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    Essential Oils Support Physical and Emotional Well-Being

    Your sense of smell exerts surprising influence over your thoughts, emotions, moods, memories, and behaviors. Aromatherapy allows you to harness the olfactory power of plants, using their essential oils to enhance your physical and emotional health. Essential oils have been scientifically shown to be particularly helpful in treating stress, mood, sleep, pain, nausea, memory, and energy. A recent study revealed that humans can distinguish more than one trillion sensory stimuli, instead of 10,000 as previously thought. Scents can actually change your nervous system biochemistry.

      Toxic Fragrances and Scents are Destroying People’s Health: How One Boy Nearly Died from Airborne Anaphylaxis

      When we published John Thomas' article earlier this year, Is Your Health Being Destroyed by Other People’s Toxic Fragrances?, some people commented that this statement made by John was over-exaggerating: "Secondhand fragrance contamination should be the number one health problem being addressed by the public health system in America, but it doesn’t even show up on the list of current priorities." However, others emailed us and thanked us for giving exposure to this national health crisis, because they have experienced it firsthand. It is not a topic that gets much exposure in the media, not even in the alternative health media. But there are many thousands of people suffering debilitating illnesses due to airborne chemicals in fragrances and scented products, and most of the rest of us are probably affected without even realizing it. Rosa Silk is one of the people who emailed us, and shared her son's story of how his life and health has been ruined by other people's fragrances. She asked us to publish his story, and the publishers at AllergicLiving.com have given us permission to bring you the story of her son's battle with airborne anaphylaxis, and her fight to pass legislation that would offer some protection from the chemical industry.

        Can Snopes be Trusted on Health Issues?

        In the past we have had quite a few people comment on various Facebook pages that certain stories we wrote were "proven false" by Snopes.com, forcing us to take a closer look at just who Snopes.com is, and what exactly they are supposedly finding "false" regarding our articles. Who is Snopes.com, and can you trust them for health information?

          1162 Lawsuits Filed Against Pfizer for Damages due to Lipitor

          Lawsuits filed against Pfizer for their blockbuster cholesterol-lowering drug Lipitor reached 1162 cases filed in August. Almost all of theses cases have been filed since April, when a new study was released linking Type 2 diabetes in women with the popular statin drug. Attorneys filing claims for the victims have stated the cases could well reach 10,000. Cholesterol-lowering statin drugs are a $100 billion a year industry. Lipitor is by far the most profitable drug in the history of mankind among all pharmaceutical products, let alone being the most profitable cholesterol drug before its patent expired at the end of 2011. Sales to date from this one particular cholesterol-lowering statin drug have exceeded $140 billion. Lipitor benefited from the change in marketing laws in 1997 that allowed pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. to advertise their products directly to consumers. Pfizer convinced an entire generation of Americans that they needed a pill to lower their cholesterol in order to prevent heart disease, in what will go down as one of the most brilliant and unethical marketing schemes of all time. After Lipitor’s patent expired at the end of 2011, the FDA issued its first warnings against statin drugs, which includes: liver injury, memory loss, diabetes, and muscle damage. Soon after issuing these warnings, the lawsuits started trickling in. Today, with more and more studies being published linking statin drug use to various side effects, those lawsuits have become a tidal wave, even though you are not likely to hear much about this in the mainstream media.

            CDC Autism Scandal: Tsunami of Anger is Brewing and About to Explode

            I don't know if the fact that CNN is headquartered in Atlanta, the same city where the CDC has its headquarters, has anything to do with it, but an editorial decision was made by someone at CNN to embed a video at the top of their report on the CDC whistleblower from earlier in 2014 where health correspondent Elizabeth Cohen states that within all of the dangerous side-effects of vaccines, autism is not listed. She then rephrased for those needing help understanding her, explaining that “Some people don’t hear this well: vaccines do not cause autism.” This editorial decision to include this video by CNN, could go down as one of the biggest blunders by a major news network of all time. The result has been that thousands of families who have children that have been damaged by vaccines that resulted in autism, have begun to post videos on the Autism Media YouTube channel on a page called: "Hear this Well: Breaking the Silence on Vaccine Violence." As you watch the anger and heartache in the videos posted in response to CNN's Elizabeth Cohen's remarks, be aware that this is just the beginning. This pent up sentiment based on real experiences is currently a tidal wave that is quickly becoming a tsunami. The mainstream media has no idea what they are up against yet.

