Alternative Health looks at alternative ways of treating illness apart from the medical system.

Central Bank Digital Currencies – A Future of Surveillance and Control

One of the most potentially far-reaching trends in the financial landscape right now is the imminent roll-out of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), and the parallel attacks which central bankers are waging on private digital currencies and tokens as they tee up the launch of their CBDCs. First some clarifications. While the majority of central bank issued currencies (fiat currencies) in existence around the world are already in digital form, a fiat currency held in digital form is not the same as a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). A CBDC generally refers to electronic or virtual central bank (fiat) money that is created in the form of digital tokens or account balances which are digital claims on the central bank. CBDCs will be issued by central banks and will be legal tender. CBDCs are not just a buzzword or a hazy innovation that may appear sometime in the distant future. They are actively being developed now, and in widespread fashion. 5 central banks have already launched a CBDC, 14 have a CBDC in pilot, 16 have a CBDC in development, and another 32 central banks are at the research stage with their CBDC. That makes 67 central banks (countries in total). Although central banks will claim that they are introducing CBDCs for reasons such as improving payments efficiency, boosting financial inclusion for the unbanked and tackling illicit transactions, their real motivations, as always, are for surveillance and control. Surveillance of a population via complete visibility into financial transaction flow and user identities, and centralized control of the money supply within a cashless financial system. Think China’s social credit system on a global dystopian scale, where vax passes evolve into digital IDs and digital IDs link to CBDC issuance and use. In fact, the entire coercion around implementing vaccine passports and digital IDs looks to be a pre-planned stepping stone for the roll-out of central bank digital currencies and global social credit systems.

REVOLUTION! Protesters Led by Construction Workers in Melbourne Shut Down Major Freeways Over COVID Tyranny and Mandatory Vaccines

It appears that we have a bona fide revolution unfolding in the city of Melbourne, Australia! Australia currently leads the world in medical tyranny as they have descended into a total medical police state in the past several weeks, with authorities desperately trying to keep the COVID narrative alive by trying to track every single movement of their citizens, force them to stay in their homes unless the government gives them permission to leave and go outside, and mandatory COVID-19 shots are being implemented for everyone to participate in society. Led by construction workers but also joined by other trade unions, people took to the streets of Melbourne en masse Tuesday, shutting down the busiest freeway in all of Australia for a while. The protesters say this will go on every day now, until the government meets their demands.

Massive Police Brutality Recorded in Australia During Rally for Freedom as Thousands Take to the Streets

A "World Wide Rally for Freedom" was heavily promoted in Australia the past couple of weeks for yesterday, September 18, 2021. The police state in Australia has become so bad that they are now tracking their citizens' cell phone usage and social media posts, trying to arrest would-be protesters and lock them in their homes even before rallies are started. Police were armed with pepper spray, and from some of the video clips I have seen they were all too willing to use it whenever they could. As could be expected, there was some push back. Here is a short video report I have put together. I was going to use the word "violent" to describe what happened in Australia yesterday between the citizens and the police, but honestly, we have not see real "violence" yet at these protests, although it is getting closer. The REAL violence is happening in the vaccine clinics where mass murder is still happening, as the vaccines are killing and crippling people. This is not happening at the protests, yet.

The Illusion of Getting Rich While Producing Nothing

By incentivizing speculation and corruption, reducing the rewards for productive work and sucking wages dry with inflation, America has greased the skids to collapse. Of all the mass delusions running rampant in the culture, none is more spectacularly delusional than the conviction that we can all get fabulously rich from speculation while producing nothing. The key characteristic of speculation is that it produces nothing: it doesn't generate any new goods or services, boost productivity or increase the functionality of real-world essentials. Like all mass delusions, the greater the disconnect from reality, the greater the appeal. Mass delusions gain their escape velocity by leaving any ties to real-world limitations behind, and by igniting the most powerful booster to human euphoric confidence known, greed. Lost in the mania of easy wealth from speculative trading is the absence of any value creation in the rotation-churn of moving bets from one table to the latest hot game: in flipping houses sight unseen, no functionality was added to the house. In transferring bets on one cryptocurrency to another or from one meme stock to another, no value to the economy or society was created. In the mass delusion that near-infinite wealth can be generated without producing anything, creating value has no value: the delusion is that I can get rich producing nothing but speculative gains, and then I can buy all the stuff somebody else is making. The fantasy powering the speculative frenzy is once I get rich, I'll stop working and live off my wealth. It's interesting, isn't it, how everyone can get rich via unproductive speculation, quit their jobs and then live off the productive work of somebody else who failed to get rich off speculation.

