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South Dakota Commits Shocking Genocide Against Native Americans by Abducting Their Children

Genocide is not too strong a term for what is now happening in South Dakota. The huge, shocking violation of legal and human rights being carried out by the state is tantamount to genocide against the Native American nations, the Lakota, Dakota and Nakota Sioux, residing within its borders. It is the abduction and kidnapping by state officials, under the cover of law, of American Indian children. South Dakota is committing blatant and flagrant genocide against the Sioux people by transferring Indian children to white homes, and also amid allegations of sexual abuse and drugging of Native children in DSS foster care. This is a most serious case of ethnic cleansing.

Why are Medical Professionals who Deliver Babies in Hospitals Choosing to have their Own Babies at Home?

It used to be one of the best-kept secrets in the medical profession. Doctors, when they talked openly about it, were met with raised eyebrows and worried looks. They were ridiculed by their colleagues, lost professional standing, and were sometimes even browbeaten into leaving their jobs. But now an increasing number of doctors, labor and delivery nurses, certified nurse midwives, physician assistants, and other medical professionals are choosing to birth their babies at home. And these doctors and other medical professionals are talking more openly about having home births than they ever have before.

Health Impact News Launches MedicalKidnap.com

Health Impact News has launched a new website to specifically publish stories of families who have had their children removed from their custody by medical professionals using local social service agencies, such as CPS (Child Protection Services). Health Impact News has learned that these "medical kidnapping" cases are not isolated cases, but a systemic problem throughout the United States. Since publishing stories of medical kidnappings happening in Boston, Chicago, and Phoenix, many other families have contacted us to tell similar stories. The latest story just published involves a 4 month old baby who was removed from the custody of both parents in Texas for a medical dispute.

Prescription Drugs Now Factor in Higher Percentage of Fatal Car Crashes Than Alcohol or Marijuana

Prescription drugs and multiple drug combinations are frequently found in the blood of drivers involved in fatal car crashes on US roads, according to a new study in Public Health Reports. Drivers today are more likely to test positive for drugs than drivers 20 years ago, and drugged drivers are now likely to be older than 50. Gone are the days when drunk drivers were our only concern—alcohol is but one of MANY drugs that can make you dangerous behind the wheel. And now many people are on multiple drug cocktails, especially prescription drugs, which multiplies their impairment.

Use of Aborted Human Cell Lines in Vaccines Linked to Rise in Autism

Researchers from the Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute recently published a study showing a correlation with the introduction of human fetal cell lines used as contaminants in childhood vaccines, and the rapid rise of autism. The study was published in the Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, an open access Academic Journal. I reviewed the full length research paper and found the methodology of the research very thorough. The researchers tracked not only the introduction of aborted fetal cell lines introduced into vaccines used in the childhood vaccination scheduled in the United States, but they also tracked standards for autism diagnoses as published in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual. This manual is used in the field of psychology and has undergone several revisions. One of the claims made for the rising rate of autism in America today is that it is primarily related to changes of diagnosis. This study used sophisticated software to account for these changes in autism diagnosis, and found: "Autistic disorder change points years are coincident with introduction of vaccines manufactured using human fetal cell lines, containing fetal and retroviral contaminants, into childhood vaccine regimens. This pattern was repeated in the US, UK, Western Australia and Denmark. Thus, rising autistic disorder prevalence is directly related to vaccines manufactured utilizing human fetal cells. Increased paternal age and DSM revisions were not related to rising autistic disorder prevalence."

Boston Nurses Speak Out Against Mandatory Flu Shots

Last month the Massachusetts Nurses Association sued Brigham and Women’s Hospital over a new policy that required nurses to receive the annual flu vaccine as a condition for employment. The nurses were criticized by the medical establishment. Lynn Nicholas, president of the Massachusetts Hospital Association, stated that the nurses were: "putting a pet peeve of theirs above the safety and well-being of the patients they serve, their families, visitors to the hospital, and their colleagues.” When nurses all across the United States and Canada are willing to sacrifice their jobs and careers to avoid the annual flu shot, it is time to sit up and take notice. Trish Powers, representing Brigham nurses in Boston, fired back a comment that The Boston Globe published. It is titled "Brigham nurses know flu vaccine can do harm."