              Asian Farmers and Scientists Say No to GMO Golden Rice

              GM Golden Rice was developed at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines with the hope that it could provide more vitamin A through beta carotene. The project was a huge disaster, however, and basically shelved for years. But then Bill Gates came along, the college-drop-out-turned-billionaire who started Microsoft Corp., looking for something to spend his billions of dollars to promote. All of a sudden, with big money providing jobs to pursue a failed project, GM Golden Rice has new life. There are multiple problems with GMO Golden Rice, including the fact that the people from rice-producing countries do not want it! Recently many top scientists and farmer advocates from rice-producing countries met in the Philippines in an effort to try and stop more field testing, and the commercialization of Golden Rice. The science behind Golden Rice does not prove benefits, and it threatens genetic diversity among traditional rice varieties which is necessary in many parts of the world that experience natural and man-made disasters. Like any GMO seed crop, Golden Rice would take the future of farming in rice-producing countries away from the control of the farmers and give it to multinational corporations that would then control the rice seed supplies. MASIPAG (Farmer-Scientist Partnership for Development) in the Philippines hosted the event earlier this year, and has recently provided video interviews from some of the participants in English.

                Former Staff Lead on Original Congressional Investigation Looking at Vaccine Injuries Speaks Out on CDC Fraud

                Beth Clay was the staff lead on the original House Oversight Committee’s investigation looking into concerns about vaccine injuries in 1999. Working in Congress, she had a genuine desire to find the truth and find solutions regarding the rapidly increasing autism rates. What she found during her time in Congress, however, shocked her. So the recent revelations of Dr. Thompson, the CDC whistleblower, are not really "news" to her. Sadly, a government agency withholding information about a link between vaccines and autism is representative of the kind of fraud she too observed during her years in Congress. She has decided to speak out on the fraud she observed during her years in Congress.

                  Study: Virgin Coconut Oil Reduces Symptoms of Chemo – Improves Quality of Life for Breast Cancer Patients

                  Once again, research into the health benefits of coconut oil is mainly being done outside of the U.S., primarily in coconut-producing countries. Here in the U.S., only pharmaceutical drugs can make health claims, by law. The FDA regulates all health claims, and only allows pharmaceutical companies that have gone through the lengthy and costly drug approval process to make such claims. No company in the U.S. would spend that kind of money on research for a product found in nature that cannot be patented. A study just published in the journal Lipids in Health and Disease looked at Malaysian women suffering from breast cancer. The study discovered that stage 3 and 4 breast cancer women who supplemented their diet with virgin coconut oil during breast cancer treatment improved fatigue, dyspnea, sleep difficulties, and loss of appetite compared to the control group. Virgin coconut oil consumption during chemotherapy also helped improve the functional status and global Quality Of Life of these breast cancer patients. In addition, it reduced the symptoms related to side effects of chemotherapy.

                    CDC Director of Immunization Safety Admits Bias and Withholding Data Linking Vaccines to Autism

                    In what is quickly becoming one of the largest news stories in our lifetime, things are just getting worse for the CDC and their cover-up of data linking vaccines to autism. Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson has posted a recorded phone call she just had with Dr. Frank DeStefano, the CDC Director of Immunization Safety. Dr. DeStefano was a co-author with CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson on a 2004 study that originally was put forward as research showing there was no link between vaccines and autism. Dr. Thompson has come forward and revealed that data was withheld from the public that showed an increased risk of autism in certain populations, specifically African American boys. The CDC has already made a public announcement admitting that they did withhold some data. Dr. DeStefano has publicly stated that while he will reveal the data again, but that he is standing by the original study. A new audio recording of a conversation he just had with independent investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson has just been posted on the Internet. In this interview, Dr. DeStefano, who is not a whistle-blower, has come out with his own confession of bias and way of interpreting data so that it does not have to be shared with the public if it is not favorable with what they want to communicate regarding vaccines. Dr. DeSefano and the CDC is being forced to answer questions like this (which unfortunately the mainstream media as of yet are NOT asking) because his co-author on the study, Dr. William Thompson, has hired one of the top whistleblower attorney's in the nation so that he can come forward and reveal all the data the CDC has been hiding in regards to vaccines and autism.

