Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.
Hawaii’s Big Island Called Upon Telecom to Cease and Desist 5G Deployment
A resolution to cease the buildout of 5G wireless infrastructure until it can be proven safe, through independent research and testing, passed the Hawaii County Council on July 22, 2020, almost unanimously. The vote was 8-1. The resolution, introduced by council member Matt Kaneali’i-Kleinfelder, came to the table after months of daily emails and phone calls from constituents regarding 5G. “There was overwhelming public concern,” he said. The resolution was put forth by constituents and Kaneali’i-Kleinfelder agreed to present it to the council.
CENSORSHIP: Is Big Tech Planning to Delete All Accounts Questioning Vaccines Before The COVID Vaccine Release?
As material from dystopian novels such as 1984 begins to become a reality, we are witnessing the accelerated rollout of an agenda, which is leading towards a predetermined future. In this interview Spiro is joined by Richie Allen, a journalist, producer and the host of the Richie Allen Radio Show. In this interview, Richie Allen shares information regarding contacts who he has been in touch with currently working for Google. According to the unnamed source or sources, Google, Facebook and Twitter are coordinating with each other to carry out a multi-platform purge of accounts that question vaccine safety. The potential purge is said to coincide with the rollout of the new, experimental COVID-19 vaccine.
CENSORED: Peer-Reviewed Published Study Showing 5G Induces Coronaviruses Disappears from Journal
[The peer-reviewed study referenced in this article has been "withdrawn" since this article was published a few days ago, according to the NIH PubMed website. The Journal that published it, the Journal of Biological Regulations & Homeostatic Agents, which means it was peer-reviewed prior to acceptance and publication, has also removed it from their website. Health Impact News has reached out to the authors of the study to try and learn why it was removed, but as of publication time today (Sunday 7/26/20), we have not received any responses. Health Impact News has a copy, which is also available on] 5G induces coronaviruses according to a new study just published on the US NIH (National Institute of Health) website and published earlier elsewhere. The study, entitled 5G Technology and induction of coronavirus in skin cells, comes to the shocking conclusion – shocking from a mainstream scientific viewpoint – that 5G technology can instigate the body to produce viruses as a cellular response. Guess what? The 5G millimeter waves (so-called because they operate in extremely high frequencies where there is less than a millimeter between the wave peaks) can make the body produce not just any class of viruses but actually coronaviruses! This research peels back another layer of Operation Coronavirus, affirming the coronavirus 5G connection that I and others were warning about in February when this entire plandemic got off the ground. In that article I asked the question: “What if 5G is being used to open up the skin of those in Wuhan so as to allow the new bioweapon coronavirus to infiltrate more easily?” Now with more information the question could be: “What if 5G is being used to open up the skin and simultaneously create coronaviruses?”
The End of America and the Downfall of Humanity
What we now face is a war against all humanity, a war without end. We face constant surveillance, forced vaccination, and home imprisonment. We face a total loss of normal interaction and communication with others. We face complete restriction or elimination of travel. We face the prospect of a total loss of medical freedom. We face having to present papers in order to move about or transact business. We face the possibility of being chipped, and the requirement of implants and tracking device mandates. We face the elimination of normal employment leading to financial ruin. We face starvation and extreme poverty. We face gene-altering technologies. We face all this and more in what has been mistakenly called the freest country on earth. What have we become? What purpose is there in life if thinking and acting as nature intended is outlawed, and deemed treasonous? What joy will remain if this insanity continues? When will the people that gave this horrendous government its power take it away? When will Americans reclaim their freedom?
New CDC and WHO Study Proves “No Evidence” Face Masks Prevent Virus
FB's so called “fact checkers” have struck again, claiming that my report on the science that proves that wearing facemasks, especially in non-medical settings does almost nothing to prevent the spread of a virus, is false… citing that it was based on old information. Now, I'm reporting on a new study created in conjunction with the World Health Organization and published by the CDC from less than 60 days ago that once again proves that there is no evidence that wearing face masks in public prevents the spread of flu-like viruses. I'm also going to show you why the Facebook fact-checking system cannot be trusted. Link to the CDC published study. This study was conducted in preparation for the development of guidelines by the World Health Organization on the use of nonpharmaceutical interventions for pandemic influenza in nonmedical settings. This study was supported by the World Health Organization.