Does Modern Science Hinder Skepticism? The Eugenics Example

One of the important and counterintuitive insights that C.S. Lewis offered was his observation that far from encouraging skepticism, the mention of "science" can call forth a perilous gullibility, not least from educated, intelligent people who should know better. Healthy skepticism is a cornerstone of the scientific process. Knowledge is advanced and new discoveries are made by challenging scientific results and testing alternative hypotheses. Lewis recognized, though, that science can also promote an uncritical acceptance of views that are said to be backed by science or wrapped in science-y language. In Lewis's time, most scientists supported eugenics, or the belief that the gene pool of humans should be improved, and they argued that their views were supported by science. These views led to policies such as forced sterilization of those deemed to be of less worth, such as criminals and the handicapped. These policies were not only popular in authoritarian regimes like Nazi Germany, but in democracies such as the United States and England. Anyone who opposed what the vast majority of scientists were saying must be "anti-science," it was argued. So what has changed since then? Are we supposed to believe that just a century ago, elite opinion in science and in the culture at large was so terribly fallible and vulnerable to being misled by prejudice -- yet today, it cannot err?

Obscene Increase In Maternal Mortality Rates In The United States

In most of the world, the number of women dying in childbirth is decreasing, but the United States is one of eight countries in the world where the maternal mortality rate is going up, not down, according to the newest figures. In fact, the US is rock bottom of the developing nations of the world in maternal mortality – #60 out of 180 nations included in the statistics. And that is unacceptable.

Gardasil: The Day Our Daughter’s Life Changed

The Gardasil vaccine has changed Skylee’s life in so many ways and we do not know how many more symptoms will show up and change her life even more than it has already done. Our whole family has been affected by this vaccine and all of our lives have been turned upside down that terrible day in 2013. If only the doctors would recognize Skylee has gone from being a healthy young girl to an invalid when the only major change in her life occurred on the day she had that single shot of Gardasil.

Will There Be An Ebola Outbreak in America?

So here is what inquiring minds want to know: Why did U.S. health officials in Atlanta and on the ground in Africa ignore the exploding Ebola epidemic last spring? Why did U.S. government officials fly American aid workers infected with Ebola to the U.S. rather than treating them with experimental drugs at hospitals in Africa? Why did the U.S. government press the United Nations to adopt a resolution calling for no restrictions on international travel from Liberia and other Ebola-stricken countries? Why did the Centers for Disease Control, supposedly the world’s leading infection control agency, fail to immediately assist Texas health officials when the first case of Ebola was diagnosed on US soil to guarantee that, at a minimum, the kind of infection control measures used in most nursing homes in America would be carried out? Why has the Director of the CDC repeatedly stated that the only way a person can transmit Ebola is if they have a fever and said that people cannot get Ebola unless they have direct contact with the body fluids of an infected person - but that under no circumstances is Ebola airborne - when he knows, or should know, those statements could be false? And why are experimental Ebola vaccines being fast tracked into human trials and promoted as the final solution rather than ramping up testing and production of the experimental ZMapp drug that has already saved the lives of several Ebola infected Americans? A logical conclusion is that some people in industry, government and the World Health Organization did not want the Ebola outbreak to be confined to several nations in Africa because that would fail to create a lucrative global market for mandated use of fast tracked Ebola vaccines by every one of the seven billion human beings living on this planet.

Similarities Between 1976 Swine Flu Hoax and Ebola?

