Coronavirus Mysteriously has HIV Glycoprotein Inserts not Present in any other known Coronavirus
Folks, this coronavirus epidemic is getting more interesting and possibly scary. In this just published research, investigators found that that “spikes” exist in this strain not present in any other known coronavirus. Furthermore, these inserts are the same as certain glycoproteins in the HIV-1 virus. The authors state this is “unlikely to be fortuitous.” I am NOT a virologist. I am a clinician, and I humbly but honestly believe that I have far better clinical answers for problems like this than most all of conventional medicine combined. I want to follow this trail as it suggests something possibly diabolical could have transpired in China. While our Congress is wasting time, energy, and lots of money in a vain effort by one party to remove the elected president of another party, it seems much better use of such energy could go into understanding what is going on and finding some REAL protection for our people. Again, I suggest you see the recent video I posted on ozone and coronavirus (see below). I do plan to continue educational YouTube videos on this and related subjects. I humbly ask that you share with others.