Is there an Asian Secret Society Planning to Take Down the West and the Rockefeller-Rothschild Empire?

Benjamin Fulford is a Canadian journalist who lives in Japan. He was the Asia-Pacific Bureau Chief for Forbes Magazine from 1998 to 2005, and states that he: "Quit in profound disgust over extensive corporate censorship and mingling of advertising and editorial at the magazine. If they dispute this, I invite them to sue me, any place, any time." He also previously was a Tokyo correspondent for the South China Morning Post, and a staff writer for the Nikkei Weekly and the Nihon Keizai Shimbun Newspaper. In 2007, his life apparently took a radical turn, as he interviewed the former Finance Minister of Japan, Heizo Takenada, and he says: "I confronted him with evidence that he had sold out the Japanese financial system to a group of financial companies controlled by David Rockefeller and the Rothschilds. The very next day, I got an email from someone who said he was introduced by Mr. Takenada and that he wanted me to meet somebody. The person I met gave me this Freemason badge and he said to me that he was a professional assassin, and that I could either... continue exposing people and die at the age of 46, or I could become basically Finance Minister of Japan." He goes on to explain that the very next day an Asian Secret Society contacted him, and offered him protection from the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. Fulford claims that this ancient Asian Secret Society has a membership of over 6 million, including 1.8 million Asian gangsters. He claims the other non-gangster members are among the highest levels of Asian society in Japan, Korea, China, Vietnam, and in all the Asian communities worldwide. These people all allegedly united after the first SARS outbreak happened in Asia in the early 2000s, because they believed that it was a bioweapon aimed at killing Asians. He says that the West is bankrupt, and is unable to pay their debts, and China holds a significant amount of that debt which will come due in a few weeks at the end of September. He mentions that Biden tried to call Chinese President Xi Jinping last week, but China blew him off. Fulford states that the Joe Biden administration has surrendered to China. The Asian Secret Societies, he claims, are trying to stop this. He discusses the "Dragon Family" that is "a group of Asian Royals" whom he claims controls the China Communist Party, and is "above" Taiwan, Japan, and China.

What does 911 and The Global War on Terror have in Common with Vaccines and the War on Viruses?

Today on September 11, 2021, we are facing unprecedented loss of civil liberties 20 years after the events of 911 due to a worldwide fear over a "virus," and what the politicians and the media claim is "the war on the virus" with COVID-19 declared to be the unseen enemy that threatens humanity. We are now facing a society where government will watch every single detail of our lives, all in the name of "security and safety," from this unseen enemy. The Globalists are finally in a position to be able to control every aspect of our lives via "Health Passports" and "Vaccine Passports." The economy is on the brink of collapse, and the Globalists have already laid out the plans to replace national currencies with a new central digital currency controlled by their central banks, where they will be able to not only track every single transaction people make, but also take away or limit this new currency based on social standards, and social credit scores, that they control. But this didn't just start with the "appearance" of the COVID-19 virus. This has been decades in the planning and implementation, and I think it is important that as we look at the anniversary of 911, that we look at just how we got to this point. The events of September 11, 2001 brought about sweeping changes about how the U.S. Government collects and uses data on its citizens, all in the name of "protecting" us from "terrorists." Likewise vaccines have a long history in this country of being mandated to "protect" us from these unseen enemies, usually called "viruses." From the moment a child is born in a U.S. hospital, and given its first vaccine, a record of that person's life is started that can be tracked throughout their life. I am republishing a video interview with Prof. Michel Chossudovsky, editor of Global Research, by James Corbett in 2016, where they discuss how the official narrative given to the public about the events of September 11, 2001, could not possibly be true. Two years before 911, in July of 1999, Barbara Loe Fisher, the co-founder of the National Vaccine Information Center, wrote an expose titled: The National Electronic Vaccine Tracking Registry - History of Forced Vaccination: How The Plan To Force Vaccination Gave Birth To The National ID, A Government Health Records Database, and the End of Medical Privacy. Yes, you read that correctly. That was published in 1999! I am also including a video tribute I created earlier this year to Barbara's 40-year history in fighting medical tyranny through vaccination.

