Commentary by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

The U.S. media has been warning the public for the past few days that an Iranian attack against Israeli targets is imminent.

It seems to be an accepted fact that Iran is going to take action against Israel for the recent attack against their Embassy in Damascus Syria.

And given the rhetoric yesterday and today, it appears that Iran’s retaliation is most likely going to happen in Syria, although Israeli embassies around the world are on high alert, and U.S. politicians are (at least publicly) begging Iran to not attack U.S. sources.

Here is the statement from Iran’s highest-ranking military commander, Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri, this past Saturday.

Top General: Iran to Define Time, Manner of Response to Israel

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s highest-ranking military commander gave an assurance that a revenge for the Israeli fatal strike on the country’s diplomatic mission in Damascus is inevitable, noting that Tehran will decide how and when to carry out the retaliatory operation.

Chief of Staff of the Iranian Armed Forces Major General Mohammad Hossein Baqeri on Saturday delivered an address at the funeral of Major General Mohammad Reza Zahedi, a senior IRGC commander and military adviser who was martyred in the Israeli airstrike on the consular section of the Iranian embassy in Damascus on April 1.

Responding to calls for revenge, the top commander said, “The Israeli attack won’t remain unanswered.”

The general noted that it is Iran that will decide when and how to carry out the retaliatory operation.

He said the operation in response to the Israeli terrorist act will be carried out “accurately” and will make the Zionist regime regret its action.

Describing the strike on Iran’s Damascus mission as “a suicide committed by Israel”, Major General Baqeri said the martyrdom of the Iranian military advisers will expedite the destruction of Israel.

He also warned that the main responsibility for the Damascus attack lies with the US and Washington must be held accountable. (Full article.)

Articles published today (April 9) in the Iranian English media appear to point to Syria as where this response from Iran will happen. The U.S. still has major military personnel and weapons in Syria.

Iran Will Definitely Punish Israel, FM Says

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said the country will certainly punish the Israeli regime for its strike on the Iranian diplomatic mission in Damascus.

Amirabdollahian, who is visiting Damascus at the head of a political and parliamentary delegation, met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Monday.

While thanking the Syrian side for their warm welcome to the Iranian delegation, Amirabdollahian extended Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s greetings to Assad.

He further appreciated Assad’s phone call with Raisi and the presence of the Syrian foreign minister and other ministers and senior officials of the country at the Iranian Embassy and their solidarity with Iran after the recent insane attack by the Zionist regime on the Iranian consulate in the Syrian capital.

Amirabdollahian referred to various political, legal and international measures by the Islamic Republic of Iran at the United Nations and the Security Council and its consultations with governments immediately after the incident.

He also added Iran has conveyed its message to the US as a staunch supporter of the Zionist regime which is directly responsible for the crimes and atrocities of Israel. (Full article.)

Since the U.S. is also being mentioned in these threats of retaliation, the U.S. media has been covering this and warning Americans about this imminent response.

Sadly, the coverage of this situation depends entirely upon one’s political bias, with the Democrats trying to publicly distance themselves from Netanyahu’s actions, while the Republicans (who are mostly Zionists who support Israel) are stating that any attack on U.S. citizens will be Biden’s fault because of “his” border policies.

Even Nancy Pelosi, who is seldom in the news these days, publicly spoke with Biden to allegedly encourage him to stop sending military aid to Netanyahu.

But the media’s coverage of this supposedly imminent attack agrees with the evidence that this is going to happen very soon, regardless of one’s political views.

The Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr started today, and generally lasts 3 days in most Muslim countries.

It is the equivalent of the Western holiday of Christmas, where people are traveling to meet with families.

My guess would be that Iran will wait until Eid al-Fitr is finished.

So if you see some kind of major attack before then, most probably it is a false flag event from the CIA/Mossad/MI6 criminal underworld trying to blame Iran for something they themselves will actually be behind, much like the attacks in Moscow recently where Tajik migrants were blamed for an attack that was clearly conducted by highly trained military professionals, and not the migrant patsies who were blamed for it.

Please understand that people from countries the Globalists claim are our enemies are actually NOT our enemies.

The Globalists themselves, along with their militaries and secret “intelligence” agencies, are our enemies, along with their puppet politicians.

Iran wouldn’t be able to do anything without the support of the U.S., as the U.S. recently released $BILIONS to Iran from “frozen” bank accounts.

All of these countries worked together, in harmony, to create a unified response to COVID back in 2020 and 2021, and it would be foolish to not think that they are doing the same thing today, to accomplish a mutually agreed upon purpose.

That purpose most likely is to increase the price of oil and crash the financial system, in order to rebuild it with a new digital, controllable financial system.

Sacrificing the lives of millions of people to achieve their goals is no problem at all, just as they did during COVID.


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