FDA Targets Homeopathy Remedies
The FDA has issued its first warnings against homeopathic medicines, and this is only the beginning. The FDA has sent warning letters to four companies that sell injectable homeopathic medicine because, in the agency’s view, injectable homeopathic medicines “can pose a serious risk to patient health.” This is following a bad guidance the agency is in the process of completing that upends decades of safe regulation of homeopathic medicines. The FDA’s position on homeopathic injectables puts safe pain and cancer therapies in jeopardy. In our view, the FDA is using this initial attack as an entry point to eliminate homeopathic medicine entirely, and we cannot let it proceed unchecked.
12 Homeopathic Remedies That Should Be in Every Survival Kit
In the event of a natural or man-made disaster, you may be cut off from medical aid. One of the most important things to have on hand will be a homeopathy emergency survival kit. Homeopathy is cheap, effective, and has no side effects. This medical science uses natural substances to stimulate the body to heal itself. Most homeopathic remedies are made from herbs and minerals, and they are based on the principle discovered over 200 years ago in Germany by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann that like cures like. This means that a substance that produces symptoms in a healthy person can be used to cure the same symptoms in a sick person, when prepared according to homeopathic principles. Many of us have heard propaganda from Big Pharma and the medical industry that homeopathy is quackery. In truth the medical industry is afraid of the competition homeopathy represents. Anyone who has ever tried it will know the truth.
African Resistance Building – Bill Gates May Find Out Africans are Not So Compliant with His Population Reduction Efforts through Vaccination
VoiceTV Nigeria released a video this week warning Africans about Bill Gates' vaccine plans for the continent, while also exposing the agenda of the Rockefeller Foundation. The video has already been viewed over 350,000 thousand times in the past few days. The video has an image of Ghana President Akufo-Addo, but the audio is someone else's voice addressing "Dear fellow Ghanaians." Some believe it is a Pastor or religious leader. This has drawn some criticism, as President Akufo-Addo publicly continues to endorse efforts to combat the COVID Plandemic. But should this surprise anyone after the President of Burundi, Pierre Nkurunziza, was found dead shortly after he called COVID a "hoax" and kicked the World Health Organization out of his country? Every time Health Impact News publishes news about Africa that includes information about Bill Gates, we always see a spike in readership from some African nations, as English is the one common language that is spoken in most countries on the continent, especially among the educated. So we offer this as a service to the wonderful people in Africa, and if for some reason the video disappears from YouTube, we will make it available on another platform.
Central Banks Look to Replace Cash with Digital Currency: Life as We Know it May Soon be Over and Replaced by the New World Order
A small news report by Bloomberg earlier this week and published on MSN Money went mostly unnoticed in the corporate media, and even in the alternative media, and yet it might have been the most significant news story so far this year! Jill Ward from Bloomberg wrote: "The Bank of England is reviewing whether it should create a central bank-backed digital currency, according to governor Andrew Bailey. 'We are looking at the question of, should we create a Bank of England digital currency,' Bailey said Monday in a webinar event with students. 'We’ll go on looking at it, as it does have huge implications on the nature of payments and society.'" Why is a Central Bank digital currency so important? After all, most of us already use digital payments for most of our transactions in life, and cash is seldom used these days anyway, so what's the big deal? The "big deal" is that all of the digital transactions that you use today to pay for goods and services, still draw upon financial resources represented by the currency you hold in your own bank account, and you have relative freedom to choose how, when, and where you are going to spend your money. In other words, today you still have choices. You still have some freedoms. But if the Central Bankers get their way and replace all cash and currencies with a single digital currency, you could lose ALL of those choices, and personal privacy will be completely gone! Do you think that once a mandatory COVID vaccine comes out, that you can just decide not to participate? It won't be so easy if there is a single digital currency that replaces all other currencies. Your ability to participate in the marketplace, even from the "comfort" of your own prison cell home, will be 100% dependent on whether or not you meet the qualifications to participate in using the new digital currency, even if you have a positive ledger in "your" account. So just think about the ramifications if your account in the Central Banks of the new digital currency system has not approved you for transactions because you do not have a COVID ID card showing you have been properly vaccinated with an approved COVID vaccine? You can't go to a store to purchase anything, and you cannot purchase anything online either. What are you going to do now? Those are the kinds of questions you and your friends and family members need to start asking NOW, while you still have some freedoms left.
