
By Brian Shilhavy
Health Impact News

study published in the Journal of Dermatological Science showed once again that coconut oil can be a powerful agent to use against acne.

The study, conducted in Taiwan, compared the effects of two fatty acids found in coconut oil: lauric acid and capric acid. Both fatty acids are medium chain fatty acids. Lauric acid has an abundance of research available showing its strong antimicrobial activity, but less is known about the effects of capric acid on acne.

The results of their study found that lauric acid had stronger antimicrobial activity, but that capric acid was also effective.

This is good news for coconut oil users, as both fatty acids are found in coconut oil. Pure coconut oil is close to 50% lauric acid, and the only other place in nature where you can find high concentrations of lauric acid is human breast milk.

This study corroborates many other studies showing that coconut oil is a powerful germ fighter and effective against many skin disorders. Another study conducted in Taiwan earlier this year looked at lauric acid in coconut oil, together with the spice turmeric, as an effective treatment for acne. (See: Turmeric in Coconut Oil Could be Acne Remedy)

As with any topical approach to acne, however, one must give even greater importance to the underlying factors causing acne in the first place. The best way to approach acne is to try to identify the underlining causes and deal with issues related to digestion and nutrition.

Dealing with acne only at the skin level does not usually address these underlying causes. Liver detoxification, maintaining a healthy gut flora, proper balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids, and reducing refined sugar and other refined carbohydrates in the diet are all factors worth looking into in order to provide a permanent, natural solution to acne. Long-term antibiotic use should be avoided, as it will not deal with the underlying causes, and will additionally cause further problems associated with long-term antibiotic use and the resulting serious side effects.

 See Also: Coconut Oil for Skin Health for many testimonials regarding coconut oil and skin diseases.

Source: Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of capric acid against Propionibacterium acnes: A comparative study with lauric acid.

About the author: Unlike many people who write about coconut oil by simply reading about it, Brian Shilhavy actually lived in a coconut producing area of the Philippines for several years with his family, observing firsthand the differences between the diet and health of the younger generation and those of his wife’s parents’ generation still consuming a traditional diet. This led to years of studying Philippine nutrition and dietary patterns first hand while living in a rural farming community in the Philippines. Brian is the author of the best-selling book: Virgin Coconut Oil: How it has changed people’s lives and how it can change yours!

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