Read this before you consider purchasing a hazmat suit to protect yourself from Ebola! Are we facing an Ebola pandemic that will kill millions, or is this just a marketing plan of the pharmaceutical industry to sell more drugs and vaccines? Is the current strain of the Ebola virus a secret creation of pharmaceutical company scientists, biological warfare researchers, or the fruit of Monsanto’s product development team? Was Ebola created, or did it just accidentally spill over into humans from an animal host such as African fruit bats? Is the US government intentionally not taking strong action to prevent Ebola from spreading or is there really minimal risk to Americans? Are there groups that want to decrease the world population through spreading contagious diseases such as Ebola, or is this just another imaginary plan that is being reported by certain conspiracy theory groups? Is the Ebola virus a local epidemic, a global pandemic, or a hoax? Is life in America as we have known it about to collapse into chaos and martial law, or will we be safe and secure once we take the Ebola vaccine? Will more people die from the Ebola vaccine than would have died from the disease itself? All these questions have been circulating through the media over the last few months. The situation with Ebola is certainly a complex muddle of contradictory facts, opposing interpretations, and political intrigue. It reminds me very much of the 1976 Swine flu hoax -- commonly called the swine flu fiasco or the swine flu debacle. More:

6 Reasons I Won’t Give My Kids The Nasal Flu Vaccine

It's flu season again, and the push to get everyone in America vaccinated for the flu vaccine is in full swing. Please be aware that those who want you to receive the flu vaccine admittedly do not want you to know about the risks associated with the vaccine. They actively try to suppress information that would educate people on the dangers and risks of the flu vaccine and decrease their sales. To hear the other side of the vaccine debate from a medical doctor the media would like to censor, please watch the video by Dr. Suzanne Humphries here: Dr. Suzanne Humphries on Vaccine Safety: “They Don’t Want You to Hear the Other Side” Secondly, please look at the settled cases for vaccine injuries and deaths due to the flu vaccine the U.S. government pays out to victims: Flu Vaccine is the most Dangerous Vaccine in the U. S. based on Settled Cases for Injuries. This information is not published in the mainstream media. This year, there is a heavy push on to give kids the nasal flu vaccine. Celeste McGovern, writing for GreenMedInfo.com, gives 6 reasons why she will not be giving this vaccine to her children.

Texas Medical Board Tries to Eliminate Alternative Health

The Texas Medical Board and Governor Rick Perry apparently do not want Texans having access to alternative cancer therapies and other natural medicine. Read about their latest abuse of power against Dr. Burzynski of Houston.

Does Playing on Artificial Turf Increase Your Risk of Cancer?

Artificial turf fields are now everywhere in the United States, from high schools to multi-million-dollar athletic complexes. As any parent or player who has been on them can testify, the tiny black rubber crumbs of which the fields are made -- chunks of old tires -- get everywhere. In players’ uniforms, in their hair, in their cleats. But for goalkeepers, whose bodies are in constant contact with the turf, it can be far worse. In practices and games, they make hundreds of dives, and each plunge sends a black cloud of tire pellets into the air. The granules get into their cuts and scrapes, and into their mouths. Griffin wondered if those crumbs – which have been known to contain carcinogens and chemicals – were making players sick. Griffin has compiled a list of 38 American soccer players -- 34 of them goalies – who have been diagnosed with cancer. Blood cancers like lymphoma and leukemia dominate the list.

A History of Medical Kidnapping at Phoenix Children’s Hospital

Earlier this month we reported the sad story of the Diegel family, who had their two daughters seized by Phoenix Children's Hospital for disagreeing with the doctors over their treatment. We have previously reported many similar stories of hospitals using Child Protection Services (CPS) to remove children from loving parents simply for disagreeing with doctors, such as Justina Pelletier at Boston Children's Hosptial, and Isaiah Rider at Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago. Since publishing the Diegel family story, Health Impact News has been approached by many families with similar experiences with CPS in Phoenix, and with Phoenix Children's Hospital. These parents are terrified of coming forward and telling their story. What we have learned in our investigation is truly troubling, and needs to be exposed by the media.