US Airstrikes Have Killed Up To 48,000 Civilians Since 9/11

Airstrikes conducted by the United States have killed between 22,000 and 48,000 civilians since September 11, 2001, according to a report published Monday by Airwars, a military watchdog that monitors and seeks to reduce civilian harm in violent conflict zones. The new analysis, released ahead of the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and the retaliatory launch of the so-called "War on Terror," came just days after a U.S. drone strike killed at least 10 members of a single family in Kabul amid the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. Most media accounts point out that more than 7,000 U.S. service members have died in post-9/11 wars, but only some go on to state the massive civilian death toll, and "almost exclusively in generalities," researchers lamented. While Brown University's Costs of War project estimates that over 387,000 civilians have been killed as a result of the War on Terror, Airwars sought to answer a specific question: How many civilians have likely been killed by U.S. airstrikes in the last 20 years? The answer, Airwars found, is least 22,679, and potentially as many 48,308 civilians.

Worldwide Protests This Past Weekend the Corporate Media Won’t Report

All across the world there were massive protests against medical tyranny and COVID vaccine passports this past week, but most of these are not being reported by the corporate media. In Australia, people are reporting that the cell phones of truckers were blocked so that they could not communicate and take photos and videos of their nationwide strike, which is apparently still in effect. There have been videos of empty shelves in some grocery stores, but the corporate media is reporting that it has nothing to do with the trucker strike. South Australia, however, did drop their COVID-19 vaccine mandate for truck drivers. In France, the reports are that the demonstrations against the vaccine passports are getting larger and larger every weekend. I have put together a short video update, which also includes massive protests in Brazil, allegedly against pharmaceutical companies. The corporate media in Brazil has reported that at least 32,000 people have now died after taking one of the COVID shots. We are also now seeing video clips of local protests in the U.S. One in New York City over the Labor Day weekend, and one in Waikiki, Hawaii.

ACLU Turns its Back on Blacks, Latinos, Stands up for White Corporate America and Big Pharma with Mandatory COVID Shots as a “Civil Liberty”

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) made a mockery of the term "civil liberty" last week when they published a piece in the New York Times where they announced: "Far from compromising them, vaccine mandates actually further civil liberties. They protect the most vulnerable, people with disabilities and fragile immune systems, children too young to be vaccinated, and communities of color hit hard by the disease." What the ACLU is effectively doing here, is coming out against those who refuse mandatory COVID vaccines in New York. And who is that? Only 13.8% of Blacks in New York have at least one COVID-19 vaccine, and only 20.5% of Hispanic/Latinos have at least one COVID-19 vaccine, compared to 68.7% whites who have already received a COVID shot. (Source.) So the ACLU, which claims to stand up for the rights of minorities, is actually in favor of forcing these Blacks and Latinos who have a much more skeptical view of Government than most Whites, to be forced to receive something they clearly do not want. Looks like the ACLU's true colors are now exposed for all to see. They back fascist White America with their Wall Street Billionaires and Bankers who stand to profit the most from a higher percentage of the public being fully vaccinated for COVID, and they actually believe that forcing them to take an injection they do not want, is a "civil liberty." When the poor minorities in NYC are backed into a corner and can no longer get food stamps, Section 8 housing, unemployment, or medical services through Medicaid or Medicare without an unconstitutional mandatory injection that protects nobody but harms millions, they sure won't be calling on the ACLU to stand up for their rights.

People in the 21st Century Have Forgotten How to Resist Tyranny – Here’s a History Lesson from the Civil Rights Movement

As more and more people around the world finally start to wake up and understand that the "war against the virus" has been a plan from the beginning for tyrants to seize control of society and implement a medical police state that controls every aspect of our lives and enslaves us, they are beginning to venture out of their homes and take to the streets in protest. But protesting alone is not going to push back tyranny. As I watch video clips shot from people's cell phones during many of these protests, mostly outside the U.S. at this point as most Americans are still asleep, what I am seeing is a modern population who knows something is wrong and is trying to do something about it, but don't know how. When thugs who call themselves "police" gang up and beat the crap out of someone to make an example out of them, the crowds who are there just watch and video record it, even if they outnumber the police in some cases by more than 10 to one. History shows us that to fight tyranny and seek freedom from the tyrants, you have to be willing to count the cost, and sacrifice your own comfort and safety, even if it costs you your life. Because the alternative is slavery. And that is the choice that is facing nearly all citizens around the world today: do you want to live as slaves and allow the government to control every aspect of your life, or is freedom worth the price to put your own life on the line, both for you, your children, and future generations? Ranting on social media and accumulating "likes," starting petitions and getting lots of people to sign them, or filing lawsuits against the tyrants to try and make them do the right thing, is not going to work. And history bears this out as well. This is not a call to arms, although it may come to that. History shows that passive resistance to tyranny can be very effective, if enough people come together to resist the tyrants. In this article I want to highlight the historic protest march from Selma, Alabama, to Montgomery in 1965, as it has many lessons for us today.