The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude
Keith Knight of Don't Tread on Anyone interviews James Corbett about The Politics of Obedience: The Discourse of Voluntary Servitude, the 16th century treatise on tyranny and obedience by Étienne de La Boétie. James and Keith highlight some of the book's key insights and detail how they apply just as much to our situation today as they did when they were written. "States are more vulnerable than people think. They can collapse in an instant—when consent is withdrawn. This is the thesis of this thrilling book. Murray Rothbard writes a classic introduction to one of the great political essays in the history of ideas. In times when dictators the world over are falling from pressure from their own people, this book, written nearly 500 years ago, is truly the prophetic tract of our times."
Is California Governor Newsom Leading the Communist Takeover of America? Walmart is now Apparently a Communist China Store in the U.S.
A strange thing happened to me here in 2020. I went to bed one night in my home country, the United States of America, known for its Constitution and protection of individual liberties, and the next day I woke up in a place I no longer recognized, for it had become a totalitarian communist regime. I am writing this on July 4th, 2020. I don't know about you, but this is worst July 4th in my lifetime, with Americans losing their liberties very quickly in what is obviously becoming a well orchestrated attack on our country from coast to coast. Two days ago, I decided to stop in a Walmart for a brief minute to pick up something I was not able to order online quick enough. I had checked to see if this Walmart near me had it in stock. I seldom shop at Walmart, so this was a rare visit to the mega-chain franchise, and I was planning on just getting what I needed and head on my way. An older woman wearing a mask was at the entrance, and mumbled something about wearing a mask as I walked in, but I was in a hurry and so I just ignored her. Before long, I was surrounded by security and being threatened, which shocked me. I walked out of the store - forever. I will never buy another thing from Walmart, as long as I live. The cost of liberty is too precious to me. Somehow all those Chinese products sitting on the shelves of Walmart have apparently also imported China-style totalitarianism and communist tactics to make people comply to their orders. When I got back to my car I was actually shaking. I had never before in my life been treated like a criminal in public, and it was a very degrading and humiliating experience. Click through and read the full account in the article. As I write this today, Americans in New York are being subpoenaed and threatened with a $2000.00 a day fine if they fail to report to the authorities for contact tracing, simply because they attended an "unapproved party." In California, Governor Newsom has mandated that everyone must wear face masks in public, he has closed down many businesses again, he closed the beaches again for the July 4th weekend, and he told churches they can no longer sing during their services. All of these measures are happening right in the middle of summer when children and families should be outdoors and enjoying the summer. Deaths attributed to COVID are way down, but because they keep using these faulty tests to test more people than ever, the excuse now is that the virus is "spreading" just simply based on more positive test results. So obviously, something else is going on here, and we better wake up and start preparing for even worse times ahead. I know it is hard to endure ridicule for going against the crowd, but things are only going to get worse. Masks are the one thing almost everyone is fighting against right now, but efforts are in place to get everyone tested for COVID and put in place a global tracking system. Then COVID vaccines are right around the corner. So this is no time to shrink back and take the easy route, and to not "rock the boat." Those days are over. If getting kicked out of a store for not wearing a mask bothers you, trust me. You haven't seen anything yet....
Independence Day Under Dictatorship
This July 4th, much of the United States finds itself under various levels of dictatorial orders from renegade governors, county, and local officials. The US is under rule by decree, not by rule of law. Looking at the original list of grievances the Colonists had against King George, it looks like most of them are met - and then some - by our current system of government. Can we regain our independence? "You have to have a moral people that will respond in a positive way that life is precious, and that somebody else's life is as precious as yours."