                      60+ Natural ALS Cures the “Ice Washing” Campaign Isn’t Funding!

                      In a previous article we published on where funds donated to the ALS Association are being spent, we showed that a small percentage was actually spent on research, and even then only on pharmaceutical products. This has been our most popular story of the year so far. Sayer Ji brings us a great review of over 60 natural cures that have published research on helping ALS. He also shows how some of the corporate sponsors of the ALS Association are pharmaceutical companies producing drugs that are linked to the cause of ALS!

                        MSM Marginalizes CDC Whistleblower Story on Vaccine-Autism Coverup

                        CNN was the first mainstream media (MSM) outlet to publish a story on the CDC whistleblower story linking vaccines to autism. Predictably, CNN marginalized this story on their website, and then posted a video from their TV network which said nothing about the CDC whistleblower Dr. William Thompson, but simply reiterated the MSM's belief that all vaccines are safe and do not cause autism. They have posted a video that incorrectly represents facts regarding infant mortality and current whooping cough outbreaks that are occurring among fully vaccinated populations. How can we trust anything CNN says on the vaccine issue if they misrepresent such basic facts regarding vaccines that are easily verified by 3rd party sources? This story regarding the CDC cover-up has become too big for the MSM to ignore. They have to address it, but predictably they will continue to cover the story from their own belief system that the vaccine-autism debate is over, and that only one side of the debate should be heard. For those reporters that would dare to cover both sides of the debate, they will soon be without a career in MSM. So perhaps the American public needs to wake up and acknowledge this fact, and research the issue for themselves. A current senior scientist working for the CDC who has regrets over his participation in covering up data linking vaccines to autism is something worth taking some time to research.

                          Using Coconut Oil in Cold Drinks

                          Cold drinks are a popular summer staple that coffeehouses and restaurants make a killing off of every year with their ridiculous prices. However, there is little need to buy them. Making most of these drinks at home is easy, not to mention with far more healthy potential when you control what goes into them. Adding coconut oil to your blended cold drinks is one way to get your daily dose of coconut oil without it being bothersome or boring. Not only that, but the addition of coconut oil will also give your endurance and energy a boost, keeping you going throughout the day or acting as a quick pick me up along with some natural fruit as the day drags on.

                            Study: Legalizing Medical Marijuana Leads to Fewer Prescription Drug Overdose Deaths

                            A study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine on Monday found that states that had legalized medical marijuana had seen a 25 percent drop in deaths related to prescription drug overdoses. According to ABC News, the researchers conducting the study found that because “legalizing medical marijuana makes it more available to chronic pain patients, it provides a potentially less lethal alternative to pain control on a long-term basis.” Over the course of the study, the states studied were the ones that allowed access to medical marijuana. The Washington Post reported that those states “had 1,729 fewer overdose deaths in 2010 than would be predicted by trends in states without such laws.” Dr. Marcus Bachhuber, a physician and researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, and the lead author of the study, told ABC News that while he did expect to see changes among the states that legalized medical marijuana, he found it “surprising that the difference is so big.”

                              CDC Whistleblower: Mercury in Vaccines Given to Pregnant Women Linked to Autism

                              Today, the Autism Media Channel released a short video where CDC whistle-blower Dr. William Thompson states, in a phone call to Dr. Brian Hooker, that injecting mercury into pregnant women creates a "clear and present danger" to the unborn child. Thimerosal, a form of mercury used as a preservative in vaccines, was removed from most childhood vaccines a few years ago, but is still in the annual flu shot, which is recommended for pregnant women. Dr. Thompson, in the video below, insists that this mercury in vaccines causes "tics" in children, and these tics are 4 times more prevalent in kids with autism. "Tics" are defined on the CDC website as: "Tics are sudden twitches, movements, or sounds that people do repeatedly. People who have tics cannot stop their body from doing these things. For example, a person with a motor tic might keep blinking over and over again. Or, a person with a vocal tic might make a grunting sound unwillingly." Watch the short 1 minute video.