Aussies Hoping for a Repeat of 1979 Truckie Blockade when the Government Backed Down to Truckers’ Demands

The stakes are much higher this time, but Aussies are hoping that a planned trucker blockade that is beginning Monday, August 30th, demanding "a guarantee from federal and state governments that there will be no mandated vaccine, and that no person, company or business can force anyone to get a vaccine to work, or go about their daily life in general,” will be as successful as the 1979 Truckie Blockade where truckers demanded an end to high road taxes. In the end, the government backed down and met all the truckers' demands. They became a legend in Australia for standing up against the government, and songs were even composed about them. Many truck drivers have gone on social media to talk about the blockade to take back Australia from medical tyranny over COVID and mandatory COVID vaccines that are about to be launched as this article is being published. A video report I put together last week has already been viewed by over a quarter of a million people on the Health Impact News network. Earlier today popular truckie Tony Fulton, co-creator of trucking app Truckwiz and the Facebook page Tones Truckin’ Stories, also made a statement, announcing that he was joining the protest. And apparently it is not only truckers who will be joining the protest. Police officers, doctors, politicians and "high ranking barristers" are reportedly going to join as well.

Will America Fall Just as Fast as Afghanistan? Because that’s Probably the Plan

I have not previously reported on anything happening in Afghanistan the past couple of weeks, because it is mostly a distraction and a psyop carefully orchestrated and advertised via the puppet corporate media who is controlled by the Wall Street bankers and billionaires who run the United States. The people calling the shots in Afghanistan are not politicians, and they cannot be "voted out of office." Since so much of what is being published about Afghanistan is wrong, or pure propaganda, including many in the alternative media (particularly the Conservative/Right alternative media blaming everything on Biden) who have no clue, I have decided to do one article on it, because the way the current infrastructure in Afghanistan so quickly fell apart and changed hands, is very likely an indication of what the Globalists have planned for the destruction of the United States as well.

Australian Truckers Warn Citizens to Stock Up on Food as They Prepare to Take Over the Country

Video messages from Australian truck drivers have surfaced in some of the alternative social media sites in recent days stating that they are going to take their country back, by going on strike and creating a blockade that will choke the supply chain. They are warning Australians to prepare, and stock up on food and basic necessities while they do this. They claim to have widespread support among "truckies" and also among military veterans. They recently had a "snap" protest in Sydney where dozens of trucks spanning miles lined up blowing their horns in a sign of solidarity against tyranny. I have put together a video report with messages from various truck drivers, as well as footage from the snap protest in Sydney.

The Secret Student Resistance to Hitler – Lessons for the Resistance Movement

In 1943, Allied aircraft rained tens of thousands of leaflets on Nazi Germany below. The leaflets urged readers to renounce Hitler, to fight furiously for the future— and to never give up hope. Their call to action rippled through homes and businesses— and their message even reached concentration camps. They were signed: the White Rose. Iseult Gillespie details the story of the resistance group. Before her execution, Sophie declared her fury at the state of her country. But she also spoke to a more hopeful future: "How can we expect righteousness to prevail when there is hardly anyone willing to give himself up individually to a righteous cause? Such a fine, sunny day, and I have to go. But what does my death matter, if through us, thousands of people are awakened, and stirred to action?"