Physician and Medical Journal Editor: Healthy People Should Not Wear Face Masks
During the COVID-19 pandemic, public health experts began telling us to follow a number of disease mitigation strategies that sounded reasonably scientific, but actually had little or no support in the scientific literature. Community wearing of masks was one of the more dangerous recommendations from our confused public health experts. We were frequently confused by the mixed messages coming from public health agencies. Early in the pandemic Dr. Fauci, the U.S. Surgeon General, and the WHO all told the public, in no uncertain terms, not to wear masks. Then, over the course of the next several weeks and months, the CDC twice changed their recommendations, as did the WHO, and the recommendations always contradicted each other! The CDC made the mistake of telling us cloth masks worked, and they even provided directions on their website for making homemade cloth masks. To clear up the confusion, I will show that the scientific evidence not only does not support the community wearing of face masks, but the evidence shows that healthy people wearing face masks pose serious health risks to wearers. Hiding our faces behind masks and isolating in our homes is not the solution, at least not for most people with healthy immune systems. Supporting the health of your immune system, confidently confronting all pathogens, and allowing herd immunity to develop and protect the vulnerable populations should be the goal. What's happening in the world today, including the misinformation surrounding community mask wearing, is about political agendas, symbolism, fear, and dividing and isolating the people. It has nothing to do with science.
Resisting the New World Order and Disinformation – News You May Not Have Heard Yet
The world is unraveling very fast before our very eyes. If you are someone who still believes that everything that has been happening has been unfortunate circumstances beyond our control, stop right here and read no further. Almost everything we are seeing today is being played out like a well-written script, with a master plan being put into place for a New World Order. I will provide some links at the end of this article for evidence of this, articles on the New World Order that we have published during the past couple of months. For those who are not being spoon-fed the propaganda being passed off as "news" in the corporate "mainstream" media, and instead are making great efforts to learn the truth by monitoring the alternative media, I want to present some news here that you may have missed during the past 7-10 days, as even I cannot report on this stuff fast enough to stay current. Many journalists in the alternative media are now beginning to sound the alarm over very disturbing events unfolding before us. There is almost a general consensus now that the life as we knew it is over. So the big question is, what comes next? Let me start with some reports from the past week that I have not had time to cover, and which are censored from the corporate media where you will never hear this kind of information.
Fluoride Toxicity Trial Update
The landmark federal trial pitting Fluoride Action Network (FAN) and others against the US EPA over water fluoridation came to a dramatic turning point Wednesday. FAN has argued that fluoride’s ability to impact the mental development of both the fetal and infant brain posed an unacceptable risk to millions of Americans (and others) drinking fluoridated public water supplies. The dramatic moment came when, after both sides had completed their summary statements, the federal judge surprised everyone by recognizing the key plank in the plaintiffs’ case and undermining the key argument in the EPA’s case. The judge said: “So much has changed since the petition was filed…two significant series of studies – respective cohort studies – which everybody agrees is the best methodology. Everybody agrees that these were rigorous studies and everybody agrees that these studies would be part of the best available scientific evidence. The EPA appears to have applied a standard of causation, which from my read of TSCA is not accurate. It’s not a proper allocation. It’s not the proper standard.” In short, after 20 years of work by FAN and its supporters, and 70+ years of campaigning by opponents of fluoridation since its inception, Wednesday felt like a moment in time where the validity of our objections was finally recognized on a world stage.
Will Americans Resist the “Second Wave” Lock Downs? Many New Yorkers Resisting Contact Tracing
The Ron Paul Liberty Report today addressed the issue of the corporate media hyping "hot spots" where supposedly cases of Coronavirus are now increasing again. Former FDA head Scott Gottlieb made the Sunday Talk Show circuit this past weekend, suggesting that the country may need to go into lock down again, which of course would have devastating effects on businesses trying to reopen this summer. Using publicly available government statistics, Dr. Paul and his co-host Daniel McAdams examined these claims, and concluded that even using their own statistics, it did not appear that these "hot spots" actually showed any increased danger. With more widespread testing, more people are being counted as "positive," and yet deaths attributed to COVID continue to decline. And while their statistics do show a recent spike in hospitalizations earlier this month, it shows they are declining again and that the overall trend is one of decline. So the important question facing Americans is, will they comply to another lock down based on these fear tactics? Or will enough people wake up and stop believing the lies and half truths about the Plandemic and see clearly enough to understand that the lock downs are far more dangerous than the reaction to the Plandemic? The future of America may depend upon just how many people choose NOT to comply with the new measures now being planned. Dr. Paul pointed out a recent article published in the New York Times that shows compliance with contact tracing in New York so far has been very low. He was hopeful that citizens in other states would also refuse to participate in contact tracing.
