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    UK Doctors Speak out on Dangers of Increase in Cholesterol-lowering Statin Drug Use

    Millions of people over the age of 50 risk harming their health if they follow new NHS guidance telling them to take statins, leading doctors have warned the Health Secretary. Proposals to advise 12 million people to take the drugs could have “worrying” consequences because the plans were borne out of an “overdependence” on studies funded by the pharmaceutical industry, they say. The group cites research, independent of the drug industry, showing that statins have been associated with a 48 per cent increase in the risk of diabetes in middle-aged women. Other potential side effects could include depression, fatigue and erectile dysfunction, they warn.

      How To Cleanse With Juicing and Juice Fasting

      Drinking just one freshly pressed juice each day is a reliable way of infusing your body with a wide variety of vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that can protect your cells against premature aging and disease. A juice fast can actually help the body heal from chronic disease.

        National Vaccine Choice Leader Calls for Vaccine Policy & Law Reform To Protect Human and Civil Rights

        Medical tyranny is dangerously gaining traction all across the United States, where the State believes they have greater authority than parents in deciding health matters for children, such as vaccinations. Financed by a powerful and rich pro-pharma lobby, parental rights to make health decisions for their own children are being attacked in many states. There is opposition, however, and a recent case in Colorado proved that if parents become active and fight for their rights, it is possible to stem this tide of medical tyranny. Health Impact News encourages everyone concerned about health freedom and parental rights to join and support the National Vaccine Information Center. The National Vaccine Information Center is launching a national campaign to secure vaccine safety and informed consent protections in state vaccine policies and laws. If the state can tag, track down and force individuals against their will to be injected with biological products of known and unknown toxicity today, there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow. It's time to stand up and protect our rights. What you choose to do, what we all choose to do right now will determine what kind of America we leave to our children and grandchildren.

          Justina Pelletier: Please Let me go Home!

          Justina Pelletier has been held in custody against her will, and against the will of her family, for over a year, simply because a group of doctors at Boston Children's Hospital disagreed with her diagnosis by her physician at Tuft's Medical Center. Justina's family was referred to some specialists at Boston Children's Hospital regarding her condition, mitochondrial disease, but instead a different set of doctors intervened and said her condition as psychological. When the parents disagreed, they were escorted by security out of the hospital and ended up losing custody of their daughter who was originally confined to a psychiatric ward at the hospital. Justina herself is never present at court hearings where Judge Joseph Johnston has refused to return her custody to her parents, so her voice in the matter is never heard. Her family recorded the above video so people can hear Justina's voice in the matter.

            Mumps Vaccine Proves Ineffective as Outbreaks Among Fully Vaccinated Increase

            Americans are vaccinated against mumps through the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) shot, which is also one of the more dangerous vaccinations. But in the early 2000s, researchers began to notice an alarming pattern: those vaccinated against mumps were still becoming ill with it—at alarming rates. This worrisome trend is accelerating: in April 2014, the New Jersey Department of Health warned of an outbreak of mumps at the Stevens Institute of Technology. Eight cases of mumps were confirmed—yet all of those infected had been fully vaccinated with two documented doses of the MMR shot. What’s going on here? Is the vaccine losing its efficacy—or was it never effective in the first place? Instead of acknowledging the vaccine’s problems, the CDC and mainstream media blame people who don’t vaccinate.

            Cover-up Scandal: CDC’s Vaccine Research Exposed as Flawed and Falsified

            Just months after U.S. Congressman Bill Posey compared the Center for Disease Control (CDC)’s vaccine safety studies to the SEC’s Bernie Madoff scandal, malfeasance in the CDC’s studies of thimerosal-containing vaccines has, for the first time, been documented in peer-reviewed scientific literature. Dr. Boyd Haley, international expert in mercury toxicity and a co-author of the recently published paper said “There is no doubt that authorities in the CDC have initiated and participated in a cover-up of vaccine-induced damage from thimerosal to our children----and this I consider criminal. The paper, "Methodological Issues and Evidence of Malfeasance in Research Purporting to Show Thimerosal in Vaccines is Safe," was published on June 6 and contains eight pages of evidence that the CDC has had knowledge of the vaccine preservative’s neurological risks, yet continues to cover them up.

