the first six months and is rare after a year of age. Yet, it is important to recognize that SIDS is not necessarily ‘sudden’ in so far as happening without any underlying cause. There are consistent underlying variables if one knows how to look for them! This article should totally dispel the myth that "we don’t know what causes SIDS."

How Medical Cannabis Changed Our Lives: A Testimonial

My name is Dawn. The journey with medical Cannabis began for our family in May of 2013. Our son Jacob was diagnosed with a very rare form of Dystrophy in 2006. This disease manifested at age four, causing him to lose function in his central nervous system, as the myelin sheath began to deteriorate. Jacob also experiences grand mal seizures that hinder his breathing, leaving him in a disastrous state. My goal with this article is to present to communities a very real picture of the truth of what caregiving parents with certain special needs children are experiencing, and the reason cannabis is changing lives. I thank you for giving me a moment of your time and a listening ear.

FDA Censoring Free Speech on Facebook

Amazing—the little “Like” button has the power to magically turn supplements into drugs. You will recall how the FDA threatened cherry growers and walnut producers with jail if they opened their mouths about the curative powers of these foods. Now the FDA has issued a warning letter to the Utah nutritional supplement company Zarbee’s, Inc. The most troubling part of the letter concerns Zarbee’s participation on Twitter and Facebook. The agency says that when the company “likes” their customer’s Facebook comments, they are essentially endorsing the customer’s statement. In other words, when customers say a product has helped their children stop coughing or has relieved their bronchitis, and Zarbee’s “likes” that post, the FDA believes they are essentially saying, “We certify that everything you have written is scientifically accurate,” and therefore are promoting their supplements as drugs not approved by the FDA.

Broccoli Sprouts Improve Autism and the Microbiome

A study was published in 2014 about a supplement derived from broccoli sprouts, called Sulforaphane, showing that negative Autism behaviors were eliminated quite a bit by many who ingested it.

Why are Medical Professionals who Deliver Babies in Hospitals Choosing to have their Own Babies at Home?

It used to be one of the best-kept secrets in the medical profession. Doctors, when they talked openly about it, were met with raised eyebrows and worried looks. They were ridiculed by their colleagues, lost professional standing, and were sometimes even browbeaten into leaving their jobs. But now an increasing number of doctors, labor and delivery nurses, certified nurse midwives, physician assistants, and other medical professionals are choosing to birth their babies at home. And these doctors and other medical professionals are talking more openly about having home births than they ever have before.

Thyme Provides Antiviral Protection against Herpes and Other Viruses

Ebola is only one of many viruses that have been found among animals and transmissible to humans. While Ebola isn’t the first outbreak to catch public attention over the past few decades, it also likely won’t be the last. The question lies – what is our long-term strategy to prevent future outbreaks? And how do we protect ourselves from getting a viral infection? Increasing research has determined that plants provide some of the most promising opportunities to prevent the outbreak of these viruses, because not only are they easily cultivated and distributed, but they provide a source of resistance to viral outbreaks. Case in point is Thymus vulgaris – Thyme. Thyme has been found to contain multiple antiviral constituents, including thymol, camphor, borneol, carvacrol, terpinenes, pinenes, cymene, terpinenols, citral and cineoles. These and others have been found to be specifically antiviral, but more importantly, in combination, the plant and its essential oils provide significant antiviral protection. And the mechanism of this antiviral protection appears to be related to the same properties found among other studies – of interfering with the glycoprotein molecule lined envelope that surrounds many of the most virulent viruses.

Obscene Increase In Maternal Mortality Rates In The United States

In most of the world, the number of women dying in childbirth is decreasing, but the United States is one of eight countries in the world where the maternal mortality rate is going up, not down, according to the newest figures. In fact, the US is rock bottom of the developing nations of the world in maternal mortality – #60 out of 180 nations included in the statistics. And that is unacceptable.

Does Playing on Artificial Turf Increase Your Risk of Cancer?

Artificial turf fields are now everywhere in the United States, from high schools to multi-million-dollar athletic complexes. As any parent or player who has been on them can testify, the tiny black rubber crumbs of which the fields are made -- chunks of old tires -- get everywhere. In players’ uniforms, in their hair, in their cleats. But for goalkeepers, whose bodies are in constant contact with the turf, it can be far worse. In practices and games, they make hundreds of dives, and each plunge sends a black cloud of tire pellets into the air. The granules get into their cuts and scrapes, and into their mouths. Griffin wondered if those crumbs – which have been known to contain carcinogens and chemicals – were making players sick. Griffin has compiled a list of 38 American soccer players -- 34 of them goalies – who have been diagnosed with cancer. Blood cancers like lymphoma and leukemia dominate the list.

What Can You Do to Prevent/Treat Ebola and Other Viral Infections

With the Ebola virus in the news, I thought it might be time to comment on what steps you can take to prevent becoming ill. Keep in mind that conventional medicine has no effective treatments for the Ebola virus. Due to a slow international response, Ebola has spread rapidly. It is a scary infection as the death rate is very high—from 50-90%. Initially, the Ebola infection can mimic the symptoms from the flu or other upper respiratory infection. However, as it progresses, it can lead to very severe muscle aches, liver and kidney failure along with bleeding out of various areas of the body. Needless to say, Ebola is something to be taken very seriously. As I previously stated, there is no conventional treatment for the Ebola virus. That does not mean that you are powerless to do anything to combat it. There are many effective natural anti-viral therapies that may prove effective against Ebola. It would be nice if the Powers-That-Be would begin testing these therapies. But, that would make common sense. Instead the Powers-That-Be are actively discouraging the use of alternative therapies even though they have nothing to offer. It is a sad situation. Keep in mind that Ebola, like any viral infection, can only be cured by a strong immune system. We are designed with a powerful immune system that should mount a response to an infectious agent. However, the immune system can only mount a vigorous defense if it has the raw materials available to it. For over 20 years, I have been checking every patient for their nutrient status. Unfortunately, most are deficient in the basic raw materials that the immune system needs to function optimally. I say, if you become ill with a viral illness, do the basics to help optimize your immune system. I will show you the four most important items you can use to aid your immune system to fight any illness.

Red Algae Extract Treats Ebola

While researchers scramble to develop a vaccine or monoclonal antibody against the Ebola virus – and continue to develop chemo treatments to stem HIV and Hepatitis-C while fearing SARS – nature has already provided a natural treatment. After the two 1996 Ebola outbreaks in Gabon Africa, medical scientists determined that Ebola causes death among about 70 percent of those who contracted the virus. This question led researchers from Gabon’s Franceville International Center of Medical Research to investigate. The questions ensued: Why don’t the other 30 percent die? How do 30 percent of those infected recover? Furthermore, medical researchers found many instances where there were close contacts of those who became infected who never were infected at all. Even though they were in contact with the infected patient while the patient was symptomatic. The research found that nearly half of those who were asymptomatic and seemingly immune developed antibodies (IgM and IgG) to the Ebola virus. This means these individuals certainly were intimately exposed to the virus, but simply naturally developed the immunity tools that prevented the infection from replicating out of control. One of those immunity tools can be found in red algae.