Fluoride Trial Week 1: Scientist Says He Was Threatened Because of Fluoride Study
The first week of the historic water fluoridation trial wrapped up on Friday afternoon after four days of occasionally tense testimony from expert witnesses with the Fluoride Action Network (FAN) and the U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). One expert witness claimed he had been coerced into signing a statement downplaying his study which claimed fluoride is a neurotoxicant. Another witness confirmed that at least one type of fluoride is a pesticide being added to the water supply. Attorneys with FAN argue that water fluoridation violates the 1970 Toxic Substances Control Act provisions which prohibit the “particular use” of a chemical which has been found to present an unreasonable risk to the general public. Under section 21 of the TSCA citizens are allowed to petition the EPA to regulate or ban individual chemicals. The EPA is represented by lawyers from the Department of Justice who are presenting experts from the corporate firm Exponent Inc. The government is defending water fluoridation and seeking a dismissal of the petition by the plaintiffs. The plaintiffs in the case include: FAN, Moms Against Fluoridation, Food & Water Watch, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology and the Organic Consumers Association. The corporate "mainstream" media is not covering the case at all.
Google Search is the Greatest Mind Control Brainwashing Tool in the History of Mankind
Operation Mockingbird and other sources have conclusively shown over the years that television media has been the primary way the CIA and other secret intelligence agencies have utilized to shape current cultural thought of the masses. Corporate news organizations and the Hollywood entertainment industries have been doing this for decades, and it is a well-known fact. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the Internet became more popular as more and more of the world's information, news, and data became digitized. Technology began to be developed to search through the massive volumes of data that were being digitized and put on the Internet, and soon the Internet became known as "The Great Equalizer" to combat the propaganda of the corporate giants controlling information flowing through radio and TV. Larry Page and Sergey Brin were students at Stanford University in California during this time, and they developed software code that allowed one to return Internet searches very quickly. Investors were investing heavily into tech companies during that time, and Page and Brin took advantage of that to secure large investors for their new Internet search company, Google. Google was presented to the public as an ethical, altruistic company in their early days. We trusted them as the "great equalizer" to quickly find information to combat the corporate propaganda we knew was being filtered through the "mainstream" corporate propaganda media. They quickly dominated the world in terms of search engine searches, so much so that their name became a verb synonymous with finding unbiased information: "Go Google it." Today, most of the world's online digital data is housed in the vast clouds of Google servers. But what if the controller of data was no longer simply offering up search results based on matching information, but was controlling that information to display search results that they wanted you to see, while suppressing other information they did not want you to see? If that were to happen, we would have a company much more powerful in terms of its ability to manipulate data as propaganda and steer people's thoughts and attitudes far more pervasively than anything the old corporate TV media could ever do. And that is exactly what is happening today, as Google's values are clearly on display by the information they censor, and by displaying what they want you to see, and they have been complicit in spreading the misinformation about the Plandemic, as it is obvious to see that their goals and values align with Big Pharma and the New World Order.
Full Steam Ahead: FCC Chairman Dismisses Pentagon, DoT, NOAA, and Energy Dept Opposition to 5G
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is supposed to protect Americans by regulating the telecom industry. Unfortunately, it never seems to work out that way on 5G or anything else. Opposition to 5G has been issued by many respected American government agencies including the U.S. Navy, NOAA, NASA, the Department of Defense, and more. Congress members have also asked that installation be slowed down during the pandemic. The FCC says no. Exposure to 5G and other sources of wireless radiation can reduce immunity and cause other health issues including increased cancer risk. Since 2018, there have also been reports of people and animals becoming sick after 5G was turned on.
Federal Lawsuit Could Limit Fluoride in Drinking Water
A landmark federal lawsuit that went to trial this week in California could change the longstanding practice of adding fluoride to the drinking water supplies for 200 million Americans. The lawsuit, brought against the Environmental Protection Agency by groups including the Fluoride Action Network, Food and Water Watch and Moms Against Fluoridation, would compel the agency to require local water utilities to stop adding fluoride to tap water. The suit claims fluoridated drinking water presents an unreasonable risk to public health and can harm the developing brain of young children and babies, causing an IQ deficit.