              1 in 5 Elderly US Patients Injured by Medical Care

              A new study of more than 12,500 Medicare patients (with an average age of 76) found that nearly one in five suffer from medical injuries when receiving care. Two-thirds of the injuries occurred during outpatient care (such as doctor’s offices) rather than in hospitals. The often-preventable injuries were the direct result of medical care or management, not a result of the patient’s underlying condition. Past research has suggested at least 210,000 Americans are killed by preventable hospital errors each year.

                Big Pharma want to “Protect” the Elderly from “Dangers” of Coconut Oil and Natural Supplements

                A new study has been published by a psychiatrist working for a VA hospital educating other psychiatrists on how to protect their patients against the dangerous side effects from coconut oil and other natural supplements. However, with no recorded deaths due to the side effects of coconut oil or other natural supplements in recent years, and with the medical community themselves admitting that over 100,000 people a year die from their prescription drugs, one has to wonder who is really being "protected" with this advice?

                  3 Types of Foods You Probably Didn’t Know Have MSG

                  Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is not a nutrient, vitamin, or mineral and has no absolutely no health benefits. It is a processed food and pharmaceutical additive that is an extremely dangerous neurotoxin (excitotoxin) that kills brain cells in the hypothalamus and has been linked to migraines, seizures, ADD/ADHD, heart palpitations and is now officially officially linked to obesity and disorders associated with metabolic syndrome including progressive liver disease. What is more shocking is that it's found in three types of foods most people are not even aware of.

                    Blackmail? U.S. Tells El Salvador to Buy U.S. GMO Seeds or Lose Millions in Aid

                    The Latin American countries are waking up to the fact that most of the world's export market does not want GMO food. Brazil recently increased their export of corn to China, for example, when China rejected U.S. genetically modified corn that was not approved in China. With an apparent eye to the potential export market for non-GMO corn, a court in Brazil banned approval of further GMO corn in the country. Likewise, judges in Mexico seem to also be waking up to the dangers of GMO corn and have recently banned GMO corn in some provinces. Unfortunately, the biotech industry responsible for producing GMO seeds in America has tremendous political power. We have documented in the past how the U.S. State Department has tried to force European countries to adopt made-in-the-USA GMO seeds. We have also documented how the United States has used their military might to force occupied countries to adopt our GMO seeds, at the expense of local agriculture. So it should come as no surprise that the United States is now trying to pressure Latin American countries to buy our GMO seeds. Sustainable Pulse is reporting that the U.S. is tying 277 million dollars in aid relief to El Salvador to a condition that they buy our GMO seeds. We can only hope that these poorer countries will resist this kind of political blackmail and walk away from tainted U.S. funds to develop their own export markets from countries and sources demanding non-GMO products.

                      Minnesota Becomes First State to Ban Triclosan in Antibacterial Soap

                      Gov. Mark Dayton signed a bill to make Minnesota the first state to prohibit the use of triclosan in most retail hygiene products, including antibacterial soaps. The FDA estimates that the antibacterial agent can be found in 75 percent of antibacterial liquid soaps and body washes. Issues that have raised concern about antibacterial soaps include its role in the development of super-bugs, environmental concerns, and human exposure risks.

                        Is Your Health Being Destroyed by Other People’s Toxic Fragrances?

                        Secondhand fragrance contamination should be the number one health problem being addressed by the public health system in America, but it doesn’t even show up on the list of current priorities. Fragrances used in perfume, cologne, air fresheners, and scented laundry products are manufactured from petroleum or coal tar by the use of chemistry. They are synthetic or artificial, and they are chemical concoctions that are toxic to all people. Dr. Anne Steinemann, an internationally recognized scientist who helps people create healthier living and working environments, stated: "In my epidemiological studies, I found that nearly 30% of the US population experiences adverse health effects when they are exposed to fragranced products."

                          Study: Fasting Regenerates New Immune System after Chemotherapy

                          "If you start with a system heavily damaged by chemotherapy or aging, fasting cycles can generate, literally, a new immune system." “We could not predict that prolonged fasting would have such a remarkable effect in promoting stem cell-based regeneration of the hematopoietic system,” said corresponding author Valter Longo.

                            Thousands in Baby Graves Scandal were used in Secret Vaccine Trials in the 1930s

                            The Irish Daily Mail has published an alarming report which outlines how scientists in Ireland secretly vaccinated more than 2,000 children in religious-run homes in the 1930s in suspected illegal drug trials. The Daily Mail is reporting that the scandal was revealed after the discovery of 800 infants buried in a septic tank outside a former mother and baby home in Tuam, Co. Galway. So far no U.S. mainstream media outlets are reporting anything about the developing scandal as Irish premier Enda Kenny orders a full investigation.