Simple Fermented Carrot Sticks and the Two Types of Fermented Vegetables

Most of us are familiar with sauerkraut, kimchi, and cucumber pickles as forms of fermented vegetables. Or we are, at the very least familiar with the store-bought vinegar-brined modern day versions of what once were lactic acid fermented vegetables. But you can ferment just about any vegetable, turning it into a lively probiotic-rich snack, condiment, or enzymatic addition to your meals. Here is a simple recipe you can make at home for fermented carrot sticks.

Why I don’t Vaccinate My Dogs At All

Our dogs are in the midst of an epidemic. It’s not an epidemic of viral disease, but of chronic ill health. They’re besieged with itchy, pus-laden, scabby skin; vomit and diarrhoea are the norm. One in every hundred dogs suffers from epilepsy, and an even higher number lives with painful arthritis. Allergies are also reaching epidemic proportions: dogs are becoming allergic to life. According to Dr Jean W Dodds, an eminent vet and researcher, both allergic and autoimmune diseases have been rising since the introduction of modified live virus vaccines.

What Can You Do to Prevent/Treat Ebola and Other Viral Infections

With the Ebola virus in the news, I thought it might be time to comment on what steps you can take to prevent becoming ill. Keep in mind that conventional medicine has no effective treatments for the Ebola virus. Due to a slow international response, Ebola has spread rapidly. It is a scary infection as the death rate is very high—from 50-90%. Initially, the Ebola infection can mimic the symptoms from the flu or other upper respiratory infection. However, as it progresses, it can lead to very severe muscle aches, liver and kidney failure along with bleeding out of various areas of the body. Needless to say, Ebola is something to be taken very seriously. As I previously stated, there is no conventional treatment for the Ebola virus. That does not mean that you are powerless to do anything to combat it. There are many effective natural anti-viral therapies that may prove effective against Ebola. It would be nice if the Powers-That-Be would begin testing these therapies. But, that would make common sense. Instead the Powers-That-Be are actively discouraging the use of alternative therapies even though they have nothing to offer. It is a sad situation. Keep in mind that Ebola, like any viral infection, can only be cured by a strong immune system. We are designed with a powerful immune system that should mount a response to an infectious agent. However, the immune system can only mount a vigorous defense if it has the raw materials available to it. For over 20 years, I have been checking every patient for their nutrient status. Unfortunately, most are deficient in the basic raw materials that the immune system needs to function optimally. I say, if you become ill with a viral illness, do the basics to help optimize your immune system. I will show you the four most important items you can use to aid your immune system to fight any illness.

Red Algae Extract Treats Ebola

While researchers scramble to develop a vaccine or monoclonal antibody against the Ebola virus – and continue to develop chemo treatments to stem HIV and Hepatitis-C while fearing SARS – nature has already provided a natural treatment. After the two 1996 Ebola outbreaks in Gabon Africa, medical scientists determined that Ebola causes death among about 70 percent of those who contracted the virus. This question led researchers from Gabon’s Franceville International Center of Medical Research to investigate. The questions ensued: Why don’t the other 30 percent die? How do 30 percent of those infected recover? Furthermore, medical researchers found many instances where there were close contacts of those who became infected who never were infected at all. Even though they were in contact with the infected patient while the patient was symptomatic. The research found that nearly half of those who were asymptomatic and seemingly immune developed antibodies (IgM and IgG) to the Ebola virus. This means these individuals certainly were intimately exposed to the virus, but simply naturally developed the immunity tools that prevented the infection from replicating out of control. One of those immunity tools can be found in red algae.

How to Use Raw Honey in Place of Sugar in Baking

Raw honey is one of the healthiest sweeteners readily available for use in baking. Honey is a much better choice than processed sugar. Granulated sugar made from cane sugar is actually is a natural product. However, most types of granulated sugars in the market go through a very refined processing method which strips out most of the natural nutrients. In addition, granulated sugar from sugar beets is more than likely from a GMO source. Therefore, you’re better off using raw honey, which is a whole food that in its natural state needs no further refining. And its healthier too! The information here will show you how to replace sugar in your baked goods with raw honey.