New York Jews Embrace Nazism – Partner with IBM to “Show Your Papers”

The Jewish leaders of the Chatham Synagogue in New York make it very clear on their website that in order to worship at their premises, you must be both masked and vaccinated. As if this isn’t ridiculous enough they also ask that you show proof of being jabbed - suggesting an app that was created by a company directly involved in the slaughter of their own people. The Potsdam-based Jewish Congregation Beth El has similar requirements. Similarly, the Woodstock Congregation in New York demands that only vaccinated individuals attend their services. The same goes for attendees of the Jewish Temple Beth Tzedek in Buffalo, New York. It is not limited to synagogues. The Yeshiva University has a strict vaccination policy. They require all of their students to be injected with an emergency-use, unapproved, experimental gene therapy before they are allowed to attend classes. What is depressingly ironic and face-palm worthy about the above is the fact that all of these Jewish establishments list, as one of the options of proof of vaccination, the Excelsior Pass - a digital health pass developed through a partnership between New York State and IBM. Yes, IBM. The same IBM that in the 1930s helped Adolf Hitler to tag and identify the Jews of Europe, making it possible for his men to track them down, separate them from their families, segregate them, starve them, use them for slave labour, torture them and, ultimately, murder them. To think that Jewish people in Jewish-owned businesses, Jewish universities and Jewish synagogues are, once again, acquiescing to the same instruments of tyranny that almost caused their eradication from the face of the Earth over 80 years ago, is astonishing. For Jews, this is not a ‘New Normal’. There is nothing ‘new’ about any of this. It has all been done before.

The Evolving Definition of “Vaccine” in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary for 2021

The popular online dictionary,, has had the same definition for "vaccine" for several years. However, that definition has now been updated at least twice in 2021. It now includes examples of mRNA "vaccines" such as Moderna and Pfizer, "viral vector" vaccines such as J&J and AstraZeneca, and a completely new definition to cover some "vaccines" the military is working on: "a preparation or immunotherapy that is used to stimulate the body's immune response against noninfectious substances, agents, or diseases."

Army National Guard Recruits For ‘Internment’ And ‘Resettlement’ Specialist, Military Documents Lay Out Procedure For ‘Civilian Internees’

The Army National Guard is actively recruiting for a job position called “Internment/Resettlement Specialist.” People as young as seventeen years old are eligible for the gig, which includes “Search/Restraint” as “Some of the Skills You’ll Learn,” according to an Army National Guard job posting with a job location listed as Washington, D.C. Meanwhile, military documents show that the military can detain civilians here in America, including U.S. citizens.

Digital Health Passports: The Snare that will Lure Many into the One-World Cashless System

Several new technologies that appear separate and unrelated will soon converge, creating a giant digital trap that will easily entice the uninformed masses. The digital trap has already been set and globalist elites are using COVID to speed up the process of convergence. Most people will sleep-walk right into the trap, which will ultimately reduce them to a human QR code – trackable, traceable, and 100 percent dependent on Big Tech and big government for their existence. In a briefing Monday, Aug. 2, Biden’s Coronavirus Response Coordinator Jeffrey Zients announced “it’s time to impose some requirements” where COVID vaccines are concerned. When asked for clarification on exactly what COVID rules might be implemented, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said nothing is off the table. Remember that phrase: "Nothing is off the table." This could involve rounding up the unvaccinated and placing them in isolation and quarantine camps. Despite what anyone tries to tell you, separating Americans by vaccine status is a historic first. It has never before been tried, not through the polio or smallpox outbreaks of the 1920s, 30s and 40s, not during the Spanish Flu. Not ever. Yet another piece to the evolving techno-fascist puzzle is the new digital currency. The world’s central banks are working on a programmable digital currency based on block chain technology. This means they will be able to track your spending and shut you off for any reason. The goal is a comprehensive digital identity, combining one’s health data and vaccine status with banking and other personally identifiable data.

Australia Has Fallen – Europe and the U.S. Next?

Australia is now officially a biosecurity police state.

Is Pineapple Enzyme Bromelain a Remedy for COVID-19 Vaccine Injuries?

A Health Impact News subscriber from the UK emailed me today, heartbroken over some of the stories we have covered with people taking the COVID-19 injections and suffering horrible disabilities. He shared that he read about research in Australia using the enzyme bromelain, derived from pineapple, and its success in destroying the "spike protein in COVID-19," and decided to try using it as a therapy with an elderly woman who had received two COVID-19 injections and was now "magnetic." He reports that: "After taking this for just over a month she is now to my surprise no longer magnetic as I retested her!" Being familiar myself with bromelain, having used it as a digestive enzyme for years, since the days I lived in the Philippines back in the 1990s, I decided to look this up and see if I could find the research this person was referencing. I found two peer-reviewed studies that have been published since COVID-19 started, where it was being tested as an early treatment for COVID-19. One study looked at just bromelain, and another one (the one in Australia) looked at a compound of bromelain with Acetylcysteine (BromAc), which has been previously studied in cancer treatment.