                              Illnesses from Raw Milk less Severe than Illnesses and Deaths due to Pasteurized Milk

                              David Gumpert recently published an insightful blog post demonstrating how the mainstream media treats outbreaks of illnesses due to milk. If there are illnesses due to drinking fresh raw milk, it is presented as a public health hazard and something that should be banned, even though there have been no recorded deaths due to drinking raw milk in the past 15 years. When illnesses and deaths occur due to pasteurized milk, however, it is glossed over in the mainstream media, and the fact that the milk was pasteurized as commercial processed milk is not even mentioned in the story. The official position in the mainstream media is that fresh raw milk directly from the farm is dangerous, while store-bought pasteurized processed milk is safe. This is a false belief not supported by the data. As we have previously reported, the raw milk debate is not a debate about food safety as the government, Big Dairy, and the pharmaceutical industry would like you to believe. The most dangerous foods in your local grocery store, causing the most outbreaks of deaths and illnesses, are in the fresh produce department, and the meat sections. And then if you want to include deaths due to FDA approved prescription drugs, the comparison becomes even more absurd.

                                Homemade Coconut Oil Deodorant Recipe with Essential Oils

                                Deodorants can be among the most toxic skin care products on the market. Commercial deodorants often contain toxic ingredients such as aluminum and parabens. Parabens are found in 99 percent of breast cancer tissues, for example. You can make your own non-toxic deodorant with virgin coconut oil and essential oils with my recipe below. This recipe is designed to fill a wide-mouth glass jar, so that you can use your fingers to apply. Many commercial deodorants are "roll-ons," which means you are reapplying toxins from your sweat back into your armpits each time you use it. With the paste-like consistency of this recipe, you can use your clean fingers to apply under each arm. By using virgin coconut oil and pure essential oils, you are putting healthy antioxidants and plant extracts into your skin.

                                  NJ Appeals Court Rules in Favor of Nurse who Refused Flu Vaccine

                                  The resistance among nurses and other healthcare workers to submit to mandatory flu vaccinations as a condition of employment is growing. Many nurses who have lost their jobs for refusing the flu vaccination are taking legal action against employers who violate their health freedom rights as they choose not to receive a toxic flu vaccine. One of those cases in litigation was settled this week in a New Jersey appeals court, where a three-judge panel ruled in favor of a nurse who was unfairly denied unemployment benefits after she was fired for refusing a flu shot without claiming a religious or medical exemption.

                                    Non-Toxic Skin Toner Recipe with Apple Cider Vinegar

                                    A toner is an extremely beneficial addition to your skincare routine, but there’s no need to spend your hard earned money on a bunch of frosty glass bottles and watered down alcohol solutions. Most toners on the market use alcohol or witch hazel as their main ingredient, but the best toner I have ever come across contains only two natural ingredients: water and apple cider vinegar.

                                      Chicago Sues 5 Big Pharma Firms for Creating Opioid Painkiller Addicts

                                      This story out of Chicago is news only because it shows the cost municipalities must bear to deal with the increasing prescription drug abuse in treating the addicts of painkillers. The lawsuit itself will not be motivation for pharmaceutical companies to change their ways. They are already the largest criminals in the U.S., having paid out billions of dollars in fines and criminal settlements, all as part of the "cost of doing business." Sidney Wolfe of the British Medical Journal wrote an editorial last year explaining that criminal activities by pharmaceutical companies is increasing, due to insufficient penalties. Deaths due to prescription drug abuse of painkillers now exceeds deaths due to heroin and cocaine combined. Yet pharmaceutical companies remain in business pushing their drugs, while millions of users of "illegal drugs" go to prison each year as a result of the "war on drugs."

                                        MCT Oil vs. Coconut Oil: The Truth Exposed

                                        There is a lot of misinformation on the Internet regarding the differences between MCT oil and coconut oil. Is MCT oil better than coconut oil, as many bloggers today would like you to believe? How can a product that has the most famous and most dominant medium chain fatty acid (lauric acid) removed from the original product be considered "better"? How many people realize that "MCT oil" is simply a by-product of coconut oil after the more valuable lauric acid has been removed?