                                CDC Responds: Admits Omitting Vaccine Data Linking Vaccines to Higher Rates of Autism

                                While the mainstream media continues to ignore what is becoming the biggest news event of the year, the CDC is scrambling to respond to damaging data that they were forced to release earlier this year clearly showing they had data linking vaccines to autism that they hid from the public. This issue can longer be hidden since one of the top researchers within the CDC, who co-authored several of the studies that supposedly showed no link between vaccines and autism, has decided to become a whistle-blower. He has yet to make an official statement, and it is thought that his attorney is seeking official whistle-blower status before he does so. The CDC, on the other hand, has responded to Dr. Brian Hooker's newly published study reanalyzing a 2004 CDC study that excluded data showing a significant increase in autism among African American boys who were vaccinated with the MMR vaccine. They supplied a response to the Next News Network, admitting they excluded certain data, and the reasons for doing so. Next News interviewed Dr. Hooker to discuss the CDC response. Dr. Hooker, through a 10-year legal battle with the CDC and hundreds of Freedom of Information requests, finally received the entire data sets from the CDC after Congressman Bill Posey stepped in to put pressure on them to release it. We also now know that Dr. Hooker was in contact for more than a year with an insider in the CDC who has become a whistle-blower, which undoubtedly applied pressure on the CDC to obey the law and release the data. In this interview, Dr. Hooker states that the CDC is lying in their response, and the reason they are doing so is to protect the reputation of the MMR vaccine. He also points out that the CDC purchases $4 billion of vaccines from the vaccine industry every year, and are the last ones who should be trusted to do studies on vaccine safety due to their huge conflict of interest.

                                  20 Amazing Health Benefits of Tomatoes That Should Make Them A Daily Staple In Your Diet

                                  Just one serving a day of tomato-based foods can have an incredibly beneficial effect on your health. Not only can they reduce heart disease, but they could potentially prevent and reverse dozens of diseases if eaten daily. This is one fruit you don't want to leave out of your diet.

                                    Making Coconut Oil Tasteless in Cooking

                                    With the saturated fat myth slowly dying out, coconut oil has quickly risen to be a popular and ideal cooking oil. Coconut oil has a bounty of health benefits and is easily customizable. This versatile nature makes it ideal for many different styles of cooking and dishes. However, not everyone is a fan of the flavor. Here are some tips on making coconut oil tasteless in cooking.

                                      Social Workers Snatch Sick Kids Away from Parents on Fake Diagnosis

                                      The Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) helps defend parents who chose to educate their children at home from medical tyranny and abuse. They are a non-profit organization that depends on contributions and membership fees to provide free legal representation. They have successfully litigated cases on parental rights all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. HSLDA recently announced they had taken on a case in Virginia where social workers removed two children from the home where they lived with their parents over a fake psychological diagnosis.

                                        Is 16-Year-Old Boy Seized from Mother Being Used in Medical Research?

                                        It has been 4 months since Cook County officials and Lurie Children’s Hospital seized custody of 16-year-old Isaiah Rider from his mother Michelle Rider because she disagreed with his treatment and wanted to transfer him to another hospital. Isaiah suffers from a condition called neurofibromatosis, and his mother originally brought him to Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago because they had specialists on staff trained to treat this disease. But when Isaiah's condition, which includes severe pain, was not getting any better, she decided to transfer him to a different hospital. As a result, Lurie Children's Hospital stepped in and seized custody. Isaiah has recorded a video in support of his mother, who he is not allowed to see anymore. In the report blow by Fox4kc, Michelle explains why she thinks they may be holding Isaiah: to do medical research. The top researchers in the world for neurofibromatosis are at Lurie Children's Hospital, and the specialists there have previously told her that Isaiah's case is "very rare."

                                          Therapeutic Use of the High-Fat Low-Carb Ketogenic Diet in Autism Spectrum Disorders

                                          A new study published in Frontiers in Pediatrics has concluded that the high-fat low-carb ketogenic diet may improve mitochondrial function in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The ketogenic diet was originally developed at John Hopkins Hospital in the 1920s to treat children with epilepsy. The diet has proved successful over a long period of history of stopping seizures in children where drugs fail. The diet fell out of favor in recent years, due to the bias against saturated fats. However, with several meta-studies being published in recent years showing that there is no scientific basis of linking saturated fat consumption to heart disease, the ketogenic diet is being studied in many disease applications, including cancer, diabetes, and neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and ALS. There have also been studies conducted and published regarding the ketogenic diet's effect on ASD. One study published last year (2013) in France showed a ketogenic diet improves multiple autistic behaviors.