Young girl in Yemen hospital after bombing by U.S. Screenshot from video below.

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Last night President Donald Trump ordered the U.S. military to start bombing Yemen.

Just hours before this happened, he wrote this on his Truth Social platform:

It is doubtful that any Yemen leaders would have even seen this warning and threat by Trump, let alone had a chance to respond to it, before Trump ordered the bombing.

Notice that in Trump’s announcement, he does not claim that the Houthis have killed any Americans, or actually threatened anyone in the United States. Only that they have attacked ships in the Red Sea, and hurt the economy of the U.S.

At the time of my writing this, it is being reported that the bombs launched into Yemen have killed more than 30 people, mostly women and children, and hundreds of others are wounded.

The Yemen media has released a video of some of the victims being treated, along with mangled bodies of dead children.

I have included this footage along with a short news report in the following video.


But I encourage you to watch anyway, because THIS IS THE FACE OF ZIONISM. It is only 4 minutes long.

Trump’s Zionist cabinet members did the circuit in the corporate media last night and this morning, stating that the U.S. took out “several Houthi leaders”, but so far no names of these “leaders” have been released to the press by either the U.S. or officials in Yemen.

Yemen, which has been bombed by the U.S. for over a decade now, including during Trump’s first term where Trump killed U.S. citizens in Yemen, including an 8-year-old girl, via drone attacks, is unlikely to be intimidated by these attacks at all.

They are promising a strong response, and as I write this there are reports that they have already bombed one of the U.S.’s aircraft carriers in the Red Sea.

This was the response last year by the people in Yemen, after they were bombed by the U.S and the U.K., where over 1 million took to the streets in defiance:

The Zionists are now in control of the U.S. Government, and our new Jewish President Donald Trump has just started a new war with Yemen, by executive order, without any approval from Congress.

Trump’s approval ratings are dropping fast, and when the people of the United States see their brothers, sisters, mothers, and fathers serving in the U.S. military return home in body bags, I wonder how much more support the American public will give to these blood thirsty Zionists?

Video Released by Attorneys of Detained U.S. Resident Mahmoud Khalil

Thousands of Israelis took to the streets of Tel Aviv this weekend to protest against Benjamin Netanyahu. Image Source: Why 70 Percent of Israelis Want Netanyahu to Resign

In case you have not seen this yet, a video captured on a cell phone by the wife of Mahmoud Khalil has been released to the public.

The video shows plainclothes agents of the “Task Force to Combat Anti-Semitism” seizing a U.S. Permanent Resident with no warrant, no badge, and taking him away in unmarked vehicles.

They would not give their names or identify which agency they worked for.

They gave an address of an ICE detention center in NJ, but when his wife and attorney went there, he was not there.

They would find out many hours later that he was flown all the way to Louisiana.

A judge has ruled he cannot be deported until he appears in court, and a judge in NYC is expected to rule “early next week”.

No matter what your political biases are, THIS SHOULD CONCERN YOU!

If the Zionists get away with doing this to U.S. Permanent Residents, then they can do it with U.S. citizens as well.

NO government agent has the authority to do what they did in this video against a U.S. LEGAL resident.

While Trump and Israel needed the support of American Zionist Evangelical Christians to get Trump back in office for a second term in order to build a new Temple in Jerusalem, these same Zionist Evangelical Christians are soon going to get a rude awakening when they realize that their Zionist Jewish “brothers and sisters” are not actually on their side, and see them as “antisemitic” also, because they believe that Jesus Christ is the Jewish Messiah.

Many Jews are already beginning to voice their opposition to these “Far Right” American Christians, of whom Elon Musk and other famous Silicon Valley billionaires have now joined, redefining what it means to be a “Conservative Christian.” See:

Original image by Clark Miller. Source.

The Techno Christians: America’s Resurgence of Christianity for Millennials in the Technological Age

This was published in the Times of Israel yesterday:

Israel’s times may be ‘a-changin’

When Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu first cultivated Evangelical and far-right support for Israel, he didn’t worry about their theologically rooted associations with anti-Semitism and/or willingness to turn a blind eye to racially-motivated anti-Jewish sentiment.

It was a bet that paid off for decades. It solidified Republican support for Israel and helped ensure that successive US administrations, whether Republican or Democratic, had Israel’s back.

President Donald J. Trump catered to his pro-Israel base in his first two months in office by authorising US$11 billion in arms sales, signing a swath of executive orders to crack down on criticism of Israel, and putting universities and student protesters in his crosshairs.

Even so, the times may be a-changin’ to borrow singer Bob Dylan’s phrase.

This week, the conservative Washington-based Heritage Foundation postponed publishing a report calling for a rejiggering of the US-Israeli relationship after Yechiel Leiter, Israel’s ambassador to the United States, cancelled his participation in the event.

Heritage is widely believed to have influenced Mr. Trump’s second-term administration with many of its policies outlined in Project 2025, the foundation’s strategy to reshape the United States’ federal government.

The Israel report called on the administration to use next year’s expiration of the current Memorandum of Understanding to “forge a new relationship with the State of Israel.” Israel receives US$3.8 billion in security assistance annually under the memorandum.

The behind-the-scenes controversy over the report came as isolationists, who are critical of America’s two-peas-in-a-pod relationship with Israel and dabble in anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, gained greater prominence in the Republican Party and Mr. Trump’s support base.

Former Israeli lawmaker and ambassador Colette Avital warned that Israel’s alignment with the global far-right is “opportunistic, short-sighted and outright dangerous… Who would have believed that eighty years after the greatest tragedy in Jewish history, the mass murder of half of the Jews in the world, a Jewish state would choose anti-Semites as its allies?” she asked.

Ms. Avital was referring to Israel’s ties to the European far-right, but she just as well could have been referring to Mr. Trump’s Republican party, pro-Trump podcasters, and some he appointed to his administration.

The cast of problematic characters includes technology billionaire Elon Musk, influential podcasters Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson, and Steve Bannon, Mr. Trump’s first-term strategic affairs advisor, and deputy Pentagon spokesperson Kingsley Wilson.

Recent gestures by Messrs. Musk and Bannon at separate events evoked the Nazis’ outstretched arm salute. Both men stand accused of backing anti-Semitic expressions. (Full Article.)

Of course as I have previously reported, Donald Trump distanced himself from Evangelical Christians during his campaign by stating he was NOT a Christian, and assuring Christians that they only needed to vote for him one more time, and then they would not have to vote again.


Did Trump Admit He is NOT a Christian? Did Trump Just Predict the Fulfillment of the Noahide Laws and Mass Murder of Christians?

It is going to become increasingly more difficult to tell the truth and oppose the Zionists if Trump continues down this path. How many American Christians will continue to stand for Jesus Christ, when it becomes illegal and the cost becomes very high to publicly oppose Zionism?

“Whoever acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge him before my Father in heaven. But whoever disowns me before men, I will disown him before my Father in heaven.” (Jesus – Matthew 10:32-33)


Jesus Christ’s Opposition to the Jewish State: Lessons for Today

This article was written by Human Superior Intelligence (HSI)

See Also:

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Distinguishing True Prophets from False Prophets in These Evil Modern Times

Who Controls the World? by Dr. A. True Ott

Exposing the Christian Zionism Cult

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